Commies are dumb.
Commies are dumb
Socialists are not communists
Wasted trips. The definition of communism has nothing to do with this thread.
It actually does since you were banned for calling Holla Forums a bunch of conmies.
Not the person you're responding to but
You're a retard
He's implying that Holla Forums isn't commies therefore the statement "commies are dumb" does not apply
Never said that all of leftypol was communist. Read my post you illiterate retard.
Well apparently that's how it came across to the mods. I can't say I blame them.
Most of Holla Forums isn't neo-nazis(JK they all are). If I post a picture of Hitler and say that the Nazis were retarded, would they be wrong to ban me for a typical anti-pol shitpost?
Hello illiterate mod.
Prove your claim; inb4 burden of proof fallacy.
Lenin has a word for your illiterate ass.
you should be less illiterate and actually try to understand that quote
hahaha kiss my ass commie faggot. communism is literally cuccoldry.
Economic equality won't work, High school economics teaches you that. Economic equity gives people to make more money by working harder and getting a better education, Communists are mainly just poor people who didn't bother getting a higher education and they blame it on everyone but themselves.
No shit they're idiots. They are the same ones who oppose civilians who have guns but at the same time say all cops are evil racists
Sad thing is these idiots will be the ones who will be killed and have their houses taken from them.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
Wasn't Hitler planning to take the pope hostage at some point?
Might have been cool desu
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
It was only few of us there and I did make my ground earlier with some older dude and I'm not considered a bitch anyhow so yea…
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
Sculpture actually involves being non-retarded and doing stuff, people here can't even draw with pencil, only shitpost all day err day.
So I'd say nope, never (although there were sculpture thread in the past, not large, but still some guys did stuff in clay)
literally who?
It made more sense than real life caste systems.
What you did to the colors in this shot is quite terrible.
Been on therapy for years. I'm still not out of it but in august I did the following things:
- Got rid of all depressing albums in my smartphone.
- 30 day nofap and no orgasm
- Stopped watching porn altogether
- Improved my posture
This helped me a lot. I'm more talkative now and I even tried asking a girl out (last time i did it was 9 years ago) but fucced up due to lacc of skill.
She doesn't tell you that when you first get her in your party.
She tells you later, in what I can only assume the writers thought was a romantic reveal, that she's been spying on your character since he was 3 or some shit, and fell in love with him along the way.
Neverwinter Nights 2
I mean they could be decent? Is something with Primal Groudon's incredible movepool, typing, ability and stats going to be "bad" because it has a Lax nature?
No, but it certainly won't be as good as an Adamant/Bold/(insert Nature that is beneficial here.)
Lax/Gentle in particular have virtually no function at all, and a neutral nature is just a waste of potential, minds as well boost a preferred stat and reduce an auxiliary stat.
And in the case of super prominent pokemon like Primal Groudon, min-maxing is extra important since the opponent is also likely to be paccing their own Primal Groudon, so if you're not properly min-maxed they can easily win the mirror match up.
it's called a helicone with an e at the end
well the land was part of austria, i'm guessing some nebulous unspecified slav population lived there at the time
i mean they literally named it SLOVAKia, it didn't even have some older ethnonym to designate some sort of distinct people - they were literally just "some slavs"
am I wrong?
That's a crush, not love. Meet other girls and you'll put things in perspective. I mean, you can care about her and want her to be happy. But if you know she doesn't like you bacc, then you have to move on.
I don't know if it's my newbie English but I didn't understand this sentence, please elaborate