If you haven't seen this yet, you have really missed out on something. Here is what seems to have happened. The creators of Rick & Morty were given a transcript of a court proceeding which happened recently in Georgia. They read the transcript in the voices of their characters. They used that audio to put together an animatic scene, and then they played it at a con. I've watched this scene about six times, and I am still laughing.
Defendant Rick Video
What the fuck? It's like everyone in the room is too concerned with what every other person is thinking, so they laugh at every two to three seconds to keep from feeling left it. I could tolerate this if the audience could be completely removed from the video.
Wait.. that's what that was? Someone showed it to me, I just assumed it was them doing something retarded for fun. But this was a real court transcript? That's fucking awesome.
Reminds me of when I sat in on a bail hearing and listening to some weird fucking shit.
Like how a kid bought guns for one guy. The guy bury the weapons AND a pipebomb, was arrested, told the police about the cache and more or less bought the kid into it. I sat in that booth for two hours listening to the DA, the defense attorney and the judge try to give a bail amount for the poor fuck which was, at the highest, four million dollars because the gun and the bomb counted as a "Terrorist Weapon."
It was also fun mocking the shit out of the DA.
ok, that was kinda funny
Seems odd, right? Seems almost like they're just laughing to make sure they aren't considered the "odd sheep" in the room. There were a couple of moments where I laughed but either these normalfags have a horrible sense of humor or they're just laughing and forcing themselves to because that's what everyone is doing.
This is the full version, yours cuts out a bit around the end
Normalfags man, ain't nothing going on in those heads except trying to keep on the right side of the social signalling.
Pretty good. Could do without the normalfag laugh track.
I just know that Justin browses 8/co/ and Dan goes to tumblr.
That explains why the writing is all over the place sometimes including the moral, also why neither 8ch or tumbr like this that much.