Maher warns Brexit might mean a President Trump


Brexit now secured Donald Trump the presidency.

Other urls found in this thread:

WHO FUCKING GIVES A SHIT YOU SLIDE FAGGOT!!! No one cares what some old Jew with low ratings says!

(((Real Time)))

okay pal

That's the new shill tactic, his writing style gives it away plus being first post. But these stupid niggers will just call every thread D&C or a slide now.




cock sucker

Fuck of kike


made that look like shit for you, bud

hahahaha what a faggot
He won't be on TV too much longer

2016 in Berenstain universe is best current year


Every time I wake up I see more salt about Brexit.

America's too far gone for that. The niggers and spics want gangsta Hilldog.

Pretty awesome, isnt it? The left is having a meltdown and it is delicious to see.

Post yfw the Jews stopped laughing, and realized the gravity of the situation.


every time


That's a shitty "warning".

Is he a kike?

Does it look like anybody cares what they want?

salty semite shitpost

Salty semite separate and conquer?

Le Shill pls. Trump is going to win in November. Deal with it.

This. I got called a D&C kike for using echoes ((())).

I got called a D&C kike for calling the "alt-right" what it is: controlled op, created for that control.

The only people who are blindsided by this are the idiots who think that last 50 have been progress

Yes I didn't believe that things could improve, 2016 is one hell of a current year.

B L I N D S I D E D . B Y . D E M O C R A C Y

You tell me.


Is that a kike name?

Maher is an Irish name, but yes, Bill Maher is a kike.

I don't know about that name… just look at his face, people. And, yes, he's Jewish. He's admitted so (though he likes to go by "atheist")

Trips of truth!

That's what clued me in.


Interesting. Whenever I try to find out if a name is Jewish I just say it in a very nasally voice. The better it sounds, the more Jewish it is.

Maher sounds very Jewish

Dubs of checking trips of truth.

Hitler dubs?

Kikes are terrified of the goyim voting in ways they don't like, and Brexit has shown that even with the entire (((establishment))) shilling against one side of a vote, it can still win a majority. With nationalist parties rising to relevance all over Europe, anti-EU sentiment reaching a crescendo, and distrust of the (((elites))) at an all time high, we could be in for something beautiful.

Year of the Fire Monkey lads. This is it.

You can't get dubs while mining.

ya, Kek doesnt give out gets for rerolls

this needs to end, absolute Holla Forums tier retardation
almost as bad at derailing threads as the (((1))) shill stalking the catalog to get the first reply

That's the new D&C.

Calling anything (((they))) don't like as having been started in Holla Forums or Holla Forums tier.

Summerfags please go.

user can you not.

The only people who bring summerfags along are the ones who bitch about it. You are the summerfag you hate so much, because you are part of the people who memed such a thing into existence.

Just stop.

summerfriends are truly worse than kikes

Except Holla Forums is actually just a leddit outpost and some dumb nigger recently linked them to one of the threads here.

Oh look. (((They're))) sticking up for each other now.

Really, nigger?

Take your meds.





They're not my summerfriends

Sure they exist, that's my fucking point. They are called intl, and they around all year.

You only imagine it getting worse around summer because you truly believe it does


It was real in my mind

Was digging around the recent ep for when he said what the OP was talking about and I found this vid. Look at how they browbeat this nice OAN lady over her opinion that Trump isn't literally Hitler. Look how she looks down, heartbreaking.

Happens at ~3:30


His show has been on Friday night for many years now, where have you been faggot?

Why do (((they))) think Holla Forums hates Holla Forums users and vice versa?

Could've swore all liberals didn't know anything at all

I'm pretty sure the Holla Forums only posters despise Holla Forums

At least that seems to be the sentiment there

I'm not surprised in the least

Fresh off the cuckboat?

Because Holla Forums is now majority cuckchanners and ledditors so they do hate Holla Forums. The board is a complete wreck and has been for going on a year.

I don't quite get the liberal hate for Trump in the big picture…

How? Not by getting involved in the Middle East like Hillary has said that she would.

Nice meme. Also I haven't heard him say jack shit (both on the positive and negative sides) about blacks, Asians, Indians, etc. - I've only heard things about ILLEGAL hispanics (as in Mexicans), and restricting Muslims (Arabs) who are leaving their shitholes en masse where some little group called ISIS dwells. God forbid that there haven't been any terrorist attacks in, say, Europe, recently that should have people on guard.

So why on earth would you vote for Hillary? Even if Trump actually is just secretly another good puppet, it's not like Hillary isn't overtly one.

I don't understand why cuckchan/leddit would come to our Holla Forums, so I suppose it would be outside influence. But I have seen posting of Holla Forums that is similar to ours (oy vey, ((())), merchant, etc).
There are people from time to time who don't really like that though

I remember when Maher was funny

I dont give intl the respect of a normal board like Holla Forums because it doesn't deserve it.

And no, the post quality doesnt drop. You think it does because you are convinced summerfags exist when really it's you who shitposts about them all the time.

They come to ours because it has good memes while their is a corpse that they'll kick every once in a while for some stale shit. There are still old Holla Forums anons left on there but considering last time I checked the board there were 4 steam threads and every other thread had "edition" somewhere in the subject so I would say it's somewhere between dead and shit.

so does Holla Forums


Go back to brit/pol/ you autistic nigger

Liberals like to virtue-signal about how bad bullying is yet they're the biggest bullies of all.

Fuck that I avoid those threads like the plague.

To be honest we were both exaggerating, but both boards have a problem with this "edition" crap. I dont know when this suddenly became acceptable.

Maher was never funny.


When the cucks came over like a hoard of niggers and sand niggers on a boat, I don't get why but they love that shit.

What a surprise

Holla Forums, mate.

Reddit also tries to be like imageboards, even though it can never truly be an imageboard without giving up the core of what makes it reddit.

There should be a region board for politics

Yeah have fun suggesting that one. I tried in a brit/pol/ thread and they all jumped at once calling me a kike nigger.

They feel that they are the only ones with the right to shit up the catalog.


/int/ is pretty much that with some other topics too

Posts like this are why I come on Holla Forums

I also read their quotes in an echoy voice, it has become a habit of mine.




Fuck off, D&C kike.

You can talk shit all you'd like but their echo meme destroys my sides. I occasionally listen to the daily shoah.

I already did that one. I'm going to add the nasally voice to my already massive repertoire of jew identifying methods.

also the fact that they got parentheses declared as hate speech by the ADL is pretty based.


Bullshit asshole, he's been on Saturdays. Take your Berenstain faggotry somewhere else, pal

It's Summerfags lurk more, dumbass. They don't need to leave, they just need to learn board culture.

It's because the voices of a lot of liberals are overshadowed by the ones getting their talking points from the media. You should remember Jim's words about GG, "attack attack attack", as well as the use of incorrect information such as the "wage gap" as a means of attacking outsiders. The media projects the ideas that Trump is 100% the worst thing ever for the left, even though it isn't true, because it's a means to assert themselves ideologically. We know that a lot of Bernouts are going to vote for Trump or stay home and they're leftists. The reason why they will is because they don't actually believe in the narrative. A week ago we got the wonderful Huffpo blog piece "If you don't vote Democrat(Hillary) then fuck you". The entire piece was intended to scream at Bernouts to get them in line. Link is here:

tl;dr The message that Trump will start WW3 isn't for us bad goyim, it's for Bernouts to suck it up and get in line for Shillary.

You must have voted for Obama in '08. At least you can fix your mistake in November.



Because (((they))) are paid.


People will come here and make a thread about some stupid, inane detail about a video game they just came across and think we care.

Case in point:

Some fag was reading a video game wiki but read Hillary's name somewhere so he thought it was Holla Forums worthy. No. Media is pozzed, we get it, but it's useless to point out every single instance of it since it's all pozzed. We don't need a thread every single time a libshit dev shoves his belief into a game.

It's blatant that devs come here to shill their game like the endless Stellaris threads that we saw. 'but we renamed this bug species as le religion of peace XDDDDDDDD SO REDPILLED'.


Come on man first summerfag paranoia and now this

The dev didn't throw in a redpill. It was an alien race that you could name whatever you would want, and the dev took a screenshot of himself playing a game where he named the bug people Muslims.

Hardly worth a thread on Holla Forums

Of course he posted it as an user so we can't even congratulate him for being 'open' with his beliefs, so don't try that tack either.

Oh, yeah that is faggotry.

My bad.

"If the country could be blindsided by it's own people."



Rooting for my Ameribros.

Anglsophere supreme