Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! What Jewish tricks did we fall for this time?
Most Jews voted for Brexit
Other urls found in this thread:
jews playing both sides of the fence, well i never
Too many mudslimes that hate jews. Even the some of the kikes have to realize that this sort of diversity will kill them in the street.
The EU ones are trying to pass new anti-semitism laws too.
They ain't as united as we sometimes make them out to be.
They are a crazy tribe.
I honestly think the Jews are trying to rile up white anger. They get us. They understand how we are.
They'll probably redirect our anger - or at least, redirect our leaders - and make us kill other whites when WW3 comes around.
Remember. Kikes like money. But they like dead gentiles even more.
Based Sikhs
Civic Nationalism is alive and well lads
Most Jews voted for Brexit*
*according to online poll
Into the trash it goes.
fucken hindus, I thought we were friends
You're close. Who do Jews hate more than Whites?
And who happens to be pouring into the west in untold numbers?
this is duplicate jidf thread, oy fucking vey
Post the source, kike.
The answer we were looking for was "Muslims"
Perhaps the question should have been, "who do Jews hate the most?"
Probably the Jews that don't want to get beheaded by the Muslims they stupidly let in.
Jewish globalists are anti-Brexit but common low-Jews don't like the EU because it endangers their profit and merchant business ect., they can't make enough shekels.
Jews have had a feud with Christians for thousands of years, they not only hate Europeans, but they hate real Christians the most.
These kikes are the ones behind the mudshits pouring into Europe and making whites want to genocide themselves.
Possibly. I think it's more likely that they want to piss us whites off enough and then direct our anger at Muslims. They would really love that holy land to themselves after thousands of years.
Of course, this has a secondary benefit of dividing the smart whites and the dumb SJW virtue signaling ones.
jews don't like the EU because its pro palestine and they don't like muzzie immigration
They short sold the £, user.
The Jews don't need Muslims, they just need enough random immigrants who subvert the nation's identity.
Without the EU, the UK will still import enough Blacks, Pakistanis and Hindus for the Jews to not stand out, and they won't have to live with as much fear of getting knifed by a random Arab.
Well first of all not all jews are a unified front. I mean it falls on its' own absurdity that 16 million people are part of some grand conspiracy. The zionist kikes with power make out a small minority of Jews. You only have to look at Israel which certainly has political diversity to see this.
With that said plenty of jews have infiltrated nationalist organisations to sway the hatred directed towards non-whites and kikes to just muslims. They probably count on Europeans to rise up and remove kebab once and for all, which of course also will benefit Israel.
Shlomo please, did you even read the manual before posting??
It's possible, but I think Muslims invading someone's native homeland is enough for anyone with a functioning brain to get angry at them.
The question we should be asking is "what has the Jew ever done for a European, let alone a Christian one?". We should be focusing on their relations with Muslims to understand their current mentality towards Europeans, at least they're willing to cooperate with Muslims like ISIS and Kurds even though they haven't interacted with each other for centuries.
This is second thread about this bullshit, OP got rekt in previous thread, so he decided to make another one.
Oy vey look a that goys, Jews wanted UK to leave the EU!
Don't you just want to fight for based EU now? It's all the jew's fault we lost such a glorious empire!
This, OP should fuck off to cuckchan
I think your half right on that. I think they want Europeans to shoah the arabs then call you guys genociders again and call up their army of immigrants and Lefty's to give you guys the final enrichment.
It just seems they're waiting for a native euro to lash out so they can round up those ebil nasi
Yeah, you're right. Whites still die if we fight Muslims, so it might not be a clone of WW2 this time around. Two birds with one stone for the Jews.
If we started fighting, I wonder what SJWs would do. Would they take the side of the muzzies that want them killed, or would they whine for protection from the whites they mocked and hated for so long?
Why Brexit will be best for us
Lower caste Jews are just scared to be shoahed by the 'slimes
answer is still christians.
Someone explain this meme to me
We didn't fall for any "tricks".
Most jews are just regular people and are justifiably pissed off by muzzies being forced in by the millions, as opposed to big kikes like Barbara Lerner Spectre or George Soros who actively push for it and white genocide.
Basically: Carswell, a UKIP party member who is universally hated, pushes for civic nationalism in the sense that he isn't anti immigration (whilst being a party of UKIP, showing he's really just a Tory). Brit/pol/ pretends to support civic nationalism to take the piss, and many people get upset. It gets disgusting when they start posting race mixing pictures, cuck shit etc, and that's when everyone gets fed up with these people and their 'bants'. It's meta and very annoying because they think that posting 'civic' in response to any post is funny.
Jews hate mudslimes
Basically it's nationalism minus the racial aspect.
So "we can band together around ideals we don't need racial unity"
Pretty stupid if you ask me, since multiculturalism is cancer. But that's what it is
The jews that we are aware of never participate in voting. They don't lower themselves to the caste of the goyim.
UKIP MP Douglas Carswell (formally Conservative) joined UKIP and won a seat which got brit/pol/ happy and then he started making pozzed statements on the media. Brit/pol/ made an ironic meme out of it. but he is absolutely despised because he joined UKIP to trash it. All he does is attack Farage.
Isn't it obvious?
EU imports muzzies. Jews hate muzzies so they vote to not be in the EU to prevent muzzies from beating the shit out of them.
Its easy to hate people who deeply follow mainstream religions. It is the sole thing that prevents a society from advancing. Following a religion with a fictious book is similar to putting a lock on critical thought.
How new are you?
You missed >>>/reddit/, it's back the other way.
Haha, wow, that is one of the most cringe-worthy things I've read in a while.
I've always held a similar belief. To think that the entire race of people is "in on it" is absurd. However, that doesn't make them any less guilty.
Jews are unique in their nepotism, inbreeding, and their interesting blend of xenophobia while simultaneously constantly not living in their own country. Due to their strong ethnonationalism and relatedness, the ones that actually are "in on it" have successfully brainwashed almost their entire race of people.
SJWs and other liberal types have been brainwashed, and they're still to be held accountable, even though the agenda they're pushing isn't necessarily theirs. The same applies to Jews.
I don't think he's wrong though. That doesn't mean they don't have to go.
Nice argument, nigger. Your average kike is not evil
Probably because of the 'antisemitism' scandal amongst remain supporters, which was really just cucking for palestinians because they have brown skin.
They're probably feeling the heat now that London is fully shitskin
They're not "evil", but they're parasites who have never helped Europeans. They do nothing to stop globalism or their Jew elites.
true, but neither do most whites. Most whites are completely unaware of the whole issue, just as most Jews are.
I personally don't support a Brexit, because I see the EU as a platform for nations that have White+ parties influencing nations that don't and it allows us to work across borders by using the EU.
Now the UK is cut-off from support from other White+ people.
There were a lot of Jews in power on the side of the Confederacy as well. Whenever there is a chance that the status quo will shift or a revolution will happen, Jews infiltrate both sides so they will always have their own on the winning side to manipulate events, and those who were on the losing side slither out and join the others.
White+ parties should go back and improve their own nations instead of bothering the UK.
Nationalism, not white globalism.
they support white people by incentivizing other referendums, helping them in breaking away from elites who want to wipe them out
the EU swore they would never let a right wing government stand IIRC
That's true, but who created this culture of apathy for the whites? They don't understand the political reality of their situation, or they do but embrace it.
I think it's safe to say that whites are the most easiest group of people in the world to subvert.
The majority of them are middle class and will have to live around kebabs. Therefore Brexit is in their interest.
megarich kikes, but my point was that you average kike =/= globalkikes
I think the problem is that we're to smart for our own good. When mudshits see themselves getting displaced, they naturally say "this is bullshit". Whites, however, are (((told))) by MSM that white genocide or whatever is good and we should embrace it, and mental gymnastics take place to make it ok in our heads. I refuse to believe that anyone is on a basic level ok with their race going extinct. I can't even fathom that.
A Jew has no obligation nor concern nor any other emotional, financial, spiritual, or physically affectation to anything other than another Jew.
If Jew happens to support a same cause or benefit as the White race in specific instances, it is not for any other reason than for personal benefit.
The Jews pushed Multiculturalism and forced the EU, created the Euro and got rich. They then bet that the EU would break, starting with Brexit, and have gotten fantastically wealthy off the gold spike from the last few days.
Sometimes, I wonder if newfags really don't understand the world they inhabit.
I have a theory that this is basically sexual gratification for cucks on a national level, wanting their ancestral homeland to be replaced by immigrants of another race.
They hate everyone, really. But attitude towards muslims is one of betrayal. They had good relations with the middle east, especially under the Ottoman empire. It wasn't until the zionist movement kicked off that they stabbed the entire islamic east in the back trying to get israel. Now (((they))) wish to destroy everything in the middle east out of some paranoid and schizophrenic delusion, and fuel hatred of the islamic world into the West so someone else can wash their laundry.
Trust me, israel is already moving their assets and switching their policy out East because they know the West is going to fall if the course remains the same.
I think they like us most as slaves to the dollar and slaves to the Israeli flag. We're no good to them dead.
Let's be real. Kikes don't want us all dead. They'd much rather have us lick their feet and bowing down to them for eternity. They view us as cattle and dead cattle is useless. You'd wish for death if they got what they wanted for us. Death would be a sweet release compared to an eternity serving kikes.
The niggers probably didn't even understand what the vote was about.
They just find out what most white people want and then vote against that.
That's why liberals love them.
Elite Jews want to stay and bring kebab!
Average Jews are trying to save themselves from kebab.
but user, that would mean that the majority of whites are cucks
Yeah but Christians know how to bathe, Muslims physically stink. Jews have a very strong sense of smell.
This. jews are opportunists, they don't give much more fucks about other jews than they give about goyim.
Meaning your avarage middle class brit kike is getting fucked by sandniggers just as the anglos are.
Well… When your own continent is getting flooded with Muslims and nobody lynches the politicians responsible for this even years later, then I think we all have to come to the conclusion that the majority are braindead cucks that need to be purged.
Truth, son. Problem is, I think they are trying to get the chinks by the balls to soon. From what I've been gathering, China has their own nationalistic fixings going on and they won't let the new Jews get in their way so much.
theres an inherent conflict of interests - great white civ vs shitskins flooding our society
you can temporarily get along, tempirarily befriend somebody etc. at the end of the day they want things that are bad for us. never forget
Don't forget that this is the range of the white mind. It can go from great hate to this cuck kind of stuff if provided the right teachings and environmental stimuli, etc.
Most kikes aren't the rich elite, they just have the genetic potential to jew us.
Like how niggers nig, chinks chink, nips nip or whites build civilization.
Remember that Jews on the ground aren't well organized and don't have a master plan. They probably pussied out of their Jewish ideals when they realized the immigrants wanted to put them into gas chambers
It doesn't make sens in anglo context with multuculturalism, but a succesfull society could be multiethnic while being monocultural tough…
Did he died?
They wanted this to give themselves an excuse to destroy the shit out of the British economy, to bring fear amongst the normies to:
A.Let UK in the EU
B.Separate the UK into small states.
Also reminder that (((they))) wouldn't even let the OUT win if they didn't wanted it.
We're not that naive.
oh well, guess I'm just gonna check my own hitlerdubs twice and go
Ok, not always. The power to make this stuff happen is the power of lying and cover up.
Lies are fragile in nature. They don't have ultimate power. They are going with the flow alright. I can't strongly subscribe to idea that they planned brexit.
This is the second thread we've had about this so far, and the discussion is heading in the exact same direction:
First a few people point out that this is an online poll, but are ignored. Then a bunch of people try to come up with explanations as to why Jews would support Brexit. Then these people are told that only the elite Jews are pushing for the bad stuff, or "not all Jews are in on it," in the case of this thread. True or not, if the last thread is any indication, people will be led to accept that there are actually a few based Jews, and it's just people like Soros we need to worry about.
My point is, what OP posted is an unreliable online poll (as was revealed in the previous thread) and the acceptance and subsequent discussion of it, is meant to sway Holla Forumslacks toward the acceptable of "regular based Jews."
OP is kike and this is a shill thread.
Its not that there are 'based jews', its that jews are still people (believe it or not) and self-preservation is instinctual. They had pretty good lives in the UK and those lives are now turning to shit just as the lives of Anglos are.
Jews still follow all their evil demonic doctrines and have no love for us. But they will act in their own best interests; and for the 'lower class jews' that is to support Leave.
Oh yes. See
You're right. My point was, that based on the previous thread, this thread is intended to shift the discussion toward the acceptance of most Jews.
It's a shill thread.
the average jew is no more a King Soros any more than the average Channer is a high-ranking SS officer
Your average Jew is not the one running the show, something you retards fail to realize with Trump
That's unusually high number of UIDs for such small thread. I wonder if they have any post history at all.
Not to mention the fact that the previous thread is still on the catalog
The MAIN jewish tactic is to create dichotomias and to play both sides. It's obvious as fuck.
He's just a kike in goyim clothing.
How exactly would they know this, doesn't UK have a secret ballot?
and I think we all saw how accurate those are with the actual result…
It was an anonymous vote. Every single one of these "such and such type of people voted x%" is pure manipulation.
Will lead to miscegenation and the eradication of the white race. I support nationalism for all shitskins in their own countries, but there must always remain countries exclusively for whites.
wew lad. civic nationalism is the best option for us.
How the fuck will civic nationalism stop white genocide and prevent us from becoming minorities in every country that we inhabit? Remember whites are a global minority at just about 12% of the world population.
Maybe it's because most of the Jewish people aren't involved in a plot to destroy the west.
They should certainly stay if they wish, especially considering their contributions in the world wars.
Good lad, nice to see not everyone has fallen for the American trick of white nationalism.
You forgot to use the same proxy.
Just surprised to see civic nationalists come out in full force huh?
Absolutely BASED bunch of lads here.
how's it goin lads? thanks for the based carswell spam.
It's a world of jews jewing jews jewing goys trying to jew jews.
It's going great lad, just done telling my friends how racist I thought that poster was, they're almost sick of hearing it.
Feels so much better than being called a racist iyam.
Don't be naive.
They want greater Israel to exist. They want an empire. They're trying to get us to get it for them, and they have been succeeding. We do a good job taking out their potential Arab enemies, but we just have to be angered first.
The City of London is part of the Jewish homeland, goy.
I shill this image a lot, because this is what its all about in recent times. Retaking the realm. Sort of a Jewish crusade I guess.
The jews will collapse the economy and blame it on Brexit.
Without Brexit, they would have no excuse.
Now they have one, and can blame the "racists" who voted for it.
The muds will chimp out when the gibsmedats go away and blame whitey.
Ta-da: civil war in bongistan.
It was the jews plan all along. They control the vote results. They'd never let it happen if they didn't want it to happen.
Real change must come from outside.
A coup is needed. When bongistan collapses, you need to re-take the government.
Red Hats around the world unite.
Jews didn't collapse the economy on the Shemita though did they?
What a load of tosh, they clearly don't have control over the economy to that extent, or care about their Jewish moon magic etc.
Any economic troubles that occur in the next year may very well be blamed on Brexit, but we can dismiss them, it doesn't matter anymore as the people have voted.
Hope you don't mean that racist Trump lad…
I was under the impression that the Jews wanted to balkanize the EU.
with what, assault rocks?
Jews are just a scapegoat. It is utterly unacceptable behaviour
The only good semite is a dead semite.
So white people blame all their shortcomings on some international Jewish conspiracy, which they've seemingly revived from the 30s.
Would you say that to a a person of Jewish descent?
This is just like the claim that most jews opposed the Iraq war, even though they were the biggest cheerleaders and it was fought almost exclusively for Israeli interests.
They knew it was the popular position, so, even if they didn't really vote for it, claiming they did was the best response.
Holla Forums thoroughly BTFO
Or maybe their higher IQs you lot always talk about meant they voted leave.
You must be new here.
Muslims and kikes are two sides of the same coin. They both piggyback off of each other to destroy the west. This has been going on for over 1000 years, the Jews opening the gates for Muslim invaders in eighth-century Spain is just one example.
Oh, and fot a modern day example there's the fact that Mossad and ISIS are one in the same
Kill yourself kike
Nigger, you best be trollin
Thanks jews. You're still going in the oven for your shenanigans of the past.
Maybe the jews have now dumped the EU as an agent of globalism because it was working too slowly and instead have decided to transfer their affections to the G20.
Divide and conquer tactics. Western nations are less able to oppose their globalist forces, and a weaker Britain is easier to subjugate (it already was, of course). Basically we are dealing with a resurgence of the former communist block, which has always been under direct Jewish control. Well done.
A lot of Jews in Britain live in Metropolitan areas, so they're just as at risk as the rest of us.
It makes sense.
Muslims are judea minor.
Jews have higher IQs
Kike lie, invented in the 1920s.
Good stuff gents.
This. The Sikhs also overwhelmingly voted for Brexit. It would seem that every group that has ever had any prolonged contact with the mudslimes hates them.
Keep telling yourself that, Nazi.
obvious intl thread and intl replies
Oh, you want you Nazi safe space back?
/r/ing someone to edit a clip from "The Big Short" but make it about jews planning to short the GBP
Why won't you allow us Civic discourse user?
Can you point me to the Jews that could orchestrate such a thing, you seem to have been pulled in by Nazi lies.
Sikhs still need to fuck off though
Oh let me guess, you're a bigot.
Let me stop you right there. Are you SERIOUSLY discriminating against the colour of somebody's skin?
Get a life, loser. We're all human.
We all bleed red. Amen.
can't argue with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Amen Oooo
They always push too hard. They always go past the breaking point. Their relentless push for cultural marxism and globalism has bit them in the ass. They never stop to think about the consequences of making too many changes too fast. They want to fuck over whites, so they import muslims to outbreed and destroy whites, but it turns out those muslims are just as dangerous to jews in white countries. They push "social justice" and leftism to the point of ridiculousness, never considering that it may create a reflexive reaction and a swing to the right. They really are shortsighted. I don't think they have a grand master plan so much as they just act in their nature. It is their nature to manipulate and psychologically destroy their enemies, but as they are mostly acting out of instinct, they aren't carefully considering the consequences. It's why they've been kicked out so many times throughout history. They scheme and manipulate, because that's what comes naturally to them, but they don't know when to scale it back.
This is what modern liberals / progressives are. Suspend reality to appease an ideology.
Your describing modern progressives / liberals. The experts at suppression of reality to appease an ideology. Our modern day "Religious Zealots"
They've replaced God with Big Government and Corporations. GENIUS!
Your original statement is retarded and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the world around you.
Please rethink it and get back to us with something a bit more thought out.
Exactly. Now go back to Holla Forums and don't forget to grow up. I bet you drive a German car, eat Spanish food, are using a Chinese computer, vote with Greek democracy. Disgusting, laughable, bigotry. Has no place in this century.
Do not trust anyone who is not bigoted.
They are a liar and are untrustworthy.
Well that put that racist in his place, bet they're used to having their bigoted safe space hidden away on this corner of the internet.
Honestly what could you possibly mean by this?
Jews are not a hivemind.
The real "Jewish Trick" is that the 0.1% of Jews who are corrupt billionaire bankers that manipulate the world economy have everyone from white nationalists to fellow kikes convinced that actions against them are inseparable from actions against the entire Jewish race.
99.9% of the Jewish problem could be solved by simply jailing 0.1% of the Jews, not because they are Jewish, but because they commit all manner of crimes under international and moral law.
I guarantee you there are JIDF and FBI agents posting on Holla Forums, but they are ones pushing the hardest on GAS ALL THE KIKES.
It is nothing more than COINTELPRO intended to associate all reasonable grievances against the Jewish Banking Mafia with (in the eyes of judge) what is considered an extremist and terrorist ideology, that those same agents can use to obtain wiretapping warrants against innocent Holla Forumsacks.
/in b4 an aforementioned agent replies with a happy merchant pic, or calls me rabbi
You're absolutely right, there is a Jewish elite that works with a complicit white elite, admittedly it's their in group preference/higher average IQ that gives them the edge.
Targeting the Jewish people as a whole is only going to get you called antisemitic, the fact that some of the elites we disagree with are Jewish doesn't even need to be mentioned.
Wow, even among (((asian))), muslim, and black, those are some impressive numbers!
Did he have a stroke or something?
Um, user…
this is the most redpilled comment I've read this month
They're bureaucrats, they need paperwork to justify actions.
Warrantless wiretaps only covers packet capture, but the next thing is called NIT (network investigation technique) which involves using OS and browser exploits to install trojans, RATS etc on target machines and gaining full access. Still need a warrant for that… although they have been caught issuing "general warrants" to install trojans… which should be unconstitutional. But in the words of Hillary "At this point, what difference does it make?"
You've exposed your true colours as a very nasty person.
Thank you lad.
Let me be clear, "legally" the US government can issue a general warrant (for example) which covers "every computer that accessed 8ch.net between the following dates…" and then the NSA is legally allowed (and technically capable) of using all manner of exploits to install trojans and remote access tools on all of those machines.
The reason this is "legal" is they get the GCHQ to be in charge of the operation (so technically, the US isn't searching you with a general warrant!), who then "shares" the information with the NSA as part of the 5-eyes. Although, in reality it's the NSA doing the work all along and putting the GCHQ in charge is just to make it "legal."
All of the freedoms and rights and liberties guaranteed by the US constitution are done. It's over. All of the indignities and injustices suffered by the 13 colonies are once again all being used against Americans, by its own government.
We have two core rights left that are not completely destroyed, and they are described in the 1st and the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights.
We joke that we're already in a 1984 surveillance state, but as of this moment I am still free to engage in "anonymous" free speech over the Internet (as long as I don't cross any magic lines – hate speech, fictional stories about loli, etc).
But with a Hillary Presidency, 1st and 2nd amendments will be going the way of the 4th and the 5th and the 10th. Who does this benefit? The global elites, who seek to enslave every person on this planet through invisible chains where to even think of breaking them is a crime.
Want to solve the problem? Jail the elites while we still have some semblance of democratic institutions, while we still have some rights left we can exercise. But to spend our few remaining years of freedom impotently bitching about "the Jews" is exactly what they want us to be doing.
Daily reminder OP is just parroting Watson status signalling that he's "not one of those racists". I saw the tweet when I woke up this morning.
And here's the source of the percentage chart:
No mention of a source or anything. It's just a picture with some numbers on it. I'm sure the Brexit ballot asked everyone what their race and religion was when they voted.
Heads of financial institutions, bankers, CEOs of multinational corporations, establishment politicians, un-elected Eurocrats, etc etc, all desperately wanted Remain to win.
And you're concerned because some Jewish people who were hit with the effects of globalism and diversity voted out like the rest of sane Brits?!
I like that picture, haven't seen it so colourful before.
Essentially our only option is to replace the elites intent on enslaving or destroying the west, with elites that act in the interests of our nations. We should use any democratic means possible to combat them, which you would think is rather limited in America's two party system, lucky Trump's shifting the overton window rightwards within the republican party at least.
European countries have fewer rights, though better odds of voting in far right parties, as nearly occurred in Austria this year. Or of course to weaken the international elites with Brexit.
There's no need to call out Jews, or even name the elites themselves, when you can resist their attempts to destroy our nations.
The other option, which I suppose is a related option, or perhaps a sub-option, is to become cultural influencers.
The citizenry is many, but divided and ignorant. The elites are few, but united and informed.
The best way to get people to internalize the truth of this reality isn't to have a rational debate. Most people are irrational. Rather you want to appeal to their subconscious via art, culture, and media.
Memes are Holla Forums's greatest weapon. But it is also possible for redpilled individuals to become media creators of a more traditional variety.
I second 's notion.
Also, checked. Thanks Kek.
We should just hide this thread and focus on other stuff.
Replacing the media is again replacing a section of the elite owned media. At the moment it seems people find Holla Forums and redpilled media of their own accord, almost a subculture on the internet.
The media's a little easier to replace considering people can, for the time being, chose to watch whatever they want. Which means all you need to do is create new and attractive media.
This view could lead a lot of people to encourage the de-intellectualisation of say the alt-right (or whatever the appropriate term is now). The intellectual sections of the alt right, though increasingly small in comparison, will still feed into the memes and such that the more mainstream side propagates.
Still not entirely sure what to do, besides read more and meet with like minded people.
Brexit was a power grab. Nationalists and (((Libertarians))) took power from the EU. Now we see who wins this fight– the kikes who want to flood UK and control it's wealth without EU oversight or the Nationalists who want to protect their country.
Reminder: Scotland gets more money than they put in, so does Northern Ireland (and I think Wales too but not sure).
England pays billions every year to Scotland, who vote Labour (equivalent of US democrats) every election with pretty much everyone in their country, they voted remain and who even have their own Parliament. Oh, and on top of this they constantly moan about "muh independence".
So yes, the UK should be England (and Wales maybe).
The ones on the street, the ones who are actually gonna suffer from the Islamic menace, voted out. But the super kikes still wanted to stay.
The EU is mass importing muslims that hate jews and want them dead. Why are (((you))) suprised about jews voting this way?
I kinda like PJW, but him like many others (anyone working in Breitbart for example), has no problem making up shit for the chosen. And it's always been very blatant.
There are a lot of working class Jews in the UK, not as many as there used to be but there's still a lot, especially in parts of the London Shiekhdom and what not.
I wouldn't call them "based" but their culture isn't really the same as in the USA, they actually tend to vote Tory.
The jews are not stupid. There is not one side of this, it is not "You vs the Jews".
There are four groups at the top fighting for power internationally. But ignore that and blame the jews!
The jews in the media, promoting bestially and pedophilia, are masonic (or other occult hierarchy) jews, who are given positions of power and privilege, for pushing an agenda for the people above them.
They are told what to do and which line to tow and if they dont do it, they are kicked out and replaced.
There are actually at least three sides of "jews" fighting each other. There is a globalist side, a suffi islamic messianic cult jew side and a zionist jewish side.
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and even Iran are also ruled by jews, but the groups are not always unified and there is infighting constantly.
The people running the show are the bloodlines who own the banking, oil, media, weapons and illegal drug industries. Those are the people who own the media and government. Not "the Jews".
The rulers of every country, see the people as human cattle, that exists to serve them.
This is not unique to the jews. It is every country that has elites who have a multigenerational history of feudalism.
The Chinese, the Americans, especially the Europeans. All ruling classes have the same beliefs and religions.
The nation state is no longer a viable unit. It cannot withstand the attacks being brought against it.
You need to create new social units and new oaths of allegiance and they will be to other units, than a country or some imagined border or history.
People will be forced to reform into tribes and shift their primary allegiance to the new form. They need a strong, common, unifying culture, logos, rituals, identity etc…
Trying to re-establish a nation state is impossible, because of the number of 3rd worlders and divide and conquer. You need to create your own tribal identity bubble and get control of your food supply, water, land, energy, manufacturing and defense. Use the defectives as slave labor, but they are not going to be part of the core.
A government that serves the people has never existed on earth. All governments are self serving and exist for the benefit of the elite class that rules them.
You dont want an inclusive government or even an inclusive nation state.
You want a strong identity and a strong, exclusive group capable of protecting its collective interest. That does not have to be a nation state and does not need to have borders.
This. Their multi-culti plan backfired but no doubt they'll be back to world-domination once everything's settled down.
There is always one religion for the masses and one for the elite.
You need a core of intellectuals, reason, media people, influencers. A power elite.
Then you control a mass of brainwashed slaves through Pavlovian conditioning, slogans, memes and repetition.
You need an occult hierarchy too, rituals, symbols. This is how all tribes and social control structures operate.
Okay, we should not still be bumping this thread, but I'm going to do it once, just so everyone sees this, and understands what bullshit it is.
This was the source given for the poll in the last thread from a day or so ago:
According to the polling info, over 12,000 people were surveyed, 98 of them identified as Jewish.
According to the last UK census, there are about 263,000 Jews living in the UK. (thejc.com
According to this sample size calculator raosoft.com
But I'm sure 98 of them can speak for the rest, especially on an online poll.
oh, you mean like the ones we rig all the time?
Exactly. It's bullshit.
And your belief in that system, your naive, thoughtless faith in a demonstrably rigged method of government, it's the same faith that is bringing the pinnacles of civilization to their knees.
So who's the real cuck? The man that lets another bed his wife and openly accepts it, or the man that knows and doesn't let his wife, he just does nothing about it.
The people who let the jackals pillage their nation and openly accept it because it's 'humanitarian', or the people who know they're being cheated but do nothing?
Op hasn't actually made a single post in this thread. :^)
Their votes would most likely not have mattered much, numbers wise, if they all had voted remain.
This means nothing. It's just jewish wool over the goyims eye.
They're scared of mudslimes.
Not every Jew is on the level regarding the globalism.
Fuck em all, but still, most of the low-born Jews are scared of the other Semite clade more than most other hominid clades
Notice it also says "Percent voting for Brexit", implying that it was a poll, not official election statistics. And we know polls were completely bullshit this referendum as 99% of them reported that remain would win.
What a bigot.
Oh look, it's fucking nothing.
I know, I know, (((pure coincidence))), but for the larger population of Jews, they're gonna be split between being pro-globalism and anti-kabab on a vote like this, apparently slightly favoring anti-kabab.
Jews in England have always been very right-wing, conservative. Queen Victoria also had a Jew prime-minister. The leftist jews are the ones from Poland and Russia, and they mostly immigrated to the US, where their ultra-leftism shows.
Muslims consider all reverts, even jewish reverts to be fellow brethren.
Shows how little you know about Islam.
Also once you start digging into Islam only then you'll realize how kiked out muslims really are.
In fact, I believe the muslims are being used by the jews as their personal 'shock troops' to enforce noahide laws upon us all.
" The Jews have the 613 commandments of the Torah to observe. Non-Jews have the Noahide commandments, included within which are prohibitions against idolatry, theft, murder, adultery and incest, cruelty to animals, blasphemy and the responsibility to establish and maintain courts of justice in a just society."
— Rabbi Boteach
Being that Muslims believe the torah is a sacred text and that Noah is a prophet, it would be conclusive that Islam is basically orthodox judaism for gentiles.