Anyone remember "Reviewbrah"?

Anyone remember "Reviewbrah"?

Apparently Holla Forums red-pilled him in massive dosses on the Holocaust and Hitler which eventually pushed him over the ledge and now in his latest VORW he commented he may kill himself.

I feel so bad for the kid.. the red pill may not be for everyone guys.

It filters the weak from the strong.

I don't care. Let him anhero.

Try to get him to stream it.



I see this happening again and again. Remember Dillon the Hacker, the kid who convinced Holla Forums to dox him so he could get free pizza?

Guess what his politics are after browsing a bit moreā€¦

Nothing new that people gets suicidal when they overdose on the redpill.

we only allied with them because they fought against the same monster we did.

They unfortunately, got a new homeland right next to ours.

They really don't do all that much anymore.

Last time I was there, a thread that had someone talking about wanting to beat all the games in their collection/backlog and then kill themselves.

Over 200+ replies of similar tone and juvenile-nihilistic thought.

Not a single understand of why we fight.

Holla Forums may self depreciate, but we are Nietzsche's overman.

Holla Forums is the last man.

It's a sad state of affairs to say the least.

I wouldn't go that far. Some people there are this way - apolitical, or worse, Holla Forums crossboarders - but I think a decent chunk of them are simply destitute from being able to see the problems in our society but lacking the agency or tools to influence it. If you use the typical Hero's Journey structure, many of them are stuck in the phase before the Threshold, lacking the Mentor to give them the strength inside to allow them to start their own Journeys.

Nigger, I post on Holla Forums sometimes.