Seemingly inoffensive shit that is actually dangerous as fuck

If you ever see a thin pole with day glo paint and safety stripes on the ground (sorta similar to pic related, but as thin as a pencil), or stuck onto the ground during a construction project, for the love of God, Kek, Heh, Xenu, or whatever don't fucking pick it up. These things are urban cacti, picking one up will leave you with fucking splinters all over your hands. The only possible purpose for one of these is as a poorfag /k/ommando's way to alienate niggers from robbing your shit, just tape some onto your ladders, and voila, nobody wants to steal your shit anymore!.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fiberglass particles. I cleaned a kayak paddle shaft and coated my palms in it. Very shitty thing.

Compact Fluorescent bulbs. They work great and last for a long time. They also don't take up much electricity. Don't let them smash in your house though. The particles will stay there forever and have you exposed to toxins.

am i dead and i don't know it?


Touched one once and had similar experience fucking hurt like hell. Its beacause its made from fibreglass, user. Being left to the elements the individual fibers start to shed.

You got a bunch of mercury particles stabbed into you and they are even now still in your bloodstream

These poles stab people? I tried to look them up, but to no avail.
What are they actually called and can somebody post a pic of them in action?

