Big dick feels
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Didn't it hurt cutting it off? What state was it in when she got it?
sounds painful. can they even reattach it anymore?
Look it up, faggots. Doesn't hurt at all.
Op is the modern day Van Gogh.
I'll be just as famous too. Fuccing watch me.
Apparently having a big dicc correlates with being too stupid to timestamp it. Maybe OP is a nigger?
that's a real good way to get penis infection
It will wake you up faster than any cup of coffee will.
Alright Holla Forumsrethren, got a plan to go
I'm doing this to initiate a religious war between those shitheap institutes. Tonight I'm gonna wipe out the Westboro Baptist Church and leave a note claiming to martyr myself for Allah.
Dubs decide which WBC shitape I nail first.
not worth it
It's not,toilets need a dicc sleeve or something I can hang my junk in without it dipping in cold water…
99% of Christfags don't like WBC because they make less-insane fundies look like. You'd only be making them happy.
Americans have odd diccs. Yours always look soft and flaccid. Mine's like 3in flaccid but 8in hard, and when it's hard it's like a diamond hard
It's because of the circumcision. It makes diccs looks weird and dry. Thankfully I'm not circumcised.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
Also, every one is buying the Deutsche Bank cover up, kek. It will implode.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
Yeah, I haven't, no need to get frazzled by it.
Could've just said what it was.
It's autism.
ha the most hyped VCR of the century
I prefer malty, dark, sours, wheat and belgium style beers. I do drink IPA but some use too much or use it in beers like lagers where its not really neccesary. Its just over done and part if it is that part timers like yourself feel like you are in a special club.
not anymore than in america, i've found
gourmet potato chips are more popular
Just some top quality banter at the end of the day.
Also I like temples…
What is this, and invasi/o/n?
>>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/
>>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/
>>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/
>>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/
>>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/ >>>/o/
this again?
Sorry, I didn't understand that. Are you saying there's no chance for me to successfully have a mutually loving relationship with a trans woman? I can entirely accept a "closed door" scenario. I'm not in love or tied up in anything atm. I just find myself enchanted by pleasant conversation with some trans women; I've felt the same signals/electricity with trans women that I have with a woman.
I'll move on if I get a resounding, "you're shit out of lucc, kiddo." I'm a grown boy, I can handle it. :)
Literally who? "can you hear me now?" Hasn't been a thing for like, decades.
pep 7