does Aids research get more money than Cancer research?
Why does Cancer kill but aids doesn't anymore?
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Aids is a nigger disease and niggers are a strong breed
White people get aids too.
Thats a fucking lie. Everyone knows that only back people get it.
Fags get more aids than anyone else. Black MTF trannies have the highest rates of HIV. colored-tranny-fags are part of the social aristocracy (top of the progressive stack) so they get the most money thrown at them. . .
Seriously though, they're very different diseases- and different types of cancers require different cures- there's a German morning-sickness pill from the 1930's that got banned because it caused severe birth defects that can halt tumor growth.
(It's an anti-angiogenic- meaning it stops new blood vessels from forming, the tumor releases a hormone that makes new vessels form to it- this drug stops that and starves the tumor)
But when it comes to cancer, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure- dairy actually has the same cancer risk factor as smoking cigarettes (dose-dependent obviously)
This has been known since the early 50's, and you can find the info on the sites of a few health organizations- but lobbying from the Ammerican Dairy Council and Cattle Ranchers Association has stopped public service announcements from airing (unlike tobacco)
this. the back people have been a plague on humanity ever since the dawn of civilization.. they need to be purged.
The side effect is that if you get a contusion or more sever injury, you wont heal properly- you have to go off the drug to heal damaged blood vessels, and then your tumor starts growing again.
To clarify, the reason that dairy raises cancer risk is because all mammalian milk contains a hormone called IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) which accelerates tissue growth- important for offspring because they need to develop quickly- not so good for long-term adult use (unless you are purposefully trying to gain weight)
Then dont do anything stupid, dont eat sugar if your pancreas is fucked, dont run like a tard if your heart is fucked, dont go outside at day if you are from Albania, dont breath too much co2 if you cant turn that into sugar.
Andif your iq is below 90 please dont post.
No, siv attacked blacks first because they attacked monkeys first, fun fact, some black africans have siv in their bodies.
Cancer gets way more money, not least because there are so many different kinds of it. It's harder to do anything about than AIDS, because it's not a pathogen external to your body. It's the failure of your cells to properly replicate due to genetic copy errors. This is something that can just come along with old age as the telomeres wear off your chromosomes. It's incredibly complex and may not actually be curable except on a case-by-case basis.
Same guy posting this:
Please post sources before i start insulting you.
Also, you should generally ignore anything about any dietary change causing or preventing cancer. Literally anything a living body does in regular operation raises the risk of one cancer while lowering another. It's a fucking wash, and nearly anything you see in the news about it is just somebody trying to jew people out of money.
I'm not samefag as anybody dude. I'm just posting from my phone at the mall, probably sharing an IP with like 700 other people.
Furthermore, this is not particularly obscure knowledge. This is what cancer is, end of. Go look at wikipedia for like five minutes, jesus.
Lol. Thanks for savin my typo
This argument is retarded, I hear it every time I bring up that certain foods are healthier than others.
It's obviously just people getting defensive over the possibility that they are eating for hedonism rather than health.
The disease cancer, and the development of cancerous cells are not mutual. A healthy immune system, and a body not saturated with compounds that encourage cancer cell growth that out-paces one's immune response, will kill
cancerous cells before they can multiply enough times to cause disease (what we refer to as someone "having cancer")
Read these studies. You can hinder or accelerate the growth of cancer cells in a petri-dish by pouring blood of different people onto them. Genetics can't be ruled out entirely- but the trend in studies so far is that people eating diets that exclude meat, dairy, and eggs (and include high vegetable consumption) have blood that is significantly more hostile to cancer cell growth. (Both inhibits growth and causes apoptosis of cancer cells)
If you want to contest this, bring real evidence.
In the past people have resorted to using anecdotal evidence, or posting Indian e-news articles with no link to the study mentioned in the article.
aids just make you weak and vulnerable
cancer is actually lethal in itself
Virus dindu nuffin.
First, check flags, second:
I said that 2+2=4 and you said that i said 2+3=4 so i am wrong because 2+2=4
I am supporting a healthy lifestyle, you need to change behavior for something better and that different bodies have different needs, maybe in that last point your autism triggered a problem.
All humans have the same macro, and micro-nutrient requirements. The volume may be different from person to person- but not drastically- We are all the same animal. We are all great-apes.
There is literally no nutrient exclusive to meat, dairy, and eggs that is necessary for one's survival (unlike any biologically omnivorous animal), while there are many nutrients exclusive to plants that one needs to survive.
What does that tell you about your biology?
InB4 B12- B12 is produced by anaerobic bacteria. No animal can synthesize B12. Where do you think the animals you eat get their B12?
You haven't espoused any particular lifestyle as of yet. There is an optimal diet for humans, just as there is for any animal- and it doesn't include meat, dairy, or eggs.
AIDS is a disease caused by a viral parasite.
Cancer is a cellular rebellion against a breach of the original multicellular contract, an abjuration. Cancer cells are committed to their cause and will fight back, if challenged. HIV won't (well,not so much).
'The cells that make up a sponge (which is an animal believe it or not: they feed on other organisms rather than relying on sunlight as do plants) can re-form into a whole sponge, even after the individual cells have been dissociated by being sifted through a fine mesh. Hydra (also an animal and also not a bilaterian) can also reorganize their component cells from complete dissociation. They can even reform from 300 cells, even though mature hydra can have more than 150,000 cells. '
See this please:
And stop changing the subject please.
This is a pile of horseshit. I did not say or even suggest that eating healthy is a fake idea. It's just not all that hard unless you're a massive fatfuck like I am: eat a fucking balanced diet.
Pissing around about specific foods that do or don't cause or prevent cancer is what I was arguing against. Literally every piece of information about this, outside of obvious shit like "avoid a shitload of preservatives and other processing," is industry funded hack science to generate garbage slow news day ad-stories. One industry bigwig trying to fuck another industry bigwig out of his second yacht.
A normal diet is full of things that, as I said, reduce the risk of one cancer while raising another. Trying to rigorously minmax this shit is nothing but a sure path to orthorexia, tree-hugging, nofap, and other neurotic faggotry.
Live the way that gives you the most energy and feels good. If it isn't perfect in the long run, at least you had fun.
What you directed me to is a fallacious argument. The relative cancer risk between these factors is drastically different.
Just because you are not dying doesn't make your diet healthy or optimal. Obviously if your diet is causing an acute illness it is unhealthy- but the diet of the average person leads to chronic diseases later in life. (Gout, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, heart-disease, etc. . .)
I check the funding on the studies I post, and I encourage you to do the same. They are perfectly valid studies.
I acknowledge that there are studies out in the ether that make bogus claims for the sake of sensationalism or selling a product- but to say that all studies relating to dietetics and nutrition are false is incredibly dishonest, and dismisses real medical science.
Normal =/= Optimal
Look at population studies, populations that eat the least meat, dairy, and eggs have the lowest risk of chronic disease (including cancer)
Before the Okinawans adopted a more Westernized diet they had the longest average life-spans of any population. Their diet had less than 4% of total daily calories coming from animal foods, and the bulk of their consumption was vegetables and legumes.
Currently the Seventh Day Adventists are the population with the longest average recorded life-span. They follow a diet rich in whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds- with no meat, dairy, or egg consumption.
There's a reason humans get heart-disease, Gout, and gall-stones from eating lots of meat while other truly omnivorous animals (like bears) do not.
Here's a list of biological traits that humans have that are in direct conflict with the traits of any other omnivorous or carnivorous mammal:
A tongue that lacks receptors for ATP
Cholesterol synthesis
Lack of Vitamin C synthesis
Laterally moving mandible
Carbohydrate digesting enzyme (amylase) in saliva
Narrow esophagus
Stomach acid with a pH of 2-3.5 (whereas carnivores have stomach acid pH of 1-2)
Bile too weak to break-up crystallized cholesterol before it forms gall-stones
Lack of the enzyme Uricase, which breaks-down uric-acid before it causes gout.
Necessity of fiber (cellulose) in the diet to pass waste properly
Low stomach-volume in comparison to intestinal volume. (The stomach volume of a carnivore, or true omnivore, represents 60-70% of the total capacity of the digestive system. )
Intestinal track 7 times body-length that allows meat to ferment and create sulfur-dioxide (implicated in colon-cancer) True omnivores and carnivores have short digestive tracts that expel meat before it can ferment.
etc. . .
From mouth-to-anus you lack every adaptation to eat meat, and have all the same adaptations your great-ape cousins have- adaptations to eat a plant-based diet. (The one exception is that humans make significantly more amylase enzyme, which is implicated in the digestion of starch as the result of learning to cook and, by extension, eating starchy root-vegetables and grains)
This is bug-chasing faggot logic.
They're also pissy, uptight bitches who think they're better than everyone else, which explains a great deal about you.
Fuck along, now.
You're getting upset to the point of resorting to ad-hominem rather than making a cogent argument. . . but I'M the one that's pissy and uptight, you say.
You may not like what I have to say, but you can not prove me wrong.
Get your tin hats. Cancer was cured long ago by immune therapy. And all the doctors researching GcMAF mysteriously died. Their labs raided.
Define " immune therapy"
Too old
aids is easier to fix
cancer is more complicated
aids is a single virus that was understood pretty fast