>The other boards hate us. How do we solve the problem?
Holla Forums has become the very thing they hate the most: Jews.
Holla Forums niggers will try to disagree.
>The other boards hate us. How do we solve the problem?
Holla Forums has become the very thing they hate the most: Jews.
Holla Forums niggers will try to disagree.
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums hates everyone. Holla Forums before anime was exactly the same, just without anime.
Fucc off Chaim
t. Holla Forums
They are basically cancer at this point, there is no saving Holla Forums anymore.
no one likes them on Holla Forums anymore, some years ago people used to defend them, now even nat-soc boards hate them.
seems like imkikey really finally ruined it.
There has been a huge influx of 4chan and Holla Forums onto Holla Forums over the past month, larger than there has been the past three years ive been lurking there. You can tell because of the high volume of shitpost replies, the flamewars, and the stupid bacc and forth biccering. That wasnt so prevalent in september, or a year ago. Of course it was there, but not like it is now.
Holla Forums has become /fringe/ and /x/ the past few months, and this influx magnifies that. The crazy conspiracies on there right now (one earlier was about hillary being an alien) are way to far fetched. There used to be some outlandish ones, but you could see how they could be true. Now it is filled with shit.
We used to discuss literature, PsyOps, how to debate, statistics, political theory, and the likes. Now it has become conspiracy theories (some true), pointless repetitive niggerbashing, numerous "meme magic worship" threads at once, shit slinging bacc and forth at each other, and "lol hitler hes so funny he killed the jews." Holla Forums today here thinks of hitler as a funny meme. A year ago he was still seen as an intellectual with a noble goal. We discussed Mein Kampf, now they biccer about which hitler or auschwitz meme will cause the Dark Lord Kek to kill more "degenerates," as they fail to see themselves for what they are; mostly lonely teenage rejects trying to be edgy.
did the mods give up on Holla Forums?
Bacc* biccering* too* bacc* biccer*
Oh god i love the fuccing cc changin to cc. Pretty clever, mods! Remember a winter or two ago, whoever got trips got to picc what changed what words to what? Those were the good days of Holla Forums.
This board is concentrated Jim, just raid the mods here.
Thought you were talking about leftypol the entire time until I realized you're a huge faggot.
Anyone else remember that leftypol thread where they brainstormed ways to infiltrate the other communities of Holla Forums? We had a big thread about it and leftypol users even showed up to try and shut it down.
They have become parasites and they don't even realize it, how fitting.
Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums are obnoxious faggots.
trying to get us to raid our own boards again? i tink i know who's behind these posts
Holla Forums and Holla Forums are jews, we need to holocaust them both
Nigga, u dum. Holla Forums has already been infiltrated by freech and /leftyqueer/, who, btw, are on a movement to .pl because they can't handle the bantz. As in real life, Holla Forums is a reaction the you limpwristed faggots colonizing boards for your own gain. Since Holla Forums was a thing, you fags have had continuous threads on how to subvert other boards. Even in your pic, Holla Forums speaks about removing you, not supplanting board cultures, but removing you after you've triied to force yourselves. Fuccing kill yourself my man.
What makes you think that I browse Holla Forums you mouth breather? Not every that hates Holla Forums is a leftist coccsuccer that wants a mommystate.
mass suicide, immediately after having bequeathed our fortunes to racequeen.ph
What makes you think it makes you any less of a faggot either way?
Its not about me, its about you being a lying faggot that pulls shit out of his ass.
Pretty sure it is about you, coccsuccer. Look at you try to worm your way out of being the sad oily leftshit you are. Gonna have to grow out of this phase sometime.
The only way to defeat the jews is by using their same triccs.
The only oily faggot here is you. You start with vomitting your epic proxy left vs right internet war and implying that I'm apart of it. Then you say LALALALA IT DOESNT IF YOU AREN'T MWUAH YOURE STILL A FAGGOT Xp
Go ahead and call all of Holla Forums retarded because of that one typo by the way.
Retarded samefaggot is retarded.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
You can't do anything. He's too powerful
Super hot chicc but those are some of the worst feet that I've ever seen.
Broken. Done.
sorry this one is so tiny
Usually I use bilinear and add sharpen later if needed
Lang's Basic Mathemaics
Ask nicely and I'll upload it to mega in a passworded ZIP