
Holla Forums, I fear that childishness has consumed the youth of our nations. I myself am guilty of this. I can hardly call myself a man, but nothing more than an overgrown child. My work and study ethic is poor, my motivation and initiative is lacking. Physically I've improved myself and developed the appearance and physicality of a man, but how do we as young people without having been raised by strong, masculine men develop the work ethic and maturity of a man in this effeminate world? ITT please provide advice/inspiration/role models for how to be a man, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Thank you

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I never had a father, was a complete pussy until I was 25, and still managed to turn it around. For me the first step was the realisation that caring what other people think about me is stupid. That gave me my first shot of confidence but it took almost a year after that before my confidence fully developed. Keep your chin up m8 it is possible to do.

I'm working on that. My whole life I've been trained to care first and foremost about what other people think. Only recently have I realized that in this day and age there could be no worse inclination. That's like the blind leading the blind, or rather in our case those that see following those that are blind.

But my real question is: How do we develop the STRENGTH to stand alone?

There is not any easy way it was suppose to be engraved in us over our formative years as young children so we would have the proper values to survive. Only intense hardship and struggle for some years whittling away at all the day habits can change anything.

My father is a covert schizoid with no ability to care for or connect to other people. In raelity, I grew up without a dad.

He tossed me into the garbage compacter of public "education" rather than send me a to a private school, which we could have afforded (to save money) and sat me in front of the TV (nigger culture) to make up for it.

I ended up being abused and bullied and crushed. By the time I was 8 I was a suicidal depressive.

I was a major depressive until about 23 when I found a psychedelic based therapy whose effects are permanent (Ayahuasca).

Four years later I'm still living at home, still physically suffering from the emotional abuse but I'm almost done healing. I've had to build myself up alone, and that's fine.

My aryan spirit was always there. I always wanted to work tons, to achieve, I just got cut from it by sick teachers and sick children.

OP, there are two types of people in the world:

-Those who accept things the way they are (in their lives)
- Those who continually push to improve themselves.

You are consciously aware of your weaknesses. Now do something about them. Small steps. I wanted to be healed all at once, it took four years and I'm still not compltetely off the ground.

My life has been totally empty of love or health. From the moment I could remember the world conspired to destroy me. It never stopped. Every single day. And yet I'm still alive. I'm not dead, they didn't kill my soul. The years on prozac, the humiliation, the beatings, the insults, the stress they inflicted on me, the thousands and thousands of times I wanted to kill myself, the tens of thousands of hours I lost myself in video-games to keep my violent rage suppressed.

You just have to be open and desiring for life to give you a chance, and then seize it.

You need to continually push yourself out of your comfort zone, you will hate it and just want to go and play on your computer instead, but if you force yourself to do something, even if you fail, you will be happy you did it.

Start small and work your way up.

Yes, the American people are literally retarded. Welcome to the brave new world order.

That's only true if you're capable and self-supportive in the first place. If you're a trenchcoat katana-fedora and everyone is telling you that you're stupid, then maybe you ought to listen to them.

If you're a self-sufficient prepper/homesteader who takes responsibility for their own self defense, then maybe you can ignore all the people who tell you you're stupid.

I'll add onto this. It's a bit short-sighted to think that everyone cares about whatever you're doing as well. Everyone else is too busy being impaired by what they think that others think about them. Just do what's right, and if people think poorly of you, then that means that they're bad people, and you don't want them to like you anyway. Most people would probably look at you, and think, "man, I wish I could do that." But, they can't, cause they're too busy being worried about what others think, and they know it, and they still do it. In other words, decent people will think good of you for doing good things, and bad people will think bad of you for doing good things. Do good things. Other people will largely just forget about you though, unless you really make their day, because everyone is very focused on themselves, just as you are.

Men are natural-born leaders. There's many things to lead, such as a business, a family, a country, or even more importantly, yourself. You need to lead yourself. You need to look at yourself and realize that your actions are solely your responsibility, and that shouldn't scare you. That should be a load off of your mind. It's not "oh man, I have all of these things I must do, because [anything here]". It's, "man, I love that everything I do is my responsibility, and that I get to choose who I owe, and what I do, and I can even be a jerk if I want to, but since I'm the one choosing here, I'll be a good person." It's not binding obligations, it's freedom. You get to choose how to live your own life. So, a man is someone who leads himself. Leading other things naturally comes after leading yourself, but don't worry about that until you're the leader of, at least, your own thoughts.

It's practice, until it becomes comfortable. Your current state of mind is unsuited to it, because you currently care too much about what others think of you. That's the biggest issue. Get rid of that, and you're on your way to standing alone. The next step is having actual beliefs, and not just parroting things because it makes you feel better about yourself. I'm a born-again Christian, and I love God. I'm also grateful to him for this salvation that I've been given, so that that motivates me to do his will, because he's made me truly free, and it didn't come with any strings attached either. I want to do things for God, because I want to. It's a very motivating factor for me. So, I always advocate for the truth, even if it's unpopular. I don't do it in vain though. If I can clearly see that it won't change any opinions, then I don't bother. So, the point is, if you have something to say that you're motivated to say, and you have no qualms about saying it at the time, then you say it. It really doesn't require a lot of strength unless you're blocking yourself from doing so. At least, that's been my experience.

I'll add onto this too. Children have no shame. They will do the most embarrassing things, and they won't even understand what was embarrassing about it. These are some solid years to practice those skills that many don't have nowadays because of their social anxiety. If you can ignore the anxiety though, you can learn these skills too, and still not even be half as embarrassing about it as children are.


Yeah you're right. I don't have any advice on how to escape that kind of childishness because it was never me, I was just a typical cuck.

Consider how just centuries ago humans transition from child to adult at around puberty (which is later compared to now, around 13-14?) usually with a rite of passage.

Then around some decades ago, there is this concept of adolescence, a stage where one is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

Later on, the law includes the early half of adolescence as part of childhood.

Recently, even college age people are treated as not yet fully adult.

What could this mean?

not your blog

Stop taking life advice from anonymous strangers on the internet.

The only thing you need to know:
Don't think, do.

You'll have no time to become anxious/scared/lazy if you just fucking do it without a second thought.

Live a life of poverty and hardships while realizing that nobody gives a shit about you and that jewwood love doesn't exist. Also lift weights and work out.

Guys aren't men anymore because the male role has largely been removed by jews in the media and women have flooded companies as equal coworkers since the 60s which meant men couldn't be men anymore.

What made me a man were hardships I had to handle on my own, redpilling myself on the internet and doing my own thing with a disregard for haters. I live a relatively isolated life as all normies try to pull you into the bluepill frame.

These two

I feel the same way op. Nothing else to add


I felt like this once.

Try it till you make it.

God have mercy on us all.

hang in there brother

Isn't that normal? I mean when I was 19-20 I was fucking up all the time and constantly in a rough spot, but that made me straighten up and fly right because I had to.

Just give it your best shot and always remind yourself that NEETdom is a crushing existence and one not fit for an adult to live to keep yourself motivated. Or maybe that will demotivate you in which case get some thicker skin

Going about it alone is friggn hard.
But most likely don't have to.

Manly men still exist, join them.
Join martial arts clubs, shooting ranges - hell even a biker gang if you can handle it.

Infantilization of the masses is part of the Jews plan.

I never had a father, and grew up to be very insecure and anxious.

Whenever I am afraid, I think back to my ancestors marching to war even in doubt, even in fear, because it is our duty.

What would they say, if I told them I'm afraid of the job interview, or too nervous to talk to the bartender, or complain about having to learn a few things.

Having a father is an irreplaceable benefit, but even those with fathers need to surround themselves with positive masculine role models to follow.

Call me a shill, I don't care, but this book has a lot of good information in it that can translate to almost any male at any point in his life. The basic premise is there are 4 masculine archetypes and energies, the King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. Each one has a boy form and a manly form. On top of that each one has a negatively based passive and aggresive side. The book goes into examples and explains it better than I can, but you get the idea.

Learn from those around you. Surround yourself with positive people. You are the culmination of your 5 closest people.

There was a reason boys were thrown into work early. It made you skip the shit years of early manhood very, very quickly. Teenagers, young ones, owned businesses and married. They commanded ships and men other three times their age.

Our fathers were let down, likely theirs too. Lead astray by a rapidly shifting culture, by corrupt leaders and journalists.

I've been stuck in my mess for years now. Dropped out of university at the start of 2012. I was doing film and TV production. In some ways good, in some ways bad. I do love the medium of film, but I was too low energy to ever make it. Plus, the industry is beyond pozzed and I was starting to fall in with a turbo lefty crowd. So there is a blessing there. The real problem is that I'm still NEET, four fucking years later. It makes me feel massively incompetent and undesirable. I tell myself to not bother, no one will hire that 23 year old with that black hole in his CV.

But fuck it. I'll ask my brother to put a word in for me at his place. I'll become a waiter if I get it. Terrifying thought for a very anti-social guy like me.

But men do need hardship and to face their fears.

I think the best thing for men right now would be to hang out, really hang out and develop bonds. Too much of that idle chatter and gossiping. We're becoming women when we should be playing some sports together, going shooting, driving, travelling, talking the big stuff like politics and philosophy. Men have no one to really rely on. All men are scared by the gay label and so distant themselves. They have been told emotion and camaraderie is for fags. Its not wrong to care for your fellow man, to want to help him overcome his weaknesses and trials. Empathy is a good virtue.

To fix men, men must first look to each other.

I am manly and I am also childish.
I am childish when I have fun and when it's appropriate and manly in all other circumstances.
Stop being autistic.

Literally just read that book after you mentioned it. Thanks m8 really made me re-evaluate myself.

sick of hearing people quote c.s lewis on the 'social constructionism' of maturity as an excuse to be degenerates

dependent vs independent
protected vs protector
provided vs provider
child vs adult