I found out three days ago that my now ex cheated on me with his older coworker who's married. His excuse was, and I quote, "I wanted to feel close to someone." Then he goes on to spew more bullshit about how I'm the best relationship he ever had and that I can't just 'throw him away.' I broke up with him, obviously. I've been absolutely miserable the past few days. I couldn't go to work the next day because I had too much Xanax the previous night and I've been generally miserable since then. I want to do some damage to him, and the bitch he cheated on me with. I have his license plate number, address. He smokes weed, and is an occasional weed dealer. Nothing against that, I just want to make him suffer. The question is, how?
Cheating, lying bastard
poz his neghole
my gf has done the same to me last year. I'm sorry you have encountered this. I had a very rough patch since then, but it's getting better.
I'll have a drink on you OP. I hope you will find someone who'll treat you right someday. Cheerio!
Thanks. Cheerio to you too. I still want him to suffer, though.
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, any suggestions where else I could post it?
Not helping m8
cuccchan thread
looks like a cunthole
you're better off without him
vengeance is petty
He said you were the best relationship he ever had. Ending that was your revenge. Assholery will just give him closure. If you have any mutual friends make sure he doesn't get them. Other then that it is going to be painful because you are used to close companionship, but you brain will adapt and you will be your regular self in a few months. Just take care of yourself between now and then.
tits or gtfo
I think this is a haiku
im sure OP is a gayfag
I appreciate the haiku, Zer0. I'd prefer some real advice.
That doesn't mean anything to me after what he did.
OP is actually bi.
Learn how to be content by yourself. If you let your joy in life be dependant on others, you'll always miserable because your source of life contentment is external.
Brotip: All men will cheat unless they find an ideal partner. He did not see you as an ideal partner.
I wasn't happy with him.
Then why the fucc were you in a relationship with him?
Is this all that "the Darkest Reaches of the Internet" can do? I'm disappointed.
I was happy initially, then he turned into an asshole. People change.
Go cry a little and then move on with your life.
What does that even mean?
I'm sure that works out well for you every day but that doesn't mean it'll work for me too.
Quit being such a little faggot bitch, OP.
Did you read the whole post? My point was that it means something to him. And now he will have to live with fuccing that up for himself (and you). You don't need to go out of your way to get bacc at him. You already did.
Says the guy offering pointless advice and resorting to name calling. Your maturity turns me on.
I came to the thread to try and help, but it appears you don't actually want it you just want someone to listen to your emo whining.
I did. My point is that he probably has no remorse. He did cheat on me and he lied to me. The best relationship thing could have easily been absolute bullshit. If he'd cheated on me, he should've owned up to it earlier and left instead of wasting my time. It's really not that hard being honest with someone.
Nowhere have I said that I want someone to listen to my whining. I asked for some practical advice and I'm not getting any.
it has actually been offered, but you're too dense and too self-involved to see it. you dont explicitely state that you want to whine about your emotional issues, yet here you are, whining about your emotional issues.
read the thread again with no expectation of what you want.
im out of here
It's not the advice I want, and its certainly not practical. I get your point, but its not my fault if you think all this is 'whining.' I was simply giving reasons why I think he needs to suffer. Had this been a thread about a cheating ex girlfriend, I would have gotten what I was really looking for.
Are you fags actually falling for this shit, or is there some meta-shitposting going on?
oi, OP, just poison the bastard.
Find the older woman's husband and show him she's been cheating on him. You ruin your exs new relationship and the woman's marriage in one fell swoop. Plus you'd be doing the right thing, a win-win.
or in alternative, if he anything he likes, destroy it utterly; then you'll be a petty cunt as much as the bastard was.
Alternatively alternatively, cause him to be socially ostracized among your little clique, it won't work, and you will be lesser than him for this.
point being (as user said): this thread might not be the advice you want, but it's the advice you need.
Eat chocolate and cry
That's the issue, I can't find her husband on social media.
We don't have mutual friends. I don't have anything that he likes, and I can't destroy his car.
I feel like I'm on motherfuccing Tumblr.
Smoke some kush
join forum.grasscity.com
ok, then follow my first advice: poison the cunt!
tits or gtfo unless you're a fag in which case kys
Edgy enough 4u?
Hire a PI to follow her around, find out where she lives, and personally pay him a visit.
squirting is just pee user
I live in another city.
I know.
Ordinarily I could fap to this but that over emphasized sphincter indicates that the artist is a faggot.
Oh, well there goes that idea. Well there's got to be some way. Find out who his parents are and where they live mail them a letter with proof, that way the wife would never see it. Maybe take a day off for the trip?
Oh. Okay then.
Just get a loli gf and rub it in their faces, that'll show em who the true alpha is.
pedos are still banned from Holla Forums kek
Pedos are not banned from Holla Forums, pics of girls under 18 years old are banned from Holla Forums
which are what pedos are after soooo
Report submitted!
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True and now the normies have to put up with pedos everyday
Let's go on a limb here and assume this isn't fake.
My guess is he cheated on you to get out of the relationship, hence the "you're the best relationship I ever had" talk even though you're a xanax fiend, have not been able to make any mutual friends, resort to "mak[ing] him suffer", and trying to bait this thread by suggesting we aren't hXc enough.
You seem like a shitty person and the only redempion comes from the inside. Try improving yourself, lest you'll remain miserable.
This is honestly tedious. Yeah, I'm a total Xanax fiend since I had just two 0.5 mg ones because I was on the verge of having a panic attacc. Actually, that is a lot for someone who's never had it. We don't have any mutual friends because we live far apart, and have very different careers. Not that he has a lot of friends to begin with, he fell out with the only guy I knew months ago. I may be a shitty person, but he's worse. I'm honestly sicc of all these betafag suggestions. I'm out.
Thank god that worked
Yeah…GTFO nigger
It doesn't sound like you deserved him OP.
If he put up with your insecurities and possible drug abuse then maybe there's still hope for the two of you.
Sounds to me like he enjoyed being with you but got tired of your jealousy, insecure bullshit, spite(e.g "I just want to make him suffer") and emotional isolation.
Get right in the head and hopefully he'll give you another chance to treat him right. Problem solved.