not my cat in pic but it looks extremely similar, (a cuter version). wat do?
Tfw cat is terminal
thread theme
Death is death. All you can do is your best to take it, and if you survive, you move on.
bullet to the head for a quicc and painless end
grab it by the hind legs and smacc it's necc on a table, film it and I will send you a picture of my dicc
fucc the cat and post it on /zoo/
Sorry for your cat op
Wait till it's symptoms progress and just before it becomes inevitable put her to sleep.
feed it whatever it's little kitty heart desires.
iktfb, had to put down my childhood cat because of leukemia.
Or wait till it's dead and post it on /zoocore/
I'm surprised that board hasn't been shut down btw. It should be.
kiss and hug the little guy for me ;-;
Have it's hide tanned and turned into gloves or something. Cat leather is actually among the softest in the world.
what info does this terminal display?
Put it in the microwave and upload the webm
see if you can get affordable help for him
ur cat has a VGA?
euthanize it fool
better to put it out of it's misery than to let it suffer until it dies, right?
then acquire a new one that looks similar (don't rush to get a new, just browse as many resources as you can)
post a pic here so we can mourn together brother :(
I feel bad for your cat.
I had a cat whose owners abandoned after their house burned down.
It sneezed since the day I had it.
Sneezed on all my stuff.
Brought it in to the vet.
It had cat AIDS.
They wanted 200 dollars to put it down so it wouldn't infect neighbor cats.
A few nights later, on cold, snowy winter night, set it free in a residential suburb.
Losing your cat sucks.
But there is millions of cats out there. You will find a new friend.
lol helping spread cat AIDS
But in a serious note OP, if said cat hasn't gone to cat heaven then post some cute pictures of your cat here so we can all cry together.
fuck cats
dogs are better
i fucking hate dogs.
the proper term is GRIDS. It only affects gay cats
# fdisk /dev/sdb
m8, unless you've got a micro penis, your dick won't fit.