Anti-feminist Youtuber Bearing got banned for "copyright reasons," even though he had clean record with no strikes at all. Someone reported him 3 times in one day and got his account banned. These fascists want to silence anyone who's opinion they feel is a threat to their agenda. These people feel that they have the right to enforce thought crime, and people among YouTube's moderation staff would appear to be helping them. Maybe not a whole lot of you care, but I figured someone had to let Holla Forums know about this bullshit.
SJWs are trying to censor YouTube!
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, we know
is his account not back now?
no, this just happened. He made a new one though
what is it?
Sorry, must've left out a few characters
This is what his old one looks like right now
Are they? So what happens when I type in "lil twerk playlist"?
You'll probably find one. Trying would imply they are attempting to do something. It does not mean they must be completely successful. Anymore smart ass comments?
The bear he used as an avatar is owned by the Canadian youth entertainment network Fresh TV Inc and was featured in Total Drama series
The avatar SugarTits uses is also owned by that very same network
Boi u dun know me liek that i was just saying that feminist need to step their game up.
They can't be sex-liberated/negative and modest, they're playing into the hands of dirty men, not all men btw.
so this is cool and all but what does Holla Forums plan on doing about it and should we get /baph/ involved
Youtubers are supposed to get 3 strikes. If this is his only offense he should only get 1
I say we spam the fuck out of youtube. Maybe create fake accounts and post tons of porn with popular tags so everyone finds it
So, isn't that a crime? What if minors see it? You're a beta-cuck faggot, really. kys
Crime? What kind of pussy are you? And todays minors watch more porn than we did when we were minors, I guarantee
You're worried about breaking the law when fascist SJWs can cry to YouTube about someone and get their way. Gtfo you moralfag
each video showcasing the bear is 1 strike each of copyright infringement
he's not the the original creator of the bear image he's using as an avatar and I doubt he had permission from the original creator to use the bear in his videos
and seeing as his use of the bear image doesn't fall under the fair use claus he had this coming, especially since I'm fairly sure he criticized some popstar or e-celeb for issuing copyright claims against people that used an image of their person in one of their videos. Pretty sure it was Lazy Green or whatever her name is that was criticized by bearing
I'm a pussy for following the law?
It's still not right.
Fucking yes, I don't care about your e-beef with women, grow up and find a man, you closet-faggot. You're probably on the MGTOW shit.
Now, you get the fuck out.
regardless of the fact its breaking the law its too simple
what really needs to happen is we need to find out the account information of a really popular youtuber and post porn all over there channel
rinse and repeat i say we start off with this faggot
if your wondering how i found it it was trending on youtube with 100k views for some reason
You sound like a SJW cuck yourself. KYS
No, i'm not wondering, because I know you're a shit poster.
I'm sure you faggots are just going to ignore these posts and continue your little circlejerk
so here's teal deers brakedown of it
find some other hill to die on or come up with a better reason to "fuck" with youtube
He's right. We need to focus and find a way to right this wrong. Even if there was legitimate copyright infringement, we can't let these fascists do what ever they want
Lulz killers like you are the cancer that's killing Holla Forums. Drink a gallon of bleach
if we run out of ideas we could always try and DDoS
Sorry, I'm not as gay as you. Try loving women again, maybe you'll get some pussy and stop browsing imageboards.
Stay Mad. I've reported this thread to YouTube, so fuck you.
Anyone who hates feminists hate women, huh? Sounds like an SJW cuck to me. BTW, I'm pretty sure you'll never get laid, so just stop with the white knighting
i bet you call yourself alt right
we have no need for normies here
lol oh no, because youtube is totally in a position to stop this thread. Jump off a bridge
(I guess you're referring to me)
KYS you MGTOW-GAY faggot
Google, they will be monitoring the thread and doing what they can to stop your ebin trolling. Calm down, you're not on 4chan.
We're not even all the same person. Just leave, no one likes you.
Except that they can't do shit. And we don't want to be cuckchan. GTFO Newfag
lol 9gag babby
They own YouTube, dickhead.
They don't own us, do they?
Seriously, wtf are they going to do to stop us? They don't even know who we are, and Youtube is so big that there's no way to keep track of it all. They can't simply stop us even if they know we're coming. If anything it presents an opportunity to fuck with them more
that actualy kinda scares me when you ask that question
When was the least time anyone ever saw hotwheels or his account
Hotwheels is one person. *We* are not
do we really know who owns and operates this site?
Not Google, I can tell you that much
shit for all we know 8ch been a honeypot for a while unless hotwheels confirms he's still alive and still in charge we wont fucking know
Google removed Holla Forums from it's search engine. If they had it their way, we wouldn't exist
spoken like a good little goy
I'm not killing any "lulz"
you're having a kneejerk reaction and acting like good goyim, and it'll result in handing over more control to these "fascists"
had bearing used an image of a bear he drew himself you would have had some ground to stand on, but he didn't, so you don't
all you are doing is acting the same way as SJWs, and rallying other people to do the same
and to top it off you act like you're assblasted when this is pointed out to you, by attacking the person that pointed out what you are doing
some guy found out that bearings avatar is owned by Fresh TV Inc and notified them that their property is being used without their permission
I'm not gunna take part in any raids unless hotwheels confirms he's alive and in charge
No, this is bullshit. And why would you put fascist in quotes? These people practically send lynch mobs after people with "unnacceptable" opinions. We need to fight back, and if that means playing by their rules, then so be it
that is your right as an individual. However, I suggest you don't speak for others
SJWs rally others to take down someone who is committing thoughtcrime. I'm trying to rally people against this kind of bullshit. It's not even just bearing; more than one YouTuber has been targeted this way
how fucking new are you?
Jim Watkins own the site, he has for at least a year now.
He's also the guy hosting the site, along with
not new just haven't had the time to really care for a while with work and all i just post intermittently
unless you consider the 2nd exodus new
What you're arguing is comparable to a lawyer using technicality laws to keep a rapist out of prison. We should not let this stand, and spinless worms like you aren't about to stop us
im just doing this fro a kick but im not about to go into it without a reasonable plan
We have to do something that YouTube cannot ignore. Something that would get everyone to jump down their throats and force them to act immediately. This is why I suggested mass porn posting with popular tags. All we need to do is set up fake accounts and find the nastiest porn we can find, then fire away
This is why you're never getting laid. This.
I'm open to other suggestions
I put fascists in qoutes because this is not a case where he was silenced for thoughtcrime, technically, although I'm sure the person that did it disagrees with bearing
the channel was shut down because of multiple accounts of copyright infringement
and you fighting back by spamming channels with shit or creating channels hosting shit is not playing by their rules
find the copyrighted shit in "their peoples" youtube videos that doesn't fall under the fair use and report that, gather evidence of copyright infringement, gather evidence of nothing being done about it as long as it's the "right" people doing it and you'll have more success and would actually be playing by their rules
this is the way it has to be done user, the devil lives in the details
technicallities matter a great deal and make or break a case
you call me spineless for going the legal route while you would much rather acvt like a hooligan and further disprove your own cause and further cement their ways as being the one that is right
be clever for once in your life
No, this is not the way it has to be done. We aren't some Standing Rock protesters; we're Anonymous. Like I said before, Bearing is not the only youtuber targeted this way. We have to get the message across to youtube that all have a right to express their views. And you can bet your ass that he was reported because of his views. The SJWs just finally found a legal reason to take him down.
that's exactly my point you fucking retard
You're weak if you can only play by the rules. There's a phrase I've said time and time again. "fights have no rules." This is no exception
If you losers want to protest, try going to a college instead of using YouTube and (lol) 8ch as your soapbox.
You're the social justice warriors now.
there also a saying that goes: the victor writes the history
you are free to act like niggers, don't complain when shit gets worse becaue of it
the only thing i can really think of is to gain access to a youtube administrators account and start doing the same thing to a whole bunch of left leaning youtubers
See, now we have someone who's thinking like a fighter. The question is how we're going to pull that off
i mean thats if we even know who any youtube admins are bc youtube doesn't talk about its staff nor does it ever really talk about anything else about its inner workings even youtubers themselves aren't really supposed to talk about there contacts at youtube
Ok, but those protesters at Standing Rock are bravely fighting for their rights why you're on 8ch
Because this is an internet issue that requires an internet solution. I've nothing against the protesters, but we should not limit ourselves to their methods.
we need a different place to talk about all of this this shit can be archived
we also need to prolly get a thread up on /baph/ just in case ill go do it
There's gotta be a way to find an admin account. Either that, or we can report spam SJW channels until they disappear. Fight fire with fire as they say
Copyright, lol.
From what I understand there is an algorithm that bans videos that get too many flags. This may be the case for channels too
I'm sure if he was advocating for feminism they wouldn't have touched him
Post a thread on Holla Forums too. I'm sure they'd be happy to wreck some SJWs
we could demand a response and demand if they dont answer to this in a couple of hours that we'll shut youtube down with a DDoS attack until they give us a proper reperations
we'll need a list of sjw youtubers who are also guilty of copyright as well as anyone who has used anothers face for there own gain
but preferably lets not fuck with anyone under 300k subs
not to mention a demand for complete transparancy or further DDoS attacks will occur
as well as a list of the entire staff working at youtube
A brilliant plan. I'll work on the list immediately
I'm also aware his channels back up but I've had enough of this bullshit something needs to be done
unfortunately the only computer i have going right now is completely unsecure and running a bootleg version of windows 8.1 as my secure laptop is completely destroyed
I am using a vpn however if that even helps anyone got any ideas to tighten up the security on this pc?
I'll do my best to try and lead this raid Ill be taken the name user King of the Faggots for now
According to this guy his bear drawing was de-shekeling some aussie TV station
Which VPN are you using? That makes a huge difference. Also I'd recommend running Tor with it, but you don't have to. If you are going to use Tor, make sure you use a VPN with it. Make sure your VPN doesn't log, and activate it *before* you log into Tor. That last part is important
fuck me i have macafee on this computer
Not the best VPN, but it's not the worst either. That'll do
erase that shit and get Avira
how the fuck do you do that
Uninstall it and delete the application from your computer.
I never had to delete it because I never had it, but that might be a pain in the ass. It's not that important for this anyway, the VPN is what covers your ass
giving a fuck about laws makes you a cuck in and of itself
Just make sure you aren't using social media while you raid. That's how they catch people with VPNs
this thread isn't showing up on Tor for some reason
fuck it not like it matters ive already posted away on firefox
I sent a message to Undoomed about providing us with a list of prominent SJW YouTubers. I'm awaiting his response, but still working on my own list
Holla Forums is full of fucking Cucks
Tell them this is our chance to finally give those cry baby liberals what for. If there's anything Holla Forums hates, it's liberals crying to authority and getting their way. YouTube being the authority
That's why i'm migrating to minds.
It's open source and pro-freespeech
tell the No.8458006 guy that we don't have to be in a "golden age of trolling. We can make a stand and let the world know that Anonymous is still here and is willing and able to stand up to liberal fascism. I'd say all this myself but I'm banned from pol
pretty much already did you saw teh latest post didnt yo btw any response from Undoomed?
That's good for you, but YouTube is still the biggest site for sharing videos. We're the only ones who can make YouTube stop fucking it's content creators over
Not yet, but it hasn't been too long
i give up on Holla Forums they're all a bunch of enormous cucks who wnat to do nothing but sit around and circlejerk each other all day
they're not fucking fascists they are fucking Communists.
finally some help on Holla Forums
Sometimes I really fucking hate them…… Oh well, we don't need their help
we got one good goyum in there
Same difference, Communism is just leftist fascism
then call it for what it is.
Let them know that this issue is bigger than Bearing. Many more anti-SJW channels have been taken down by these internet brownshirts
they know and i give up trying with them
'leftist fascism' is a contradiction in terms. fascism is, by definition, right wing.
the word you're looking for is 'totalitarianism' and/or 'authoritarianism'.
in any case, this entire thread is a makeshift false flag made by some sjws. the copyright strike was entirely justified, bearing needs to own that.
I did. I don't have to be specific, this isn't exactly the point. Technically these SJWs really aren't Communist, but they're just as horrible.
Fascism does not have to be right wing. Many scholars would argue it's impossible to put fascism itself on the right/left spectrum. Nazism was right wing, Stalinism was left. Google's definition is not the gospel
False flag? Are you calling me an SJW?
alright, wikipedia then:
"Fascism opposes liberalism, Marxism and anarchism and is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum."
and oxford:
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.", "extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practices"
just say 'totalitarianism' and/or 'authoritarianism', those terms lack the specific connotation with either end of the left-right spectrum.
while it was justified the issue is that bearing wouldn't have been banned if he was a left leaning youtuber
yes he probably would have, people take copyright pretty seriously.
user hows that list coming along?
that explains all the false copyright claims on the site and why his channel is back up not to mention it should only have been a warning before he woudlve been banned and had his entire account taken down rather youtube just out of nwhere shut him down in a single day
the avatar was quite obviously wilfully plagiarised. he's lucky they haven't sued him yet. and they almost definitely will. he's been making money off a copyrighted image he does not own.
From the very same wikipedia article, "Fascism was influenced by both left and right, conservative and anti-conservative, national and supranational, rational and anti-rational.[39] A number of historians regard fascism either as a revolutionary centrist doctrine, as a doctrine that mixes philosophies of the left and the right, or as both those things.[40][41] Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who drew upon left-wing and right-wing political views." We can agree to disagree, but I believe the most important aspect of fascism is that it utilizes the common masses to enforce it. When ever someone has unorthodox views, they condemn it and send a lynch mob after them. It's the idea that a single stick can be broken, but a bundle not so easily. This is why their symbol is the fasces.
Look, Bearing is just one YouTuber who was targeted by SJWs. He just so happens to have violated copyright laws. There's no denying that, but I find it hard to believe that all of the other anti-feminist YouTubers who were similarly targeted were also guilty of said crime. This is bigger than any one person. Perhaps I shouldn't have even mentioned Bearing because you all seem to be missing the point
*I* know what 3rd position is. The guy who insists fascism is strictly right wing does not.
Fucking commies gotta poke their opinions in everywhere, eh?
there is no evidence that this particular situation had anything to do with sjws. i'm sure they wish they'd done this, but they didn't.
okay, how about we refer to right wing fascism as 'fascism' and left wing fascism as 'faggotism'?
honestly "SJWs censoring this guy" is bullshit narrative but I fucking hate how with copyright laws one can't even use a stupid fucking mascot in one's videos
I know right? It's not like this bear is even a major character in the cartoon it comes from. It's literally just a cartoon bear
Who else would report some random cartoon bear mascot on an anti-feminist page? This guy wasn't even a big time YouTuber, so it's not like he attracted the attention of the company that owns this character?
It's pretty obvious from all the unfeaturing, unsubbing, "glitches", and current year man invading all recommendations, that youtube is slowly being more and more ran by SJWs.
Underrated post.
Holla Forums goes to war with Google.
Holla Forums posts porn and gore on YouTube.
YouTube is kill.
It's time for another venue. Only a mass exodus is worthy. SJWs will also follow and attack us wherever we go, so we must put in place legal ways to stop them from blocking content that they find offensive wherever they go.
They are already ruining all the chans as fast as possible. We don't need to hurry them along! We need to slow them the fuck down! Maybe place a trail of donuts out into the woods…
So its only a big deal when its censorship you oppose.
If a viable alternative can rival youtube it is less likely to fuck the little guy over.
They did the samer thing to Ghost some years ago.
OP I don't know who this bear dude is, but I support his right to free speech.
Sargon of Akkad did a good video on this.
Actually no, censorship is fucked up no matter where it is. Holla Forums is supposed to be a haven of free speech. That's why we left 4chan. It's amazing how many people like to feel like they have a moral high ground by inventing hypocrisy where ever they see fit. KYS
Undoomed's video on the topic, for all of you convinced this was purely a copyright issue
Are you suggesting that we work to destroy YouTube so that a new video sharing website can establish dominance? Sounds like a difficult task, but if we were to succeed, we'd be hurting Google's practically unchallenged influence over the internet. I say we knock down this giant so something new and better can come about. YouTube has been the center of video sharing long enough
We're not doing that. We're going after the SJWs, not YouTube itself
He used an image to personify an individual character. The character itself doesn't speak, has no opinions, and is simply there for comic relief. Not trying to be a dick on this but this is common and quite often falls under the fair use clause. The language you used indicates he not only selected the character but copied the character's mannerisms to earn money for that. The Bear itself is really only an eye catch something to keep the viewer's attention during the video the character is the voice it's opinions and it's behavior. If we neglected parody and commentary from Fair Use because we didn't like the content any abridged series [Team Four Star] [Takahata101] anyone in their circle would also be infringement however these rules are not applied entirely with every circle. Before you make the [their videos aren't monetized so it doesn't work] Their T shirts that they sell and make profit off of are not licensed by the parent companies. It is allowed because the original holders of the copyright are not effected by these creators as Total Drama [the series] is not effected by Bearing's usage of the character. That said Bearing's channel will have to set up a new art and change nothing else which only again indicates that the image was nothing more than an eye catch.
I don't care and neither should anyone else. Dousn't matter.
When SJWs can point their finger at someone who disagrees with them and have them silenced for bullshit reasons, it does matter. This is censorship, and a violation of free speech. If you don't care, that's fine. Just bear in mind that people like you enable liberal fascism.
Boo hoo, its fucking youtube. Not an indie website. He broke copyright law and deserves to be shut down for it. Imagine me using mickey mouse as my youtube meme shit. Fucking idiots.
SJWs dont care about youtube memestars irl because the memestars dont matter irl. Youtube dousn't fucking matter.
No one here wants to destroy YouTube. We couldn't even if we tried
No, he didn't break any copyright laws. His use of the bear character falls under fair use. If it was some liberal YouTube channel you can bet your ass he'd still be there.
This aint China idiot. How old are you that you are actually this stupid?
The most popular video streaming website in the world doesn't matter? This is a place where ideas and information is exchanged. How would you like it if they came to Holla Forums and started censoring all of our shit?
Do you even understand what line you must cross to break copyright laws? He didn't use the original character's name, voice, mannerisms, or anything from the show at all. It was simply there for display. This is common, and falls under fair use
Are you going to suggest that parodies don't fall under fair use next, because YouTube is full of that
its not
[Court Precedent Needed]
I will make a youtube channel called Mousing with micky mouse and see how long that lasts.
For one, Micky Mouse itself is a protected logo. That would definitely be protected by copyright laws. This bear does not serve the same purpose for the Total Drama series, nor did Bearing use any of the character's traits other than it's image. For your argument, it's murky water in legal terms at best, but so many other YouTubers have done pretty much the same thing and are still around. This is clearly an incident where he was targeted for his views.
You can make a parody of what ever the fuck you want on YouTube and it would be protected under fair use. The same goes for commentary. This was simply an image he used to keep his viewers' attention. Again, very common and often falls under fair use
By your logic, social media, TV, and the internet itself don't matter in the real world. Except they do, because they have a massive influence on our culture. This is how ideas are shared and spread now, so yes, it does matter. YouTube is more than just cat videos and rants. Sites like this will be home to the media of the future. We should not allow such a thing to be censored by easily offended infants who cannot accept opposing views.
fucking liberal cuckmongers get to cry to authority and get their way too much. we need to show them that this wont stand
pedophilia isn't ok in general please go back to /loli/
I'm back bitches how far have we Cum
I dont really care enough to keep this going. Sad you cuck for an E-celeb so hard. You kids will understand when your older.
So you have no real argument left to give? That's ok, but you can always just admit it lol
Here's the list I have so far. I don't know if Undoomed will be willing to give us his list
Laci Green
Feminist Frequency
Arielle Scarcella
Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls
Paris Marx
Ash Hardell
Cynthia G
blktriss productions
There are more to come, this is just the beginning
What exactly are we going to do? Report spam their pages?
I guess so. Seems like what they do to the anti-SJW channels
Oh fuck off you retard. He is not parodying the source of the image. He just stole the damn thing to serve as his icon. If you love his content so damn much, draw him a bear yourself then.
Way to present my words in the wrong context. I'm not saying he is using this character as a parody, I used parodies as an example of using other people's characters in fair use. I mentioned the word, "commentary" for a reason, dumbass.
I don't even really watch this guy; I'm talking about this because Undoomed brought it up.
This thread needs more hats.
That's not fair use you fucking dolt. Fair use is when you use content with the intent of engaging with the source. It's not Fair Use to just take some copyright material and use it as you see fit. Especially not when you're trying to monetize it.
I bet the jews are doing it. The jews do everything!
This is one copyright strike that was actually completely justified for once, he stole the artwork from a cartoon and claimed it was his, if he just drew his own fucking bear there would be no issue.
The videos were not monetized and it is fair use. How many times do I have to explain this to you retards? He was not using the character's personality, mannerisms, or any other aspects at all. He was using a random cartoon figure like so many other YouTubers before him have. There are people who have been around a lot longer with him with more subs than he'll ever have who have done the very same thing and have yet to be taken down for copyright infringment
If you're going to deny that he was reported by some butthurt SJW then you're just willingly feigning ignorance to be contrary.
name one decent sized youtuber thats just stolen artwork from a cartoon or something and uses it as their own.
It needs more bears.
Bears with hats.
18 year old shill thinks youtube is super important.
Maybe you should go read the fair use doctrine you fucking idiot. You have to keep explaining it because you keep getting it wrong.
And his videos are 100% monetized because the faggot e-begs on Patreon.
He already cried about it on some other channel that it's a copyright problem with his videos. No one cares if you use that as some flimsy excuse to white knight your hero. Just go blow him and be done with it.
That dousnt count! Im a good, shill thats why!
I was not aware that he uses Patreon, but I'm not getting the fair use policy wrong. Again, what he's done has been done a thousand times. Open your fucking eyes and look at YouTube and see how many other YouTubers with similar levels of subs to him have done the very same thing
You're a faggot dude. Enough said
Good shill.
I call samefagging. You keep spelling doesn't as dousnt. Get a life, samefag
no u
No that dousnt make sense. Bad goy
You aren't helping your case
Look at detective dumbass here expecting people to prove anything to him. OK kiddo I'll get right on that.
You keep saying theres "thousands" of examples yet you still can't name a single decent sized youtuber that stole art like bearing did.
No one needs to prove anything. Just look at the consistency in spelling. It's one of the tell tale signs of a samefag, and it has been for years.
I remember the first time I got on an anonymous image board all those years ago.
Hes a shill. Hes not worth arguing with because hes just going to keep shilling. He has no proof or citations or legal precedents to back his claims up.
Hes just some kid probably.
It's easy to dismiss someone when you've been accused of samefagging. Get a life, basement dweller
Laci Green puts raw garlic up her pussy. -
It's to stop vampires raping her.
These people are truly cringeworthy
Are you getting paid to shill?
I'm starting to wonder if you are
Are you like a professional samefag or something?
GTFO you wannabe oldfag.
For all of you idiots who keep insisting it is copyright infringement, here:
He used an image to personify an individual character. The character itself doesn't speak, has no opinions, and is simply there for comic relief. Not trying to be a dick on this but this is common and quite often falls under the fair use clause. The Bear itself is really only an eye catch something to keep the viewer's attention during the video the character is the voice it's opinions and it's behavior. If we neglected parody and commentary from Fair Use because we didn't like the content any abridged series [Team Four Star] [Takahata101] anyone in their circle would also be infringement however these rules are not applied entirely with every circle. Their T shirts that they sell and make profit off of are not licensed by the parent companies. It is allowed because the original holders of the copyright are not effected by these creators as Total Drama [the series] is not effected by Bearing's usage of the character. That said Bearing's channel will have to set up a new art and change nothing else which only again indicates that the image was nothing more than an eye catch.
gg no re
1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
Courts typically focus on whether the use is “transformative.” That is, whether it adds new expression or meaning to the original, or whether it merely copies from the original. Commercial uses are less likely to be considered fair, though it’s possible to monetize a video and still take advantage of the fair use defense.
2. The nature of the copyrighted work
Using material from primarily factual works is more likely to be fair than using purely fictional works.
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use than borrowing large portions. However, even a small taking may weigh against fair use in some situations if it constitutes the “heart” of the work.
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work
Uses that harm the copyright owner’s ability to profit from his or her original work are less likely to be fair uses. Courts have sometimes made an exception under this factor in cases involving parodies.
This is their fair use policy. Read and understand, retards
Bearing's use of the bear does not hurt Total Drama's ability to profit at all, and all he is using is a random bear from the cartoon. Not even a major character, just a bear. You're allowed to borrow small bits of material for your own work, as said in YouTube's fair use policy. Now fuck off.
No, I do. You're just some samefagging troll who has a hard on for lulz killing. Do what ever it is you would otherwise be doing with your day and let us raid in peace
lol look at the samefag calling someone a samefag
Holla Forums hasn't raided anything in years and raids end up being just calling someone a nigger a couple of times.
The time of raids is gone, kid.
Then why don't we get motivated and do something besides jerk off to loli porn all day?
top kek
YouTube's fair use policy is pretty much defined by the law. They don't just make up their own rules on what is and isn't copyright infringement, you idiot.
But its not the law you ninny
as it happens, courts did not decide to take down bearing's channel. YouTube did.
Am I back on cuckchan?
Dude, they get their fair use policy from American copyright laws. Are you really this stupid? Do you just like censorship that much?
The jews did it you stupid kike
What's with the whole "jews did it" nonsense, anyway? You think I'm like some Nazi conspiracy theorist or something?
I know, right? When did 8ch become full of cucks?
I leave for like 6 months and come back to find this place is turning into 4chan
i stand with bearing and all anti-sjws. fuck femenist trash
White knighting for some faggy e-celeb who decides to beg for more fucking attention to reveal his face is the antithesis of being a cuck? Kids these days…
He's not even an e-celeb. Before today I'd never even heard of the guy.
Juvie must have been so tough for you…
Why would you use copyright stuff. He must be a real idiot. Blind leading the blind sort of thing.
LOL that's so clever I think I'll kill myself now
Jews run jewtube you cryptokike. Bearing is a yid. This a scheme to get more money on patreon.
Post more memes from memegenerator. I love memes and memestars.
Would you be so kind?
Of course, because the jews run the world…… Aren't you on the wrong board? Holla Forums is that way
Certainly. After you, my good sir
Just because you have an opinion doesnt mean its right
Yeah but if they don't defend the copyright they would lose the copyright and it sets a bad presedent for the show and for the network.
This looks like a big deal to his followers and people who are eager to interpret it as they have but my guess is that this is small fries legal action these corporations do every single day, probably even done by an intern or some shit.
And that kids is a perfect example of how not to use reverse psychology
That's exactly why these SJWs are so horrible. Anyone who disagrees with them is immediately labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, or what ever other buzzword fits the situation. They go out of their way to ruin people's lives because they disagree with them. Now you even get them rioting in the streets, unironically chanting that Trump is "not my president" as they attack anyone they see as one of his supporters.
Just as feasible as being paranoid of the SJWs.
Dude, just live your life and find a nice wife. Stop worrying about ECelebs who are just marketing whores who will say whatever it takes to get money. An aliyah would help you more than shilling for people who will only pretend to care about your existence.
You will understand when you get older and realize the world has always and will remain to be shit by and by.
And thats exactly why everyone voted trump because they saw who was voting for hillary
anti-feminism is not sexism. Women already have equal rights, and more
And thats why you are not relevant. Thank you and keep donating to my patreon.
This is so much bigger than just bearing. I shouldn't have even mentioned that guy at all, because you retards keep missing the point. This is happening to so many YouTubers just because they have an opinion that SJWs disagree with. Open your eyes and look. You will see
So any discussion that does not involve action is just whining? We can't even talk about actual issues with out someone trying to feel superior in some way? Go to hell, faggot
well as long as they don't have completely legitimate reasons to be struck down for copyright reasons they'll be fine.
This isn't a censorship issue you dipshit. If Bearing didn't fucking use copyrighted material his channel would have never been suspended.
And stop advocating authoritarian bullshit. No company should be forced to service someone if they don't want to.
How many times have you seen people get reported for bullshit reasons? Have you just not been paying attention for the last 4 years. Bearing is one of few instances where there actually *may* be a case for copyright infringement, which by the way isn't as clear as you believe it is. Even if it is legit copyright infringement, there was no warning at all.
No one should be forced to agree with SJWs either. You know how many people's lives have been ruined by these fascists? You think this is *only* about copyright? How naive are you?
You will never do anything. Verba non acta
Only because people like you don't want us to. You won't even let us pull a fucking raid over some bullshit
YouTube chose to get rid of him. You whining on some anonymous message board about how YouTube should be forced to let him back on is authoritarian bullshit. You are the fascist here you dipshit.
How is one man supposed to act alone and make a difference?
No we're not trying to force youtube to let him back. We're trying to force youtube to treat it's userbase fairly. I really don't give two fucks about Bearing
Go outside sometime.
Bearing is just one example. An example that appearently I should not have used, because some how that's all you retards can see. Why can't anyone ever see the big picture?
Censorship cucks like nigger dick up the ass.
all the other instances were resolved within days because they were false copyright claims, sure its not fun and you lose a little money but its not a life threatening scenario.
The bigger picture is a bunch of whiners complaining about how their feelings should trump the business decision of a private enterprise… Oh wait, you're actually doing that. Fuck off kid.
No, a raid isn't real shit. You're just spinning my words into what you want them to be now. The language I used implied that this is such a small task, and yet you are still for some reason strongly opposed to it
How stupid you are shows. No one here is pre-censorship. We just don't like Ebegging faggots.
Thank you user, you give me hope for this board
Do you have a job,sir?
Constructive hobbies?
Or do you just pretend your fighting "SJWs" online?
You don't like Ebeggers, I don't like SJW commies. Perhaps we can fuck with both, or are you just against lulz all together?
Coming from someone who likes censorship just because someone else has a different opinion than you, that's pretty ironic.
Yes, I do have a job. You can't exactly survive on your own with out one. Jesus Christ, I go on Holla Forums for one fucking day after months of absence trying to get some lulz, and all of you cucks have to try and ruin it. What the fuck do happened to Holla Forums?
I remember when Holla Forums would be all over this shit. *sigh* I wish I had a fucking time machine……
I'm not advocating censorship here retard. If you want to be a fucking fascist, then go for it. Just don't fucking be one and cry about how your opponent is one too.
We aren't fascists for wanting YouTube to start treating it's userbase fairly. Are you just ignorant of the shenanigans that keep happening, or are you in league with the SJWs? Seriously, I don't see why stopping us matters so much to you if you see this as something stupid
If our task is stupid then it is bound to fail. Why are you so afraid of us trying something that would be doomed to fail?
you may not be advocating censorship, but your enabling it. thats just as bad
What the fuck… What's stopping you? Are my words impeding your movements? Feel free to waste your time flagging some videos that some unpaid intern can undo in mere seconds. No one cares.
Yes, your words are driving away people that would otherwise join in. This is why we call a clever insult on a shit thread a "shut-down." It's pretty obvious when you stop and think about it.
You can't do a raid by yourself, dumbass
and don't even start with nypa, because that's not even what this is about
It's not censorship if some private company decides it doesn't want you around anymore kid. YouTube isn't preventing Bearing from making videos somewhere else.
Go market yourself on twitter to the rest of the sheep that casually follow this e-begger around. I'm sure you'll find people willing to raid with you.
YouTube just deleted every video Bearing made…… How the fuck is that not censorship?
Can we stop talking about Bearing? Fuck that guy, this is bigger than him. How many times do I have to say that he is just one guy?
Sure you aren't. Keep defending youtube kike.
Seriously, in what world does making "undesirable" content disappear forever not count as censorship?
Did YouTube cut out his tongue? Are they preventing him from making videos and putting them up somewhere else?
A private company not allowing you to use their service is not censorship.
However, a bunch of whiny faggots crying that YouTube should be forced to deal with anyone and not make their own decision like true private enterprise is entitled to sounds a bit like fucking SJW bullshit to me.
Looks like we hit the bump limit. Next time I'm not going to mention Bearing
OMFG no one here is trying to force YouTube to bring Bearing back. Get this through your thick skull, retards
They aren't preventing him from making new material, but they did away with all of his currently existing material with out any warning at all. He'll never get these videos back. This is censorship, whether you want to admit it or not
He wasn't even given the chance to save all of his material before they dumped it down the drain. Don't get me wrong, I haven't watched any of his videos (because they're gone,) but this is fucked up. One should at least be able to expect some kind of warning before his entire account is removed
Why does Holla Forums have to be full of cucks now?
bearing used the bear from total drama island and got three copyright strikes because the people who own said show got wind of his shenanigans
youtube is cucced beyond repair
Can someone explain why I'm being censored like this