Boards killed:
Boards that will be killed:
Holla Forums
Among others.
Boards killed:
Boards that will be killed:
Holla Forums
Among others.
it doesn't take a genius to spam a board when the mods are asleep, it happened on Holla Forums just last night and Holla Forums isn't "killed".
Those are the best boards. People barely post on them anymore, but they still exist. I'm puting an end to the finest of the boards. After a raid like this, I doubt they'd recover any time soon.
By January 1st they will all be dead.
So what you're really just doing is spamming boards that are already dead?
They are not dead. There are like 10 posts a day on those boards. Just enough to be considered alive. I'll just finish the job and put an end to them. Once and for all.
Now this just got me thiniking.
What happens to the userbase of a board when that board dies?
Up to this day I still don't know where all my /kind/ and /late/ friends ended on.
Wow, congrats. You spammed a dead board while the mods were asleep.
What's next? Walking into a morgue and stabbing a body so you can claim you killed someone?
I'd like to know where the 1/3rd of the userbase Holla Forums has lost over this year went too, probably back to 4chan or reddit or some other shithole I couldn't stand to be in.
I can still just barely stand to be on Holla Forums, the dream isn't dead yet
/his/ board owner here
you killed a literal dead board
what's your objective here
the board was gone already
Can't you roll back the catalog or am I thinking of another site?
At least you've got the BO of Holla Forums
You say that like freech could somehow come up with a bigger hotpocket than imkikefy
oh come on don't mess with /late/
it's one of the last truly comfy places on the internet, even if the posting is slower than a slug on oxycodone.
there we go, OP
have fun spamming the board
PLS NO ;- ;
Aww fucc off ya dumb faggot
You'll be stopped with weaponized kindness friend. You won't be able to react to all the hugs and cute animus coming your way. Surely this /kind/ psyop will attacc the dark regions of your mind and transform you into a radiant vessel of positivity.
Holla Forums is garbage, has always been garbage and forever will be garbage. OP probably came from there.
/cow/ has SJWs in control now, and has for more than a year. That's why the user count's dropped from like 400 to 130. They ban people for retarded reasons related to politics, and delete anything criticizing their own politics.
/waifuist/ is stillborn, it's the same autistic pedophiles that used to spam half/tv/ with threads about disney starlet's armpits and period blood. They spam any board they go to until banned, then they create their own board like /celeb/ and circlejerk for a few days, start complaining about how they're just posting the same shit over and over, start attacking eachother's waifus and telling other people they're posting too often, and the board dies. They've done that shit dozens of times.
/g/ is run by a guy as autistic as /a/'s owner. When your traffic is low, you should encourage newfags and spoonfeeding to get your numbers up. At least until you have around 1000 uids. /g/ never went anywhere because all tech support and consumer advice posts are quarantined to a couple of cyclicals that no one actually reads, so people just post their questions in a vacuum and never go back to /g/ dissatisfied. If they break the rule and post their own thread, it's deleted and they're banned and that's another UID permanently lost.
/4am/ is a meme board, /kind/ is too niche to ever work on a chan with only around 10k users.
kinda good to see this deleted
It's a good thing it's killed.
It's a good thing it's killed.
It's a good thing it's killed.
no suitable reaction image to express my keks, hope you die in a warehouse fire you commie fuckpig
Nevermind all that - can we talk what the fuck is going on with the news ads?
I can't even browse this site on my phone any longer due to those fucking ads.
That's the intention. It prevents normalfags from shitting up the site via mobile.