don't you ever, and I mean EVER, feel sexually attracted to asian girls
Don't you ever, and I mean EVER, feel sexually attracted to asian girls
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yellow fever is overrated
As long as she has a cute face and an hourglass figure I couldnt care less about race.
Except niggers of course..
7/10 would race mix with
I think they're cute but I'm not sexually attracted to them.
humina humina humina
its not about looks, its about how many imperialist japs they've killed
Sometimes I get the urge to watch some JAVs but other than that no, not really I actually prefer redheads
Problem is less the look but the culture. Asians are as worse capitalistic coccsuccers as any west society.
You, sir, have good taste.
mah nigga
Asian no, Japs yes but they are very rare and already being half autist means a relationship with someone whose entire understanding of British culture comes from social observations the chance is even lower.
I guess so.
I can't tell if this a question or an instruction.
too late
holy manjaw, Batman
more like this please
holy fucc more
those were the only two like that I could find
like, now.
When you see these pics with moon runes you'll know the jew has infiltrated nipland
Asian/white racemixing is all well and good, but if Asians don't have babies amongst themselves we'll eventually run out of Asian girls. This is a huge problem. How do we fix it?
CUTE Hafu girls
Korean - Every now and then
Japanese - Occasionally
Chinese - Rarely
Filipino - NO!
Indonesian - All day every day
fuccing bump
JAV always sounds like a good idea until you watch it and they make that weird crying/wounded monkey noise while getting the tiny d.
fucc off cucc
go away possible jap imperialist
found the homosexuar
Even if I were the homosex, GIANT FUccING PIXELS are a boner killer
No, that would be crazy.
Post 1080p torrents nigga!
requesting illegal content is a bannable offense
??? what, wasnt tpp stopped? Because asians looks always 10 years younger and all pics are shpped as fucc, just press play in any jav, then use google images.
torrenting is illegal though
torrenting isnt illegal, downloading copyrighted content is.
And shaving your face in England too.
BTW, torrenting isnt illegal, piracy is and its relative to the country.
Relative to the country, some animus are ok, but hollywood movies that promote cultural marxism not.
bacc when I was testing the strength of my sexuality and paid a lot of asian whore some grandmas yeah it was ok I guess
If this thread is supposed to be dissuading me from pursuing Asian girls, it's failing hard.
When I am I not?
Ok, there are some I am not attracted to, but.. yea. Love Asian women
I like Asian porn, although I exclusively use "japanese" as a keyword to avoid sifting through a bunch of shitskin squint niggers, but for Christ's sake listening to lesbian nips go at it is like listening to someone try to flush a cat down a broken toilet.
What is it with jap models anyway? Do they have a different standard of beauty or something? I've always felt like there was something different about their features as opposed to western models, but I could never tell what.
Ahmed please.
Post names nigga.
there's one cure to yellow fever. look at their faces sideways, somewhere between profile and 3/4s. their lacc of a nose bridge makes them look like disgusting aliens.
no idea
doesn't work
2nd pic is tei hue hue
you mean Thai?
How do I get rid of these annoying ass Christmas hats
change your theme to cyberpunk or some shit
japan has the best midgets and chubbs.
but korea has the most beautiful women overall.
Also country where over half of the population has to get plastic surgery to look halfway decent
I am not attracted to 3DPD, so not a problem
Their faces look like little girl's faces, only feel a certain amount of fatherly adoration for them, nty
Oh shit, too late.
Asians are obviously the most fuccable girls, though anything other than Japanese and Korean are shit tier.
#!/bin/bashif [ "$#" -lt 1 ];then echo "usage: ${0} thread-url";exit 1;fiurl=$1if echo $url | grep "";then regex1='href="//[^"]+' subs1='[email protected]/* */="//@https:[email protected]/* */' regex2='jfkdjkfdljieouroinkbvrhuiafjk' subs2='s@.@@'elif echo $url | grep "";then regex1='href="https://media[0-9]?[^"/]+/src|file_store)/[^"]+' subs1='[email protected]/* */="@@g' regex2='href="/([^"/]+/src|file_store)/[^"]+' subs2='[email protected]/* */="@https:[email protected]/* */'else exit 1fitmpname=/tmp/chandl$$wget -O $tmpname "$url"cat $tmpname | grep -o -E $regex1 | sed $subs1 | uniq > $tmpname-1cat $tmpname | grep -o -E $regex2 | sed $subs2 | uniq >> $tmpname-1cat $tmpname-1 | uniq | xargs -P 4 wget -T 5 -crm $tmpname $tmpname-1
what did he mean by this?
Asian men is OK though, right? They pretty much look female anyway.
I don't speak in memes. I'm a haccer.
Only if you come with me.
Actually just had a date last night with this sexy little nurse from Korea.
a hospital sponge bath doesn't count as a date
That's what I need, a qt Asian girl to play my skin flute
The thread is just here as bait for more asian pics and videos