Jurassic World

I'm sorry, why did people not like this film? I mean I get the Sensitive Josh Whedons out there who disliked it but it seems even people on here can't seem to enjoy a fun monster movie anymore.

Becubble yoom chimpatubs eletrikked a mormon

it was alright. not really awful, but not really memorable.

It didn't scare.

tbh I thought the ending where the blue raptor ran in to save them from the mutant dinosaur or whatever it was called was pretty stupid. I liked how the lake dinosaur wound up eating it though.
Otherwise I can't remember anything about it other than bits from the part where the kids are in a glass ball.

It was boring. That's it. It was inoffensive (except to the right people who buy into the independent wymxn shit), by the numbers, and overall dull.

The two exciting scenes were the raptor chase (which ends anticlimactically) and the T-Rex v I-Rex tag team smackdown (which also ends anticlimactically). Besides that, Howard's character covering herself in shit to prove that she's capable and Pratt continuing his trend of portraying beefcakes were pleasant, but hardly laudable.

dinosaurs are shit. almost worse than zombies.

I bet you hate robots and spaceships to you boring, unimaginative faggot. You're probably one of those stupid niggers who likes listening to trap because you think those gangbanging shitheads are legit, too.

Dinosaurs represent the paternal conflict

How did they get away with this?


because it would literally be the most cancerous thing ever

Inaccurate depiction of dinosaurs is a serious crime.


There's already a movie about dinosaurs with the exact same story, I think it was called… Jurassic Park.
The franchise doesn't need the "it's the same thing but bigger" treatment.

becuase of all the things you just mentioned, modern society evolved an has no need for those bullshit alt-right """"values""""

Fuck (you) Moshi.

They actually explain why the dinosaurs didn't looked like it.

Not being totally cucked doesn't make something a good movie by default. You don't make friends with someone just because they aren't punching you in the face.

confirmed for not watching

/end of thread

I disliked it because it was a mishmash of retarded genre tropes with poor character development and and a boring plot full of eye-rolling dumb shit. it had too much running time with many idiotic subplots as well.


The velocilabradors were stupid

I thought it was fun, I liked the leads, and I was glad there was no forced diversity, nu-snl, anti-conservative shit like most modern films of this sort. There was a lot of stupid shit, but I wasn't looking for anything cerebral so that was okay. Overall, it was a good homage to those 80s action/comedy films like Indiana Jones, even if it wasn't quite as good.
I've never watched Jurassic Park though, so maybe I would enjoy it less if I had watched that first.

It was a boring & watery remake of JP1, the end.

hate to break it to you, but reality is anti-conservative


Did you even watch the fucking movie? There's a solid 15 movies ENTIRELY dedicated to the kids discovering the old park.

Besides, the only fun part were INGEN lads killing dinos with assault rifles and bazookas.

Kinda getting tired of "le big bad dino and raptors eat everyone" bullshit we've seen in 4 movies in a row now.

JW is shit from a purely cinematic point of view. It's decent compared to the awful sequels the first movie got.

Because it was a repeat of the first film. Granted I liked Chris Pratt in it but its a meh film. That and I-Rex was dissapointing. Seriously, you want to create a monster you should go balls to the wall like make him King Ghidorah. Could've had fun with making monsters.

the I-Rex (jesus even the name sounds like an Apple product) is disappointing because it's a dino-ex-machina

OOPS! he's smart and chew out the chip
OOPS! Ingen put some cuttlefish DNA so he can lower his body temperature and thus we can't use infrared
OOPS! Ingen made the thing part raptor so know it can communicate and command the raptors (despite the fact they've been trained by Pratt and that the IREX killed everything on sight)
but oh oh, she's too weak to take him head on and requires assistance from both Blue and the Mosasaurus to win

that dino has so many asspulls at some point it's not even a threat anymore

like, I thought he would teleport right into the plaza where Pratt and co. were at dealing with the raptors (which of course he did)

oh yeah that was dumb too.

well OP
it was a pretty forgettable movie. the usual invincible kids trope that is really annoying at this point. They went half and half between sjws and traditional values thus pleasing neither side. And from what i recall, it never felt like it wasnt gonna end up ok. the tension was meh and the deus ex machina whaledino was anticlimactic and a cop out. i guess it did have a few good scenes but over all, nada to write home about.

It's an even worse movie than JP3, which was about a heroic white man saving a white family with his white sidekick and not fucking up with nature. Plus, the only surviving characters are white. The cinematography and editing are actually nice and the practical effects look infinitely better. Go watch that instead if you just want to fap to cumskins.

That's quite a load of shit. The fight scenes are entirely copied from other JP movies.

Hell even in Jurassic World you see the T rex smash the skeleton of the Spinosaurus as a fuck you to JP3.

People liked the movie, it was Holla Forums that hated it because really meh.

Bullshit. That thing looks like it should be the wacky sidekick to a Disney princess.

Yeah I thought Jurassic World was terrible. Not as bad as Jurassic Park III though.

Were they trying to revive the series or was this meant to be the last nail in the coffin?



I think it was a soft reboot where it just redoes the first film but they try to keep it self contained so it will be ok whether or not it makes enough money to warrant a sequel. If there was a sequel I kind of wish they would show the dinos spreading since the Pteranodons escaped in JP3. That or nuke the island like they did in the book.

JP3 is kino.

The island was nuked in the book due to the prion contamination. In the film, the dinosaurs weren't suffering from prion disease.

the most fucked up thing in the movie to me was the whale ate that woman alive, so she's going to be forgotten and dissolved inside the stomach of that thing for months or years.

Kinda getting tired of "le big bad dino and raptors eat everyone" bullshit we've seen in 4 movies in a row now.

what would you have them do? have dino's playing chess and running the park?
They are animals.

yes please do wait in line for that 9th fast and furious rehash and 8th transformers abortion, and leave the discussion of quality kino to us m8

Literally Reddit: The Post tbh.

That was fucked. She got it worse than that fatass antagonist who got mauled by the buddy-fucking raptors.

Perhaps the director is into guru and he was testing the waters for more "dedicated" projects?

In Crichton's first DinoPark or the second book?

>she outruns a T-Rex on high heels

The Pteranodons were killed in the backstory to Jurassic World. The Kingpin's character took em out. That's how he got the security job in this movie.

I don't remember that at all.

Definitely arguing with a pleb but I don't give a shit. Ever heard of Turok? I WANT TO SEE THEM FIGHT.

go fuck yerself, either take guns away or put them to good use


so thats what happened to the pteranodons in JP3.

That would be awesome.

Because sometimes, Hebewood remembers how to make a good movie.


It made 6 trillion dollars and a sequel is on the way.

I feel like "dinosaurs kill everybody" is a rich enough premise on its own