is Holla Forums actually serious about removing the kikes, or is it just role play?
Is Holla Forums actually serious about removing the kikes, or is it just role play?
Is /x/ Holla Forums actually serious about any of the following:
the answer is yes. we call those people mentally ill, OP.
yes and yes
I think they're calling them "jews" these days.
you mean after president select god emperor ,game master lavatory attendant trump expressed his undying support for isreal?
disgusting, look how happy they all are, he is wearing his blue tie and acting like family.
anyone heard of the the newest Holla Forums theory that barron is the new hitler who will exterminate all juice?
Holla Forums is a bunch of "kikes" and you should watch those racial slurs … its very unbecoming of you
is "kind gentlemen of the hooked nose" okay?
Broad niche yes, but TIWIB clone no that won't work.
You should try to do something like The Wirecutter instead.
Considering all his children are married to Jews and one even became a literal Jewess, I'd say they ARE family.
but it's 60D chess goy, you simple peasant mind can't even comprehend it..
I don't think Holla Forums knows anymore.
It's post-ironic shitposting
inb4 CTR
inb4 cucc
inb4 D&C
inb4 leftypol
inb4 kike
what's a wire cutter thread?
shlomo pls go :^)
checc my dubs plz.
Holla Forums, the board that spent a year shilling for the kikeyest white guy on the planet? The candidate who was arguably more Jewish than Bernie Sanders?
The only thing Holla Forums is serious about is increasing the number of Dragon Dildos they can fit in their rectal cavity.
Hi, Ricc