I love the snow
I love the snow
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I guarantee you'll do the same if you come live in a place where eyelids threaten to freeze shut when you blink during a trip to the convenience store.
And people an hero here all the time anyway, better get used to it and start loving the snow.
Joke's on you Jamal - i love the snow
it's amazing how winter gets people by surprise every year
Only the pussified southerners
what i like especially about the winter is, when it is finally over
I'm guessing Sweden. They recently instituted a policy where they don't plow roads to areas of commerce and industry and instead give preference to walkways and lesser roads.
Apparently they did this for the sake of gender equality.
Not possible, these busses and pick-up trucks are illegal in Europe.
National Bank is a Canadian branch. This is somewhere in Quebec.
Also the Charger is only sold in the Americas and Lebanon/Israel.
I love Québec being incapable of coping with snow, what they see every winter. I had a flight for Toronto delayed once because they forgot to unfreeze the wings of my plane. I mean, in February. wtf Canada.
this made my day. and my sides.
wut? why should they be illegal?
Yea, it's really very strange, almost like they are in denial that winter is coming.
Did a quick search and the webm in the OP was in fact Montreal yesterday.
Apparent exhaust for the bus and pick-up trucs are only legal in 4 wheels, so they are never sold as utility vans like it seems to be here.
You can find Amaroks, LV200 and Rangers round here, but the full-size F150 or RAM are rare because not sold.
cause europe is bettter at every thing yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
I recognized the buses. Strange land.
fair enough
still tho, fuck sweden.
This is the only thing they can do actually: cope with the snow, lel.
pls video sauce
I guarantee this was a southern state. People here don't know how the fuck to drive. Half an inch of snow and these retarded chucklefucks manage to take out signs, take out streetlights, wreck their cars, die, etc. The worst part is, everything closes because people are too mentally handicapped to understand how the fuck snow works. What we can't go 80 fucking miles per hour and expect to stop on a dime anymore? HOLY SHIT WHY?????? My favorite part is seeing all these faggot 'rednecks' in their shitty lifted coal rolling turd machines waddling their way down the road at 15 miles per hour because they're all fucking talk with none of the balls or height to back it up and haven't a single god damn clue how to drive in snow. I wish I could send out a PSA on driving in the snow. I would say, "HEY YOU FUCKING RETARDS, IF YOUR CAR HAS 15 YEAR OLD TIRES DRIVE SLOWLY ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE, BUT IF YOU'RE IN A MODERN VEHICLE CONTINUE AS NORMAL ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD! THE SNOW IS NOT ALIVE AND WILL NOT COME AFTER YOU!"
TL;DR fuck the south
this is indeed a south state, but a Canadian south state.
That's much better actually, or much worse maybe depending on how you look at it.
I see what you mean
Montreal is such a shitty city.
Oh yes, Halifax.
The only city that can blow its whole snow removal budge in one day, when it doesnt even snow.
Michiganian reporting in. Yours is an under-rated post.
Kentucklefuck here, last year we were wearing nothing but longsleeves and jeans at christmas.
for whatever bullshit reason, snow doesn't even start until the middle of fucking january here.