Omar's Fake Gay Lover

Was this guy even real? What is going on here I want answers!!! Was he an actor used by the government, or was he taking advantage of the situation for financial gain!

Even the FBI says that there was no gay lover yet there is a growth in this story.

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What the fuck is that thing?

that looks like one of those soft silicone masks that people wear of someone else's face.

tfw its omar mateen himself



This is some footage of the interview?

So univision completely obscured his identity, yet we are supposed to take him seriously, and disregard the attack as a crime of passion?

Dude, it seriously fucking looks like it.

no. it was a hoax retard.

Wow , he has a wig, a fake mustache and fake scar tissue.


Hold the fucking phone, that is definitely CGi.

What the fuck is going on

Let's see here…
1) Islamic terrorism


2) He's a jilted faggot
>some guy with vaguely brown skin who won't show his face or give his name goes on a known socialist foreign news network and says he was pissed he got pozzed in his neghole, but you can't check bc it was just a little while ago, and there's no evidence that Pozzed Paco was even killed in the shooting



Nothing new here, all of the sensational mass-violence stories since 2012 used it.

It's the method where they put points on an actors face and put a new face on it digitally. There's usually problems around the neck

He was real in my mind.

Looks like Tony Clifton

It's a psy op, user. Being obvious is evidently part of the plan now, what with the obvious green screens and steadily declining quality of crisis actors.

That fucking fake face…

This is some real Scooby Doo shit.

The media facade is falling apart so fast around them that they're just fucking around and having fun at this point.

dude, they clearly state before the interview that they "changed this man's appearance to protect his identity"

so it's just like they usually do with blacking out or mosaics but more fancy.



They could have just blurred his face and voice, instead they're plastering an image straight out of a David Lynch movie onto everybody's TV screen in what is obviously some sort of psy-op to create confusion and break society's understanding of events.

Univison has donated to Hillary Clinton.

Looks like he's wearing a fucking mask.

Lads, this is totally Omar himself. Look at the bridge of his nose, the shape and alignment of his eyes, his lip shape, and his overall bone structure. They have tried to obscure his ears with prosthetics, lips by putting on the mustache, and brow ridge with fake eyebrows. They also tried to make him look fatter under the chin, and I suspect he might be wearing one of those fat suits. Everything on him is fake, from the wig to the individually placed neck hairs.

I am a Vaginafag who used to work in the entertainment industry. I never did special fx make-up, but I did my own stage make-up. This is definitely him. Please tell me that no Holla Forumsacks are falling for this ebin ruse?

Also, look at the divet under the center of his bottom lip. The first thing I noticed in Omar's pics was how his left eye sat lower than his right. Even though this gay lover pic is not centered/from straight on perspective, I can still tell his eyes are not on the same horizontal axis.

They are just fucking with us, at this point. Jesus fuck. Is this what my tax dollars are paying for? This mediocre shit?

And he just happens to be a documentary actor

why is he wearing a mask during an interview? if he wanted to hide his face he could've blurred it out



This is sof ucking hilarious

American fucks with the seuxal identities of people so bad it compells them to murder revenge

go back to leftypol you degenerate hedonistic fucktard. keep up your shit and you wont even get your bitchy ass filled any more because youll be in a labor camp faggot. fucking trash try thinking with your barely functioning brain instead of your tainted with literal shit genitals.

And they changed his voice.

It's clearly Omar trolling the fuck out of everyone.

m8 - it's like a fucking comedy sketch.
They could have had the fucker in silhouette with an actor reciting his testimony instead of that freak show.
If it were true.
It's laughable.


Around 0:24. You guys are retards

You honestly think he was just a security guard that woman happened to drive up on? Talking like that? It's "all about the money"? With an IMDB credit?

We knew that from the beginning.

That answers nothing.


you dumb kike


Be suspicious of any and all mass casualty news events.

The problem is that there's a whole generation of males and females of millenial age or at least post-genX that ended up in media, whether it be social media, PR, advertisement, computer graphics… doesn't matter.

They believe they are "change agents" and are being used to make stories that fool even Holla Forums. They think they are working toward a world that they want, by making false realities. Even when it appears a specific new story is in our favor, it is really not. Every group in the US from your parents (they believe the TV news) to whatever, all takes only what they want from the stories. Propaganda plays more than one side against each other. In our case, we sometimes get stories that appear to support our causes (banning immigration) but instead you get an immediate doubling down on refugees/immigration. Feel the tension? Must not.. they'll do it again.

Question all mass casualty events, enough of them are bullshit to feel free to doubt all of them.



The illegal alien network? What retard is going to believe anything on that beaner trash channel?

that entire news segment is insane.

yes goys muslims are self reporting best goys, it was AIDs that drove him to kill,not Islam

this is CAIR on full damage control out of the corrupt univision who has no problems doing false reports.