I feel like this show isnt all its fans crack it up to be.
I know that the show and the main character is among the first of its kind, but this isnt one of those cases where no shonenshit's managed to surpass Fist of the North Star in subject matter, emotional depth, execution of themes etc in all these years.
Daria as a show tends to piss around with a bunch of characters no one cares about in some episodes, and in others I'm not sure I'm supposed to understand whatever message or humor i'm being hawked, or if I'm even supposed to sympathize whenever Daria feels justified in acting like a passive aggresive lil shit. Sometimes she comes off like she's cockblocking herself out of having fun due to her damn principles.
As you can probably guess, my favorite episodes are a few post 3rd season where things dont go her way and Tom has to spell it out for Daria that she really makes it hard to love her.
Also, the theme gets grating so I cant watch more than five episodes a sitting.
I dunno. How do you guys like the show?
Aaron Ross
Eh, I liked it, its one of my favorite old cartoons. I find the humor snappy and I like how grounded in reality it is for the time
Jane best girl
Ian Perez
Daria was good the first time, when pervy squirrels were watching her pee.
They cut the good stuff.
Isaac Butler
Jaxson Thomas
Thanks to this thread, I'm going to rewatch it probably..
Kayden Wilson
That feeling when you realize if Daria and Jane took place today they would be sjw feminists and just blame all their angst on men.
Gabriel Lewis
I liked when she was one of the few characters smart enough to deal with Beavis and Butt-head
Isaac Garcia
Lincoln Jones
Remember when Jane was almost a lesbian?
Andrew Johnson
thats called rape user, RAPE
Brody Harris
Leo Scott
Xavier Williams
Jacob Perez
"Nobody cares about Diarrhoea."
Parker Perry
I disagree, they seemed to be contrarian for 90s culture (please correct if wrong), plus they usually have actual arguments for what they do, even if they are just for the sake of arguing. I think they'd be ultra conservative. But I am definitely biased.
Jaxson Bennett
I agree, or she's a libertarian
Carter Scott
Bieber and Bob Marley >>> Diarrhea
Andrew Reed
I thought she was more a nihilist.
Zachary Nguyen
They already had the man-hating feminist character with the teacher.
Daria liked to write ironic ridiculous conservative propaganda. She'd be trolling Holla Forums all day every day.
Nicholas Scott
Daria was just a smug bitch who thought she was better than everyone. B & BH may have trouble makers but they certainly weren't assholes.
Daniel Hughes
They're assholes, but in a "don't know better" way, especially Beavis
Juan Long
and around the same time daria aired, hillary clinton was against gay marriage. It seems like, at the time, being conservative was the cool thing.
Now being progressive is the cool thing, so daria now would be conservative. Otherwise it'd be a complete alienation of the bedrock of the show.
Caleb Carter
I'd say Daria is merely a pessimist. And as they say, a pessimist is just a failed optimist.
The skepticism/ contrarianism is Daria's tool to test the waters and make sure she's not overstepping any bounds since she holds herself to ridiculously high standards to be neither an idiot nor a meanspirited asshole (but as says, she has a problem with self righteousness and smughood, which she does get called out on in rare episodes) . So I'd say she'd be as neutral as possible within reason, but definitely an ally of justice in the tokusatsu/ spaghetti western sense of the word. She just prefers to stay in the sidelines until her patience is tried.
As far as the subject of social justice is concerned, I think a typical episode would go like this: Jane shanghais Daria to a party, since Jane has been known to seek the D on occasion. eventually, Daria has to back Jane up from a messy confrontation from a guy who crosses a couple of lines and Daria feeds her an "I told you so." But then some rainbow haired dyke will step in and back both of them up and the typical exchange between a stereotypical SJW and a drunk guy just doing his thing will play out. Daria and Jane exit stage left
Soon after problem hair dyke will try and make friends with them, admiring how they handled themselves back there. The SJW character will introduce herself, slowly try to pepper blue pills in between small talk but will do her best to come off sane, interrupt D and J down to the "Well, I"s or "um, uh"s and then say something to the effect of "you should attend our talk this wednesday."
More of the episode would play out, Daria would say something during the meeting to the effect of "Its not that cut and dry. There's more to take into account than–"
Then she's immediately interrupted, given the "Oh you poor thing, they've turned you against yourself already" treatment and Daria's only response to all the doublethink is a flat "Uh, excuse me?".
Eventually Daria accidentally triggers the lot of them just by explaining herself and the rest of the episode turns into the rainbow hair trying to spite Daria but just to end up outing herself or something. Not entirely sure how it would end.
Jason Jenkins
Daria is totally unrealistic because women don't form actual bonds like friendship; rather, they live in a state of constant passive-aggressivism where basic instincts holds higher precedence over everything else. Women will constantly backstab each other when it's suitable, albeit in the most passive-aggressive way possible. Their idea of friends is thus relegated to a status symbol and they owe their allegiance to a perceived in-group dynamic than idealistic and abstract concepts like friendship and honor.
That said I enjoyed it for what it is.
The 90s was ultimately a victory for "progressives" but keep in mind that during the 90s you had shows like The Simpsons who made fun of everybody (unlike today). The mainstream media of that time propelled causes that are now considered the norm today. Being conservative was on its way out of popularity and people were experimenting with all the things placed under the banner of "progress." Remember that the fall of MTV coincided with the rise of rap, which started on MTV when Aerosmith performed with a rap group. This was seen as shocking but it was also used to carry a political message. Before then MTV's primary audience was white middle class teenagers.
You can't get a show like this today where if you switch all the labels around like a plug-in system, I'd agree with and say that if this came out today and didn't hold any punches back, Daria would be conservative, but only by default. The contrarian of today, whether it be out of ideals or out of rebellious spirit is the conservative. The political waters of today have moved so far that anything conservative is not just seen as another view, it's offensive, toxic, backwards, misogynistic, -phobic, etc. Daria and other shows that rode the line and explored the imperfections of several different sides operated in a time where things were stuck in the middle and the sails were blowing left. There's no line today. There's just what's right.
Elijah Fisher
They already had the Fashion Club, and women are not psychologically incapable of friendship, wow.
Landon White
I think I'm the only person alive that never got into this show, like I get it Daria and Jane are the only two sane people in a world filled with morons but the way the show handled this premise was just dull.
Daria as a character is everything I hate about the snarky smartass archetype, everything she says is a sarcastic remark or backhanded compliment. Not to mention her deadpan voice was grading to fucking listen to.
And Jane just sounds like she ad libbing most of her dialogue because the writers forgot to give her anything clever or witty to say.
And I agree with OP the theme just makes my goddamn ears bleed everytime I hear it.
Cooper Cooper
Brody Collins
Isaac Rodriguez
Jonathan Cruz
somehow read it in her voice.
Adrian Cook
Is called being cynical fucking faggot
Nicholas Thomas
Cynical: not believing in anyone, even yourself.
Christopher Roberts
You got it honestly Daria is the contrarian to whats popular because thats how she is, a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian