Are there any other good videos or posts that talk about watchmen like this one? Talk about what makes it so good and analyzes everything. I love shit like this and the more I learn about watchmen the more I love it.
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Just finished reading it two days ago, and JESUS it's good.
This is one of those comic books which only works in its respective medium and wouldn't have the same effect on the reader in any other. In short, a work which plays on the strengths of its medium, which are the best kinds of stories.
I've only heard about the Watchmen movie, but I can only imagine that they had to change and omit a lot of things from the original in order to make it work as a movie. The panel composition, the alternating colors between every two panels, the juxtapositions between the Tales of the Black Freighter and the newsvendor's ramblings, the supplemental texts after each chapter, the recurring elements, you can't really translate that to a movie without a truly skilled director.
The characterization is outstanding, not only does every character look and behave differently, but their roles in the story and views on the world is what makes each character feel so damn unique. They are written as actual human beings with motivations and beliefs.
There's just so much to talk about Watchmen.
the drawings are ugly as shit though
Quick question about Watchmen:
I get that people don't want Watchmen to be sequelized or prequelized.
So why did literally everyone hate the who "Before Watchmen" thing, but now everyone loves the idea that Watchmen being part of the DC Universe and responsible for nu52?
I have no idea who you're referring to, normies?
not even just normies.
when the bombshell dropped on here, even the average Holla Forumsmrade seemed to like the idea
Are you confusing 8 and 4 user?
Cause i know the main reaction here was "OH FUCK, IT IS GONNA GET TAINTED!"
Don't confuse morbid fascination with actual affection. Most people were just amused by the fucking gall of it.
I remember the podcast Accidental Survivors did this back when the trailers for the Watchmen movie were released.
Let's see what the Embed function does with this link…
Did not work. Here is the link:
I just my complete read through of the original. Until now, I had only read excerpts and a couple of issues. My gut reaction after the first couple of issues: the art is very standard fair for the 1980s (good but nothing to write home about), the excerpts from Under the Hood are better written and more engaging than the actual dialog from the main story, the way that Alan is always wanting someone in his stories to justify really is as creepy as the anons here make it out to be.
The movie was actually quite good, user. You might not love it because you would be going in predisposed to not like it and with all surprises spoiled, but it really was effective. It's highly regarded as one of the best cape movies ever made by both normies and wizards. Yes, there were changes made, but I thought they were for the better. For example, the weird octopus-thing was replaced with a nuclear blast which was far more in keeping with theme of Cold War Era horror.
This love for the concept is news to me. Who exactly is "everyone"?
Overall, I feel – and this is just my own take – that Alan Moore is an outstanding big idea guy. He might be the best living writing in that specific way. His execution, however, is clumsy and mired in mediocrity. Just about everything he started got better when somebody else adapted it.
Not that I know of. There really any other videos that talk about other comics that way. Max Landis and Razor Fist might say something insightful once in a blue moon; then there is also Strip Panel Naked, but he comes across like a hipster who just states the obvious while trying to sound clever. Other than that it's just a content desert
It's probably due to English speaking comic books community being content with obsessing over Marvel, DC, and creator-owned flavor of the month which right now happens to be Saga and maybe Rat Queens.
If you want something similar, read McCloud's Understanding Comics. It's over on >>>/storytime/4416
Are you referring to the Watchmen movie?
Or the Killing Joke movie?
I haven't seen the Killing Joke movie yet, so I wasn't talking about that. League or Extraordinary Gentlemen, Watchmen, and V for Vendetta were all cases in which the movie improved the story.
Do you have a different take, user?
I've never been to redit. I give you leave to return to 4chins.
Think of it like this: would people have been as impressed with Force Awakens if the Prequels didn't exist? Once you fuck something up the first time, people are much more forgiving of you fucking up the next time.
And we've all LONG given up on Moore ever writing a second Watchmen story. It's over and people are probably more open to the idea of them just being comic characters like any other now. And it's so fucking stupid it has a certain charm to it. I mean, the whole idea is retarded as fuck, but how much more retarded can it get?
Most didn't love it, but saw DC's inclusion of Watchmen as amusing. Many things can be amusing to watch at some level, both good and bad. DC's idea was interesting to watch in the same way that car crashes and watching people get hurt is.
It's okay, user. You don't have to lay down bait, people can just TALK ABOUT COMICS. You don't need to try to trick them into the thread.
Think Watchmex will be canon? I'd love to see the Squidpeople return, as that plotline kinda dropped off when they wanted to promote the Watchmex attack bike toys. The Comedian Cruiser was FUCKING AWESOME, wish I still had mine.
holy shit did I have fun googling that.
Are you fucking high?
I saw the movie & thought that it worked better as that than the book
Read the book again. Seriously, take another look at it again, take your time with it. You'll probably notice a lot of things you didn't the first time through.
The moment at 1:09 always kills me.
do i have to? I find Moore's works to be pretentious
This. I always find something new in a new read of watchmen. It is Moore's best work.
I would agree for the most part but he does a lot of good. Ever since watchmen I don't think he did anything near as good though.
Just finished reading it, and while it isn't my favorite comic ever, it was definitely good and that video helps me appreciate what made it good a little more. It did a lot of unique things for the time it was made, things that DC still tries to emulate and often fails.
I'd say my only real complain is how much the story focuses on long winded dialogue. Sure that was important, but I definitely agree with Will Eisner when it comes to having to much dialogue and word bubbles. When your dialogue outweighs your pictures perhaps you are working in the wrong medium. Still, it had a lot of profound messages that are applicable today. That's more than can be said about most creative works now of days.
They better not retcon Nixon. He was the best character next to Radioschach.
I think first couple minutes sum up my feelings about the Watchmen. The Watchmen isn't a franchise, but an experimental comic. The characters themselves are unimportant compared to what Moore and Gibbons are doing with the medium.
It's just a stand alone comic, damged by the fact that the Big Two are fucking bloodsuckers who are only interested on creating commercial hooks.
Which is why seeing stuff like action figures or "Before Watchmen" is bizarre to me. The characters are meaningless without the story.
DC doesn't seem to understand that.
I liked League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
liked being the key word. that quickly went to shit with Orlando, although I got a few keks out of Harry Potter
That's not it. Why would they care as long as they sell?