Have to make an 8 minute presentation about gommunism at uni on monday...

Have to make an 8 minute presentation about gommunism at uni on monday, give me some nice points to wreck typical socialist students' buttholes




start by showing how communism empowered women, giving them equality with men in the workplace. then show stats on how this reduced life expectancy for women and increased alcoholism for men, crashed the birthrate and led to manpower shortages during wwar2. they'll all fall asleep by minute 4 and at minute 7.5 you awake them with a gigantic fart, greeted with thunderous applause.

When does the killing 100+ million people come in?

if they don't understand that socialism/communism is completely unworkable by now, they're too mentally challenged to function in society

Just say "human nature". It's really getting us mad - besides making you look like a retard and giving us the opportunity to easily dismantle your faggotry, but don't worry about that :-)

Yes, please quote this image. That'll totally work out in your favour :^)

u rn

You may well have a valid point to make user, but i can't hear it for your foul mouthed arrogance.
Remain calm and leave your guns in the safe for a minute. Without popular support socialism fails (vis. 20th century).
You won't achieve your aims by browbeating anons on an imageboard any more successfully than by shooting dissidents. You are all over Holla Forums trying to peddle your narrow view of the world and it stinks. It's not that Holla Forums isn't implicitly egalitarian, it's that you suck your own turds and that's laughable.
No need for bleach: don't go away. Since Holla Forums succumbed to the jews, we need more light entertainment.

he doesn't

Go to Holla Forums and Holla Forums for biased viewpoints
Holla Forums is neutral politically, but radical philosophically.

You are in the wrong neighborhood soon.

As a Holla Forums loyalist, I will likely tell you that communism,capitalism,national-socialism…etc are bullshit ideologies and has no standing ground in Holla Forums's world.

We think you are all retarded and would like to burn you all to a crisp.

Have a nice day.

i second this

I'm not wasting real effort on people i know don't care for, so why would i do anything but be condescending towards faggots like you?
This is merely for my own entertainment, i'm already investing real work and money in meaningful ways IRL. After pretending to care about others opinions all day long and sweet talking them i need a change and just get an easily predictable reaction out of stupid cunts.

Holla Forums is a shithole for everyone to vent, it has never been anything else.

but you are wrong, Holla Forums is the heart of chan-culture always was always will be.
Holla Forums's strength comes from it's adaptability and flexibility we are not a stagnant board, we can be anything and everything and we would still be called Holla Forums.

The same reason you call Holla Forums a shithole.

I never said it's a bad shithole.

wew. so smart. you really sold it to me. make communism great again, comrade. why aren't you in charge already?

Holla Forums is the heart of "culture" on Holla Forums, this is what sets the site apart from the rest of the imageboards.

More accurately, I would say the defining board of any imageboard is the most populated one, because that's where newfags first arrive to learn how to behave. If they first arrived on Holla Forums, the site as a whole would behave entirely different.

despite the dub dbs, you talk an awful lot of shit. it's a shame, blowing cute numbers like that to reveal the extent of your mental sclerosis. ibs were always a place for free thinkers, not clones.

Holla Forums has changed due to activist pressures.
I don't like it but it is what it is.

Moot was right

you mistake jim watins for an activist. he's a fat, venal opportunist. nothing more. his trump shilling is no more sincere than a spurt of ladyboy cum into hw's spastic mouth. when jim finally admits to yet another commercial failure with Holla Forums, he'll dump it like he did his son's mom.

Since you're talking to braindead college students that have never had a job or pay taxes, ask them if they support grade redistribution.

Opportunism, activism, whatever you want to call it.

Essentially the idea that the place has some kind of goal, rather than it existing as a place of discussion.

this is called instrumentalisation, in other words exploiting the userbase to upholster his retirement vehicle. are you not incensed at this?

Oh,don't make me laugh, that silly stagnant,stupid RP hugbox?
it's an outsider to chan-culture,an abomination, just infiltrators from stormfront that were mistaken as our own, nothing more.

It's the most popular board on the site, like it or not. What Holla Forums is to 4chan, Holla Forums is to Holla Forums.

this tbh

The marxist solution to human nature are mass graves. No humans, no human nature. You scum bags can't even run a hippie commune with people just like you.

How about the poverty rate of capitalist countries?

Just name every commie country.

and then what?

Are you serious? example, get a cuban the niggest the better, show him and put all middle class whiteys doing questions to him.

Could you elaborate on your point? Socialist leaders are not all failures. I could find lots of "capitalist" leaders also failin.


Have a rock solid retort for when these retards claim that the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela etc. is just 'State Capitalism'.

USSR transitioned to state capitalism before breakup, so did China.
Venezuela is a complicated issue like most south american countries are.


Socialism is to demand governments stop dictating what people should keep for themselves.
