ITT: We post the most unusual foods sold in our respective countries.
Pic related: German edible paper.
ITT: We post the most unusual foods sold in our respective countries.
Pic related: German edible paper.
write something with a bold marker on it, then eat it
Finnish semi-edible cardboard
Don't think that would be too healthy, plus I ate it all already.
In Mexico we have something like that.
You can even draw shit with a candy pen.
They're called Obleas.
Here's a picture of the paccaging of the edible paper, literally translates to edible paper. This one was apple flavored, it was pretty good.
I just remembered that I picced up another paccage of edible paper, I'll write something on it and eat it.
That shit is so weird. Not because it's 'paper' and it really doesn't look like food, but when you just let it lie on your tongue it feels like it's pulling up the flesh of your tongue into it. Same with krupuk.
I dunno man, I kinda like it, even though it really is pretty fucc weird to eat.
Here goes nothing.
Not that I eat paper, but isn't it already edible? It's just trees.
Well yeah, anything is edible to a certain extent (I wouldn't advise to eat plastic though) but I chose this paper because it is literally among the weirdest things you can buy here.
I always thought this was swedish
It is actually the Swedes call it "knäccebröd".
Correction, it's "knäccebröd".
We can't even eat kinder eggs ;_;
the german name "knäccebrot" makes more sense to me now
in my country, we eat pic related. it's why we're destined for the pyre of gastronomic history and have the xxl caskets at 45
They might look the same, but they're all uniquely tasteless and hurt your gums if you bite them the wrong way, but you won't know which way is the wrong way because they're all baked differently.
along with weetabix, the nearest thing to shit you'll find on your plate.
Hey bitch, I wanna join.
How much you pay for those?
Here they're incredibly cheap, it depends on the quality and size but with .50$U.S.D you can buy a 10 pacc.
It's a traditional candy here, the natural flavour it's exactly like the communion host.
Get deported, spic.
Those pizza-sized ones are great. You can only get them at IKEA where I live. It's like eating a crisp tire and you get fuccing flour all over yourself
seek help
…. to the U.S?
ha ha ha haha ha ha.
get a brain, fatso
I've had all three.
All these year I've been shouting "Wo-ohw Spaghetti-Ohs!" when I drive past prostitutes late at night. Never for the life of me did I expect that it was an actual product.
fuck you Weetabix is delicious
We call this antifreeze. It is a sweet drink.
Man, it's a drink!? I've been using it wrong for years! I'm gonna have a cuppa antifreeze right now!
Rice paper isn't german you fucking retard
Come fucking on, m8. What are you? Gay or something? That's quite literally the most usual stuff around here. Now, pic related is what I call "not your every day shit". It's a sweet jelly made from a cow's feet and we call it mocotó.
It's pretty much spreadable lager.
When I was in Norway, this shit was there with their fish paste. It was disgusting.
This might be in other countries, but it's still kind of weird. It's called sugarcane, and you chop it up, and just chew it and spit it out. No preparation, just chop and chew.
(burgerland resident btw)
At any local Chinese corner shop.
fuck I love Dr.Pepper
They used to sell candy cigarettes when I was younger. Haven't seen them in ages, not sure why.
Rocky Mountain Oysters are a thing we used to have people from elsewhere try while they are here. Google them to find out why they are so special.
nanny staters got triggered and started claiming it was a stealth marketing campaign to get kids to smoke
Fellow Texan, try a dollar store or anywhere that sells Mexican candy.
There's all these different mexican candies covered in or consisting of chile powder and lime drops. It's like kids in Mexico fucking hate their tongues.
Also there's always the Texas state fair. Good shit every single time.
Never fucking eat mexican candy!
I've worked on too many child lead poisoning cases where elevated blood lead levels were the result of candy from Mexico. Stupid spics don't understand that putting lead in their candy or using lead containing inks on the wrappers is a bad idea.
Don't ever fucking eat anything from filthy mexicans.
Either you get some kind of gastrointestinal illness cause they don't wash their hands or you get fucking lead poisoning. Fuck mexico and fuck filthy stupid mexicans.
It never gets in the news, but a shit ton of people get sick from crap coming out of that country or handled by people from there. I know, its my fucking job to know about this shit and occasionally get dragged into state investigations or lawsuits.
When I was in Germany many years ago it seemed like every restaurant would offer a mixture of Sprite and Orange Juice or something like that. It was really weird.
I had goat testicle once and it was delicious
are these different in some way?
They are always bull testicles here but apparently they do pig and goat in other places. Also, if they are served like in picture then they are usually smashed flat and fried.
Pic-related is now the staple diet of all white European women
ah, the one I had was roasted on an open flame
I used to think that country fried steak was a generic american food until I visited the east coast. I was at a restaurant in New Jersey, the kind of place I would expect to have country fried steak and asked if they had that. The waitress almost acted offended and said they don't have anything like that.
It seems pretty common in a lot of southern and western states though.
in Germany we call that a Schnitzel. common drinking food
I was dating a girl from Australia for a while, and she was really confused that Americans eat Pumpkin Pie, she'd never had it before and thought it would be gross.
Speaking of, Mexicans love Flan.
as opposed to a flan that doesn't contain eggs?
Mexicans do eat a shit ton of eggs. It's weird. Not just flan but all sorts of shit.
Still wouldn't trust a Mexican to cook eggs for me. We recently had an outbreak of listeria from an IHOPs where a Mexican was a carrier and wiping his nose with his hand and then touching cooked eggs. At least fourteen confirmed cases resulted with one being an immunocompromised elderly guy that ended up in the hospital.
So much bullcrap. I've eaten so much cigarette candy back in the day, and never smoked a cig in my life. Just crack!
Little candies.
Those are not spaghetti and never will be
who cares?
I do.
I'm French so I don't know where to fucking start: snails, frogs' legs, horse meat, etc.
All of this can be find in america and other countries too…
especially the horse meat
Possibly the deep fried battered mars bar.
really weird how germany puts fried steak in a blender and drinks it.
if smoking is shit, literally fucking up your lungs because "lol i look like dragon pfoooo" then why would it be fun to imitate something that sucks shit by eating candy that looks like it? I mean, if it's good candy just sell a "candy stick" that tastes good. doesn't have to do anything with smoking. it never was cool. fucking candy is bad shit anyway. I rather eat some home made trail mix with black molasses.
well obviously