What is the fastest way to develop a mental illness? too much of a pussy to end it so I just want to go nuts.
What is the fastest way to develop a mental illness? too much of a pussy to end it so I just want to go nuts
Which ones?
How to obtain?
How much do I take?
stay awake for a couple of days at a time over several months, if your mind doesn't go the fatigue will take you eventually instead
How do I stay awake? I have a high caffeine tolerance
Two ounces of lead applied to the back of the head in a forceful manner ought to do the job.
staying awake is essentially painful and uncomfortable, and the longer the more painful it gets, so good luck pal
I wanna do something edgy like record my progress
Capitalism in decay
hello I fapped to hentai just now
Same, care to share?
It's a lot simpler than these people are making it out to be.
All you need to do is unironically believe that anarchy can work as a system, and the rest will follow.
Spend every waking hour on Holla Forums
That won't make you happy though. It also won't distract you from your suffering. Real life isn't an anime, you'll just end up feeling worse in worse ways.
Night Shift Nurses Yu Yagami
sorry you have to find links on your own pal.
have a good fap
If you don't know dealers there are still some options. You can buy shroom spores online and grow them. take more than ten grams of shrooms and lose your shit
Could also try ordering something synthetic like nbome and taking a lot.
Find someone who will love you entirely for who you are and live the rest of your life with them.
Dont listen to someone who says Psychedelics cause mental illness.
Small doses, especially of naturally occuring psychedlics can assist curing depression and mental disorders.
Large doses of synthetic ones however I think you could mash yourself up badly
determination and being active
going for a walk, working out, taking a cold shower, doing things that can keep your attention
after the 48hour mark you'll have to be active about not falling asleep and determination alone will not help you much, most likely you'll be feeling like shit and your body will ache and going to bed will be realy tempting at this point
just sitting down can and probably will make you fall asleep so moving around is very important
this whole process is very long and very painful, and has to be repeated over several months as stated earlier
intenionally losing your mind is not easy and it's not like you'll be transported into some magical fairy tale, you'll be living in a nightmare you can't wake up from
DXM. DXM is easy to get both in stores and online and will rot your brain if you do enough of it for long enough. erowid that shit.
Watch anime
Go into politics.
Eat an oz of mushrooms
You are not seriously stating that human brain chemistry is so uniform that psychadelics do not regularly cause permanent psychosis, are you? Because decades of scientific research and clinical cases are waiting in the wings to call you on that bullshit.
Simple LSD, taken one time, has induced life-long schizophrenia in many individuals, and the reason is simply that those individuals have a brain chemistry which is predisposed to it. Individual physiological reactions to psychedelic drugs are as varied and as unpredictable as fingerprints.
Go back to school, and pay attention this time!
Mushrooms fucked a kid up I know.
We thought he was selling the damn things and he was eating them all.
I knew a guy who grew them so I introduced the kid to him.
He was going through an oz a week.
He started talking about feeling nature and the seasons.
He flipped his shit at a incubus concert.
He turned into an unwashed heathen.
Went to the nut house more than a few times.
cut off all contact with people aka
no more chans no more forums etc
dont talk to anyone but yourself
you will go insane within a few weeks
also no youtube videos or watching movies or tv or reading books or things etc
ive done that before. It really will make you go nuts and you'll think shit you didn't think was possible. and probably cause you nightmares.
Do you actually believe communism would work?
fap every hour
revisit all failures and regrets as often as possible, if you don't have any make some
you'll get depression in no time
Take lots of psychedelics and read >>>/fringe/, >>>/catscradle/ and >>>/x/.
Easy! go to school in america.
if that didn't work, try a doctoral program!
shill detected.
>doubting "decades of (((scientific))) research and clinical cases compiled anecdotes"