What are you faggots listening to right now?
What are you faggots listening to right now?
If this song doesn't make you feel all jolly and ecstatic then you should seriously just kill yourself. I want you to take a fucking knife and castrate yourself before you do it, too. You are worthless, you are scum. I want you to live a miserable life or no life at all if this song doesn't make you STUPID FUCKING JOLLY. You're a disgrace to your own ears, or worse your own ears betray you. There is no room on this beautiful planet for the stupid fuckers who don't feel happy listening to this song.
La Llorona = the Crying Woman (in Latino culture)
you suck
I Want to KILL MYSELF to THIS Song!!!!
listening to music is beta
music is for the jew
kill yourselves
That is Very Revealing, you Fucking Fool..
You are Afraid of your own Weaknesses, Fucking Coward..
I Lubz Dis Sawng…………
You know, user, I've always thought about this in the past, but never really committed to it. I think you're on to something when you say this because I've flirted with the conclusion before, too. Think about it, why do you listen to music? Is it to feel? Is it to understand the artist? Is it for relaxation? Whatever your purpose may be, I assure you no matter the outcome, you'll always have to face the same issue when listening to a song you really like.
You are letting someone else handle your emotions for you
Music, no matter what, always invokes some kind of feeling in you that you can articulate yourself without the help of some mentally ill person moaning into a microphone. You are becoming a backseat passenger in your own train of thought, a yes man. Only borrowing from someone else' superior thinking.
Music is letting your own mind be cucked by another person. It's a beautiful form of art, but it's also the most dangerous. I think all music listening should be compensated by maybe an hour of creative writing every day.
great analysis it really is beta, now this is going to be an upopular opionion but i also think movies are beta. music and movies make people famous and over a period of time they just turn into a talking head. they get bought and are used to brainwash their fans. celebrities are one of the reasons why people look down on blue collar workers.
I'm listening to the crickets tbh
That gave me Cancer.
I really hope neither of you play vidya.
Six minutes in and ✝ beats the hell out of it so far. This album better give me something on par with The Phantom.
no jewtube embed for this album
I am listening to a retarded nigger boy cry because my dicc is hurting his butthole
I've had this on repeat for almost four hours now
Gotta love pumpcore
I like fag music
That faggot ruins the video
find a better singer i dare you
tfw no traditional euro loli ;_;
I'm in love with this album.
Reminds me this
didn't this guy end up killing his irlfriend?
Yeah, He stills in jail.
i wanted to be edgy but my mom didn't let me
don't post the link in the textfield, checc a bit lower for the "embed" field, comrade
Toast our Stalin! Toast for our Party!
Toast for our banner of victories!
kek, eat shit faggot
Long live Stalin!
Histories greatest man, leader for the liberation of mankind, dearest comrade Stalin!
Americans aren't even humans, just look at them!
Get out of here commie faggot, soviets are nothing compared to the power of Israel.
You faggot can eat a Stalinist boot to your faggot face, imperialist laccey!
I'm from pol and I'd rather be an ally with isreal than with communist cunts any day.
We know, Zionist shill. The connections between Nazism and Zionism are well documented.
I tell you what else is well documented. The death count under Stalin being 60 million.
Talking about documents
You're not even trying, little baby.
Long live Stalin!
all im tryina say is Hitler ruined a fashion trend for the rest of the world and Stalin just had a glorious mustache that even I could one day grow. I don't know which one to respect more in that sense.
Nationalism > Communism
Not so much for the family he let die and the friends and comrades he had executed, right?
Cry louder, baby, you look so funny when acting out on being retarded
Dorothea Jauernig (D.J.): They lived with your family in the country at the time of collectivization. How did you experience collectivization? How do you judge them today?
Alexander Zinoviev (A.S.): One must distinguish two different sides in my position. My personal attitude to different events and the results of my scientific work. Our village has completely disappeared. If we look at collectivization only from this standpoint, then one can say that collectivization was a crime or a mistake. But you have to consider the whole situation in the country. The industry needed workers. The country needed not only workers, doctors, teachers, engineers, officers, etc. Without collectivization it would have been impossible to get so many people for the development of the country. We have lost everything in the country. And our family has left the country. But I became a professor. My brother became colonel. My older brother's director of a factory. Others of my brethren became engineers, etc. Many millions of Russian families have undergone such a development. For many millions of families, therefore, revolution was our revolution. Stalin's time was, of course, a great tragedy. But at the same time these years were the best years in Soviet history. They can not understand in what living conditions we lived. Our family lived in a room of 10 sqm. And in this room we lived to eight, sometimes to ten. And we were happy. Why? We visited the school. Everything was for us, the whole culture was open to us.
On the other hand, all claim that the productivity of the collective farms was very low, and private farms production was much higher. That's a lie. All those who say that make a wrong comparison. They take e.g. A small parcel and say: Look, on this parcel works a woman or two and they sell so and so much vegetables etc. But on the collective farm work 300 humans. Now they are investigating how these people work on the small parcel, how many forces they need on the small parcel. In the kolkhoz, living conditions were much easier, shorter working hours and, above all, the main result: the state has got enough bread. Without collective farms this would be impossible.
D.J .: Collectivization is often referred to as a crime of Stalin.
A. I am against collectivization. My family suffered from it. But as a scientist I must say, this was the only way for the country to survive. If Stalin had not done this policy, the country would have been destroyed immediately during the war. And industrialization and even these repressions were inevitable.
See today's situation in the Soviet Union, try to restore order, without arrests, which is impossible. Now many are arrested and become more and more. At Stalin's time the situation in Russia was even worse.
It is a false ideology to assert: All the people were innocent, and only the evil man Stalin and some evil people have raped all men. This is a lie, an ideological lie. It was a struggle for survival, life and death.
It is perhaps the greatest injustice in history when Stalin is so slandered - it is particularly bad when Soviet people forget their own great story. In Russian history these years were the greatest years ever
I repeat, I am not a Communist. I criticized Communism since my youth. I was always an antistallist. But now I am an old man, I do not want to lie during my life.
Why do so many people hate Stalin and the Soviet Union at all? Because the development of this country was immeasurably fast, incomparably fast. All the capitalist countries were afraid. They were convinced that this system could be fought everywhere. And then began the war against communism. The Second World War was against the Soviet Union. The West has directed Hitler against the Soviet Union. This was not Hitler alone. Now everyone says Stalin is to blame. This is also an ideological lie. Practically the West was to blame for this war. The West has done everything to direct Hitler against the Soviet Union. Before the war, after the war and in the war.
The development of the Soviet Union today is the result not only of internal development, but also a result of the relations between the Soviet Union and the West. The cold war was a real war, no less than World War II. The Soviet Union was defeated. This situation is not simply the crisis of communism. This is the destruction of communism, from within, but from the outside as well.
I think the main reason is the treason of the bureaucrats under Khrushchev's leadership. It destroyed the ideology and gradually also the economy of socialism. There was a change of rule, from the domination of the working class to the rule of the bureaucracy as a new capitalist class.
D.J .: But another question: they worked for a long time at the University of Moscow. How was teaching at the universities in the 1950s and how was that later? Is it true that the Marxist-Leninists were thrown out of the universities in the 1970s, as we were told in Moscow?
A.S .: The development was complex. On the one hand, the ideological work under Suslow (under Breschnew for ideology, the Red) was immensely strong. But at the same time the Soviet ideology, the Marxist basis, was abandoned. Formally, the Soviet ideology was Marxist-Leninist. Only in words, assertions, etc. But, indeed, the Soviet ideology had already lost its Marxist-Leninist foundation. And that was one of the conditions of today's crisis.
How do you understand this - one of the conditions of today's crisis?
A.S .: The crisis existed in the 1960s. It did not begin in business, but first in the ideology and in the moral state of the higher classes. How to say in Russian: A fish starts to stink at the head.
But in the present situation in the Soviet Union, people like Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Sobchak, etc., are guilty. This is a result of their activity. They are criminals. I am sure that future generations will condemn these people mercilessly.
These perestroika people now have only fear for their own skin. They have betrayed our country and our people. If it is possible to keep their position, they are ready to sell the land. Practically they play the role of a 5th column of the West.
I am not a communist. I say this only as a scientist. This is the result of my scientific research.
D.J .: Thank you for the interview
Long live Marxism Leninism!
Die in a fire faggot. Also:
You're talking to a wall moron. Also, please keep praising Stalin and saying that it wasn't true communism. It totally doesn't make you look like an idiot to worship a total failure of a leader.
Too easy, not even going to try.
i guess listening to propaganda and pol bullshit is on topic
God taste user.
Good taste.
thanks, i played a show with them once.
Ashe O'Hara is pretty great.