Directed at gore, rape, torture, etc
The owner is an avatarfag, encourages forcing of the board on all other boards. Has his girlfriend policing the board for him.
It's cancer.
Wanna slide it?
Directed at gore, rape, torture, etc
The owner is an avatarfag, encourages forcing of the board on all other boards. Has his girlfriend policing the board for him.
It's cancer.
Wanna slide it?
It used to be a giant part of old Holla Forums.
I don't see the problem.
Also; how the fuck do you slide a board that's gore and rape?
lurk moar. The board is there because the shit is used for raids.
Stop bitching about boards you don't like as if you are a reddit cuck.
Nice try, OP.
It's called guro you retarded autist. There are entire chans dedicated to it.
>not using >>>/gore/
Fucking hell that shit makes me so queasy.
Slide it with photos of happy, healthy people enjoying gentle monogamous sex in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction?
Why? That is so disgusting.
Also; why?
There is no point. Next your gonna ask us to raid gurochan.
You can really tell who came from old Holla Forums and who didn't, those with no taste for gore will forever be newfags.
jesus the newfagocaust is upon us
Only way I can see to ruin them is to notify that the University of the board owner's girlfriend that she may attend is a necrophiliac so she can't work at a morgue.
The raiding is real.
Fuck off OP you massive pussy. Gore threads used to be constant on old Holla Forums. It's part of chan culture, you fucking newfag.
Avoid degeneracy anywhere you can, but don't kill chan culture.
Also, do you really expect to not find degeneracy on Holla Forums, OP?
not your personal army, faggot
Go to tumblr if you absolutely need a safe space. A chan is always filled with degeneracy, Holla Forums and other boards just enforces rules so it doesn't spill here but expecting Holla Forums of all places to not have degenerates? Your nose is showing by the way.
Did my part
It was meant to filter out people like you.
Purge those people.
In real life and en masse, though. We need a society where nobody would make this shit. I can't bring myself to care about chan stuff on chans.
This sounds kekworthy, though.
I suggest spamming adult baby, scat or eye cancer deviant art pictures if you care soo much. But really not worth the effort.
This degenerate meme needs to die.
Kill yourself faggot.
This is an off topic slide thread. Report and do not post in it.
holy shit they edited your post
I mean its better than just deleting, right?
no it taints the memes
these people are fucking dangerous and need to be removed
Pamperchu spam? Or howabout pics from the legendary degeneracy thread of horrors? Anyone save it?
How can we go about ruining this?
Speaking of gore, we need more gore posters and less anime posters to keep the normies away
If you get triggered this easily, you should go back to Stormfront or Reddit or whatever forum you crawled out of.
Holy fuck, I want to save it to show the brutality of the Cartels, but I honestly don't want that shit on my computer. To think these people are enjoying the pain of others, truly these are depraved individuals.
Who are you responding to?
Holy shit when did Holla Forums turn into a bunch of pussies scared of gore? Jesus fuck that's some faggy shit
Gore is antisocial
antisocial behavior is degenerate
We need to purge shit like this whenever we see it. Anyone who disagrees with this is a fucking closet cuck liberal faggot
It's degenerate. I'm not scared of it. I just think these people are fucking sick
moral nihilism is Jew agenda. Get the fuck out of here, you kike
Censoring gore like an SJW is Jew agenda. Get the fuck out of here, you kike.
What the hell are you even saying? Gore is antisocial? Gore is better than all the anime fags on this board, and equally a part of image board culture. Jesus you're a pussy.
I'm talking about gore in general not that board, gore is not degenerate, it's really neutral if you wanna rate it on degeneracy. Unless you look at it like its porn or some shit.
They're not raiding Holla Forums, and they seem to be contained. There is no sense in attacking them if they're just shitposting on their own board. Besides, if they do post to Holla Forums or anywhere but here, they're going to be deterring newfags. There is no sense at all in getting triggered and raiding users who have more time and have better shitposting capability than us- and it certainly won't end well if they find out it was us.
If anything, we should get them (the few of them that there are) on our side or use the board content as ammo against Holla Forums.
Polite sage for possible sliding.
have you even read anything there. This is what these fucking sickos get off too. Some of them say it's the only thing they can get off to anymore.
Go read the general discussion thread.
Kikes loathe the beautiful and love the ugly and off-putting. Just take a look at what they consider art. You would know this if you weren't a newfag or a shill. Or maybe the fact you're defending the pinnacle of ugly and off-putting means you're a kike yourself.
Go fuck yourself. Raids beget raids. Reported for trying to incite them.
Leave and never come back.
lewd user, the BO of /sfg/ checking in
We never left your side. I'm a regular Holla Forums lurker.
But please, do raid us, it will increase our ranking on the board list.
where were you when moralfags started posting on Holla Forums?
Wow, you really are a faggot.
Gore can be a great red pill on shitskins. You're the kike here.
I use a Mac for my board and content because it's virtually impervious to common viruses, and allows me to store gore and similar content without fear of being vanned
I use windows for everything else
Saged and Reported both posters for being pseudo-Jews.
Macs are not secure. Use GNU/Linux.
It sure can be. But in this case it's gore for the sake of sadism, and degenerate sexuality, another trademark of the nonwhite.
Fucking idiot. And now that you posted this shit on Holla Forums you're an even bigger target.
So if I don't have a preference to look at other people suffering I'm a pussy? Jesus when did people start praising delusional psychopaths?
Thats a Holla Forums term you faggot, why don't you go back there where people cut their stomachs open and draw happy faces on it?
look, I can namefag too.