Good night, sweet comrade o7
The greatest man that ever lived,
showing the world the path of Marxism Leninism into a new and better life, a brighter future for everyone.
Our beloved comrade and leader in the liberation of the working people,
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin!
Es Lebe der Bannerträger des Friedens und Fortschritts in der Welt, der beste Freund des deutschen Volkes, Josef Wissarionowitsch Stalin! Hurra!
Und aller Ruhm der Welt wird Stalin heißen!
Lasst uns den Ewiglebenden lobpreisen!
Fuck communists! Ethno-nationalism is the right way to go!
I'm in a cheerful mood. I've been at it for a while now, harvesting the fruits of my posts, the delicious butthurt driving people into imitating, reporting, creating threads calling for mod intervention, growing paranoid over Holla Forums invading "their" board.
Good times.
hey Holla Forums, whatcha doin?
Nice figurehead you got there
Op is a stormfag trying to falseflag Holla Forums into attacking Holla Forums
stop with all the communist shit mate, you are not fooling anyone.
Holla Forums are acting like fucking kikes.
reject all ideology
ignore political threads
sage political threads
don't reply to political threads
Fuck you I actually have to pass this grade
Fuck me I didnt even link it right
Nice meme, here have some actual data.
That's a different thread, what are you going on about?
>They never just forced people into the siberian taiga and forget to document it
Nice try commie
communists are as bad as nationalists.
both need to crawl in a whole and die.
Nice try, faggot.
What better in life than dedicating it to Marxism Leninism, to aspire becoming a superior being, like comrade Stalin!
Holla Forumsyps truly are the worst cunts on this site.
I actually hope you do get your precious communism so I can watch you die horribly because you're the exact kind of bourgeoisie cunt that would be murdered immediately after a revolution starts.
Hell, with any lucc I'd be the one pointing a gun at the bacc of your head considering I'm a poor worker that communism loves to elevate to commissar status.
Why is leftypol bumping this stale ass thread? Don't you have little kids to rape?