Holy shit, we have to type captchas for each post now? Did the pedofaggots upgrade their spam bots? how darknet are these faggot leet's? new ads #tfw no more tfw dicc 2 big probs
And there's nowhere else to exodus too. Here I come endchan, save a spot for my grave.
And fucc jim, he's a namefag who sells user info and disses mein fuhrer hotwheels, using VPN, obvi. And dysnomia, a special dildo up the ass to you, being an attention-whoring, power scourging faggot who brought in a fagmod who lays eggs and eats shit. Yeah you'll delete this post when you see it cuz your not a real mod, your bored loser just like the rest of us with nothing to do on a Friday night.
Bye bye 8/b/. I'm off to spread my autism in random chat rooms that will inevitably cast me out to wander lonely across the webnets, cursed to drift until I stumble across a nice encryption, where I can be free to speak what I can't say out loud.
(bows head and stares to the abyss of the unknown, where he would walk if he could, so he falls)
Goodbye, you magnificent bastards, I'm sorry we had to leave this way. You will be remembered.
Lmao. The botspammer is a furry not a pedophile dumbass.
Charles Torres
This is why we should've nuked /fur/ months ago. It's too late now and there are too many animalfuccers. RIP Holla Forums
Ethan Myers
Why you can say certain things loud? Are you Chinese or European?
Edit: What the fucc is this double capchta bullshit?
Hunter Reyes
yeah, well I never tell anyone this, cause muh PR, but pigfarmer fuccs with my code so my IPs get banned (but it shows up "server took too long…." and other bugs) and people think I go silent for months on end. I didn't mention it in IRC because I wanted the site to grow and save what shreds of PR it might have left. But now idgaf, he's ruined this site, and now he ruins this board with fagmods… so yeah, excuse me for not knowing who's botting who
Cooper Flores
Cooper Ramirez
nice webm though, I jej'd I'll take it with me to endchan. thanks for adding wuality to my last 8/b/ thread
Owen Anderson
The only board I use on endchan is /AM/. They have some of the dankest memes on any anime board. It can be pretty dead tho. But we've held out for a very long time on that board (around 16 of us) and it can be pretty fun.
Chase Watson
kek, what's ironic about that is gookiyuki's chan has become Kikebook with ads for tindr spinoffs the beaten wife syndrome is real
Dylan Cox
Finally someone posted this, anyone got the source of this webm?
John Cook
All I know is that the song is called "Virgin in" by dj technorch. I don't know who created it though, sorry.
Xavier Hall
Yep sounds like Holla Forums. the denial is real
Aaron Ross
too, true, but not infinite chan your loli reactions are too funny, and too accurate. The irony intensifies. the denial from muh diçk
Jordan Harris
I;M BAcc YOU NIGERS! Godamn, that site is fugin slow. made some quality posts might here bacc in like a week. probs gonna fucc of to cucc/pol/ just to bait and shiiiet. looks like I;m hear 4ever fagz. enjoy the ride
Jonathan Peterson
shit meant bacc and cuçk
Nathaniel Murphy
surprised fagomnia didn't delete this yet *one hand claps
Nathan Bailey
as long as I;m abhorrently shitposting =, anyone have the crypt-string from yesterdays cicada-3301? I didn't bother with copying and faglet must have deleted it
Jackson Hernandez
Like there is another kind. Well, there might be, but that is my favorite kind. Carry on.
John Ortiz
kek, there was a data string tho. fags deleted it b4 I cared to try. Was Base64 and clue came after B64 ended
Tyler Evans
I wont fuccing use board where I have to fill captchas all the time, goodbye
Jayden Gutierrez
OP here. Dude, they literally just changed it bacc. is just OP and 24-hour now