The time has come Holla Forums. 4chan/g/ is dying. It was taken over by ishills and windows pajeets. There are more Apple and Windows 10 shitposts than ever. Holla Forums illiterate consumerist shills are dominating us. This has to change. /g/ has to be saved from Reddit-tier faggots.
I suggest we spam random gentoo news, so that IPhone 7 threads will go unnoticed. Save your fellow chan guys.
Save 4chan
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd post on 4chan if that site doesn't need to run malicious script on user to make a post. I doubt they allow user to make a post without running that js shit.
4chan is beyond saving. I built up a good list of filters for /g/ to remove all the tech support bullshit (removed 15%-20% of the threads from that alone) and started hiding the other shit and realized that there's pretty much nothing good there 99% of the time. Also can't help because I got banned for 20 days for posting the forbidden one and calling out the mods for their lack of moderation. Only thing I can really think of that I'd be missing in the time I'm banned is discussing how Boku no Pico turned 10 years old today.
Ever heard of 4chan X?
4chan and /g/ cannot be saved. Hiro and the mods just don't give a shit. I threw my hands up and gave up and you should too.
The JavaScript is libre. There still is the problem with the Google captcha, which you'll have to buy a 4chan pass to post with captcha blocked.
Does it let you get around Google's captcha?
It lets you use their noscript captcha, the same one you get from CloudFlare when browsing with Tor.
I recently went back to /g/, the board moves extremely slowly compared to when it was in it's prime. It's 80% Windows and Mac marketers trolling each other and attacking linux posters
Go back to cuckchan, and stay there
user, I...
This same sort of thread is being posted in other boards as well.
For what purpose, I am not sure, but they are retards for thinking we can just flood in and save a place we abandoned due to cancer.
Hell, we can't even save ourselves, just look at the catalog.
I'd hate to fill out a captcha for every post I made.
The duck doesn't find this bunny. Are you a wizard?
4chan had a chance to save itself many times and failed to react. It's sedated by monotony and routine and deserves all it gets.
I suggest you show them all NNTPchan, get them to migrate.
done OP,
4chan /g/... no, 4chan in general is beyond saving. That is unless Nishimura does something about that, but the man barely even speaks English, never mind understanding what 4chan was about.
It still gives you a google captcha, this one just doesn't require JavaScript. It's just as dangerous as the regular captcha.
Fuck 4chan and the cucks at /g/. When the leaks showed their hotpocketeer was running defense for the GNOME women scam they did nothing. They stayed on a board they knew they being censored on and was working against them. They deserve their board's culture dying.
How? It can't do as much analytics without javascript.
All you're sending them is what boxes you clicked and the identifier code for the picture set which isn't tied to the thread or board you're on (making correlating that information impossible for Google considering 4chan averages a few posts per second at the slowest hours of the day). That's a fuckload safer than running their fingerprinting scripts.
Don't they know which page they provided the captcha for?
why save it? just post good content here instead
No, they just get a customer code for 4chan that you send them when you request the captcha. Same with any other website that uses Google's captcha service.
4cuck can NOT be saved, the mods are Ishills and 4chan globally blocks all VPNs.
Fuck off pedo
Fuck off pedo
Is this a joke?
I'd rather go with It's an older fully FOSS Infinity instance that doesn't market towards pedos in particular.
Its Holla Forums is dead but so is Librechan's.
Not only is 4chan dead and finished, but c'mon user. /g/ has been irredeemable cancer for about 6 or 7 years now, not so coincidentally when smartphones reached the normalfags and gave all the Holla Forums kiddies a reason to pretend they care about technology.
To save 4chan and /g/ in particular, you'd have to
Nothing would remain after that.
The whole site is pozzed fag not just /g/. The user base of /fa/ are actual Tumblr fags. Holla Forums is filled with civ cuck nationalists who support isreal. /fit/ is ok but there is a decent amount of niggers and white cuckold apologists.
You should have left that place years ago theres no saving it. There are definetly still some good users but it's 50/50. Either enjoy the back and forth banter or get out whike you still can.
Windows 10 suck
The only board with some quality left is /vr/, and barely
Battle station, phone and desktop ricing wouldn't be a bad thing at all if there was at least some originality.
For phone and desktop threads, if you don't adhere to the unusable hyper-minimalist UI with flat design and monospace font meme, you're either ignored or ridiculed. And for battle station threads, if you don't have a dual (or more) monitor setup with completely generic 16:9 or 16:10 monitors + a complete pleb-tier $200 mouse and keyboard for which there is no quantifiable advantage compared to using something cheaper, you're also ridiculed or ignored.
/his/ and Holla Forums are good of you're into pol
Dying? It's been dead for years. Today's """/g/""" is just /soc/ lite.
Here's an experiment: go to 4chin /g/'s catalog and hide any threads about fruitphones/smartphones. I'll send you a whole bitcoin to the address of your choice if you don't end up hiding over half the total active threads.
You left out purging the tech support threads that account for 15%-20% of the posts in the catalog at most times and the ridiculous consumerist brand war bullshit that goes into overdrive whenever something new is announced as said by the 4th poster in this thread .
That's exactly what I told myself today while browsing /g/
I couldn't stand it so I came here
I went and hid any consumerist shitposting (sans generals) and tech support threads and ended up hiding 86 threads total (with consumerist generals hidden as well it's 93) with the rest of the leftovers mostly being shit. The rate of quality posts there is probably only slightly higher than here now, you just need to dig through a piles of shit to find them which really isn't worth it to me.