Hey I have been here since the first exodus and thanks to the cripple and some cia niggers I have lost my home. It really passes me of since this used to be a really nice board.
So where have all you guys gone?
I need the old tech in my life. I have been away for half a year and have missed the boat.
Where is the new /tech?
probably programming instead of shitposting in a abandoned nepalese cabbage picking community
It's pretty dead but I'm still spending time on endchan.xyz
This board has been at a solid 5pph recently, what more could you ask for?
It's just because it was summer, r-right?
You won't find any good forum on the internet at a URI that has a chance of being posted to some social media page read by a crowd of useful idiots looking for directions to their next designated street.
Anyone who tries lazily spoonfeeding you a link to "the next big thing" is either one of those morons, or takes you for one.
You sound like the sort that deserves an answer, but I don't have one for you, and the above reasons would make me hesitate to give one anyway.
So you missed the cripplecuck/jim/josh/codemonkey fiasco then? Even 16chan died.
Different user here, I missed most of it and hardly paid attention to the bits I did see. Can you summarise?
They are spread out across many various imageboards or simply not using them anymore.
Maybe you should stop using imageboards too. You sound like a whiny pussy.
5PPH is pretty alright by imageboard standards. Comfy but not blazing fast.
All this "Holla Forums is dead" talk popped up suspiciously right around the time people called out the Holla Forums shitposters. I wonder why. :^)
this, holy guacamole 4chan boards fly by now, even the ones that used to be so. If I were to make a thread in the morning it'd nearly be gone by the time I get home from work.
This is bullshit and you need to fuck off back to reddit
cripplecuck abandoned Holla Forums to work on an emoji programming language and now a society for cripples advocating eugenics. he hasn't had anything to do with this site for months. josh left and jim/codemonkey took over, and here we are now. (jim owns a pig farm and sells your data) Josh made 16chan and tried shilling it for a while but a week or so ago shut it down and said he doesn't have the resources to run it the way he wants. None of the alternative chans seem to have taken off and are all dead.
am i missing anything?
There, you're wrong. They are alive but many of them are on life support.
Soon it'll be an imageboard duopoly between 4chan and Holla Forums.
So what you're saying is Jim runs the pig farm and links like the above one are the vegetarian option
I'm saying that alternative boards, regardless of what they are, are alive but dwindling.
We clear?
Is there any documentation on the post rate on 4chan over the years? I can just find overall posts per day for the whole site from a couple years and posts per day on Holla Forums from one year. I'm pretty sure it's sped up since I started going there every day in 2012 (went every so often from 2009-2012 but not regularly enough to remember the post rate).
Guess I can't complain. I guess it just feels different since in 2 years ago there was much more going on.
Was it actually Holla Forums shitposters, or were these the fake alt-right trolls posing as such? Not that it matters, Holla Forums shitting posting is shitty anyways.
But much of it is not worth reading. Lots of shill posts lately. I'm guess that's because they sold user data, then gave shill posters that information to basically post targeted ads as replies.
Been wondering that for awhile now.
Speaks volumes about you doesn't it?
Holla Forums plz go.
The post rate is a shitty metric, before captchas it was insanely fast. Imo Holla Forums should never have implemented captchas, the rest of the site needed it though.
Fuck off back to halfchan thanks.
good riddance
Just an actual source on the "sells your data" bit.
That arrogant fuck, bedchan (who ever the hell he is) claims to have proved it.
it's dead jim
it was gamergate chan before it was Holla Forumschan. you immigrants have ruined it with your shitty foreign culture
tumblr pls
That was stillborn.
Holla Forums is the gawker clone nobody asked for
yes, but we won't tell you our underground leet hackers society chan board url
Yeah so much better
Sorry, we can't all be underage gaymergate kiddies
NNTPchan, it's decentralised:
There is no data to sell, this isn't Google.
NNTPmeme is shit, the whole software is pure garbage
Jim sells user data and stores IPs indefinitely.
The evidence is in this Pastebin.
no, it isn't.
0chan (zeronet) is pretty neat
i've recently been chilling on 3chan.ml
they brought back there Holla Forums board a few days ago
you can't upload flash files and the flash board is dead anyway
this one is run by a board volunteer from 8/tech/: nextchan.org
if they haven't fixed how it works, the passwords track most users indefinitely across the site. i doubt its intentional, more like the usual incompetence you come to expect from N.T. Technology.
you can upload swfs on Nextchan
3chan doesn't have user board creation, why would we care anyway?