The Amish were right

The Amish have recognized: Technological progress is the work of the devil and separates you from god.

I'm not a christcuck but if you don't realize that automation doesn't work in the favor of average joe but a few jews and technocrats that want to start human farming a la matrix soon you aren't very redpilled yet.

The hard and humble farmers life is the only way to go if you want to have loads of kids, a wife that knows her role (women just can't farm like men for purely physical reasons alone) and feel like a man and not like a work slave

Other urls found in this thread:

Technological progress is literally inevitable, it doesn't matter on what scale, you're just a spec in it's timeline.

they are also inbred.

Jokes on you, they use power-tools.

I think technology is fine, however what I abhor is complexity. Complexity is really the Achilles heel of a technological world because if something happens to that technology and people who are dependent on it find themselves without it, that's a very short trip to full blown chaos.

Imagine if the electrical grid went down for a few weeks. Society would literally rip itself apart.

this is like the white version of the 'Noble Savages' argument. Just because they are more primitive doesn't make them more spiritually in tune with god or nature or whatever.

lol I just looked that shit up on youtube, I didn't know how inbred those fucks are.

Looking at jewbook on your AIDSphone all day only gets you in tune with jews who want you to make you a sinner 24/7 (greed, jealousy, sloth etc.)

Amish are still people and I wouldn't consider them noble, but to have the right intentions.

they look like fucking jews

The hasidic jews with that kind of style came from Germany and yiddish is essentially old fashioned German.

Amish also come from Germany and speak old fashioned German.

Just a shared country origin really.

Traditional muslims also grow beards.

The Amish are a passel of degenerate heretics who are infected with all the vices of modernity despite their abandonment of technology. Modernity is a way of thought and living, superficial and materialist and opposed to nature, it is not technology in and of itself. Traditional society was technological society.

I do agree with them on a certain level, but the amish have gone off into the deep end of pants-on-head retardation.

The Amish are right until muslims with guns come and kill them all.

Amish have guns.

No it's not, God is an intensely spiritual thing and nothing of this Earth really seperates you from God.

Your just using technology as an escape goat for your own spiritual failures.

Fuck off retard.

Have they rockets and tanks? Or even mortars?

Why the fuck does it matter?

1. Where do you think kebab will get that shit?

2. The military would side with the Amish over the fucking kebab.

Do moslems?

The Amish aren't a monolithic group regarding to technology. See pic related. They are also what is probably the fastest growing population of whites today. But somewhat inbred due to genetic isolation.


It's about time for an Amish thread.

Much more to come. Holla Forums should really consider adopting some Amish practices while discarding the garbage.

So basically the Amish don't need technology because they have a high-tech military defending them.

kek, bump bacause i like to see this kind of things being discussed

Pennsylvania Amish farmer jailed for outhouse violations

An Amish man from Cambria County, Pennsylvania has been sentenced to 90 days in jail after claiming his religious beliefs prevent him from bringing two school outhouses into compliance with state sewage regulations.

Andy Swartzentruber, of Barr Township, was jailed and fined US$1,000 on a contempt of court charge for violating a previous court order. County officials said waste was collected in buckets and dumped outside.


Yeah, they fucking do because they do not abstain from technology.

Because it doesn't matter how "in-tune" with nature you are when you are getting your shit conquered by more technological advanced nations.


I bet Mr. Swartzentruber, which isn't a traditional Amish name btw, has 100K in the bank. Shitting in buckets or not.

Also, the Amish's view on technology is not abstention, but moderation. No TV. No Internet in the house. In the barn, however, Amish will have telephones, maybe a laptop, tons of cell phones. And, of course, all kinds of mechanical gadgetry.

This should be foremost - THEY DO MANUAL LABOR BETTER THAN ANYONE. A 7 year old Amish kid's hands are larger than any 25 year old NEET gamer's hands. These FUCKERS WORK HARD.

They are no in-tune with nature. They control it. Animals are objects to them. No different between a piece of wood and a puppy dog.

Amish also have more guns than one would imagine. I've seen some shit with these people. Many large farms will have a guardshack with a ten year old boova with a rifle.

Take the Jewish element out of technology.

Ted Kaczynski never considers racial purity in his thesis. And neither do religious sects for the most part.

No. They're fucking retards. It is white mans duty to evolve from beast into god.

What kind of rifle dare I ask?

What's the fucking point?

You sure the amish kids don't view porn in the barn?

Bullshit. If this were the case they'd've moved onto pickups, tractors and other modern farming equipment ages ago. Not to mention you're telling me that they somehow "avoid sin" on a laptop where the whole fucking internet is filled with it and "god is watching them at all times"

so you're saying muds are right, mudism is the antithesis of science.

Without us in technological society defending their right to exist, there'd be no Amish.

If you can't tell this is goon shit-posting, you are retarded.

Aren't guns for them some kind of satanic magic?

The Amish currently have the highest birthrates among all white populations in the country (and possibly even the world.) As we disappear, they are the only white people maintaining traditional family structures and cultural cohesion.

No, they do because Israel gives it to them. They are not more innovative than the Amish by any metric.

Gas yourself

They do not need to be innovative to freely use technology.

Their trucks are gonna run over the Amish's horse cart.
And what a nightmare would that be, when the brown slaughter them with AK and trucks.

Many Amish do incorporate modern farming equipment on a small scale into their lifestyles, many of them are only peripherally Amish at this point and don't live a strict Amish life.

Without us, they'd adapt, just like they have managed to throughout history to survive.

The Amish I always knew had guns. (which they never looked after)

I looked it up and found this:

But sadly:



What a strong, proud people!


interesting video

Your opinion is invalid.





werent a bunch of amish caught pimping their daughters out to a mentally deranged jewish landlord not that long ago?
all for traditional living but these guys are a foreskin away from living in a kibbutz in israel

If the Amish can start their own settlements, live off the land and litter their surroundings with children, why can't Holla Forums ? They're doing it on hard mode (no tech) too.



I wish we could start a community like this but without the overly zealous religious aspects.

They allowed their daughter to be taken by a jew because they couldn't pay their debts to him. He used her as a sex slave.

He was a rabbi if I remember correctly.

Hypocrites praising luddites on the internet. You have no self awareness whatsoever.

Am I suppose to be impressed by inbred primitives that shit in the woods and wipe their asses with leaves? Amish are weak. We could exterminate them very easily if we wanted. They exist only at our mercy.

Not Amish, but Mennonite colonies in South America have managed to keep their Whiteness for centuries in spite of being surrounded by Indians.

There are 70 thousand in Bolivia and 40 thousand more in Paraguay.

Central PENNA bro reporting , can confirm, the area is flooded with non degenerate Amish Aryans who speak a German dialect( Pennsylvania dutch). the built my deck and clean my house

Ive just started Ted Kaczynski's Technological Slavery. The book makes the case for abandoning technology, believing that if we keep going down this road we will end up suffering a catastrophic event. What form this takes is unknown, and not having finished it im not in a position to saywether its believeble or not.

How do they do it? How do they manage? Not even the jews are capable of keeping together like this..

The amish that aren't Mennonites seem to accept anyone into their families. One of their families had a girl go to Los Angeles on Rumspringa, where she got pregnant with a nigger. They allowed the two to get married later.

Are Mennonites based and what is their secret?

Technology in the hands of a fair mind can work to great ends.

Without it, our race would be disarmed.
We would be unable to exalt our violent power, and we would be unable to exalt our memetic power.

Who is this "our" you refer to? We have no cultural or racial cohesion to speak of; meanwhile, they do and prosper greatly

So you're not a christcuck but you do believe in the devil and god, how does that work exactly?

I live around the Amish.

They are, in the main, solid people. There are some serious issues within the local Amish community vis-a-vis child abuse and some other sad stuff.

But the level of degeneracy is still below that of the rest of us around here, who are mostly the descendants of Scandinavian settlers.

Probably the american citizens.

They prosper greatly because the american military/police protect their ass. With technology.

typical fucking semites

They live isolated in remote farms and speak only Plautdietsch. That keeps them a world apart.

And the South American governments tend not to give a fuck about anything.

Great book. Uncle Ted was right about everything.
pdf here, for anyone else interested:

She was supposed to be held as a ransom. Not be raped. I have no idea how they thought when they took the loan tbh fam.

I am not abandoning technology to be some fucking backwards luddite on a farm whilst the rest of the world develops high-tech weaponary. You are basically submitting to the will of the enemy if you emulate this lifestyle in anyway.


What are you doing here, luddite? Throw you computer out the window. Do it. Do it now. Good luck farming by hand.

user even if you have 1,000 in your cell
you stand no chance against an organized Gov. military

A million armed militia movement would destroy the US.

That's fantasy user
No way to organize and feed on that scale.
Especially in SHTF.
Plus your militia most likely would have no
air support or armored cavalry

You assume the military will side with Obama against the American people. Obama is an arrogant megalomaniac, but even he doesn't believe that. He knows the military hates him and will be his enemy in a civil war.

lol wut Schwarzenruber is a traditional amish name, in fact it's the name of one of the largest amish groups.

Yeah, they just fuck some amish girl, loads of them around.

They call it "playing cows and bulls". Some ex amish women whine about that but a woman needs to know her role early on.

you know nothing of the Brass purging that's gone on for the
last few years.
under the right set of false flags even the good ole boy soldiers
would shoot Americans

American soldiers forced whites into racemixed schools in the south at gunpoint.

Muslims are essentially low IQ warriors.

Islam is basically a religion of war, telling how mohammed the crazy warrior conquered cities, took women as slaves and raped them etc.

The Amish exist because we allow their existence. If the muslims took control they'd exterminate them quite easily and the Amish have no control in preventing their subversion.

I wish it wasn't so but nature and history proves the one with better technology overthrows the one with better organization. almost in all important cases

I agree though that farming has always been the way for a man to truly be free and not be a wage slave. Having a large community of pollacks would make us completely independent from the government and give needed support for healthy family organizations. make sure too have gun makers and explosive experts apart of your tribe though

How is that cucked? They knew they didn't have the strength to form some sovereign country but didn't want to serve the devil's jewish state either.

Thus nonresistance while living rather remote was their path.

If mudslimes would attack they'd most likely fight to defend themselves.

Firstly there is always propaganda against the amish in the media, but obviously amish people are just people like you and me and 5% of the population will always be seriously deranged and when those end up in the wrong positions and groups anything can happen.

You're not going to stop McDonalds being run by all robots in the future. Food will be highest quality (for fast food) every time. Place will be super clean. Costs will not rise based on labor demands.

People who refuse to use machines will be crushed by those who don't. What do the Amish have going for them? They own some land, and produce some nice products like butter. In the global market they are nothing. Their existence relies on the nice environment of the modern world which surrounds and permeates them. They live within a false world which is a lie, a facade. Only allowed to exist because of what they purport to refuse.

Because modern women want to live with mr billionaire in jew york and it's hard to convince a woman to live without modern comforts and pump out a dozen children over the years.

I will visit some Amish in the future and see if I can join them. I'm German so language is not so much of a problem (they speak a very old fashioned dialect).

Elements of the Amish community should be extracted. A healthy insularity and inclusiveness that rejects outside influence however being a total fucking luddite is not advisable.

Without the strongly religious aspect everything would fall apart quickly.

I believe religions are a con but atheism is way worse for society.

I don't think much cuckolding goes on in the Amish could be very wrong

I doubt the Amish would be able to put together any lasting defense against the Muslim hordes. Firstly because Muslims would slowly populate in peacefully, the Amish would be good kind Christians helping out or if they weren't, then they'd get the laws of our land to punish the Amish. Second once the "happening" is happening the Muslims will violent take them out as they will have advantage.

Rarely does your enemy come at you war-crying when you have an assault rifle.Future warfare is all based on controlling information.

The situation is already catastrophic.

Yes we got AIDSSphones but jobs have moved to big cities that nobody but jews and top10% earners can afford anymore.

Decent, reasonably intelligent guys still live in shared apartments in their early 30s ffs.

Rents used to be 10% of your income back in the days.

I've been saying this for years, that the Amish were right. However, the emergence of technology is our only hope to live on other planets.

Virgins on the internet say they will give up electricity for the chance to get Amish pussy. How pathetic. I thought people that join a church to get pussy were pathetic. You make them look like Casanovas.

It's uncommon for Amish to accept outsiders as well and normally a group of based elder men need to approve after a trial period.

So underage sex.

There's no need for air support and armored cavalry.

We just march to DC and behead any tyrant in our way.

Mennonites have done fine around savage indeginous people in Paraguay and elsewhere that'll kill anyone known to have money in a heartbeat.

user you just made my point for me
that's exactly how the U.S solider
will start shooting Anericans

Yes, I agree. It must be done in a secular setting however, and it must have strong laws (including ones such as requirement to exercise, dress well, not eat bad food, not gain excess body weight, not do drugs), high incentives for group members to follow the rules - good quality of life, high mobility within the group, and high punishments for breaking the rules such as to be excommunicated from the group.

Very difficult to do because of human corruption, greed, and policing of group done in incorrect, self destructive ways for personal gain of some members. Basically what it would need is a well made, omniscient, benevolent to the group, impartial, lawful AI that can guard and direct the group - acting as a GOD, but not worshiped only respected. Human element can't be trusted. The authority must be reliable hardware and software. I bet that well formed societies like this, with a fitness advantage over other groups, will eventually rise as AIs become more developed. I bet also that it will mostly be used by Chinese communities to self-regulate more than anyone else, and their in group preferences, and organization will enable to them spread and dominate areas they go into more than they already do. Look at Vancouver Canada as an example.

Then mass desertion follows because the soldiers can't handle killing one million of their own people.

Let me guess those indigenous people weren't technologically advanced or organized into a warrior cult.

Bullshit, what would happen to them without us in technological Western civilization is the same thing that would happen to libertarians without us nationalists and fascists: they'd get eaten up.

I have lived without electricity and I'm from the countryside - it ain't that bad.

It's not about pussy, but about social cohesion and a working community.

I have been married and fucking the same girl over and over again gets old quickly, but having a family and a community while being relatively self reliant is priceless.

My parents were jewed by banks and lost their house and this shit doesn't happen to Amish.

Your post was going so well..

I don't see it working with flawed humans in charge. Leaders are always corrupted. That's part of why capitalism works, because it works despite human corruption.

Then why they are using all this technology like carriages and oil lamps? They should live in woods like humans before age of technology.

Who watches the watcher?

AI in fiction is not AI in reality. If the AI is good then it will increase group fitness. If it is bad then that group will fail.


I have never seen AI in a program find a niche and work for itself. It always has to be set with certain goals in a particular spot. There is a human doing the placing there, so a chain going back too a human who now has a huge control over many entities to their will.

that's why I choose the picture of Victor, he's only an intelligent puppet for House, as could be the AI you make

The Amish learn things, an endeavor which separates civilization from shitskin spearchuckery. They use gas engines, (I've sold them dozens of side-shaft mower engines) to power tools and they produce food. Lots of food. They are always learning how to better produce food. They avoid us because the vaast majority of us are vacuous, feckless assholes. Technology requires learning and learning is good. Plastering a kikephone to your eyeballs and updating your kikebook is not learning. Not learning how things work makes you a subspecies of shit-skinned, goatfucking, rapacious kikenvermin. You should strap a bomb around your fat ass and waddle into the middle of a herd of kikes and self-immolate; thus advancing the progression of civilization.


What are you doing on the internet then?




AIs can work toward rewriting their own code for better group fitness. There's always a human starting the ball rolling. Newer AIs being developed now will bring big change to the world. They are already being used in some markets for good and bad effect. We're not there yet… that we're aware of, but having software control the order of people is an eventuality.


I should add that of course AIs can just be illusions for people who are really making the decisions. If that increases group fitness then it's a success. If not then it's a failure. Better AIs may become better leaders than humans ever could be ultimately.

There's no doubt some aspects of Amish life are great. They're growing as a population. They resist mainstream programming and all that jazz but being a complete luddite and surrendering the world of technology we have built to the enemy is just objectively not a good idea.

I agree Software does control alot of peoples social needs, even the search engine. But I still don't see why you don't get how a human can easily alter the process for their own goals. Such as Google preventing certain images from being displayed.

If humans are brought up too just believe what's on the internet. Then this human will control their behavior by a good amount. And the AI will have no way of stopping it, it won't even know of the changes.

Obviously, reading comprehension, is not one of the pillars supporting your massive 80 IQ.


I liked your post here

This is why in the past I would offer the Hutterites since they are Holla Forumss wet dream.

- They are of German descent and still teach, learn and speak the original language from that region. Very cool to hear it.
- Adulthood starts at 15-16 and responsibilities change at that age.
- They do not shun technology and have created great wealth to allow them the ability to purchase farmland.
- Local farmers hate them and spread rumors and hatred to ruin their name. I have personally looked into some of these rumors when living in the country in Alberta… make enemies fast because no one will back it up with truth. Everything is a friend of of friend story.
- Women and men are separated and do not have the same jobs. Men have the authority.
- Men work hard all day (farming, cattle, other tasks that they sell….original German recipes for sausage)
- You're going to get married to a committed, virgin woman who won't wear makeup, but will probably be a real cutie…until she ages….learn to love goy.
- Women work hard as well (baking, minor farming, sewing, babies)
- Your daughters will not become whores or end up with some junkie nigger/your sons will be hard workers all the days of their lives
- They are peaceful, happy and promote community, God and family. If someone commits a sexual crime or murder they actually bring in local law.

- They are pacifists so much to the point that they always had to move from region to region because they would not fight back….landing eventually in western Canada where everyone is a cuck
- Everything belongs to the community which is controlled by a few elders….if you leave it's with the clothes on your back. This has been challenged in court and the judge ruled in their favor.
- You are at the mercy of the elders so don't break the rules or it's goodbye
- If you are really a Christian or become one inside you will be excommunicated. They do not believe in salvation through grace. Since they are a works related system then it is your works that save you
- While they do embrace newer tech for school and farming don't expect any for your house. Meals are eaten as a community (although it is the best food you will ever eat). Pies, breads and other things are baked in mass quantities for every family to take home weekly.
- Church once a day fag

There are people who testify after they have left/thrown out…and they all say it's too controlling and they wanted their freedom so that is also a concern. They rarely take new comers because they are just so damn corrupt or can corrupt the process….but they do take people in.

Even if you were to join and then leave after raising your kids it may be advantageous, but if you're a Christian be hush about it. What fascinates me the most about the people who have left that say it sucked are all hard workers. Everyone I have ever know or read about always goes into successful business for themselves and continues to live a moral life.

Amish and Mennonites as well. Americans called them Pennsylvania Dutch but they're of German descent and speak very old fashioned German.

No community is worth this!

Christ, so much shilling on this board today.

They don't reject all technology.

They reject technology that makes them dependent on others.

And they reject technology used by (((the powers that be))) to subvert traditional values (i.e. the electric jew)

sage for obvious bait

Great Post. Take the MILK and Honey Red pill. Just watch the knights of Columbus assemble to protect the lamb, when the right hand of God assembles after these fucks playing with The Prince of Rosh make their move.

Great, another one of these threads. "This specific group is going to save the white race!" It happens with Russia, it happens with Christianity, it even happens with fucking Islam(pic related). When will this meme die? We will save ourselves.

My problem with this thread premise is that it's blaming something that isn't at fault for our problems. Blaming technology for our problems is the exact same thing as blaming guns for violent crime. Technology hasn't been directed properly due to society being run by Jews.

There are levels of Amish. Some drive but paint the chrome black.


It's called fucking your first cousin


Take it from an user who lives in PA and has been around them. They drive around in these buggies and there is literally horse shit everywhere after they drive down the street. They don't bathe at all and then generally smell like farm animals. They have genetic diseases because they don't breed outside of their small communities. I've only seen one hot Amish chick in my life she was young late teens and working in the field, vast majority of them are ugly as sin. Once you live near them you lose the perception of them being holier-than-thou they sell overpriced produce at farmers markets and don't pay any taxes for the roads they shit all over.

The big problem that I see is not technology. It's a total dependence on society. Today we have many people who rely on the system for everything. They go to work, do a very specific job, and have no clue how to do anything else outside of their specialization. This results in people who only know how to do one thing, and are clueless on everything else.

I think if more people grew their own food, had solar panels, had their own water well, and in general took care of most of their own needs things would be much better. You can still have technology and be mostly independent.

Amish are still too small to effect anything going on in the U.S. nationally. Government could keep clamping down on private land make their life harder, or the dindu's can start shitting up the areas around them.

They're not growing fast enough to outpace the shitstorm that's a brewin and I don't know how significant they'll be when it does.

They're interesting that's for sure, but I treat them as outsiders doing their own thing and that's how they like it so.

Yeah, the Amish can talk shit but ultimately they are happy to use public buses or just get rides from people that own cars. And that's only the conservative Amish. The Liberal Amish do own vehicles and even use electricity in their homes.

Nigga the Amish have lived in America since the days when you had to worry about Indians or coyotes running off with your babies. Of course they had guns.

And that is coming from the rape-addicted, blood-thirsty mudslimes, they really are hypocritical as fuck.

You don't actually know any Amish do you? Amish has books of rules that they try to weasle their way around. "Oh I can't own power tools? Well nothing says I can't borrow them :^)" "I can't use gasoline? No rule against using diesel :^)" "I think I'll go down to the dollar store and pick up some dingdongs and coke"

They basically use every scientific advancement, but are cheap and stingy as fuck. They're pretty much just jews in straw hats.


The Amish are far less technologically advanced than African Americans.*

So we should be worse than blacks?

*If you got triggered by this sentence then it's not my fault. The Amish are more technologically advanced than some Africans, but not "modern" Africans.

With a birth rate of 9 among the swartzentruber Amish and a birth rate of 6-7 among the rest, they are growing pretty fast. Still isn't enough though, they won't reach 1 million until 2050.

The growth of technology is dictated by Darwinian factors. It can't be stopped.

Adapt or die. It's not my fault if you aren't right wing enough to accept this fundamental truth of reality.

I live in PA and this video is very relevant to this thread.

There is some truth to this.

We don't need to grow crops the amount we do to be able to feed ourselves. We grow it because advancement in technologies has engendered competition. If you can't grow this many crops and be able to sell it for so cheaply, someone else will.

There used to be a time when man could get by working so little. We've lost our god-bestowed leisure time.

I'm sure God wants us all to advance.

He was not a Jew, he was a German man who was raised Catholic.
The couple did not "pimp put" there daughters either. He illegally married and had children with one, and simply lived with his sister in law's, no sex. They said he was a wonderful man anyways.

Reproducing with one's cousin is not inherently risky, but the more it happens the higher the risk gets. Plus, don't they live in small populations anyways? They could be like Iceland.

Anons have already made this point, but they vary a lot. Some communities are theiving scum who I wouldn't so much as speak to, others are perfectly fine people who just take the radios out of their tractor.

I doubt there are many who hate technology, part of it is the cheapness, but I've noticed that airshows get a large turnout of these types.

Besides my hobbies being frivolous (if they made money, it wouldn't be a problem), I don't believe in their god, I don't want to give my money to what amounts to a communist system, and I don't want my kids to be half german. Otherwise it would be a great way to raise kids and maintain a network of families with similar values. I've spent years doing manual labor, no talmudvision, etc. so it wouldn't be a hardship.

Oh my god, I remember listening to this all the time way back in the day.
Thanks for the nostalgia fix, user.

Didn't watch, but say for example an outsider white man reproduced with one of their women, would it unfuck their genes?

Surely it would be possible to reserve the damage, its only a question of how long it would take.

Say that there is a Trump victory and whites are allowed to exist again, who would abandon technology to join the Amish and have 9 white children? They are in desperate need of fresh European genetic stock.


isn't this where the bullshit hybrid vigor argument comes from? it doesn't make them necessarily better just less shitty

Honest question for the people in this thread.

Could you live the amish life? I don't think i could even though i grew up in a time without the internet and cell phones. (still had running water, electricity, tv, nes, and vhs tapes)

This is what (((they))) claim to be trying to do to "fix" whitey's (((super inbred genes))) by mass importing kebabs and dindoos when we've got a gene pool of like 500,000,000 and you need only 10,000 people to avoid inbreeding.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you actually think farming was easy? Do you honestly think standing in a field hoeing for 14-hours a day gives you 'leisure time'?

I respected the Amish all through my atheist years and even more so now as I see them as brothers in Christ.

God, I wish I could live like that. We're working on it, lads.

Truthfully…I don't know.
I like to think I could anyway
I see where OP is coming from tho.
You woke up,ate breakfast ,worked till you went to sleep.
No time for degeneracy when your day is filled with that.

They are fragile and if the the lefties took control of the place, they will be annihilated like dodo birds.

Weu lad, watch this video:

They're going to die out before everyone else.

The disease is technology that is imposed from the top down and is specifically designed to create dependence on government and corporate power.

Basically, the Amish were wrong but Stallman was right.

True, the lefties don't respect boundaries AT ALL. They will never give you a space to have your silly dumb dated XD eyeroll culture (snark snark)

These conditions sux a lot

user if you want an even older exploration of the concept you'd like Rossum's Universal Robots. Its extremely redpilled on the subject of both automation AND Population replacement.

Battle of the retards. Who would win in a war? Amish or skinnies from Somalia? Obama opens a rapefugee camp right next door to Amish territory. Who beats who? Inbred luddites versus Jamals and Tyrones. Fight!

Start at 1:57

It's because they're primarily used by women. You could realistically expect they would compromise pretty quickly if it allowed them to be more lazy.

Turkey was white, before Islam.

I've wanted to do this for a long time. Problem is it takes a ton of money to actually go off the grid. I don't think all technology should be shunned though. Aquaponics can make farming much easier and green houses can too. the Amish don't use either. Electricity is a good way to light a home. It's extremely risky to use oil lamps to light a home. The list goes on and on. AT LEAST half a million to go off the grid. Problem is unlike buying a home, you can't finance it because you'll have no way to pay it back. If you could get the money you'd literally never have to worry about the basic needs again. you'd have guaranteed food, shelter, if you go solar and wind power, and you could steel satellite TV and Internet with a couple of $50 or $100 satellite dishes, a $300 satellite finder, and a raspberry pi. I technically wouldn't consider it stealing since it's just floating through my air space waiting to be picked up, but you get the idea. Any money made from small jobs like fixing the peoples sink up the road or installing tile for the people who are remodeling, could go to leisure.

I'm by no means a socialist or support it in any way, but self sufficiency is true freedom. It's why people want socialism. They confuse government handouts that equal leisure at the expense of more government control, with the desire to be self sufficient through land ownership, crop and cattle farming/hunting, and with new technology solar/wind, and have ther fruits of their labor got to luxury. It's something I dream of one day. Unfortunately I entered a job market in the worst recession since the great depression. I had to work minimum wage a few years because i couldn't find an apprenticeship in the trades, which set me back a bit. I work as a truck driver now and I started low but have the potential to hit 6 figures with experience and certifications. Maybe I won't make it, but I'll make sure my kids have the option to do it for sure.

Good luck! This is my dream too.

Permaculture, Distributism and Alexander Technique are all things you might be interested in.

Same fag here. i want to add, I also thought of doing it commune style. Get a bunch of people with the same goal and some practical skills to buy a huge chunk of land, possibly even an island, which is way cheaper then you would think. Divide it evenly, build a house for each person, to there liking at the expense of them minus the labor since you'll help them build theirs, another benefit would be buying bulk supplies for all the houses at once. Then split the solar panel and wind energy costs to set up for the community, again because you'll get a bulk buy discount, and go your separate ways after it's done. Use your land as you see fit and enjoy self sufficiency.

It's not so much that technological progress is bad in itself - it's that technological progress masks societal decay. This leads to ideologies such as Whig history/"current year"ism.

alright m8

technology doesn't make people bad, it just exposes the shit parts of human nature that had already been there. see: social media

oh yeah, some cuck German politician made this argument a while ago. apparently Germany (polulation: 80 million) is in danger of inbreeding, and the solution to that is to import a million cousin-fuckers from the third world.

Basically, if what I remember is correct, most of the Anabaptist sects - Amish and Mennonites included - adopted pacifism as a strategy after they seized Münster in some shit fit rebellion back a bit after the reformation. As one might guess, their little utopia project turned sour within short order and the Papists marched from the south and put the surviving Anabaptist militants to the sword.

You're referring to forced integration after Brown v. Board of Ed. That was a ruling mandated from on high and the shit that's cascaded with greater furor since merely reinforces the unpopularity of the ruling at its time. In hindsight, it must be praised; and to that end, we are all taught to love that and similar precedents. But the myth becomes shakier and less tenable by the day.

American soldiers (or servicemen more broadly) now actively lobbied against any large scale action in Syria under Obongo. Apparently, even the DoD brass have legitimate fears of relatively high rates of attrition among the shit kickers in the event of any civil war or unrest where soldiers are deployed otherwise in some martial law capacity. And make no mistake - the shit kickers are the ones who matter, not the dindus in supply and bullshit, not the women who maintain tactical pregnancies, and not your feeble senior officers.

I suspect a lot of the Anabaptists would shed their pacifist cloak if there was any imminent threat to this country and especially to their communities, particularly by Muslims or other groups who would eagerly wipe them away. Many of them would remain stuck in their ways to be sure.

I would think they use Browning's series of Winchester rifles, right?

Also, lol at the Quaker comment:

"I tell everyone I know that with cell phones, and with 911 service, professional help is only minute away"

…Any minute now…

More like Qucker, am I right?

But that's a good thing, right? Modern society is a piece of shit anyway, let's start all over again, with a little less shit this time. Uh…. nevermind. Let humanity kill itself, all the same to me. I'm out already. Much better.

But that's a good thing, right? Modern society is a piece of shit anyway, let's start all over again with a little less shit this time. Uh…. never mind. Let humanity kill itself, much better. They're all useless.

Lots of people like to pretend they hate technology.
Funny how none of those people have given up technology to live like the amish they idolize.

The Amish are degenerates. A religious enclave that only follows its own rules is exactly what Muslims and cults do.

All Amish must hang.