Why do so many Holla Forumss have such a "foaming at the mouth" hatred of should-be-president-elect Clinton?
Why the hate?
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Hillary is mostly harmless. It's the ZOG she represents that attracts Holla Forums's ire.
Because Holla Forums somehow deluded themselves that the election was "sticcing it to the man", while not realizing we were all fucced from the beginning and the election is merely bread and circuses for us.
That's why we have to purge the jew from our lands
if that's real why isn't trump dead?
Who is this semen daemon and why do people keep posting her?
Are you kidding me? Just becuase she orders a few murders you're saying she can't be president? It's the current year you misogynist shitlord!
I can't even.
Some autistic Vivian cosplayer that people believe is a trap.
You have to ask?
fucc off storm larp
Since when did b become populated with beta cuccs? I am confuse.
They weren't given enough teenage pussy and are furious old corrupt hags like that have been hoarding it. It's true, even they don't know it.
Know how many children go missing in the USA every year? Do you?
The reason you keep getting fucced is because you're not paying attention to the man behind the curtain.
God i hate the leftpol tripfags so much.
Who's fuc`ked?
Ooooh, tell us more, oh wise cuc`k.
which is something Trump won't do.
Holla Forums became retarded this year.
Cry harder faggot.
I was never crying in the first place. In fact, I haven't stopped laughing since November 9th.
There's a difference between laughing because you're a fool, and laughing because that's the only thing you have left.
You are most learned. Please share all your secrets.
1) Fap every hour
2) Drink until it hurts
3) Beat your girlfriend
Liberal detected.
Don't make me shove my hot throbbing tolerance up your hate hole.
Someone doesn't seem to understand the system.
Are there any video/image/text examples of her displaying her autism? Girls that are on the spectrum are my fetish, and I'm in need of some new material.
Lurk in Holla Forums there's a thread about her every other day
She's corrupt as fucc and got away with murder. Any sane person should be calling for her incarceration, not election.
I've been lurking in Holla Forums for a while; I never see those threads. Do you have any examples of autistic things she's done?
Go wild dawg
Okay, but where's the most recent example of 'tism so I don't have to trawl through her entire Twatter feed?
This is how "racist" lost its edge.
You have to learn to fly on your own one day user. I don't claim that she's autistic, nor give a shit about her, that's just what the autists in Holla Forums claim.
I am make a wish foundation for anons, I do not endorse anyone who uses twatter.
Oh wow, she believes the mainstream media is 100% fine and that it's the people that are at fault.
How gullible.
Heart disease, Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis), High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolic syndrome- a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist, Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, Peyronie's disease- development of scar tissue inside the penis (RARE), Certain prescription medications, Tobacco use, Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse, Sleep disorders, Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate, Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord
These are all the physical reasons for ED, otherwise it's all in your head
Because of things she did, I would guess.
Stopped reading right there. That's why they hate her supporters, I'll tell you that fuccing much. The Don won fair and square even when Clinton was cheating, take your childish whining elsewhere or kill yourself.
But haven't you read the latest Washington Post article on how the CIA uncovered how Russia hacced the election to install Trump?
I didn't read that exact article, but I read enough to know the accusations were bullshit.
Holla Forums is this retarded