Cleaning Thread

How do you guyskeep your tech clean?

I typically windex my phone, monitor, and keyboard.

If you buy canned air, get a datavac instead, it will save you money and works 100x better or just use a leaf blower i don't give a fuck, these things blow hard as hell and have different attachments including a keyboard attachment. It got 90% of the dust on its own. And then a wipe down with isopropyl alcohol afterwards will get the rest.

*when I cleaned my horribly dirty PC last week

where do you think the dust goes when you blow it off the surface of something with compressed air?

it gets everywhere. blow the dust off your keyboard and it will rain back down all over your mouse, mousepad, chair, monitor, all over you, up your nose, and some of it will land back on the keyboard. blasting dust with compressed air is by far the most retarded method of removing dust from anything. that's like cleaning your cat's litter box by taking the shit out and smearing it all over yourself and all the walls and floor surrounding the litter box instead of just throwing the turd out the window.

I use a towel for small amounts of dust and a vacuum for large amounts of dust.

i took the pc outside before cleaning it genius

plugging a vacuum in is a lot less work fam

you lazy fuck

Enjoy your static electricity

If a ground wire makes it safe enough to put kerosene in airplanes, it's safe enough to put a vacuum hose in your pig disgusting dell

On a screen, use microfiber cloth and isopropyl alcohol if it's actually dirty. Otherwise just wipe it with microfiber.
Same with getting thermal paste off: coffee filter and isopropyl alcohol.
Otherwise I just use a regular cloth, doesn't have to be lint free, and isopropyl alcohol.

I don't really work in an environment where you keep things clean.

I need to get me one of those.

What's the status of technology in the army?


That looks like a nice thing, but a little on the expensive side. For the price of one of those I can buy an actual compressor.

One of two extremes: 1982 or 2052

And neither is cheap

why are you saging you fucking dumbass?

Different user.
That either it's extremely old or extremely high tech?
And that either it's expensive to maintain or expensive in how much it cost to develop?
Doesn't seem all that hard to understand, m8.

oh wait I read saging, as saying.
he saged because he didn't want to double bump, like I am now

Because he's not a redditor like you, he understands imageboard etiquette.

Because sage is not a downvote.

I got mine for ~$50, and that is not enough for a compressor. At least not one any better than a datavac, and the ones you can buy at that price are usually bulky as fuck.

If you're trying to save money on cans of compressed air, it doesn't get much better than the datavac. Unless you have the money for something far superior, that is.

not same user

Got any stories?


with my jizz

I don't really clean too often and it's usually just compressed air when I do. Our kid has asthma, so we have a couple HEPA filters, one of which sits by my desk. These usually keep the air relatively dust free. Even though it doesn't completely negate the need for cleaning, if you can afford it, I'd absolutely recommend setting one beside your computer.

Nothing outside of the stereotypical fuckery. The BFT is pretty cool Holla Forums wise, but it's not something you wouldn't be able to Google.

Generally, when it comes to planes, you're worried about static affecting a small, relatively homogeneous part of the vehicle; the more sensitive bits are protected. A computer is different in that it's more heterogeneous. One part that gets static could be insulated from what you have the ground attached to.

I'm not the lazy fuck who can't unplug 4-6 fucking cables and walk 50 feet outside his basement every 3 months

People say alcohol fucks up the touchscreens...
I'm gonna say as some faggot who used phones and tablets before that it does fuck up a bit, makes it not viscous.. any alternative to alchohol?

Just water I guess?

It would have to be distilled.

Shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
I use disinfecting wipes


I don't know if this is the right thread, but i didn't want to open a new one for my problem.

I bought a used Thinkpad X61T of from ebay. The description said "there are a few white spots on the display which were barely noticable". These white spots seem to be scratched onto surface and you can feel roughness if you are using the pen on them.

Is there a way to repair those spots/remove the scratches? Pic related.

I wonder if you could just warm up the plastic a bit and make them fill in....

dont do this

All electronics issues can be solved by either sticking the device in a ziplock bag in the freezer or on a cookie sheet in the oven.

I wash my dh15 heatsink in the sink then wash the tap water off with isopropyl to prevent it leaving residue.


you only have to do it twice a year, it's annoying but it's more effective than vacuuming

Seems like someone damaged the polarizing film.
You can replace this but you need to remove the screen first and even then it isn't easy.
Would probably be easier to just replace the screen entirely.