What is Holla Forums?

So what exactly are we?

We have amassed a hell of a lot of power.

Are anonymous image boards really capable of toppling world powers?

Or is it that the power structures are so flimsy that all it takes is a little push to destroy them?

Or could it be that this is all just in our heads and purest confirmation bias to the point that other groups are mistaking our confirmation bias for manipulation, and in turn having fallen for this ruse are actually manipulated in their desperate paranoia and failing to maintain control?

There is something happening here, and it being impossible to observe without effecting the outcome in a causal universe; we have to acknowledge that we are doing 'something', but what exactly?

(Autocomplete tried to turn 'something' into 'conspiracy ')

Other urls found in this thread:


Just somewhere to analyze our own death. We don't really do much here.

No we haven't.

You're not seriously trying to suggest this board destroyed anything are you? Oh dear.

We are meme shitposting. We are doing nothing of note. There's a lot of talent and knowledge here but we'll never be able to organize it and use it for good. We are doomed. This board is a frenzy of conflicting ideas. Alt right? NatSoc? Lib? Shill?

Are you a shill?
Am I a shill?
Is he a shill?

I'll bump a couple times, if it's shit thread or tl;dr I'll stop and go try to re-write it so it's more concise and less pedantic.

Off the top of my head, gawker media and Scientology .

well, fuck

Hulk Hogan killed Gawker. Scientology isn't dead?


I want newfaggots to leave.

How am I larping?

It's naïve to think we exist in a vacuum.

truly summer is an amazing time

Okay, time to calm down buddy.

Chains of events.


Deterministic principles govern the macro scale physical world.

This includes us.

When we engage in a raid, shitpost, or create oc we do indeed change the narrative.

Only a little bit at a time, but indeed we do.

The question is, what exactly are we doing that's working for us that isn't elsewhere?

No. I mean our propaganda effect.

Why is our propaganda working when noone else's is?

Especially when so many e-celebs, journalists, and whoever are so willing to come to us.

We're the conduit through which an ancient Egyptian frog-god asserts his will.

Pretty simple tbh fam

After brexit I have noticed a massive uptick in shills denying our influence.

I know why they are doing it and it's a good sign, but we have to remember that we really are changing things, and we really are starting to win.

Shitposting is an important and vital component of Holla Forums's immune system for a multitude of reasons

Don't decry the shitposting, cleverly evade it and let it work its magic and protect us from interlopers

So its a lower key version of the gore firewall of old Holla Forums?


Ideas are bulletproof.

you're conflating cause and symptoms.
Holla Forums being what it is, and being effective is only symptomatic of a larger zeitgeist in the west that has been brewing far longer than Holla Forums existed



The image board format has proven to be the most effective at generating new memes. When we combine that with a shared ideology and a shared purpose, we generate new language and inject it into the mainstream faster than our enemies.

Getting pundits on CNN to say the word 'cuckservative' was a huge victory. You can see normies repeating our talking points on Jewbook or Breitbart or anywhere else that hasn't yet shut off its comments section out of panic.

You claim we have no influence at all.

This is demonstrably false.

We have had mentions in nearly every online news paper at this point.

A presidential candidate called us, his internet people.

We, as the original legion, still exist.

We are no longer anonymous, as that got hijacked to hell and back.

But we do have influence.

You either have not been a part of this for very long or are posting in bad faith.

We are still Anonymous, but so are those other faggots.

Interesting how the shills deny that we are having an effect.

I wonder how they can even stomach to post that as they are litterally being payed to stop us.

I don't think I could work at a job like that.

You would have to be a pretty damn shameless and broken person to be a shill.

I guess that the only bad part about leaderless organization. Either you get co-opted or have to become incredibly paranoid about outsiders.

We are pretty good at purity checks nowadays though.

Kind of hard to pretend to be one of us.

People just can't change their entire typing style and mannerisms.

Stuff like 'problematic' gives away non JIDF, and JIDF despite knowing our language, are revealed via their subject matter and kikery.

actually it's the opposite goy……we have become the useful idiots
They come here to collect memes and ideas to use on the right. Their reach is beyond your understanding and their narrative only grows stronger as the human mind grows weaker.
When they are done using us we too will be shut down.

Force is the only answer to force, yet we are too "good" to stop it. No one attacks the leaders. They actually gather together in the same building because they know they are safe. We can not unite because they infiltrate and abuse. We are constantly divided and untrusting of anyone.

I'm not saying we should stop…..because we shouldn't, but be aware they are here and the power you presume to have is not really power at all. True power creates force and force can overcome our enemies.

source on 2nd pic ?

Hillary Clinton oc thread.


An example of stuff that does influence the world.

Propaganda is a powerful tool.

I am of the belief that if you can influence the people, you can change the world .

But eventually they will 'cheat'.

Our plan in such a case is to win at their game, have them cheat us in a way that completely reveals their hand, and as such put the final nail in the illusion of choice.

Make them burn down the circuses.

Bread alone will not stop a revolt in such a case.

At this point, I have no fucking clue.

Hard to say exactly. Some people are praying to a frog. Some are swing old truths being revealed. Some of course is good old ideas of reference. But I think it's just the zeitgeist.

Most are hardcore alcoholics. That seems to be the "double down on my evil job" drug as far as I've observed.

One of my ancestors lost her head in the (((revolution))) so perhaps it's karma too.


what's with all these shit threads lately?

this is a question that is never resolved here and keeps Holla Forums divide in two camps
one side says the current regime really is weak and utterly reliant on the emperors clothes fallacy to stay in power, everything we see in real live is just their half assed attempt to contain facts after they occured outside of the elites plans
the other side says the elites power is obsolute and everything you see in real live is part of a greater carefully laid out plan

you can never prove either side before a major happening were to occur, as minor slipups in the elites narrative can be explained as planned abnormalities serving a larger goal

as to Holla Forums specifically and recently we have memed a lot of trump OC into the public sphere, this without a doubt helped his campaign, trump himself is also something that would never happen if elite control were absolute
secondly the gex video spread accross millions of europeans having far reaching consequence as this whole EU house of cards is unravelling

never think Holla Forums is without power to shape the narrative
only problem could be the new technology facebook and google are developing to shadowban (((problematic))) content via algorithm
but as long as we can spread our OC into the larger normie memeplex we have meaning

Well first I think that this works in our favour - when a system becomes as complex as our current liberal one is entropy sets in. Think of the whole of western politics, culture and zeitgeist as an overly complex machine, with many cogs and many tiny parts. A single grain of sand thrown into it fucks it up completely. The current system has become a bloated monstrosity in its effort to control everything, and in its display of might it has become incredibly fragile. Our shitposting, questioning and general weirdness is incomprehensible to it, and it's starting to fall apart due to it.

Furthermore, balance and a bit of occultism. We may very well be living in the end times. What we are witnessing is the vast majority of whites sinking below the threshold of "being white" in a deeper sense, and as the scale is tipping towards the oblivion the other side of it is raising up a tiny minority higher and higher in influence and power (us). In a way we're riding a perfectly inhuman wave with which nature resolves its own inbalance and establishes hierarchy. Like in that song that says "you'll see the jokers that will be the new kings." Since this is occuring, and accepting that Reality is something far beyond a purely materialistic creation I believe we've been given tremendous power, the Power of God. I doubt this is about mere politics. It never was. It seems to me that we are authentic people with both faults and virtues, and more "real" than say the liberals. Our "reality" is what makes us effective in a world that is a shadow and that is full of fake people.

I can only start from myself, but I'll assume others (some) are like me. I rarelly post about truly important things because they cannot be put into words, and they sound silly when put into words. But within there is something like a "presence" or "dark light" that is benevolent and powerful. Things happened on the global stage which I wished for, things happen when I want them to happen, and I've been "casting spells" to help both us and the white race for a while now. Mostly internally. I believe that the cause and effect are blurred however, and that when one of us gets the urge to do something of the sort it has already been done by God, and we as humans just sense it and obey Him. Those familiar with taoism and wu wei know what i'm talking about.

For me Holla Forums is a sideissue of a longer and more personal journey, and though I agree with stuff ranging from white nationalism to contempt for liberals and their efforts these are all just transient things, not the main focus by a long shot. And I know there's others like me here, perhaps the majority. We WILL take care of white genocide, the Jews, niggers and so on, but only en passant and because we seek and adhere to Truth and Justice and not because we're entangled in it all. This place is filled to the brim with people who associate with its policies purely out of knowledge that it is an approximation of the truth within our world, perhaps the only such place. And we can look back and see that we've been led through our entire lives to be here, witness this or that and shared similar experiences despite being isolated and worlds apart.

We are succeeding because we "live in the world but are not of the world" unlike liberals and Jews.

We are not politicians and activists at our core. We are authentic, sovereign people moving towards a goal we can sense but not see, and the world is but an afterthought. We've to a large extent broke through the imposed boundaries, the so-called matrix, and having caught a glimpse of something truly magificent, TRUE and great we wish to abide with and within it. This is something the (((world)) tried desperately to prevent.

nah, just people behind Holla Forums
The gay nigger association of america type of people.
The sadistic trolls that provoke engineered reactions from others by acting as if they are nothing more than moderates and normals.

Are we the new Gnostics?
A persecuted group dedicated to the Truth, no matter the cost?


Really, if you charge your beliefs and then release them at once, as if you do not care for them all of a sudden, they tend to realize. Sort of how you hope for something NOT to happen and then it always seems to happen more likely instead, because you imagined the scene and released the thought, thus mistakenly making it more likely to happen.

Funny how it's impossible to tell the difference between shitposting actually changing the world, and shitposting just happening to coincide with massive social changes.

I think there is no name and no label for what we are, and though many of the things we do and the very platform of imageboards corresponds to the things the ancients did I am extremely wary of assigning an old label to us. Perhaps the best way to put it would be that we're so cutting edge that we've made a full circle and are becoming "ancient" ourselves. I have many theories regarding this, and some have frightening implications. Some are quite literal when I say that we are the ancients.

Putting that aside we should under no circumstances allow ourselves a name, a label. Notice how the alt right is pozzed and controlled opposition. By denying ourselves a name we hide in obscurity, and being in obscurity we have no name and no target. If the antagonists call us the alt right, neo-nazis or whatever we can simply shrug and laugh. By keeping ourselves organic and nameless we make it impossible for the enemy to understand and attack us.

I used to think it was just that Holla Forums had become a really good think tank that could accurately predict things that would happen due to several of us constantly monitoring all the news and following trends, but now i don't know anymore. A lot of these coincidences have gotten way too specific, maybe there is something to this occultism stuff after all. At the very least i'm willing to consider the idea of it anyways.

Hopefully this video helps.

It HAS been demonstrated that the sole PRESENCE of a human observer influences the behavior of a photon, see again Doctor Quantum's Double Slit Experiment on youtube.

There's also so much irony in the fact that we've polished the analysis of truth so much that we're willing to accept magick as reality to an extent.

Every time.

Holla Forums has all the hallmarks of a cyber-cult. We are creating egregorial phenomena. Basically, our collective consciousness as 2500 - 3000 white identitarians is having an influence on other whites. We are the nucleus of a rising anti-establishment, pro-white, anti-globalization movement. There are other nuclei online, but we are an important one. Even the kek mythos has an effect; we are meming (thought-forming) him and what he stands for into reality.

Check my dubs

That's barely scratching the surface user. Don't get too impressed by it. One step at a time though.

Oh no doubt, we are a good think tank - but only because the rest sold themselves down the river and became incarnated lies. We merely see the obvious and tell it like it is. Today this too is a revolutionary act.

I can only offer you further pragmatism and an open mind. Don't be afraid of the implications of occultism but don't get entangled in it too much. Read legitimate texts like the Tao Te Ching and avoid tender new age bullshit and various "sorcerers" who think they got the real deal. There's lots of bullshit out there. The primary advice for you and all others is to look inside yourself, and to know thyself. The battle and the wonders are to be found within - and this is an insanely painful and potentially devastating effort. Read Evola.

Don't get into that too much either. Material science always leads you astray in the end. Aim beyond.

The nothing that gathers.

A joke that turned into something serious

Because our propaganda is based on facts rather than libcuck butthurt.

We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

How beautifully poignant.


See, it's always the opposite for me. The more I visualize something happening the less likely it seems to manifest. Something will happen – but not that. Perhaps some people are more predisposed, like 'luck' or whatever, to visualizing things into some form of reality while others have almost an anti-nodal effect.


There's also the I-Ching which is basically just old Chinese memes at their simplest form. 64 hexagrams comprised of 8 basic trigrams. Chinese I-Ching practitioners are said to be able to divine anything happening anywhere and not only see what is currently happening but how that situation will morph into the next one. I think Holla Forums's memetics has stumbled upon a more Western mode of divination. Using images from the present/contemporary era in composing "shitposts" (throwing up the hexagrams into the air and seeing how they land), Holla Forums has crafted its own very unique system.

Try improving your visualization skills and mind-void technique. When you're lying in bed at night see if you can completely stop all thoughts and sensory stimuli, see how long you can go like this (it's harder than what it might seem. be true to yourself).
Try to imagine your own body from a third person perspective and include as many details from your present location as possible, try making it as real as you can.

See if anything differs then. At the very least you'll have a better imagination, which is always pretty useful.

That is beautiful. Source?

I warn you though, this is a very complex read (even in its abridged form) that will go over the heads of 99.9% of people. It is esoteric after all.


In the information age to control the world you need to control the flow of information. What's happening now is that the west is slowly realizing that a lot of ideas once considered to be crazy and conspiracy theories are actually valid concepts. For nerds like us who were raised mastering the technology that allows us to find this information, we had a step up on the globalists who had been trying to brainwash us since birth via the mass media and educational institutions.

Once you are exposed to the things we have seen it's like everything you knew and loved starts to appear as the mind numbing bullshit that it is.

Whether Holla Forums is a honey pot or not, it still exposes people to the truth, and they can't erase it from their memory.

We have to be always remain vigilant though, if the globalists coud use a guy like Ted Cruz to act like a constituionalist, I can guarantee you that they will throw up a nationalist candidate in 2020 for their own purposes. We have to stay ahead of the curve.

Holla Forums is the truth seeping through the cracks of an old infrastructure of lies.

Love it.
Share more!
I do think we should collect our findings and archive the redpills better somewhere.
What I really want is a compilation of all government lies since JFK. Huge list, but bery damning and all the dots get connected when you step back and realize WHO is in control.

Who else is addicted to happenings because of this place? Given the state of recent events, it will probably take an all-out nuclear war to even get me excited anymore.


In the most basic way possible, yeah.

Thank you

a bunch of kikes LARPING as natsocs and white nationalists.

A mongolian bazar for chinese art trading and memetic chaos frog hermetism, advertising their rad goods in every corner of this world. A bizarro creation, by an even more bizarro world.

7 of discs indicates failure tho.

I got some I ching cards from my church "white elephant" garage sale. Weird shit, never fucked with em.
If they are like tarrot cards im really not interested. Thought it was a game.

Anonmoose stabbing in commiefornia pic not related lol.

Baby don't kill whites, don't kill whites, no more~

so the general consensus is that we are a bucket that can fill itself with whatever it wants and any time and dump itself into other buckets to fill it with whatever is inside of us, and whether that is through meme magic or good old fashioned information control is up to interpretation?

then again, no amount of information manipulation would explain the sheer "coincidences" that have happened recently, from Ebola, to Trump seemingly having pre-cognition, to brexit, to basically everything the site has finally wanted to happen suddenly happening all in the span of a year or two.

what makes it weirder to me is that alot of this happened after we learned about the existence of Kek, but i don't see how that would affect much beyond giving a phenomena a name

who is really the jews anymore, Holla Forums? is it us or is it them? does it even matter anymore?

please don't get into quantum speculation, the observer principal just causes the uncertainty principal to generate a fixed position. Nowhere does any quantum physicist ever believe that we can change the outcome of an event that was not already predetermined, us observing it simply solidifies ourselves in one of an infinite number of timelines.

if a bear shits in the wood but no one finds it until later, than we can determine the place it shat but not the time it shat. If we hear it shit than we know what time it shits, but not its exact location.


Interesting, i'll look more into this later.

At first i thought this was a large part of it, like we're the only ones saying that the emperor is naked. But as pointed out all of this seems to have only started happening in the past couple years. What the heck changed since then?

haha this

And not with shadowbans it's over!!!!!!! It's over and we can't spread the memes or even comments! It's over god damn you! Figure something out hackers!

FUCK YOU FAGGOT – the French Revolution needed to happen. The Jews didn't even have power yet. The Church made Jews powerful by making them vicious and letting them convert.



Well for one thing, the LHC was started back in 2009, back when everything began getting "good".

Something something weakening fabric of universe.

A difficult question that may tie in with predestination and such, as mentioned previously via Serrano's quote. He wasn't the only one to express such sentiments, and one can even speak of Ragnarok and the gates of Valhalla opening to release the souls of the dead warriors for the final battle. These symbols are always repeated in regards to the final days in all cultures. In this case we are but the expressions of immortal forces, little sparks of the Divine that have always existed and will always exist.

I felt and knew in childhood but dimmed over time, gestalting and struggling in privacy.

In the year 2000 I went to bed, and woke up different. A large amount of pain vanished during sleep. I do not remember any dreams, but I was a changed person. Like someone flipped a switch within my soul.

Years later dreams came to me. Important, life changing dreams. They still continue, and they are magnificent.

It is entirely possible that the world did "end" in 2012 in one way or the other, and since then everything did and does feel different.

I would also like to get this out - I believe that the Y2K was a memetic weapon of sorts that signaled "the end of time" after the year 2000.

I cannot answer your question however. These are all just speculations, and I only know what happened to me personally during the last decade and more (I'm thirty). But the conclusion is inevitable, and that conclusion is that there is a stark divide between us and them, and it corresponds to the biblical separating of the wheat from the chaff. It may very well be true that God is active, gathering up his forces or his chosen.

What I can advise is that you should all be aware of your faults and virtues, and be humble. But do not growel. Be aware that you are a real, tangible, living person in a world that is unreal and going to the bonfire. Giving up leads to true death. These liberals with their empty eyes are no longer people. They are vessels for demons (or if you prefer - liberal memes). The term NPC is used as well by the less knowledgable who struggle to grasp what has happened to some.

Don't be quick to believe, but also don't be afraid to believe. This is a time for caution.

I try.

what is Holla Forums?
nationalism on all accounts, if the brexit victory threads have shown me anything over the last few days is that no matter what country we come from or where we are we all support the self-determination of native people in their own land
the right for a man to love and support his people, country and racial group and their right to their ancestral lands
we are all nationalists and united in the cause to defend our own respective people and culture
and those ideas are spreading and they stem from us

the marxists attempt to crush nationalism by labeling it the ideology of racist uneducated bigots and demonizing these traits

we render ourselves impervious to these assaults by defending african nationalism, chinese nationalism and indian nationalism just as much as we collectively and traditionally support european, japanese and american nationalist movements

all this plus we are literally a seething mass of emotions such as hate, rage, disgust and contempt


Your disagreement just confirms that you are a nigger ;^)



The anonymous aspect of Holla Forums forces people to be less prideful and because pride is a sin, a lot of good can potentially come from it over the long term, and this is political which means that its supposed to affect the world, whether right or wrong.

We have plenty of pride, even in Holla Forums. What we lack is ego thanks to anonymity.

Proud Jews, sick of the goyim's lies.

Don't pull that pyscho-babble on me, user.

We are the gestating place for a new form of fascism.

And it ironically has been born from the ability to have honest, meritocratic discussion on this forum. Despite, all the shilling, despite the constant sliding, misdrection and invasion of threads. Because you only need to see someone else's excellent ideas once to adopt them. You sort through the heap of shit and you will come forward with new insight.

In essence, we act as copycats without an original. Every good new ideas is absorbed and contemplated, reflected in the posts which come out here. It is true that we often act as an internet horde, but there is something else here.

We are growing up. As I've been on the chans, I've noticed a maturing of the discourse from rather asinine fun to increasingly serious discussion about politics, current events and even philosophy, history, the sciences etc. It is probably because the majority of the user base is now in late high school through to their early 30s, but every new member soon picks up small pieces of the puzzle every time he visits.

But what will really set us off is what this implies for the future. How many Holla Forumsacks will end up politicians, high end lawyers, captains of industry, spymasters, generals, admirals and influential intellectuals? It will be hundreds, if not thousands.

Now that will be something worth seeing.

finally, someone calls it out

Get out shill

Holla Forums exists to keep an answer to the mainstream alive. The current mainstream is white genocide, so it embraces natsoc. Holla Forums is balance, Holla Forums is justice, therefore Holla Forums is always right.

This seems like the thread to ask. So I was thinking about things and how fucked the world is when suddenly I had a thought of Kek. Then another thought the Owl the one the elites in the Bohemian Grove worship. I realized that Kek is at war with the Owl. Then almost to confirm my belief I saw 222 on a sign right in front of me the very first thing I saw after this. Can anyone help me out here?

Being a hardcore alcoholic doesn't necessarily make one a shill, although I can't prove the opposite. I'm one, albeit and have been shitposting on chans for so many years I can't even remember exactly when I first got on cuck/b/.

Raw unadulterated truth combined with extreme hostility towards outsiders while removing identity as a whole make for an environment that favor intellect and stubbornness over status, looks and other artificial traits favored by kiked society. Add to it that most oldfags here have been on chans for many years and the internet as a whole for even longer that we are less brainwashed by stupid shit in the media and mainstream society as a whole.

With the rise of social media into the mainstream, it gives us an advantage over NORPs as they're coming into our realm. By dispensing redpills based on cold hard truth which were created here to the outside world through social media, we can achieve more than a bunch of klike lies given through old media.

Most white people aren't dumb to the point of not knowing they're being force fed bullshit 24/7 everywhere they go but they also are usually too busy to really find the source or the exact nature of such bullshit. That's where we can come in and expose what they themselves would not have the time, energy or skills to discover on their own.

Kek is not only conflicting with the owl, but comes from a wholly different paradigm.

Kek sprouts from primordial darkness and delivers light moving forward into more order, they seek to go the opposite direction and return to the formless nothing.

They look to the Moon, we the Sun.

It really couldn't get more different.

It's less of a battle than just shitting on them and their anemic pseudo-memes.

Hogan is a lawyer? thought he was a wrestler, shill. The amount of shills here speak for themselves.

But the Owl also represent darkness and is considered the Ruler of the Night in Greek mythology. How this relates to us is more interesting though. If the Owl rules the night and Kek is the light bringer the one who ends the night it would be inevitable they would be enemies.

We're the modern equivalent to Werewolf, at least those of us who are Nat-Soc are.

We cannot openly engage our enemies, due to being a massively decentralized clusterfuck, current cultural trends and being extremely outnumbered. However, what we do have going for us is the current destabilization of society due to the incompetence of the plutodemocracies which are in power. So, because of this we can put seeds of doubt of the current system into the minds of people and sway them to our way of thinking.

We are not a force of considerable power, but what we do have is a greater ability to exploit events and things people say, since we are not beholden to the limitations placed on modern language, political correctness being an example.

It simply does not hamstring us because we speak in plain and simple terms. While this may obviously offend some people, it does give us an edge in being easier for the average person to understand. Sure, we may offend quite a few of them, but, it doesn't matter as we have put ideas in their heads.

They may not be receptive right away, it does however allow those ideas to cultivate from witnessing things themselves, and having the idea of the people who said horrid things may actually be right is demoralizing and makes them question.

There is obviously more to what is going on and this is a simplification. We are the bringers of ideas that most thought to be dead and gone, but ideas do not die, the people who subscribe to them change and modify them for the circumstances they're in.

We are a Vanguard, simple as that.

Heh… nice hat.

There are clearly selfish people and selfless people.

I have a feeling you're the self-righteous type.

I knew they were demons. I knew it. So many police with corpse eyes willing to sell family for a promotion, fellow whites for a pat on the head…

How do we find each other in this hell? Are there wayshrines hidden from normie eyes leading to gathering spots?

L.O.L…. Thanks for the "feels".

I couldn't make a solid judgment on 2 posts but the third is a lot more revealing.

For instance, you're not only what I said earlier but also a huge faggot.

Down, pig. Stop biting people.

only an egotist relies on ad hominem for his arguments

Holla Forums is a gutter like containment system for intellectual discussion, as it has been driven out of media, academia, social circles, religious groups, etc…

Holla Forums is where those who think for themselves are "Contained", so that their ideas won't disrupt the "Status Quo" of global slavery by the rothshilds.

The problem isn't us finding each other. The problem is, they know we are different and they can see us through many eyes. They will inevitably start killing us at a certain point, though they can only kill the body. I'm not sure if it is possible or even desireable to hide.

Our presence is like a candleflame and they are the moths. Refer to my previous posts about us being real while they are fake. Note that I'm talking about RL situations, like say when you're walking somewhere or have stuff to do. They are everywhere, and they are watching you. Perhaps in fascination, perhaps in unexplainable fear, sometimes with pure antagonism - despite you being unnoticeable in mannerisms and clothing, or anything with which you could draw attention.

This occurs because you are like a lamp in the night, or look "solid" in a shadowy, misty realm they take for all there is, and being faced with something that is more tangible than them frightens them.

Naturally all of what I've said cannot be verified. You can only experience it.

As for gathering places I am certain they exist but cannot be reached by normal means. Google Earth and similar are an effort to locate such places, but they exist "outside" the world and cannot be reached through normal means. Don't worry about it. If a gathering is to occur it will occur in a proper time.

I'm not a communist that believes in equality user. Try again.


An idea can topple an empire, a meme can crush a nation.

Trying to get ahold of the tiger.

That we gather here of all places, discuss specific policies or historical events is only transitory, it is our vehicle or our armor, but we are what is inside. What the nice user said is true, there is something about our particular situation that transcends us, and we are only starting to realize it. Be it writing on the walls of Pompeii, gathering in the old warehouses to bitch about nojob, or shitposting from our basements, perhaps drawing dickbutt on the surface of strange new planets, we've always been there, and we've always occupied more or less the same role. We are perhaps an outcome of a situation that repeats itself time and time again. The conditions for us to appear are perhaps rooted in certain social guidelines to create us, a downwards spiral, stagnation, the decline prior to disaster. I am unsure about the more paranormal aspects of us, like the vogue mememagic, the manifestation of ideas and the shift of paradigm warfare we engage in (redpilling) having a butterfly effect that makes things happen, but it is vaguely similar to the principles of chaos magick that postulate belief as a tool that shapes and manipulates reality. I have no real clue as to how things like that airplane that fell in les bains, sons of liberty, and all those other coincidences come into being beyond a half assed "we imprint belief upon those who gaze at us as we gaze back" but there is undeniably something there. And it both fascinates and terrifies me.

Masterfully written, user.

I concur. At most we're Holla Forums and the anons of Holla Forums, which isn't a name, it's just the place we are place. Keep your true name hidden, for your true name has power.

how can Kek be at threat or at war with something?
you cant fight chaos, the formless void itself

We speak the Truth, and when that don't work, there is BMW.

Is this what being british post brexit feels like?

Definitely a shill.

Don't think about it too hard. Just keep it organic and keep posting memes.

Lot of Tavistock ITT

politics board
we're shitposters that shitpost about political shit.
it depends on the circumstances.
let's say someone comes in here and drops a truth bomb.
let's say some government agency is lurking. or it somehow spills out into the intertubes.
what do you think will happen?
meme magic.
the political power of the people is power in numbers.
this power can be taken by misinforming the people.
anonymity gives the people a fighting chance to counter this.
if you hadn't noticed, this board is "politically incorrect". this is no accident. political correctness is a means of silencing dissent. society ends up doing this naturally and very powerful people will have more leverage than the average person to do this as well. we counterbalance this.
if there's merit to what we say, and what we say spreads throughout the population, the people benefit from it.
we're chaotic good.


Anonymous wasn't leaderless though. That retarded fuck Sabu got done for credit card scams and was compromised by the FBI, he was then forced to hand over dox of other major people and now anonymous is just a deniable asset used to give the impression of grassroots support for one of the enemies pet causes.

The current people on this board are not Anonymous. They are nameless and formless. Actions are undertaken by independent individuals and then posted here, other individuals then choose to act in concert with the initiating OP. perfect example, the Gex "With Open Borders" video.

Gex of his own initiative created that video and it was outstanding. The people here on this board then snowballed it to the point regular Europeans and news agencies were talking about it.

We are not organized as a group, we are a disporia of motivated individuals and that is what makes us so dangerous. There are no central figures to turn with basic counter intelligence, there is no heirarchy of communication to tamper with. All of our actions are random and completely unpredictable and are enacted so fast the establishment cant keep pace.

We are leagues above Anonymous

I think the couple things that most of Holla Forums can agree on is white supremacy, and anti-semitism.
White supremacy as in: things are generally better when the white cis man is in charge (by which I mean Europeans, without going into niggling detail about which ones are really white and which ones are the best whites and so on).
Why? Look at Africa pre- and post-colonialism, look at India. Where would you rather live? Look at all the spics and sand niggers flocking to the few white-majority countries left - even they acknowledge, on some level, that the white man's civilization is just better.
Anti-semitism as in: acknowledging Judaism is hostile to such a civilization, as the Jews will always seek to tear it down to create their own Jewish Supremacist order in which we have no place. Things didn't get this bad solely because of Jews though - rather because of goyim like Kalergi who also adopted Jewish Supremacism and thought the kikes were a noble race and should be elevated to power. This is the driving ideology behind multiculturalism, with most of the populace being apathetic egalitarians who don't resist because it's easier to avoid being called "racist".

White supremacist, anti-semites. I would say 14/88 but that seems a bit too specific. Basically this ideal was held by the majority of people in Europe for most of the past millennium.


No shit, did you see what's going in in the Tavistock thread? They're learning.

I'm waiting for it to get slid a bit further down before I bump it again. Just to make some faggot rage.

Thanks for that (1) contribution, friend. A great credit to this community of discourse.

Listen I am just saying what I saw take it as you will however the idol the Bohemian grove worships is nothing but a fake. Kek is real. What I am saying is I think what I saw mwant we are going to clash with the people who worship the Owl before this is all over and I mean really clash with them.

How many people actually browse Holla Forums?
In both chans?

Sometimes it feels like we are a tiny, tiny isolated minority who mean nothing.

an anonymous think tank
anonymity allows freedom to express outrageous ideas without fear or reprisal
a large army of motivated private investigators
but most of all a place where the merit of the idea is the ultimate decider on it's propagation thru the general population

I've always said if you want to talk to simple people you MUST use word of one syllable or less…



We are not going to fall to such shoddy memes.


Their god is an owl, you say? I smell dank meme potential


Pretty well summed.

Thats a bad thing.

We should be organized, structured in teams. Anonymous teams of talented individuals working together.

Writers, Designers, Artists, Tech, Science, Strategists, etc.

This "hive mind chaotic random headless chicken running around, shitposting while waiting for a Gex annual miracle and then taking credit for it" meme has to die.

We are the answers you've been searching and asking for you whole life.
We are the father you never had.



Wizards and (((Demons)))


Heh, I simply don't trust completely people who go by their middle name anymore.

Reality is fractal.

Fuck you, freemason.

Being a little crazy repels the predators and draws the genuinely curious in my experience. But I don't have a tattoo. Edgy for me was getting a motorcycle.

Making an algorithm to shadowban text is trivial.

OC involves several more magnitudes of computing power which may or may not exist, but in any event takes a LOT of power, power normally used to run air conditioning for normies which is one of the few things preventing 60's style BLM chimpouts.

I have LARPed as both but the reality is I am more of a hacker and a monk. Someone even called me an bodhisattva once, which was a great compliment.

Was the Les Baines plane really that big of a coincidence? It was just numbers that coincided with the movie. And why do people think Ebola was meme magic? The disease did die off on its own, didn't it?

4chan's Holla Forums gets roughly 2-3 million unique views a day. That is more than any mainstream media outlet in the USA. There are far more lurkers than active participants because people fear being connected to this site. But they are there. Watching. Learning. Seeing.

He's part of this game too guys, in a way that will leave your fucking sides in orbit once it comes out.

They sit there with the catalog on new threads first. This place has become Slashdot.

Nah, Titor made a trip to see him in 1975.


"Order. Will the member for Kicking Horse Pass please stop being a faggot?"

I agree.
The point I made was about being a hated and persecuted group who seek truth no matter the cost, the label is unimportant.

The feather indians call pic related the flying jew.

The point of that clip, to me anyway, was to not be Texas Sharpshooter on things.

who are the men speaking? this video is on the same channel, I would like a translation, it looks interesting.

wrong thread

A central consciousness in the global brain of humanity.
Ideas and memes are spread person to person at such a rate that we're acting almost as a global brain.

Holla Forums is the only place conscious of this without "blinding" itself inadvertently.
It sees where memes head too and how this effects the world.

It explains why the outside world seems mad, because we know why everyone is acting strangely.

Which explains why the government observes us. It learns from the conscious part of the brain. It's the physical implementation of a conscious decision.

I saw a number on a truck a couple days ago:

1300 666 666


Things didn't start getting good until 4 years ago and have only really started getting good this year.

(I think the "It's 2015" meme really backfired on libshits because as soon as that year ended people really started pushing back against them)

We are the borg?


We infect all memes we come across?
"We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."


Well you have to think about it.
Where do symbols come from and how are they created and why do they fit?

Now the owl in itself just represents a certain phenomena, the night is the unkown. THe owls can see in the night, means they can use their eyes or knowledge to see in the night. That means without things being obvious or stated they know what is up.

The frog in itself, and maybe i m wrong here is the background noise.
Imagine a lot of frogs at a lake, every frog shitposts, means they quak. A lot of frogs make that typical noise you expect, with a certain rhythm filling the night. That means the general "ideals" or common values being shared. So you know the typcial frog sound, imagine the frogs quaking at a different speed or frequency, you ll be put off.
Similar to crickets i suppose.

Ego is a sense of self, as in knowing yourself and who you are. It's not being full of yourself it's understanding yourself and living to your potential. Ego death is a trap designed to make you complacent in a shit world instead of fixing it.

dammit hans, you had one job

I think "ego death" is the typcial ideal of people that are highly idealistic or tool to make certain groups/cults work. Or to make people conform to certain cirucumstances as you stated.

Numbers, names and faces coincided as well as the whole
thing. The date also added up to the start of the scene in seconds and they also found numbers that made the time of the end of the scene in seconds as well (not sure how those worked though). How many coincidences can stack on eachother at once before you start to think something weird is going on?

Which means we are the only ones capable of influencing the course of the the systems evolution on a fundamental (memetic) level. The sheer scale of the opposition is the only thing keeping us from easily reshaping the collective unconscious landscape. And even with our small size, we've begun subverting the narrative.

We have lit the fire within ourselves, brothers.

We Rise.

I'm hot tonight goddamn. Three posts in a row.


Remember: Ofttimes, a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

Ego death is literally the death of the self and the most complete surrender to the world. It's a trap to catch weak people who find the occult and trick them into making themselves hollow shells of people. They discover their soul and snuff it out with their own hands.

Of course there are probably traps for people who focus too much on their Ego but those can be avoided too. The key to studying esoteric material is to never stop asking questions and examining everything from different angles. Don't take anyone's word for anything without checking it yourself. Be smart about it, essentially.

And take your time with the practice.

I already know that, that is why symbols are created. They use certain idea clusters and put it into an easily understandable image. Like tying an idea or a certain train of thought to an image. But there is a lot more to it, it is really interesting in itself. Doesnt make every symbol a hazzard though, it just resembles a certain idea.

This is the internet's last free place.

keks blessing be upon you brother

Of course not every symbol is a trap, but when the symbol means "kill yourself" it should be avoided.

Speaking of we should probably try to meme something to stop young white men from killing themselves so much. We know our enemies are already doing the opposite.

The first time I came on Holla Forums i never would have suspected just how much it would change me. I thought I was going to shitpost about niggers not learn magic

Do you have "on language"? Pls post more.


BTW, they're all posted there:


Thank you.

Give me an example of said symbol.

The truth in this post hurts, as an alcoholic that works for the department of homeland security I am ashamed. I hate working for King nigger.

Well there's the cuckold meme for one. And the "women like weak men" meme. "violence is never the answer" isn't quite kill yourself it's "let yourself be killed". The constant representations of whites as weak subservient faggots are too numerous to go into individually.

Most of the memes directed at young white men these days can be reduced to "kill yourself, kill your culture, kill your history, and thanks us for allowing you to do so".

Memes and symbols are pretty much the same thing, with memes being more fluid.

If you thought I was going to give you a drawing of some lines that makes you kill yourself that's not really how it works. Or you'd see a lot more (((coincidental))) suicides.

I'd like to say something and I know I can say something because I feel this glowing warm passion inside me that wants to shed my current skin and be reborn. I have no words to say because I am retarded and I blame this on the internet and my current shitty lifestyle of electronics and social isolation. I have come up with a solution though. Get away from electronics like a dude ranch or some shit for a few months and come back, write down your thoughts, confidence is key here so maybe that dude ranch shit won't work but you gotta be 90 degree angle to pass into the golden canyon. I feel like I'm not actually smart and I just absorb shit from Holla Forums instead of making my own thoughts and opinions and make something inspiring and just to others, my vocbulary is also fucking absymal, I don't even know what abysmal means I just know it as another word for bad. How does a person truly become smart. If it helps my IQ is 132 but this was the average of online tests and I think its bullshit so I might be far dumber.

Well, those are mostly done by fucking retards or trolls.
Not quite sure if it is a government (foreign or homemade) component to it, or some ivory tower retards. But i think it is a mixture of all of those mentioned above. Or groups that do it on self motiviation being utilized. Just like user or parts of it.
It gives me great pleasure looking at those retards and their rudimentary concepts of psychology, possibly betas or women or people with sociopathic tendecies or mental illnesses.
I also belive that the SJW shit is being pushed by intelligence, a great shapable blob of retardation. But then again it is amplified as a certain threat whereas the deeper problems are covered by it. So it serves multiple purposes.

You also need to shape perception to make those retard visible and give them validation. In the same way SJWs are "triggered" by the evil patriarchy. That is how terror works, it uses basic psychological concepts and has an amplification effect until it maybe has a measureable impact. Just like the stock market, see the dotcom bubble in the year 2000 where an online company of dog food was worth billions. It had no real substance, and then there are stocks that have a certain value.

we are what anonymous wished it could have been

Sounds like you need to sort out your thoughts man. That post looks like you had several different ideas collide together as you were writing it.

I always suggest reading books to people who want to be smart. The exposure to different ideas and the trick of transmuting written words into vivid images and sounds are great for developing your mind. Doesn't matter what really, except avoiding obvious propaganda. Historical Fiction is good of it's accurate.

When you come across a word you don't know or can only guess at what it means look it up and remember it. A wide vocabulary allows for a wider and more precise range of thoughts and ideas.

Why is there a need to control people?

Because some are misinformed about the world about them.

How do we reduce this?

Increase our intelligence.

Why are we not modifying the intelligence of our kids already.

If they have intelligence.
They can self regulate.
They can understand what the machine is and why they must play their part.

Communists hate tech development.
Ironically it is tech development and the free flow of ideas that will make their delusion practical.
The only thing keeping back humanity right now is our own stupidity and ignorance.

This is almost always in correlation with intelligence and the means of finding information.

With all the discussion of Hermetics, Esotericism, and meme majick that has been happening on Holla Forums, has anyone here studied Kabbalah? What about the Keys of Solomon?

Just something seems suspicious, and worth looking into to figure out what's behind some of the shit kikes are doing. The Seal of Solomon is on the Israeli flag, a symbol related to controlling demons.

I even read that.

Once you read enough, you can read between the bullshit.

I know see some useful parts to marxism, even though the entire thing is a lie.
Particularly the self regulation part.
Combine that with human intelligence and you could make libertarian world very practical.

I bought Revolt Against the Modern World and Roadside Picnic and I only made a small scratch into both, I can't concentrate on reading and I can't organize myself and can't into nofap. In January of 2015 I was just being an epic Holla Forums memelord (I also browsed Holla Forums but that's irrelevant) and then one day I just started feeling bad for everything and didn't want to be mean, completely disgustingly pussified and my brashness was replaced by a sack of anxiety and female feelings. I don't know what the fuck that was but I haven't recovered but it made me more docile, a possible solution was masturbation and if it was how do you gain testosterone back.

It's a way to understand memes for people that don't understand memes.

Pepe not only is doing what this does, but takes it further with the idea of the natural selection of memes.
The conclusion is this - past esoterics were greatly misguided and inadvertently reversed morals without knowing what the reversed morals are. They're anti-patterns to real morals.

Morals build civilisation and create the most harmony, prosperity, ingenuity and happiness.
Amorals eventually destroy their society after a short term period of "seemed prosperity".

The 1800's was this exact thing. It hid the coming population boom forming.
Now we live in near dystopia because of this.

If we revert back to our good morals, we might turn this dystopia back into utopia.

Why is everyone so un-self-aware that they can't feel themselves changing until the change is complete?

Anyways if you masturbate chronically you have less testosterone and energy in general because your body has to waste resources (zinc and magnesium for example) that aren't necessarily abundant producing sperm because as far as your cock knows you're getting laid 4 times a day and it's only job is to get whatever you fuck pregnant. Those minerals are used to produce Testosterone and other hormones that make you feel like a man (aka AWESOME). Dial back on tha jacking off. Once a week is probably the max you should do, but once a day may be more realistic for you right now.

Look up foods that promote testosterone and ones that block estrogen and add them to your diet. Exercise. Go outside and get some sun. Doing manly shit literally makes you more of a man. So go do that stuff, it'll be hard to motivate yourself for a couple weeks but if you can stick to it you'll feel way better all the time.

Also work on your post structure man, your shit's all over the place.

When I say one day I mean one day I was fine the next I wasn't or are you saying that something was brewing inside me and then it broke free.

I'm saying you likely changed gradually and only noticed it when the change was to great to continue ignoring.

What a broad and cloudy statement.
Some are misinformed? Some? Most are misinformed. And another thing is your retarded statement about self regulation, that isnt neccessarily tied to intelligence. It is just a broad generalization. And then again you have to define "control".

And another dumb statement being made: Stupidity and ignorance arent holding back humanity. It is about self interest and group interest. You have to see those as vectors and then use the summation to see in which direction they point.
You lack precision, your post is cloudy. But then again you might enlighten us in a more concrete way.

Circumstances create amorality. That is why you see the most intelligent people using their abilities to create alogrithms for wallstreet or goolge advertising. Not because they wouldnt use their intelligence for usefull stuff but they want to make money like everyone else.
Does this produce anything usefull? No it doesnt but yet a lot intelligence goes into this.
It is a matter of balance, if only some people do this this isnt a problem but if an increasing number of people see their livelyhood in these sectors you will see exactly this phenomenon on all levels. Now you can ask yourself where the orignis of these lie.
That is also the reason why intelligence agency friends and derivates dont like talking about morals but about interests.

Praise Him.

I know that for certain as one in that field of study.
Luckily, some of us are seeing the bullshit for what it really is.


They have no endgame other than money itself.

Money is a tool, not an endgame.
That's the issue - these people do not see the bigger picture in life. Bring up the bigger picture and it's "nonsense"

Greed. Greed is ruining the world and people don't see it. Greed is not gluttony, it's merely the obsession with money and only money.
Greed is when your end game is merely to make more money.

There is great power in the dank side of the memes.

I think we are a group of people, that the internet has filtered down to the very best (or worst) or both, and our collective effect on the fabric of memes is effecting reality.

Its essentially what the Jews do with Hollywood and the media.

I would like to know moar.

Depends on what level you are looking at it. Money for the sake of power and control and excess or money as means to live a decent life.
Today you need greedy and a certain recklessness to get money otherwise (for the most part) you fall flat on your face. That is especially true for nations like the USA.
Why do you think that people would shill and troll the internet for money? Most of them do it because it is a source of income. And a lot of other jobs have no real purpose (in the sense of being usefull) other than making money.
And that is where the problem lies, if i see my chances making money being reckless i ll be reckless.
The problem is when you try to make people "less greedy" while inhibiting their livelyhood instead of changing the system where they dont have to be that greedy. If that makes any sense. It is like making distorted childs play where a kid puts little things into stuff that has to fit and you want to put that things into shit that doesnt fit.

This is the only correct answer in this entire thread.

The funniest part is that its working anyways.

"We are the thunder and the strom, we are the vengeance of Adolf, we are the fury of Kek, we are the bringers of order who will make chaos come crashing down towards the line of balance, we are the riders of the white horse, we bring the scales of justice that will weigh the wicked, we are the first and the last, we are Holla Forums."

A bit too dramatic, perhaps.

Put it this way.

We are asking questions at uni that leave our lecturers concerned.
They begin to see the problem with what they are teaching.

Arbitrage and Speculation is the big one. They tend to exploit tax payers money indirectly through government bonds.
They forget to ask "where is the interest paid coming from"
It can only be tax payers money.

And the whole thing is clearly resembling a ponzi scheme.
The fact that Canada sold their gold and the US just asked to gold back their currency confirms this.

The US is so money obsessed that they've literally created a monster in the form of the current fed reserve.

In Aus they have super on top of this. Rates are apparently nearly negative - this means superannuation is merely paid by the input by other super payers.
A textbook ponzi scheme.

Worst part - nobody is pulling the strings I think. We've merely inadvertently created this monster.
Even Jews are worried about this, especially when Jews were the ones that pushed the memes (or policy) for this.

Well i mostly agree but i also think that some people see this mechanism.
That is why i assume that when the crash comes everyone wants to push this shit on the other party that particiapted in this. China, europe and the usa, they all use the same "monster".
I guess the smartest move is to put it on china.

Thank you for so accurately articulating what's been on my mind for months but couldn't put into words. It's amazing how this place can make you feel so at home around complete strangers.

I hear this is also what Trump rallies feel like; I guess I'll have to go to one some day.

I've always been an atheist but it's shit like this that makes me wonder the true nature of the universe every once in a while.


I think when the crash comes the next phase of the monetary system commences - the electronic form.
Problem is, some dumbasses want credit cards, I want an encrypted electronic currency like bitcoin and a system of coping with the rapid change in inflation or market volatility - floating rates might be the solution.
If that happens, some people will WANT a crash and then begins the rapid boom bust cycle of accelerationism.

I believe this is highly dangerous, but potentially unavoidable.

I do what I can. The problem with threads such as these is that they are both incredibly valuable and incredibly difficult to post in. Not only do the most important things refuse to be put into writing (they can only be lived and felt) but you can never know how much the other person can understand or does understand, and this without me assuming any kind of elevated position. All of what I've said in those posts is deeply personal, and personal things can to some be insignificant and to some extremely valuable. Without cartoons and anime I wouldn't be a fraction of what I am now. And this is both bafflingly silly and bafflingly true when you write it, and my own reason laughs at it - but it is a fundamental truth. There is a Truth that seeks us and we seek it since it was always present within us due to mysterious things, be they predestination, the intervention of God or some other such thing. I cannot know. But inevitably it displays itself to us as according to our capabilities and personality - and this can make it unintelligeble to another person. It cannot be easily communicated as "Pure Truth" because it requires the receiver to be well prepared for it, and in old days it required a Master and an apprentice. Simply put all of this is like two wounded soldiers carrying each other and lumbering towards safety. It is far from an ideal situation, but it is a noble one. Evola refers to the Vedas and says how in these times it is possible to achieve things that in previous eras one would need a thousand lifetimes. This is infinitely heroic and defiant, and truly about the last man standing kind of thing.

I play with the thoughts of martyrdom in a higher sense. All these NEETs, all these "wasted lives" even when the family is intact, wealthy or talent is present speak to me of the ultimate sacrifice of a transient life for eternal life, of an ultimate rejection of partaking in poisoned honey out of some inherent dignity of spirit that the person itself may not be aware of. Though many have fell on this path, that too is undeniable.

Ego death in a positive sense, and the original sense, is not to be a dead vessel. It is about realizing that you are something beyond your personality, that you are not your likes/dislikes, your love and your hatred. It is about refining yourself from all impurity, not to become a saint but a pure I AM that needs no outside justification. The Buddha under his tree was assaulted by a demonic army, wonderful and lustful succubi, and an ocean IIRC. But he had extinguised the false ego, and such things could not harm him. They were mere trifles and illusions. A more netrual yet poignant image would be that of Odin sacrificing himself to himself, and acquiring runes (seeing the hidden structure of Creation).

Read the Tao Te Ching in multiple translations. Its language demands it.

god damn I love you guys, we haven't had a thread this comfy for a while.

We are what all humans are, but they have been fooled into thinking they are not. Jews literally, have flipped reality on it's head and we are the people that notice this.

YOU (all people) can do ANYTHING, but not if you're full of doubt and misinformation.

I'd also like to point out that Holla Forums and /fringe/ go hand in hand. The occult is necessary to study, you have to know why and how people think, and how nature works, or you will always be asleep.

fuck off FBI/shill

there is no agenda. people just do what they what they want, anonymously.
go subvert some other movement.

Most excellent post user.
Dubs check'd.

The highly generative chaotic principal is best represented by imageboards. Creativity dies in hierarchy, it's why monopolies suck and China will never make a decent movie.

Think of creativity like an exponentially expanding set. Each individual has a certain capacity to generate novel ideas. Some more so than others. Those ideas then reach others.

In a hierarchical system the ideas are generated by set A and received by set B. Set A, either through perceiving itself as superior to (and therefore ignoring) set B or through outright suppression, does not receive novel ideas from set B. Therefore only the ideas of set A are generated. Those ideas can circulate inside set A and produce more novel ideas, but only within the bounds set by set A.

When there are no sets each idea creates an intensifying echo. On idea from "highly generative person A" can spark subsequent novel ideas in persons B, C, D, etc. Those subsequent ideas may then be reintegrated into person A's concept or further multiply into novel forms through successive acts of memetic contagion.

The function of anonymity destroys hierarchy and thus allows for the greatest increase in novel ideas through the participation of the highest number of generative individuals. Humor helps, of course, since it's natural function is to increase humility and reveal truth.

Mainstream media operates on a hierarchical paradigm therefore it generates less ideas more slowly.

And that's why you are the best at memetic warfare. By fully embracing freedom of speech you created the best environment for creativity possible. Sometimes the shit thrown does, in fact, stick.

Nick Land the nrx blogger on xenosystems, researched qaballa and other esoteric mathematical divination systems when he was at Warwick Uni.

He also was engaged with the cyberoccult communities on the internet in the 90s and coined/explored a concept that is somewhat similar to meme magic: hyperstition, the ability for a fictional idea to meme itself into nonfiction through its spread.

You can find some of his thinking on amz ebooks, he has one specifically on divination, and on the ccru.net archive.

we should meme out an adorable 24 hour news cycle chan and start affixing it to the bs stories of the msm whenever and wherever possible to fuck with their credibility.

bonus points if based on pic related

wish I could draw

Not quite.

/fringe/ strays too far into the unprovable and paranormal.
Holla Forums looks, overall, at the facts and the current affairs, straying into unprovable when they question values that come up in the facts.
It tries to give direction to a dead society. It points to the stars and says - this is why we live people, to discover the unexplored.

People are so obsessed with money that it's taken control.



I think there is a superficial creation of memes, manipulation. We are being raided by US government operatives.

Even the mods here are subhuman, they don't want evalion or national socialism to gain traction.

So it's not really politically incorrect, they think there's a limit it should not be crossed. US is really a problematic country. It's Brazil with more shekels.

Whatever goy, keep posting in a shill thread.

You cannot begin to fathom the things we've seen.
You really can't.

Has nothing to do with whether OP is a shill or not, but when some faggot comes out and says, "C'mon guise… be real for a sec, its not like we're RELEVANT or anything…"

Yeah, that guy's a shill, and today, that's you.
Compared to that shit, I'm perfectly open to a vague, open-ended question like OP's.
It takes shill logic like yours to make that seem anything other than harmless.

Yes, I clearly said "we're not relevant". Don't be delusional kek.

Well whatever the hell you were trying to say: Listen up, user. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the user who believes in you!
Our memes are the memes that will pierce the heavens!

I'm trying to say, that this thread is a shill distraction thread.

A bunch of people with a common goal who ALL hate each other and cannot agree on even one single thing.

Not really. 8/pol/ frequently gets accused of hugboxing. That list is generally more applicable to halfchan.

I'm not sure the summerfag invasion is entirely spontaneous at this point. I have noticed a marked increase in rageposters, especially rageposts that seem to generate absolutely no real critique or content. This was common on halfpol before it totally fell into disrepair.

Nope. Power would be passing a law that would piss off feminists. Inconsequential tweaks to abortion rules don't count. Wake me up when there's one legislative victory.

No, Kek is a god of darkness and chaos.

ISIS(who got their start through Israeli/US funding) destroyed a bunch of ancient sites. This could have pissed Kek(and other gods) off.

You don't understand, halfchan Holla Forums is where the newfags ARE, once they fully swallow the redpill they come here.

It is fascinating to find these threads and read through them. These are the threads I truly look for, amidst all the happenings and nonsense being put on plain display on Holla Forums. There is something primordial in these threads, something that instinctively feels like it leads me towards the absolute.

I've been readings books on and off, as it has always been a passion of mine. I've always wanted to know. Right now I am of supreme confidence that every book, every text, every idea has its right time that fully reveals itself only once all the other conditions are met. Just like we learn about the (((pure coincidences))) and then cannot help but keep recognizing the pattern once we've learned about it, so too do books and ideas work in general. For example, I like to buy books on a whim. I wander in a bookstore, then draw books that feel interesting to me purely by instinct, flip through them quickly, then buy them, often only to put them on the shelf to await the Kairos, the right moment for the wisdom within to reveal itself.

Just a few days, I was paging through Jung's essay on the soul. To put things short, he struggles to define what a soul could be and how to think about it, and his definition stunned me. To him, soul is the collection of image thoughtforms. To me, I add another piece of the puzzle and suddenly the picture is crystal clear - memes, Jack. Memes are literally the DNA of the soul, the building blocks of the processes of how we interact with the world. Jung further speaks how our conscious mind is like a ray of light coming out of a projector that illuminates some part of a dark surrounding. But as it moves to illuminate more of the surrounding, the things it had previously seen slink back into the darkness. At no point do these things stop existing, yet they completely disappear from our minds, they return to the unconscious.

To me, Jung is the kind of author that always leads the way. An essay of his was my first proper introduction of philosophy in a way that I truly felt it touched upon something tangible, real, but also unknown, vast and fascinating. It was fascinating to rediscover my notes of that essay and read through them, finding even more meaning and clarity in them now than before. At this moment I am becoming aware that my mind can impact the surroundings in a tangible way, beyond the usual thought into action that we do in our every waking moment. My intuition feels sharper, I have a vague sense of where to go and what to do, but I know there is still much to learn.

What one user said at the beginning, that we are probably ancient, well, I'm feeling it. We've got work to do and we will prevail.

I don't know if we really are doing anything. A lot of this shit could just be a coincidence. I went to the trump rally in Houston and it was full of normies. Degeneracy is still rampant. Much of the (((alt right))) supports fags and sexual promiscuity. Many people still praise the masonic country of America, trying to pretend it wasn't flawed from the start. I don't see any major awakening happening, I see many desperate people deluding themselves to think that everything's getting better when in reality most European countries are still cucked, Britain is still full of Muslims, and the USA is a hive of multiculturalism and degeneracy.

My advice is to get off the internet and go read good books(Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Tolkien, Bible, Church fathers) and workout. Even if everyone else in the world embraces degeneracy, as long as you stay to your beliefs, build and maintain a strong good morality, there is still good and the enemy can't be victorious.

Remember that no matter what, even if all men embrace the filth, it is impossible for all good to perish, and good shall overcome. God shall be victorious, God is victorious. God please save us.

This. KEK is a forced meme to make us worship an egyptian chaos god.

Jews love chaos and entropy, they perceive it as moldable clay.

Worship? Oh no, I am merely following the signs of Thoth, who is at the head of the Ogdoad. But what would you know about the magick and the gods of your ancient foe, filthy jew?

The ego is the false conditioned self, the self taught by society and culture and ego death can have a few different outcomes, some negative, some positive depending on one's intention in extinguishing ego. It could lead to surrender to the external world or it could lead to acting from the primal, unconditioned natural center of being.

Every symbol can be subverted and changed with context and intention.

Their endgame is a perfectly programmed, controlled a predictable machine society through which they believe they can attain physical immortality and be gods on Earth. At least, that's the endgame of the ones at the very tiptop of the pyramid.

Actually ancient esoterics were spot on then they were perverted by nefarious secret societies and our crooked nosed old foes.

Take a look at megafoundation.org/CTMU/Articles/Langan_CTMU_092902.pdf
(literally written by the smartest man in America, wraps up philosophical paradoxes and quantum paradoxes neatly)

If I win hundreds of millions in the lottery I'll start a town for /sci/entists and Holla Forumsacks with a temple dedicated to Kek and the study of meme magick.

We don't WORSHIP Kek, we use him. Not in a bad way of course.

This is a good distinction. If you look at ancient mythology taking magick to be a real thing it is entirely conceivable "God" was an egregore invented by man (kind, benevolent, helpful, giving, etc) which became malformed when some fuckwit decided to go "well if God is so great why do bad things happen" - since the truth conflicted (man existed first) suddenly "God" becomes wrathful, vengeful, resentful and more or less like a child just because there are people that believe so to rationalize their own lives. Reality is entirely a matter of perception and combined perceptions have power in themselves.

Speak for yourself m8, some of us unironically pray to frogs and look for repeating digits.

Gods were intended to be used. Not worshipped. Worshipping = cuckoldry- that's why we use the term "christcuck". You think pagans would bow down to Thor or something? Fuck no, they'd strive to be just like him, because he's the god of strength and masculinity. Whites have preserved Egyptian mythology and gods, it's time for them to pay us back.

What do you think of 8ch.net/x/res/24898.html

100% THIS

Holla Forums is the embodiment of chaotic good.

If the world has ended, why do (((they))) even continue? Their goal is the fufilling of their kike talumund. The end times, with their pact of satan. In truth, most normalfags are simply ignorant. So much so that they stand by while horrific shit happenes, until its right in their face. Cowards too the core, created by a vast propoganda campaign. But, like how "x is hitler" has grown far too tired, a constant reinforcement can cause people to get suspicious. Because of that, they look for the truth. That was once controled by the jews too, but with the rise of Holla Forums came the shattering of said control. Now more and more people are "Breaking the conditioning", getting closer and closer to a new uprising against ZOG. It is why the kikes are attempting to take away the "altright" from us, to get back some control. Also, the year in which everything went into the next stage of (((their))) plan was 2007.

why christcucks are cuckcucks:

(1) christcucks believe that "souls" come from ((Yahweh)), which means that there is literally no difference between raising your own children and raising someone else's. that makes them literal cuckolds.

(2) Sermon on the Mount. "the meek shall inherit the Earth" - wtf?

(3) The Widow's Mite. Is supposed to be worth a lot for some signally reason, whereas the rich guy whose money can be used to build up the civilization, his money is worthless. Rampant signaling is a huge threat to christcucked societies.

(4) christcucks carry around the ((Old Testament)), which serves as an introduction letter for introducing Jews into their societies. They then look up to ((Old Testament)) heroes like ((Jacob)), who jewed Esau, Joseph, who jewed the Egyptians, and Moses and Yahweh, who later jewed the Egyptians further, etc. etc. etc.

We're the ones society failed and didn't bother to kiss our boo boos. We've seen the darker sides of the powers that be and con comprehend the price that our actions now will affect the lives of our children.

We are the ones who've deemed society as something failed without any prompting from some professor with an agenda. We were the ones who were baffled when we say our friends and peers flock to culture controlling bullshit like American Idol we were the ones that never gave a shit about the propped up sham that was celebrity culture. We knew that there was something more to it all.

We are the unlucky ones the ones who know that this mob their chained to is marching towards a cliff.

Recent events are giving me hope maybe due to cultural decline the farce is becoming more and more obvious. We have a chance to turn it all around and I have hope it may not just be a stay of execution.

This one is.
This is the Holla Forums that truly has freedom of speech, all roads lead here, and literally millions of people every month come here, some to see the truth, some to disseminate it, and others to see what the enemy (us) is up to.

From here, the reality spreads to other chat rooms and comment boards across the entirety of the globe.
Holla Forums controls the memes, Holla Forums predicts the future, Holla Forums knows what is going on before any "news" agency dare utter it, and Holla Forums is always right.

This site has started news stories, this site has controlled newspaper articles around the world just for lulz, and more people, hate us or not, come here every day.
Holla Forums is the world's largest think tank and the world's greatest argument.


Plagiarists. Jews are adulterers and plagiarists. Their entire religion is ripped off from other ones (and Christianity is based off of that).

image source?

No idea, possibly girls Und Panzer.

something new under the sun

An Essay On Criticism

First for word-crafting, second is idea-crafting.

I understand your qualms with fringe, but I assure you they are more sane and virtuous than any other board I know of. coming from someone who seldom goes there because it's pretty slow and just got nuked by a rogue mod.

I love you. I always look for your posts in threads like this. I see in them both love and wisdom, the Mother and the Father, what have you. Keep shining your light on the path. I'd fight for you.

I know what you mean. I always valued self-sacrifice above all. Having found nothing worth the effort, I thought I might as well destroy myself.

And that's precisely what my mind goes to when I think of the martyrdom you describe. I realized recently that much of my suffering was self-inflicted. I hated the world as I saw it, a clockwork universe devoid of "magic", soul or love. I was missing a piece. What would beat facing nihilism? A great challenge, diving deep into the dark, looking for lost treasures with no guarantee of survival.
Turns out I made it back in one piece and I'm starting to reap the benefits.

What follows is a blogpost of what happened just before I came to the computer and saw the post I'm replying to:

Went to bed with the intent of sleeping, said my usual prayer beforehand clutching my twice blessed rosary. Asked for strength, for Jesus to be born in my heart and for my grandma to love me and watch over me from the other side. I focused on that feeling I felt around her as a kid and felt a deep, comforting warmth in my heart for the first time in so many years, dreams aside.

Then I spent half an hour or more crying my eyes out, asking her forgiveness for having more or less abandoned her in her later years.

I rolled over trying to doze off and that's when I had a vision of sorts: man and woman being the closest approximation to the God(s), more perfect with each generation. Then I saw a globe, or a fisheye look at the sky, quickly clouding up. Woke up then with a burn\tingle around my third eye.

Thought I'd share it with you guys, my most spiritual experience so far. /blogpost

Love will save you too, anons.

Some fan made comic that had sparse porn scenes.

For a religious faggot.

You alright. I'll toast to you user and wish your 'god' of whatever effect watches over you.

If this is true. We are all royally fucked. You DO NOT want to know what I see coming. And I've been right way too damned often.

I'm going to contribute because this seems like the thread for it.

This is something I have never spoken of to anyone, not even on an anonymous imageboard before.I am somewhat well-known in certain communities,and have a youtube channel which I have been sorely neglecting, but with the way events lately have transpired, it looks like I'll be able to make fresh OC.

At any rate: For the past three years or so, something has been awakened in me, and it is something immaterial. I can sense it: when I calm myself in the moment, in a quiet room, calming my mind, taking a deep breath through the nose, out through the mouth, I feel this electric rush from the base of my spine all the way up to my head. It is a sensation that makes me feel alive, more conscious than ever. I don't do formal meditation, to an extent I consider that LARPing; however I do take time to sit and think to myself, often visualizing things. Just last night, I played vid related, and was visualizing myself as a mustachioed man in a beautiful church on a sunny morning, to my right was my wife with wavy blonde hair, then to the right of her were three children. I was in outdated clothes that were unfamiliar, and all around me in the pews were older folk I don't reckon I have ever seen. The woman in my vision singing was beautiful, I could picture her lips moving to the song, but then as I tried to mutate the vision to make the wife my current girlfriend, details started getting hazy. Then more and more it became less clear until it slipped away.

Other times I will have intense moments of awareness, and all of the sudden understand things. Much of my philosophical work, to be truthful (this is the basis of my youtube channel) amounts to finding ways to phrase what I have experienced in ways that people can understand and not think I am crazy. Perhaps the most notable instance was when I was in bed at my old house in suburban MD. I suddenly heard in my head "We all share the same consciousness" in a different voice than what I think in, my body felt a surge of (what felt like) electricity, and even typing this now I can sense it, and then I had a vision of a drop of water falling into an infinite ocean. Another time, perhaps two years later, I had a vision while in my house in Long Island. I had been trying to reconcile what I received in the vision with what I know of biology, and of cells being able to act autonomously. It was then that I had another visualization (vision, same thing I suppose): this time of a sperm entering an egg. The egg was inert, the sperm mobile. One passive, the other active. Then the resultant cell had a flash of light in it, and as it began to divide and divide further, the same light became distributed throughout the fetus. It was then that I understood how consciousness manifests throughout our entire bodies, and not only our brain (where it is most concentrated). Yet another vision in this sense was twofold: first there was a single tree that grew, and eventually became imbalanced and fell over. Afterwards two trees grew together, forming a cone shape wrapping around each other, twisting along the way, growing in all parts at once (width and height), far outgrowing where the one tree alone was able to reach. This I took as a metaphor for women being the complement of men, the passive to the active. The more masculine energy the male possesses, and the more feminine energy the female (proportionate to the male), then all the much greater the duo is. I also realized then a pitfall of esoterism, which frequently alludes to this being within a single androgyne; rather it must be between two people for it to be balanced.

When I am in public, I can almost sense in other people that there is no life left in them. They are material husks of what should be filled with the kernel of a soul. In some people I can sense that they do have life in them, and I can sense that it is being suffocated, occluded from them. That they have it, they can likely sense things I can, but they are not at all aware of it. Another thing I have noticed is that there is a direct correlation (likely causation) between having a surviving immaterial core and possessing objective standards of morality. These are my fellow drops amidst the vast ocean of consciousness that represents the sum total of life. I also truly believe that 8/pol/, despite all of the poopoopeepee pepes, has a higher concentration of such true, genuine people than anywhere else really in the world, and that is what makes us unique, formidable, and dangerous to those who have done so much damage.

When I mentioned an objective sense of morality, and being innately cognizant of it, there are those that use this for selfish purposes, as opposed to the divine will (which is all that is good, it must necessarily be tautological in nature). In a sense this is our homebase in the present times incarnation of the cosmic battle between good and evil, between what is according to divine will and what is discordant.

It certainly feels very silly having written this all out and imagining what an outsider might think of it having not experience what I have experienced as I have progressed in my inward journey, but hopefully it will resonant with you, and you can understand what it is I am trying to say. At the end of the day, I suspect there are forces in motion beyond our immediate comprehension that might become clearer soon.

I await your response.

Beat me to it.

Yes, that's about right. 7/7 star post.

Another important thing to realize on the path is that the essence is present in everyone, even when it is fragmented or subdued. This is the next lesson, and one of the easiest ways to get it is to work with trees for a bit. The Taoists have some excellent exercises. After that is realized, one can work on quickening the sparks. The fire rises.

T.S. Elliot mourned in the Wasteland because he was forbidden from seeing the secret thing carried by the one-eyed man. But the chans have seen it. Hope survives, ferried to this age within the stirring breasts of men. Knowledge is not yet bound in the grimories of control.

The active/passive paradigm is not the only one necessary for continued generation. Without chaos, order accumulates and leads to the ultimate stagnation of entropic death. Chaos approaches to befuddle the long laid plans of order. Fate will masquerade as chance this night. Do not fear; for all else but what is, is not, and so it cannot harm you. Do not be tempted; for all of the old powers will fail.

You came for Sophia, and stay to fight for her. She is here. Your posts testify to this.

I'm of half a mind to sage this, but fuck it. At some point you have to start taking your own advice.

I have a response for you (for the whole reply), but your last two lines have me confused as to how you received what I wrote. Care to explain? (I am likely overthinking this)

Assuming those lines mean what I think they mean, here is my response (have to get to bed):

I am glad you mentioned the relationship between order and chaos. When I think of pure order, I imagine everything motionless, there is no time, everything arranged in an infinitely recursive rectangular grid. When I think of pure chaos, I think of all of the universe diffused throughout infinite space. Divine order (beyond the material) mandates a balance between order and chaos. This applies to a person, and to a people: that the must accept change for the inevitable force it is. Resisting change is like a statue resisting the sand, eventually it will be disintegrated.

I came for the Truth, Sophia is a conduit for the Truth. I originally did not know what it was I was searching for, however I was led out of the "normie" world by a sense that it is illegitimate, without meaning, devoid of life. The more I learned, the more I learned how best to learn, the stronger the desire came to more closely align my perception of reality (my own subjective) with the eternal objective.

I used to think that the core of normies was merely buried under years of rot, and there still very well might be some truth to it. I do believe that some people truly are husks. Dante wrote that when one commits an especially foul treachery, their soul is instantly transported the the icy ninth circle, while a daemon takes possession of their material body for the remainder of its days. When we remember that this is a grand allegory, he is saying that for some people the degradation of their soul is irreversible.

If you don't mind me asking, user, have you experienced similar things to what I have? And if so, why us? For whoever seeks the Truth above all else, why is it us (in particular)? I have been pondering this for some time, and I have what I believe to be an answer. If you care to know, I will say what I think it is.

I want everyone ITT to name 1 (one) thing you're doing IRL to bring us closer to victory. Meme magic doesn't count. Has to be IRL.

You don't have to be too specific. Just gives some general outlines. Either this will be nice, inspirational and share effective methods or it will reveal that we're all a bunch of posers.

Here's what I'm doing: working to infiltrate ZOG and develop an IRL relationship with America's most important living reactionary scholar, E. Michael Jones.

Slowly redpilling everyone around me. I secrete the red pills. I am a living vector for redpill meme viruses to transcend the digital realm to the realm of fleshy meat people.


"They're made out of meat."


"Meat. They're made out of meat."


"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."

"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"

"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."

"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."

"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."

"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in that sector and they're made out of meat."

"Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."

"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat?"

"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma brain inside."

"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads, like the weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."

"No brain?"

"Oh, there's a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat! That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"So … what does the thinking?"

"You're not understanding, are you? You're refusing to deal with what I'm telling you. The brain does the thinking. The meat."

"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"

"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?"

"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."

"Thank you. Finally. Yes. They are indeed made out of meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."

"Omigod. So what does this meat have in mind?"

"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the Universe, contact other sentiences, swap ideas and information. The usual."

"We're supposed to talk to meat."

"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there. Anybody home.' That sort of thing."

"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"
"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."

"I thought you just told me they used radio."

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."

"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"

"Officially or unofficially?"


"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in this quadrant of the Universe, without prejudice, fear or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing."

"I was hoping you would say that."

"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?"

"I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say? 'Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"

"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they can only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."

"So we just pretend there's no one home in the Universe."

"That's it."

"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you probed? You're sure they won't remember?"

"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."

"A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream."

"And we marked the entire sector unoccupied."

"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"

"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."

"They always come around."

"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the Universe would be if one were all alone …"

baby don't hurt me…


that's a very nice story brah

I too have had something similar happen to me

When you finally turn to God and find he's been there all along waiting for you, that's a good feeling, the best I've ever felt. When I finally understood this after over-intellectualizing things my whole life, I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes in thanks and love.

I don't think any of this is a coincidence. We're here together for a reason.

Divine inspiration can be found in the wierdest places…

I am that user (Loud House poster). Please note that my ID probably changes all the time because I have a revolving IP. That's why I post with cartoon screenshots, they serve a dual purpose, being vaguely related to the reply itself. You are correct in the assumption that knowledge finds and becomes you once it can and should. There is a difference between a fact and knowledge. Anyone and everyone can know a fact even if it pertains to an obscure, occult matter - but more often than not it is just that, a dead fact. It is only when it is truly understood that it becomes a part of you, a living, fiery knowledge with power and influence. Once you integrate it it becomes an integral part of you, but to integrate it much prior work, effort and inspiration are needed. After that it is impossible to speak of a fact or knowledge in strict objective terms because to you it is you yourself and reality itself. It is lived, not merely understood intellectually. Many times it happened that a long remembered factoid about a myth came back to me in its full splendour, me having finally achieved the necessary prerequisite for it to become a living thing. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, and others probably do too.

"The world ending" here must be understood as the removal of prior stability and tangibility of the world. Everything from physical laws onward has been extremely mallagable and powerless since then, as if the force that upheld the world left and the world has been running on pure inertia since then. The image of the bull of dharma at the end of Kali Yuga will illustrate what I mean (merely google it). The Jews and assorted would-be rulers seem unable or unwilling to understand the "end" of the world and that they're fighting for dust and cobwebs, though the idea that they might be trying to recreate it in their own image should also be entertained. The lesson here would be to stand firm like a rock in knowledge of and under the hand of God even as everything from written books to history to science to the people themselves becomes less and less real, or a de facto lie. It is about falling back onto your own inner Self which is a part of Absolute God and is unconcerned with transient things. It is about trusting in your true self which is trusting in Him.

To elaborate on God and religion as I feel the two is a whole different matter. There is religion and there is living faith in the incomprehensible and vast. We've moved well beyond the scope of dogmatism and mere religion, but unlike atheism or new age bullshit we inherently understand that all of this is a struggle. The fruits of mere religion did not nourish us and they turned to ashes in our mouths - we know that there is something that can satiate and end our hunger and we set out to find it. This does not invalidate Jesus Christ or Buddha, or any such figure and tradition, but is more of an effort to understand and abide like they did - to understand the spirit of the Law, not dead letters and angular interpretations. In a way we are pagans without LARPing about Odin, Christians without shame, and philosophers without heads up our own asses. There is much laughter and happiness in all of this. In short we want the Truth, and care little about the means and outer forms because these are dangerous times in which adhering to mere form and tradition (small t) can doom us all.

Halfchan = a battlefield

Holla Forums = HQ

The idea has merit. I think it could revolutionize covert comms in the age of big brother.

Each agent essentially has a mental model of an ideal Holla Forumsack and reacts to situations as an ideal polack would. Similar to christfags wwjd meme.

We dont need written manifestos, and even if (((they))) break our code words they cannot predict our actions because there exist no comms.

If pol ever becomes a RL force they will have to master some sort of nonverbal communication so even if you get infiltrated by jewish moles they cannot gather any evidence..

I never waste an opportunity to say i told you so to the shitlibd in cucknada.

What do you think memes are?

Mark's was plagiarized into 3 more influential testaments. Then Christianity met the intellectual pressures of Greek, Roman and general european paganism to get formed into what it became.
Every holy day is only important because it's merged to be european days they already celebrated. Concepts like hell and devils don't even exist in the bible. It's all european.
Way more people can list the Roman, Greek or Nordic pantheons than list 10 new testament bible characters.
What resonates a stronger recollection, with connecting stories. Thor, Zeus, Poseidon, Heracles, Pan, Devil etc, or Jesus, Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Mary, Peter etc. Christianity never really stamped out paganism. It got morphed into a vessel for it. Like Alexander and the greeks taking over egypt only to be swayed towards greater memes.

A lot of good information happens here. That can be handy for any habbinins. The other shit happens in many different other places. Many IRCs exist containing Holla Forums browsers. In those places people are more apt to organize small groups into other things.

Such as sending a bomb threat to a Milo Yapanopolis event so that Breibart writes news articles on how the SJWs are violent and crazy.

Sometimes in order to wake the public up you need a push and there are many sociopaths in other channels who are willing to give that push.

Holla Forums has a large outreach on the internet believe it or not OP

Why can't a meme be verbal? I'd learned it as being the smallest unit of culture. Like a vowel or phenome is to language. Able to be transmitted and reproduced independent of the original host. Like a thought virus.
Jingles like "You forgot the Bump Bump" are clearly memes. At least to Canatards.

I am instantly reminded of what I said in the previous post about "the spirit of the Law" rather than dead letters. This objective morality you speak of in my interpretation is just something you live, something natural and that doesn't need or demand extensive debate. It just is, and to an outsider might appear completely chaotic and sporadic. But Lao Tzu said how "high virtue has no virtue" but is a dead custom, a ritual. The Jews have debated and twisted and killed all Spirit in their Law, and thus adhere to the law without adhering to the Law, which is an abomination. My advice to you would be to not be overly concerned (or at all) with morality. Morality has a strange custom of eventually resorting to the outsiders in need of validation, of "objectivity." But I sense you might've figured this out already and refer to "objective morality" as a self-evident, self-sustaining and self-reliant quality from within. I can once again recommend the Tao Te Ching for elaborations on this and you'll understand what I mean without me fumbling about with words. But I think we already share the same opinion.

Thanks for your post.

Indeed. Something within us refused to be cheated, and pain resulted. But those of us who faced the Abyss got out with treasures. Inherently and even in childhood I and I think most of us realized the utter emptiness of everything we were supposed to fight for and suffer for. Women, wealth, power - all seemed empty and worthless and we simply stopped, sensing that there must be something beyond that is calling us and that we need. Thus the ultimate sacrifice of failing for the world in order to reach this barely glimpsed outer Heaven. Love as you say is what pushed us along, even though this love was vague and had no focal point it knew it loved something that was more real than reality. I believe that anime aided this process via symbolic girls, just like chivalric romance, minnesangers and "the princess in the tower" guided those that came before us. We are them, they are us, the goal is the same.

But if you must fight, fight for that Love which doesn't fear death.

I can't add much to your post or and because this was always a solitary effort. This struggle, this yearning joins us together in a brotherhood and a quest, but each is his own Man in search of his own Woman. A Merlin or a Lao Tzu might help us and show us the way but the fight is always your own. This is true freedom, true individuality and the truest expression of nobility. In these efforts egalitarianism is dashed on the rocks, and the illusions of equality perish. These are the differentiating actions, the refutation and death of all liberal and mob tendencies of the world and counterfeit spirits. Here and through this is our big YES and our big NO, the testament of our full rejection of lies and our willingness to become more than just a number, a "citizen" and a slave. Through this we embrace eternity and are embraced by it. This is the truest expression of Aryan virtues, and the source of all our power and glory even in this world.

Since both posts were written while groggy and before first coffee, I apologize if they're lacklustre or disjointed. I'm glad you people exist, that is all.

I feel like we are being guided by beings from higher dimensions.

Before you dismiss it as pseudo-science it is wholly plausible and in fact likely that there are beings born into higher dimensions. We can only perceive three but it is not against the rules of physics for beings to be born that can perceive more.

I've been thinking a lot about this too.

What I think is the most amazing and scary (but in a good way) aspect of this entire thing is that this is the future. 4chan made by some fucking 14 year old neet, all the memes, all the shitposting and laughs we have all had throughout the years. All of it leading up to the past two years where we are as a species are on the precipice of one of the most important times in human history to date.

Bask in it. Appreciate it. Realize what is happening. Have a little futuresight so that in the future you can say that you were there. That you made history. That you were a witness to the unfoldings of history and a changing of the course.

Holy fuck, yes. Yes, I understand what you mean.

However I'm missing a piece. Is consciousness just in living things with a nervous system or is it in everything? There is no definite material property that gives rise to consciousness, not that I know of, so it would make sense if it was everywhere, at some level.
God is in all things, isn't he?

Beautiful post mate.

I wish so badly I could even comprehend consciousness.

It is frustrating that I don't understand what I do every moment of the day, think consciously. I understand it in theory and the text book definitions and all that but I just don't "get it".

Like, how can inanimate particles combined a certain way understand it exists? I can see how life could develop consider that life is basically just a machine. Each being like a dog for example is just a machine created through chance and natural selection but how does it get to the point where it understands that it is alive. Where it can think critically? What allows us to think like that? Where does consciousness come from?

But it also amazes me that consciousness also makes us gods in a sense. We have such a higher understanding than all other life that we know of. And if there are more sentient life forms it makes us part of a relatively small and elite few who can actually understand their selves.

Yes, I have. However, my nature is different than yours, so my way there was different. The bit at the end of my response relates more to that than to anything in your post, which is why it was separated and appended like a postscript.

I do care about what you think it is that distinguishes this place, please respond once you read this post.

It doesn't even seem the most valuable part of a human machine. Without ignorance our bodies wouldn't even function.
Our subconscious mind and body will interpret ridiculous frames per second, learn and recall ludicrous amounts of information, the storage in our cells alone…
Then steering and controlling all the internal body systems which involve trillions of cells.
If you could actually experience all of life's stimulus, you'd be effectively in a non moving coma.
It doesn't even trust us with actual information. It gives us abridged predictions dumbed down so we don't shit ourselves. If you even look at any action like driving a car. Any procedural muscle memory, the more a person consciously controls things, the more they fuck up.

If a God respects something, it's our unconscious and the true driver. We'd be like the simulation the machine runs to see if it comes up with anything interesting. Whose to say it's even the only one running.
We clearly turn off consciousness for tracts of time. Also a fabricated illusion on drugs or well in a coma, make time or other peoples input irrelevant. We're capable of playing all their roles in our head alone.

The Holy Spirit is immanent in all thing; it permeates all aspects of existence. We know this on good authority.

However, I think that only things that have been imbued with souls have consciousnesses of their own. This is why true AI, as in a conscious, sentient, man-made machine is impossible; only God can imbue matter with a soul.

I think that the feeling you described, of your whole body being full of consciousness, is a symptom of you realizing your true power and nature.


It is moreso what distinguishes us here, rather than this place where we have eventually congregated to. What binds us, what we share (enough of us that is) is what has made this place what it is.

Think about what your ideal world would be, living as a man, more or less as you are in your own body with your same mind, but rather the particular surroundings being variable. Would you not give all of the modern conveniences up in an instant to live in a traditional society where men are men, women are women, husbands truly love their wives and vice versa. Children are raised properly, an emphasis on labor to keep men honest is placed, and thing are as they ought to be. I have been with my (soon to be, I plan on proposing to my longtime girlfriend this weekend, wish me luck!) girlfriend for over 7 years, and we were barely adults in the legal sense. If I could timewarp to such an era with her and start a genuine family, I would; I would not hesitate one bit, nor miss anything of modernity,

That all being said, I think there is a reason that we exist in this particular time and space. I won't claim that reincarnation is sacrosanct, but regardless. we were born to our mothers in a particular time and space, and each of our souls seems to yearn for a traditional society where things are in accord with divine will. With what is natural. Moreover, we can see modernity for what it is: hollow and vacuous; empty; devoid of life and meaning. If all pure souls that have ever existed throughout history would simply choose to live in good times, when normies were not normies but rather fellow gentle souls that could help uplift others, then no one would live in the times when such souls are needed most.This is that time, and we are those souls. I claim that we are the best of the best. That the impersonal mind, God, the entity that governs the infinite ocean that represents the collective consciousness that is all life, conscripted us few to be incarnated (or reincarnated, though the distinction matters little) in these times because they are so crucial. This is the nexus where the rest of our kind can be saved and ennobled, and if we are successful, that the end times will not be of our generation. Being what we are means being agents of divine will, agents of good in the great cosmic battle. This is the single, solitary straight and narrow path. And it doesn't lead to us becoming gods, rather it leads to us fulfilling our potential using the diving power that we have access to through purity of mind and spirit, and changing the world to be what it ought to be. This is why I have had visions and immediate understanding of things for which I had no prior cognizance. If the same is true of you, this is why. A man knows when he is needed most: we are the vanguard of all that is good and holy, and it is our solemn duty to do what we must.

Holla Forums is our home because it is a place that satisfies a certain criteria all of us hold most dear than anything else: the Truth. The Truthful, the Beautiful, and the Good have all been classically considered one and the same. Despite the poopoo peepee, beauty does live here. Good does live here. Genuine spirit does live here.But not in this oriental coupon clipping site, rather in each and every one of us; as a quality of our own spirit. Our own subjective, which is far more aligned with the ultimate Objective than that of normies

I hope you understand and can appreciate this train of thought. I truly believe there is a higher dimension/aspect to all of this, and that we are key players in medias res of the great battle of Good and evil.

The objective morality I speak of comes from a source that you, I, and a select few others can sense, however to explain this to a 'rationalist' normie would result in us looking like fools. As God said in the Old Testament, YHWH (I am that I am). Everything of this nature eventually becomes self-evident and tautological, that I have come to understand (so yes, we are of the same opinion).

Our yearning in brotherhood is towards a common goal beyond all of us, and beyond all of humanity. It is to restore balance to the world, to reinstate divine order as the prime order, and hopefully serve our purpose. We have been given a power of sorts, but it was because we were entrusted to not use it for selfish means, rather for the benefit of all life.

I must say, that this imageboard is the only place I have ever had such discussions or even been as fully honest about my own experiences as I have been is something remarkable. I can only speak for myself when I say that I feel a need to never use what I have been given for selfish reasons, and this is the first (admitted) use of it, and it is truly unselfish.

Forgive me for being selfish, but please satisfy my request: what do you visualize when you conceive of the divine? of natural order? of your own purpose within the broader context of humanity? This is the first chance I have had to ask such questions in a realm where it might be properly received, and in a sense I suppose it is trading experiences.

Allow me to elaborate on what said. I am a Christian in external faith, a Thomist and Augustinian by Theology, and can put into words what you wish to know.

Consciousness is the essential quality that separates the animate from the inanimate. It is an immaterial quality, and has both quantity and quality. All of the cells in our body have an innate consciousness,a link to another realm that governs the actions it takes. Some cells have considerably more, and of higher quality than others. Our nervous system cells have the highest of both, and this can be thought of as a mathematical projection from the realm of consciousness/spirit to the material realm. They serve as channels for direct stimuli from the realm of consciousness.

Consider what a plant might be conscious of: the sun. The presence of moisture. Connection between the root and the stem. There is a lesser degree of consciousness, but it is still present, and it is what governs the animation of matter.

We are not gods, do not think so. We as humans possess the highest by fat degree of consciousness among living matter. I would go so far as to say it scales exponentially with complexity of organism.That being said, that just means we are very large gulfs within the infinite ocean, controlled by the infinite mind of God. We who are connected innately to our true selves may be granted powers of perception (among others), however we are not gods.

What our (individual) telos is, is something I have been struggling to work out for sometime. We are lesser beings than the almighty, and can never be the almighty, yet perhaps we may incorporate ourselves in, after we have proven ourselves worthy in spirit and will. In the sense of the Buddhists, free ourselves from the Samsara, and achieve eternity. But to do so requires a extraordinary effort on our parts in our mortal life to be agents of divine will.

If you can find my youtube channel (based off of hints I have given), please subscribe. Chances are, I will link to it assuming you cannot guess.

…and probably loads more.

I've been thinking lately about suggesting a sort of "World Paganism" on Pagan / Asataru / Odinist boards. Though I was expecting to be shot down with:
etc, but this thread has got me thinking again. In the truly ancient times, and truly "racial nationalist" times, when, despite the fact there was still trade (along vast distances, when considering the silk road) most people didn't ever set eyes on somebody who didn't look like them in their entire lives. Despite this, polytheistic religions sprang up the world over, some with remarkable similarities, but all of them "grounded" in the place they "belonged". The Greeks thought their gods lived on Mount Olympus, Fuji is sacred to the Japanese, The Ganges is important to the Hindus, and so on. Even Buddhists revere other Buddhists who went before them, as well as Buddha himself.
My vaguely SJW-ish suggestion was for people to treat all of these as one religion, and worship accordingly. Though that does mean Germanic Pagans in the USA quitting Thor and worshipping in the way the natives did.
But what if they actually are the same "religion", a spiritual connection it was easier to sense in ancient times, but which feels more distant in our world of (((Judeo)))-Christian monotheism, wage-slavery, insulation from nature and general kike-cuckery?
Maybe Holla Forums (and the 'crazy' occultists in the Nazi party before us), with it's resistance (or at least understanding) of how Jewery works, has stumbled upon this "ancient knowledge", which the kikes have tried to suppress? Are we the newest recruits in some ancient battle, waged down the ages, and which the enemy is on the very brink of winning?
I dunno… this is starting to sound like something out of a comic.

Which gives me an idea… (and if we made Buddhists, Shintoists, Pagans and Hindus into the heroes against a bunch of pale-looking, well-off monotheists, and refrained from naming them for the first bunch of issues, libtards would lap it the fuck up).

Ill keep my response brief, need to get to bed.

Remember, there is ultimately only one Truth. Regardless of human dogma, the Truth is what it is.

Think of a PR team for a big company or political party.

They might have a hundred or two hundred dedicated PR men and women. We have thousands of dedicated men and women, and tens of thousands of auxiliaries (Reddit etc).

They have a loose affiliation, some may be feminists, others union men. We are largely white nationalists/national socialists. We have superior group solidarity.

They know how to use traditional advertising. We know how to tap into the counter-culture and undercurrent to appeal to people who have already been desensitised by years of advertising.

They limit the scope of their memes by referencing stale pop-culture. We create new memes that allow us to express our ideas on our terms, while also being open to connecting with pop-culture if it fits our needs.

That's probably what my ramble was trying to say. Either way, this thread is on to something.

The irony is as media grew ever more pervasive and their memes ever more present in peoples lives resistance formed in what was supposed to be a space for leftists only… the internet. All because some faggot a decade ago wanted to make a site to talk about anime. This is a serendipitous path we have walked down gentlemen. Our memes are our words, our thoughts, our ideas and these cannot be allowed to fail. user culture and white genes must be preserved.

I don't have the words to describe how I feel about this and in some way I feel that such words don't exist. When I read your words I feel an overwhelming pull on my person, like there is a tie that binds us. It's now 4 am but my heart feels full and I feel alive. I would like to answer your questions.

I've always struggled with what I can only describe as miniature visions. They can come at any moment, triggered by anything. A specific breeze or scent, unique lighting. I've seen myself, but not myself. I've seen people I've spent my life with but I've never seen them before. I've felt things touch my body during these "visions" that are impossible. This has been going on for a few years with little to no progression until I recently saw a certain image of an Irish countryside. For some reason, I immediately and inexplicably burst into tears. It doesn't make sense to me. Is this who I was or some sort of projection of who I want to be?

I wholeheartedly agree with this message:
Every word you've written feels like you've torn it straight from my soul.

As for this:
The world is a plane, suspended in nothingness, balancing on it's center. Every belief, ideology, and individual resides and has resided at some place on this plane. For every adjustment or action, an equal and opposite action occurs naturally to maintain balance on the plane. There is no good or evil here, only those who seek to achieve balance and those who seek to destroy balance under their misguided attempt at gain. Like some sort of autonomous cosmic board game, all of this happens under GOD. Though while I do believe that GOD exerts influence over this plane it is clear that He is not the only influence.

Again, you've given words to my being. We are not gods and never will be. But within us is GOD and GOD's power is within us. Do you think our cells know that they are part of something greater? Like our bodies, all people are connected to form the Greater Being. The difference, I believe, is that we cannot and will not be a part of GOD. In fact the opposite is true, we can only allow GOD to become a part of us. As for the people who are dead inside. I believe they are like Judas. They are the means to an end – the end. They don't look like they have a soul because they don't. Unfortunately, this has misguided some of the real souls into following them.

It's now 5 am and I am very tired. My words wont come out properly and I'm sure I sound very silly to some; to you, I hope I sound familiar. I truly hope you come back to this thread and read this. I hope that you feel a kindred bond the way I have. The truth is what must guide us and what must guide us is our Spirit.

Do we have to be anything I always though the fact that you cannot pin us down to one group or demograohic while we have these ideas has been giving you nightmares.

I'm not sure if my id has remained, I'm behind the Great Firewall, but my style should be recognizable. I'm trying to post these in three contiguous posts, but I'm having some serious connectivity problems right now so bear with me.

I took a vow to fight for all of this in 2013 when I saw what was coming. The will came first and the way was revealed shortly thereafter. Ironically the way had been there all along, but without the will would have gone unseen.

Body without anima is dead, period. And so anyone not dead, by virtue of not being dead, has some animating consciousness. The nature of the animating consciousness can become difficult to determine, however, in certain situations where degeneracy is the norm.

I believe this a fundamental misunderstanding of the soul resulting from the weaknesses in western culture which allow the real nature of the phenomenon to remain hidden. Having lived in China for many years now I think I have a better understanding of where this misconception originates from. Wherever there is a phenomenon, aspects can be found. That is to say the human consciousness exists in a dualistic form: the individual will (communicates via impulses and electrical signals) and the group will (communicates via relationships and memes). In the greatest societies neither is dominant over the other and the growth of one increases the other. So the system, when working, is generative. It produces more than is put into it.

As an example: 8ch. 8ch is a strong group of strong individuals. The group, therefore, encourages the individuals to improve themselves and in so doing becomes stronger as a whole. However the group is not tyrannical over the individual. The individual will is not required to be extinguished, nor is it dominant (tripfags are cancer). In such a society the ability of external wills to manipulate the group will is weak because the individual wills support, contribute to, and defend the group will. Obviously, very few societies like this still exist today.


In a society where the group is dominant, the individual will fades. A good example of this is China, where centuries ago the empire enforced a system of group dominance for the sake of convenient population control. The individual submits to the group, stifling his contributions that may steer the group away from trouble or produce gains for the group. The individual becomes first merely and arm or a leg of the group and then later a mindless tool. The end result is a weakening of both the individual will ==and== the group will. The group will, no longer having any conscious individual will contributions cannot defend itself from external manipulation. So the end result is "zombies", or many individuals who are animated by weak shards of the group will. They may appear soulless, but they are not. Their soul is just extremely diffuse and weak, and so easily guided by exploiters.

In a society where the individual is dominant, the group will fades. The US since the mid 1960s is the greatest example of this. In such a society the individual will is praised and held above all else. However the individual, above the group, sees no obligation to assist the group. They may even deliberately desire to weaken other individuals or groups to maintain their dominance. So weaker individuals remain weak and also proliferate because weakness is a default state. The individual wills slowly die without the group to guide and motivate them. Without a group the individual wills are also easily divided and scattered. So you get high levels of anxiety and anti-social behavior because individuals fear each other. Their wills also seem weak, as they are blown about by whoever can use their fear to guide them in the closest imitation of group will. Again, both wills are weakened.

And to both degenerative states a truism must be applied: "the strong prey on the weak". Therefore the remaining animating force may be (((discordant))) or omnicidal. This state makes the will very hard to perceive, since it is possibly inimical to life and so may seem like the opposite of a natural animating force. It also signals why such a state cannot prevail. Energy changes states, but cannot disappear. Ultimately, where individuals like us are necessary, they are produced. I agree with you on that point.



In terms of the western family, men and women remain divided because neither are capable on the whole (group consciousness is weak, as is evidenced in the embrace of gender ambiguity) of accepting their role in creating the present state of affairs and attempting reconciliation. For men, the belittling and dismissal of women and their concerns caused women to live in fear. After all, for men to fulfill their role as protectors they must be alert to the presence of danger and harmful intent. Once the opportunity for escape presented itself, starting in the late 1940s with the war effort, women never really returned.

Women, for their part, were divided against themselves. Instead of resting in the embrace of men they began to use men as a crutch, becoming weak in mind and spirit. Therefore, weak and unable to conquer their fear, women now embrace anger. Men, in their pride, resentment. Because one assumed dominance over the other, both were weakened. However, mutual reconciliation remains possible, and in fact inevitable, for the reasons stated above.

In most of East Asia Confucianism was revealed as an error during the various humiliations of western colonization. And so, for survival, the group will is attempting to revive the individual will. All societies must correct their imbalances in the end.

Do not confuse the need to reconstruct a strong group will with the need to enforce a specific series of values. A strong group will that strengthens the individual will is what naturally creates generative values. Like the individual, the group will desires to persist and expand itself through generation. Desire to build strong families, strong relationships, strong individuals and the means to produce those become the values.

I think both you and your future wife already understand this instinctively. Sincerest congratulations to you both!


I love you guys

Let's not get entangled into materialist science. But the sentiment is echoed in (for example) Hesiod's claim and standard belief that the first race of Man which lived during the Golden Age never died, but continued to exist as the helpers of Mankind in the invisible/higher domain. But what is of prime importance here is to be aware that we didn't just pop into being but are a link in a chain that stretches through the whole of human history and beyond into infinity and the origin of this line, which is to say God. This is Tradition as Evola speaks of it, a corpus of divine knowledge and influences which are not human in their origin but were given to humanity from the Source.

A difficult question. I can only offer vagueness filtered through my own personality and faults. When I think of the divine I think of beautiful snowy islands, misty mountain peaks which are unreachable, high towers around which I circle but struggle to come close to, or other such symbols. I will link this to the "little visions" Anons spoke of - I have them too, usually of the things I just wrote of. And dreams. For instance the island thing has me and others whom I cannot see or are ill-defined in shape and form coming ashore an island which was hidden. There's sunshine and green grass, but there's also snow. Sometimes we find grandiose, imperial looking buildings which were long abandoned and we're the first to be there in a very long while. They look unkept and disorderly from within but very solid and shamelessly proud and majestic. Minor cleaning is needed.

Then there's villages with cozy wooden homes on mountain peaks, and so on. I will offer older dreams and a vision for "my purpose." The timeframe is linear but far apart.

I am on a vast plain. It is cold and the sky is gray and yet some stars are visible. I'm walking, and suddenly I look down. I notice that I'm standing on the ruins of an old floor mosaic. The grass is high and I cannot actually see what the image once was. The temple has long been destroyed. An old man with a very long beard is sitting on a rock nearby, he looks like a hermit. He begins talking to me about the old religion that once was.

I am on a vast, frozen plain. I know it is before/after civilization. I know I am a rare specimen, a human. There is still much apedom around. I am an older man, big, strong and bearded. It is so very, very cold. It is night time, and I'm with my little girl (daughter I presume). She's between four or six judging from her size. We meet another man with a small son, and I assume we arranged the meeting previously. We discuss and examine the children while sitting around the fire. They are to be married. Sometimes I think that this dream deals with the future rather than the distant past.

A small vision - I am me as I am now, and I emerge from the darkness of the cave drawn to the fire. An old man is sitting by this fire, and I see shapes near him too, presumably women. He is hairy and naked, but not extremely so, and though it is obvious to me that he is a caveman, there is nothing extremely primitive about his looks. He is however very strong. He notices me and gestures for me to join him. He does not talk and yet we talk. He asks me if I am willing to accept this here flame that he has, and I confirm. "That is good." is his wordless comment.

The daughter dream is from many years ago, but it struck me just recently again due to another dream. I dreamed I was at my grandmothers house and watching TV while on the couch. Suddenly a little girl appears and crawls on top of me. I don't remember her face, but her "feel" was that she's very pretty. She tells me that she doesn't have a daddy, to which I say that I basically don't have a father either. To this she whispers in my ear "Then you should be my daddy." Through all of this two women are present in the room - my grandmother and a woman I don't know. One of her eyes is a white dot, the other a black one.

Does this in any way answer your question? I don't know.

Im very sorry you reject materialism.

Sure there probably is a higher order component to existence, but if we manage to avoid killing each other we can achieve near-godhood with materialism.

But science will never tell us the why of things. Only how things work.

I don't think he's saying he rejects materialism outright.
It strikes me more as a "materialism is cool, but there's more to life" kind of argument.

I've been thinking a lot about consciousness lately and it's messing with my head too. When I was trying to look up scientific explanations of consciousness it seams a ton of scientists hold a different definition than we do. When you guys say "self aware" it doesn't mean the same thing as how scientists use it. When they say "self aware" they mean a being that can theorize that it exists and use that info in problem solving, which is pretty easy to do… then they go on to conclude that consciousness is completely material and that's that.

Colloquially though, people are just struggling to describe the phenomena that there seems to be a witness to their thoughts, and that those thoughts seem tangible and real, not just abstractions imposed onto physical phenomena. Experiences seem to be real things happening to you, when an abstraction such as an experience shouldn't meaningfully exist.

This is some crazy philosophy bullshit so I'll get you guys up to speed in case you don't know:
It could be an illusion that all conscious meat goes through because of our limited perception but I think that if there wasn't something more to this we wouldn't be having these notions of souls and spirits in the first place.

Anyway, this has made me come to a couple different ideas on why this could be.
Idea one: souls actually exist, perhaps on other planes of reality. perhaps what we're experiencing is not just the physical world, but what we experience is an interaction between two planes, like how when two waves hit each other and combine to make a single pattern.

The other idea I've had is that it's not the consciousness that's an illusion but rather the physical world. We're all incorporeal beings interacting in this weird corporeal way, like a shared dream. It's gotten to the point in physics where we're looking so close the fabric of the simulation is starting to show. David Wineland and Serge Haroche share the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics for proving that an electron doesn't just appear to be in two places at once, it actually is. The outcome of where the particle ends up is random though, literally RNG. And to the Hindus, the world is just a dream of Vishnu.
If these things are true, it's not hard to conceive that all this meme magic is real as well. The only real question is are we controlling the memes or are they controlling us?

To give us a name is to open that name to subversion. We're the disenfranchised. The justifiably discontented, brought about by malicious policy and subversion of our culture. Politically incorrect.

This. OP is trying to define a thing to destroy the thing.

I don't think he's a shill but if he is he did a bad job since it's opened up a ton of awesome discussion

I believe none of this. It's poetic on some level, but it does sound like Star Wars. You know that midiclorian stuff? Yeah.

I find it much more likely that everything is conscious on some level, and humans of course are the highest ordered concentration of that thing, whatever it is. Matter is matter whether it's part of a living being or not. What's particular about a cell structure? Fuck all. Why would it have its own mini-consciousness while a rock does not? I don't find the idea of a creator who imbues every single cell with the breath of life neither plausible nor very appealing.

To me, all matter creates ripples on the other side, where our core truly resides. That your consciousness is as self-contained entity is an illusion and different structures or systems allow this fundamental property of the universe to manifest in different ways. A house may be "haunted", for example.

Needle in the haystack. Just link it dude, surely you can deny being that one guy who anonymously linked it on Holla Forums.

(((big bang))) (((black holes))) (((dark matter)))


Same poster as before, different IP.

I have considerably more to say on the matter, but it is late and I have an action-packed poz-free day tomorrow. I will make time to respond to you in full, and others, but here is a brief reply for now.

Yes, we here are bound by things that are imperceptible to normies; but I can sense it; and I assume you can sense it as well. What I could characterize it best as (at least what I sense of it) is that there is a higher calling/purpose. A sense of something or someone being genuine, or just the opposite, a repellent sense towards everything else in modernity that it artificial.

There are certain things I feel inexplicably drawn to. Like music in vid, for some reason when I first heard the works of Handel, it seemed like I always knew them; the internal order of the music matched my own. This is yet another thing I have sensed and felt, wondering if anyone else has since this seems to be the thread to ask such a question.

On that same note, to even get to this point requires me to "yield" my active thinking/cognition in a sense, something most people likely don't know how to do. A way I imagine this is: given a torch, I can see reasonably far into the dark night, but I can't see all the way, only where my light reaches. When I put the torch out, the light from the stars takes over and I can see vast distances all of the sudden. It is a bit of surrendering, perhaps to belief, but something beyond the immediate perception/cognition of the rational mind that unlocks this, if this is there to be unlocked.

There are a lot of things to be determined at this point, we are living in interesting times, and our role can be as big as we like. I do think it is rather timely that such a large volume of individuals found Holla Forums, and are mentally and spiritually (well, enough of us) fit for this battle. I also think it is no coincidence that this happened in the way it did. Another "vision" of sorts I have had is that of a long dark path in a forest, on a mountainside. There are torches every so often that "show the way" placed by those who came before us, but we must walk the steps to reach the next torch. I won't say what I found at the top, that is for each and every one of us to discover on our own. Suffice it to say that changed my life drastically, and in turn was really only the beginning. What I found pointed my compass to True north, so to speak, and since then it has become a matter of acquiring True knowledge, gaining correct understanding, and acquiring pure (in a moral sense) wisdom, with living a contemplative life of virtue being the conduit.

Expect a more detailed reply sometime tomorrow.

Datamining thread.