If OSX became free as in beer for PC users, would you use it over windows given the choice of the two?

If OSX became free as in beer for PC users, would you use it over windows given the choice of the two?

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OSX is a damn fine system. Even if they charged for it, if it was a decent price, I'd get it. Of course, it wouldn't happen because Apple doesn't know what a "decent price" is.

I would even now, since I can run Portage or pkgsrc on it.

You don't know what you're talking about.

OSX is the most vulnerable of all OSes, so no.

It already is gratis, you just need a Mac to get the disc image. You can borrow someone's Mac, download it, put it on a USB drive and install it on your hackintosh.


OSX like iOS is a user retarded full proof system meaning that you can't do jack shit with it.

Why bother when GNU/Linux exists?

The only reason I even use Windows at all is vidya.



wtf should do that?

OSX doesn't like freedom, fake unix, why the hell they gave the license to apple, fucking money these days..... even windows can get licensed as unix if they pay couple of bucks

Because no one has managed to make a GUI as good as the Mac's. I've looked into every DE out there and nothing is quite there.

You can literally make Xfce operate as a Mac+. And Mac OS is still missing plenty of good innovations that different GNU window managers and desktop environments have.

Is software support included in the decision?

If I absolutely had to use either, I'd choose it over Windows. In the end, I'd have a whole list of OSes I'd ask for otherwise.

that's subjective as fuck fam
i disagree with your opinion


It's not superior on every point (it's actually inferior on so many of them that I'm happier using KDE), but it's the most stable, and the trackpad gestures integration is pretty well done.

The day a stable and functional GNU/Linux DE comes out I don't see MacOS lasting long, in developer circles at least.


This. There's even an icon theme that semi-replicates the OSX icons called Faenza-Cupertino.

There is literally no reason to use OSX. There isn't any application on it you could even argue you need because they're all shitty rehashes of better software on other platforms.

Yes, a GUI made for retards who can't do fundamental tasks like figure out how to turn on their machine.

Enjoy your vulnerable OS.

Shit, I have to use it some times, and its UI is so obnoxious, it's more of a fucking phone than windows 8.

Theming a Linux DE to look like macOS is like putting a wig and lipstick on a man. You can pretend all you want that he's a woman, by then end of the day you are still fucking a dude in the ass.

Show me one suite of programs where you can make a selection in a video editor and then drag & drop it into a presentation software and have it actually work. I can make a selection in a video clip in iMove, then drag & drop it into Keynote and it works. And no, that doesn't have anything to do with both apps being by Apple, anyone can be compatible by using the Cocoa API.


XFCE looks a bit better in some cases but the way the window management integrates with gestures and multitouch is yet unbeaten. I would love someone to beat them in this area.

Yes. If you just ignore all the Apple you get a sort-of Unix, which I'm comfortable with. I don't think I would prefer it over Linux.

Is there any sort of WINE-like project that seeks to allow OSX programs to run on GNU/Linux? I'd think that since OSX is ostensibly Unix + BSD + Proprietary Shitware, it would be easier than Windows which is just proprietary Shitware.

there was darling but i'm not sure if its even under development anymore.

I'd already use OS X over Windows any day. Comfy for development without any idiotic EEE-focused hacks.

I miss my autistic wm rice but it never takes long to modeswitch and be working quickly and muscle memory flinging my cursor to hot corners for expose.

It is.

This made me laugh out loud.

Windows has newer versions of bash and openssh, so no.

No, it's worse than windows or linux in every way, both in security, software, or hardware support.

OSX is too elitist.

Linux is too shit.

Windows is just right.

If those were my only two options? Then absolutely. Or at least dual boot for gaymen. The only big problem I have with OSX is that it requires Apple hardware to run, which is not only overpriced but also lacks a lot of the features I need (my roommate has a MacBook air and it doesn't have an Ethernet port or an optical drive). If they made it gratis, I'd throw it on a partition alongside Windows and Linux in a heartbeat.

Nice bait

for what reason? I already have linux. I don't want something that puts even more emphasis on UX(TM) and less on security. I use windows to run windows-only software, and that's on an isolated machine

Get with the times, fag.

Name 1 practical use for that

sysadmin automation

probably an alien concept to you since OS X isn't used on servers

Newsflash, it's shit.

we're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be physically possible

assuming I have only those 2 choices, yes, I would reluctantly use the Unix-like OS over Windows

Absolutely. It's much more Unix-like and comfy than Windows, I'd love to see a port of Quartz and Aqua to Linux at that point though.

Actually no I just realised you said 'free as in beer' not 'free as in freedom', in which case it already is.

I work as a LAN admin managing windows and I can tell you that's useless
I use powershell for automation And it sucks ass

Win10 server isn't out yet though

Yeah. MacOS is UNIX-Like, stable, and has pro support.

I'd still keep my EXT4 Partitions around though.

smh fam

Not yet, but when the time comes where I can't avoid windows 10 anymore, I may as well try OSX first.

Right now, Linux does everything I need to do except le video gaymes, and for that I must use Windows.

So basically it would just be like using a funky Unix that actually comes OOTB with a nice DE and a dead-simple way to install programs

So I would maybe use it.

The truth is that the only people who use MACOSX have some kind of issues about themselves, and they buy and use apple to hide their insecurities with money. To be honest, I was a MAC user until I came out of the closet (I was insecure about my sexuality as a teen). Now I use Linux/GNU as the main OS, and Windows for games which do not work for Linux (mostly some old titles which I haven't played because I was the MAC user)

I can't imagine why anyone here would say yes. Windows is only good for playing video games.

nice try merchant

What I am trying to say is that if apple was cheap then no one would buy it because the main purpose of "hiding your insecurities with money" would no longer apply; thus, apple would simply go bankrupt.

Over Windows, no. People use Windows for the large library of proprietary software and hardware support (especially graphics hardware). OSX would be a serious regression in those respects.

Over Linux, in a heartbeat. I'm so sick of Linux, the shit desktop experience, the foundation constantly moving under your feet, and the lack of basic development tools fueled by CLI autism and GUI toolkit instability, that I'm tempted to buy a cheap used Mac for software development.

Just go back to /cuteboys/, you're embarrassing yourself.

No. OS X is utter garbage. Unstable, unoptimised garbage.

Since switching to Linux, I won't go back.

Why are you using Powershell when you can use real Bash 4.x instead?

Over Windows, no. I only use Windows for gaming.

Over Linux or literally ANY BSD, never.



99.9 % sure because company guidelines. Some nigger somewhere decided that this is what we use and no debate about it.

Used to work for big tech and will never go back. Even if they're tech companies they're the absolute worse when it comes to this.

Not him, but in unixen everything is supposed to be a file(/proc is more unix than unix), and unix tooling is practical for manipulating text/files. In Windows, most things are COM object registry entry factory consumers, unix tooling is useless for that.

Bash also assumes you use a lot of external tools like the GNU coreutils or equivalent. Powershell has all that built-in. Pure bash without any external programs is very limiting.

Unless you mean the "linux on windows" or "bash on windows" thing which is only available for Windows 10 and has poor integration with the main Windows system.

Except that's not true.

You get Bash on Windows with Cygwin, all the way back to Windows XP at least. It works fine.

I should have thought of that. It's a relevant third option, but it doesn't actually make what I said false.

If you use Cygwin you get those external tools. But there are "true" ports of bash to Windows that don't use Cygwin, and they don't give you those tools. I was talking about those.

No, the only thing powershell is good for is Windows domain automation.
You're using it in literally the only thing it's good at.

Over Windows 8 and 10? Yes.
Over other Windows? No.

There is no single advantage of using OS X over Windows in normie sense. And if I want a unix, I'd never be satisfied with something so proprietary and pozzed in the neghole. Linux or die.

homOSeX is only good for cocksucking faggots.