This is an American role model
No arguments about that.
A picture of OP taken in a moment where OP is showing its best side would still be even more horrible than a moment of Amy Shumer exercising not knowing she was photographed. Still this is Holla Forums where everyone hates any kinds of women who does not subject to the laws of men who have inconceivable amounts of money (it's almost as though we are behaving like the types of muslim men we hate, but let's not get into that issue just right now), so fuck all logic and do it anyway. right?
Oh my god, kill yourself, you huge fucking faggot.
She seem like a pretty disgusting person just by looking at her.
pic is Jim Watkins on vacation in guam. we can all see that, ron. you try too hard.
No she's not, her viewership is 99.99% women and under 50% of women watch her content.
Yes, that's what I said. Can you not into maths?
ok, peanut. only women watch her and fewer than 50% of all women watch her, so she's not an icon. is that your argument? 1/10 and i'm generous
Yes, that's my argument. Well under 25% of the population in the US watches her. That doesn't make her an icon. If she was a true icon then most of the population would watch her. Do you understand what the word "icon" means?
the question here is the maths. i don't even know who she is. to me, it looks like jim in drag. the 99,9% is pure invention and the fact that
Now you're just moving the goal posts. I don't care about this retarded cunt either, I'm just saying that she isn't an American icon. You argue like a butthurt little kid.
well this butthurt little kid remains unconvinced by your original statement.
you see, even infants don't by two invented statistics as truth. get back into your manger, jesus.
look up the statistics for yourself, faggot. I'm not here to spoonfeed you.
I'll say it again, Amy Schumer is not an american icon
Why does she pretend like she exercises?
Same as Sarah Silverman. They made their comedic bones being hard core equal offenders. PC was not in their vocabulary.
Then, they hit some actually fame/money and the true colors came out.
Putting aside facts like they are ugly, fat, annoying , unfunny cunts almost exclusively..this hypocrisy alone makes them fall short of the term "role model".
Amy Schumer, it's time to get off of Holla Forums
Any publicity is good publicity
i tried but they don't exist. sauce me wrong, cumgurgler.
also, explain why i should give one of my very last fuks over Jim fuking Watkins in a skirt.
Fucc off Schumer, you fat sow.
I didn't think a side of pork could be kosher, so Schumer's being pretty open minded for a Jew.
She's in her jogging/exercise clothes (she must be because she's got no purse, no bag, no poccets on her shorts, no fanny pacc) …yet she's stuffing her fat face with snaccs from that paper bag/napkin thing.
That's real some desperation-level fat fuccery, eating while exercising.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
do you have color blindness? It looks like a little fire. Fitting.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
watch the 2005 Call of Cthulhu film it's actually pretty nice for that
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to licc your paws
having a high score on a review doesn't mean making into a list. how isn't that obvious by now? if it were like that then there wouldn't be any mystery in revealing the end of the year list. opinions change and scores aren't as important as they were when they were put
man, what a fuccing crybaby. he's most likely going to make it into the top 50 one, probably higher than the ones that made it into the experimental list, and at the same time some in the experimental list will be nowhere to be found.
crying about because "i'm trans!" without shit to bacc it up is really forced. pitchfork's progressive agenda has been in full force, they just got one "wrong", probably cause it didn't feel purely r&b or purely experimental for either list.
What's your endgame?
niggah, that's Lorde. You thought I wouldn't notice.
Sent ;)
Yo, how'd you make your windows look like that?
kys cucc
The newer pokemon games are literally made for people newer to the series and have tons of QoL changes.