Which was better guys Jake Long the American Dragon or Juniper Lee?
Which was better guys Jake Long the American Dragon or Juniper Lee?
Also which came first in production? I know for animated movies tend to rip each other off like Bugs Life and Antz but I don't know if this is common with animated shows. Also does Jake count as happa or full Chinese since his mom is Chines but his dad is white?
First is shit and furfag-fodder.
Second looks shit, but at least it has girl character.
personally i kind of like jake long a bit better even though it's not that good. must be the whole transform into a dragon whenever i want thing that appealed to me as a kid.
Can't relate. I grew up with hot girls transforming into even hotter girls.
Or guys transforming into hot girls.
Basically, I grew up with nothing in my mind but girls.
OH but did I get any? NOPE!
Fuck my life.
Jake Long>>>>>>>>>>>>Juniper Lee
Juniper had potential but never really used it.
Jake Long used as much potential as it could knowing it was gonna end.
Both shows suck.
Go watch something like Steven Universe or Star Vs. instead, OP. And never talk of these shows again.
Why are you telling OP to watch something worse
Also Juniper Lee was better cause it had snarky punk pussy
you gotta be aware that this is bait.
Don't even acknowledge it.
Jake long was a… unique show.
The first season looked really nice, but had had really shit writing and was quite boring. Meanwhile, the second one clearly pulled money out of the art department and put it into writing. It's possible that they had some conflict with the original artists even, considering how many characters designs were pulled and replaced with something completely different. Still, it was fun.
Meanwhile, I can't really give my opinion on Juniper, since I only ever watched a few episodes, and I know her better from porn than the actual show
I kinda like more the art of Jake Long's season two.
I thought the movement of the action scenes were hampered a lot by the detailed but slightly stiff designs.
Of season 1 I mean.
They were both awful
America Dragon has the better theme song by far.
American Dragon was absolutely terrible and belongs in the garbage.
Never saw Juniper Lee
What's wrong with you??? Both those shows suck even worse.
i only liked juniper lee for the thor/loki episodes
everything else was boring/asian
both shows are boring/asian
you just picked the lesser of two borings/asians
That would explain why you're a betamax faggot.
Jackie Chan
oh god that one was good.
Better than this?
This is the correct answer.
haven't seen the chuck norris cartoon but all I can say the Jackie Chan cartoon was damn good.
Danny Phantom is better than both of them combined and it's not even that good.
Though like said Jackie Chan trumps them all.
Juniper was funnier