Just watched a Fütßøl game. It was right exciting! Final score was one to nil!
ITT: Roleplay as a eurocuck
My daughter came home today with a Syrian immigrant and she asked me if it was okay if she converted to Islam so they could marry. I was so overjoyed! We truly do live in a multicultural society free of hate!
Its a shame they chopped my daughters penis off though
I'll tell you what a eurocuck is
And he is my friend.
Guten tag, go-err I mean guys. Mind if I keep my refugees here?
Is good thing the local police are taking care of those evil neo-nazis! They want to form a homogeneous nation where individual states are able to exercise sovereignty and is formed around the idea of catering to their native peoples! Very racist indeed! Do they not know what year it is?
be eurocuck
suck american dick all the time
hate the taste of burger fat in my mouth
Daily reminder that your "white" shitlibs slash tires, smash windows, vandalize signs, burn houses and beat up enough Trump supporters on a daily basis to the extent that you don't need immigrants to fuck up your society.
Daily reminder that a chimpout of Somalians slid their dick down a Minnesotan suburb for 3 days and you all thanked them for it.
Daily reminder that a mudslime in Idaho raped several young girls and got away with it because not ONE of you decided to follow him home and put a bullet firmly in his dome.
Daily reminder that a shitskin actor fucking slaughtered a gay club for 3 hours until the Police arrived-
Actually, scratch that last one. That was actually good. Just a shame that it had to be a shitskin to show you how it's done. Next time it better be one of your own and make sure he escapes, never to be caught.
nice day here in europe.
Oh! Please do!
Multiculturalism is diversity!
Multiculturalism is strength!
Here! Have my daughter!
Rape her, kill her! Do what you will!
Why do eurotrash call sweaters jumpers
OP din jävla bög
vet mohammad at du använder hans dator?
borde inte du suga hans kuk just nu?
halo i Iz yurup i listen to abba all day ja Iz good
More Abba Iz good ja?
OP pedale kogo nazywasz cebulakiem kurwiu pierdolony chuj ci w dupe szmaciarzu, oddawać wilno i kijów, jebać bandere jebać niemców chuj wam w dupy ahaha polska najlepsza kurwaaa
I never heard about that shit in MN. Why did the media black out on this one?
Is this Polish or something?
Polish gibberish
Jesteś idiotą
Oy nutter me brexit hurts from fookin pigs awl day
I love watching my wife get fucced by niggers. I like when she ties me, cuffing me against the wall and putting a socc with his cum on my mouth. It just feels great somehow. I'm proud to be a more liberal husband, that respects my wife's personal decisions.
Fire up the barbie I got a dingo
bout to take a wallop on a tonkie over thar
look over there it's a yowee mate
blimey mate, sounds fuccing fancy stunning. wanna head to a pub mate? i'll shank your fuccing nan if ye say nay mate
Sam jesteś idiotą hrum kwik cebulaku pierdolony, arararar, powstanie, polska walcząca biedaku, chuj ci w dupsko cwelu, e grażyna zobacz tego debila no co za młot
I've seen a movie recently about the children and grandchildren of head nazis, fucc they are cucced. Some women are now in a relationship with the descendants of the holohoax survivors, must be on purpose to not seem racist, fuccing political correctness. One bitch even sterilized herself (and her brother got castrated) to not spread the surname, for fuccs sake, you can change your surname easily, especially as a female, just get married (not to a schlomo, it's the next level of cuccoldry). Those people are taking the blame for what they fathers or grandfathers had done, this is utter bullshit, the society makes them apologetic for the past.
Political correctness in a nutshell. Modern germans have their balls to the walls, I hope things work out for AfD (Alternativ fur Deutschland, a right-wing party against the mudslimes, immigrants and generally being pussies).
You're getting ozzie and cockney confused mate
Don't break a hand jerking yourself off there, m8
there is a reason why the jews are trying to destroy European cultural heritage with imigration ect and that's becasue we are at the forefront of world culture
butthurt ameritard detected
Prøv igjen, soper.
I see you're new here. like disgustingly newer than I
spend a few minuts (((weeks))) in the >>>/gulag/ and you'll be >>>Holla Forumsable
butthurt american who also speaks swiss detected
tilbakestående amerikaner påvist
hvor er støttekontakten din, user?
translate for me pls, google did a shit job
The best translation would be a guardian or helper of people with special needs
ah ok, god damn it jewgle, sort your shit out. so it is dutch or finnish or one of those other scandinavian ones?
i cant think of any ways to be more american now
that is
nigger what the fuck is "swiss" ?
Its not all bad Gudrun Burwitz is the daughter of Himmler and shes been arrested multiple times for denying the holocaust tbh
What people from Sweden speak.
pic related
That is now being stomped on by mudslimes. They are being put up in public housing in you castles and historic buildings
This is true, but these were also made during the time when the Catholic Church was kind of a bunch of dickheads
Well thats all fine and dandy, except that in England the 'superior brick houses' are so fucking old that electric systems in houses are such a mess they have to put fuses in the plugs instead of in a circuit breaker :^)
Which is why 'the religion of peace' is being welcomed with open arms eh?
Fair enough
So youre an indecisive little thing who doesnt want to devote himself to god, but doesn't have the balls to come out as atheist
Because no american understands this
Lmao have fun not knowing what the fuck is in your meat when you go out to eat
Interesting how when America plays a single American Football game in Mexico city it sells out in minutes. It seems that countries are groveling at the opportunity to watch a real sport. When all they have is soccer of course they support it.
Shame that eurocucks invented soccer yet shitskins beat them every time :^)
America is the free-est and most powerful country in the world; how can you not concede that this equates to superiority?
When your gay little country is only the size of a small US state, you could drive in one direction for a few 'kilometers' and be in a new country. In Freedomland you can drive for hours on end and still be in Freedomland. This is likely the cause of ignorance in geography tbh
no that's the flag of switzerland
There is no one Swiss language; people speak Frog, Spaghetti, Kraut, and that one language Archer learned on the plane depending on region
tbh will be better when everyone in the world speaks english
Fortuna cum eo.
Latin confirmed language of fags and pedos