"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE...

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." Revelation 19:11

FAITHFUL word baptist church (Anderson)
VERITY baptist church (Jimenez)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 18:9-14&version=NIV


you don't know what literal or cuck means

Reported for intl.

reported for being cucks

How many children do you have, user?

Or are you a proud alpha homo with a trillion digit iq who got screwed over by a subhuman kike? Blow me. (Please don't)


Pastor Anderson promotes miscegenation and believes non-whites are equal to whites as long as they're christian

He may be redpilled on Jews, but he's a total christuck in every other way

leld. probably startled the shit out of the front row heh.

problem with most Christians (both on here and elsewhere) is that they care more about religion than race
I honestly don't give a fuck about what religion anybody here follows, but you have to put your race before your religion if you want to fit in here

No, user, you're completely correct

Race before religion every time. Race is tangible, religion is not. Race maintains civilisation, religion does not. Religions come and go while race remains constant.

Anyone who puts their religion before their race is a cuck and should be viewed as either an idiot or an enemy (or both)

No offense but I would doubt your salvation. Idolatry of tribe is still idolatry. If you find a church and you homeschool all of those children as a group in a rotation in a christian upbringing, then they have a sense of identity. They only lose out on organ transplants. How many of those have you had?

Besides, if you were to have an Aryan baby, wouldn't it be statistically likely that they would either be a faggot or a feminist?

Not saying you're wrong, I personally want white children despite liking asian women for that reason. That's putting aside my selfishness aside for the greater good.


White horse


you should use the eagle with a reversed head. All national flags with eagles have them facing to the left



I want my country to be white, but there's no way race comes before God. Beliefs are where your convictions about race even come from. You have evidence and experience and such, yes, but then you build beliefs based on those.

Beliefs are not something to simply tossed aside when it's convenient. It doesn't work that way. With that said, I believe in God. I know God. God comes before race, and everything else too.

Loving God and loving people are not mutually exclusive though. They're both commanded of us. If you love people, you wouldn't seek for their destruction. That also means that you wouldn't sit by while you let someone kill a bunch of people.

Strong words coming from a race mixing cuckian religion.

We have a mandate from heaven christfaggot.

We must kill all of them.

OH fuck this guy has psycho dead eyes. It must be his race mixed genes. He's just saying stupid shit to get attention, that's how you get money.

He hates fags too, I will give him credit for that.

So he fuels the Jew's main power source: victim mentality and thus loyalty….. And he's pro-white genocide

Fuck Holla Forums come on now.

But I reject the existence of your god, so how do you deal with that? I'm pro-white, but not pro-Christian.

When a belief system becomes corrupt and decrepit, it is best to toss that belief aside or face being consumed by the corruption. Modern christianity has become a destructive force in the White world in that it preaches race-blind, self-destructive immigration in the name of "love", and promotes meager weakness instead of racial strength.
Killing a bunch of people might be the only way we cleanse this nation. What then?

God would come before race if we could know the true nature of god. Unfortunately thanks to 500 years of corruption , and 100 of heavy degeneration, Christianity has mutated into a monster. It has been gutted and turned inside out to further support our enemies. That does not mean you can't obey god or follow Christ, however, question heavily the teachings that (((coincidentally))) coincide with what the kikes are trying to do.

Besides, any Christian that supports racemixing is a heretic anyways. Tower of babel anyone? Seriously, pastor Anderson may have some fervor and may do wonders in redpilling people on the JQ, but he is helping build that satanic tower, one nigger at a time.

So you're pro Opium-fueled pedophilia with a side of Odin-inspired semen-quaffing? Give it a break, Sven.

You didn't address any of his points.

My bad.

There are two types of religions in the world. There is a works based religion and there is the true faith based religion based on bloodshed. There is the gospel of Cain and the gospel of Abel. Catholicism, dagon, Islam, Buddhism, etc. are all works religions. In 1 samuel the philistines worshipped Dagon and when the ark of the living God was placed next to it, two nights in a row Dagon fell before the ark. The second time, the idol had its palms cut and the head removed.

You know what the philistines did? They continued to worship Dagon, the weak God. You know why? Because humans are scared and they want to be able to control God. This is also why the Tower of Babel was so offensive to God that he decided to confound people's languages and scatter them.

It's an innately carnal and worldly impulse to appease God because of your own pride.

Jesus is the lamb, and he is the word. We are called to be shepherds by protecting the lamb (the word) from false doctrine. Abels sacrifice was a lamb because remission of sin has always been accomplished by bloodshed. Animal sacrifices disappeared after Jesus. Why do you think that is?? The answer is because you don't put new wine into old bottles, otherwise the bottles burst open. The old covenant was removed and we are saved from our sins by faith on the work that Jesus did and not by our own works.

In one of Jesus parables he asked Simon Peter about a creditor who had two debtors where one owed him 500 and the other 50. When neither could pay the creditor back, they both asked to be forgiven of the debt and the creditor did. Which of the two debtors loved the creditor more?

Yeah you might be right, but I'm not blameless and neither are you. There will always be someone who can justify killing you because he thinks he's more righteous than you.

When you separate yourself from the world, you will be happy. you can only do that with Jesus.

"Religion before race" isn't a real problem considering the fact that nowhere in the Bible does God command the various people of the earth to race mix. Why would he if his original creation is perfect? We can infer from the story of the Tower of Babel that God is no egalitarian. He spread humans around the earth and gave them different languages, cultures, etc. Many of today's so called Christians accept the false doctrine of human equality(totally different from the "neither Jew nor Greek" of the teachings of Jesus - we are all sinners in the eyes of a perfect God) as Biblical truth by only relying on the teachings of their pastors, who are often on the government's payroll - especially the Megachurch preachers. Yes, many Christians have been taken in by this new wave of egalitarianism, status signalling("Adopt a poor African syndrome"), (((Judeo-Christianism))) as a result of the Schofield Bible, subverted preachers, and so on. THESE are the real cucks, and aren't really Christians at all. Really, one doesn't have to even have the mental conversation of "Race before Religion" or "Religion before Race" because the Bible doesn't contradict inequality in the human sense. To be honest, anyone who has to mentally plan out their every action based on their race(I'm white, which sofa should I buy?) and can't seamlessly integrate the factor of race into general decision making (This is a majority black town which looks pretty dangerous. I probably shouldn't stop and get something to eat here.) should probably get some fresh air. Yes, your race is very important, as it affects your intelligence, culture, physical characteristics, and a myriad of other things, but it doesn't have to be a YES/NO, GOOD/BAD, WRONG/RIGHT, deciding factor in every minute decision you make in life. I was once at that point, right after I became redpilled, and it's a very stressful state of mind. Just carry on with life and only make race a factor in corresponding decisions(Should I live here? Is it majority white? Who should I marry? Is she white? I wonder who committed that terrible homicide? Probably a nigger. Do I want my country being invaded by non-whites? No, because diversity creates tension between the races, non-whites are less intelligent and more violent, and race mixing is wrong.) See what I'm saying? K.I.S.S.

my fucking sides, anybody have the one where he puts on the glasses and impersonates Richard Dawkins?

Good explanation

We don't need to deal with it at all. You do.

If you were actually on the streets dealing with shit and getting involved with politics you'd have to deal with being surrounded by Christians. It's no skin off our ass that you don't believe.

You can start out as a Christian and become an atheist, you can convert to Islam or Buddhism or Judaism or even Scientology, but if you're born white, you're always gonna be white and that can NEVER be changed.

Sage for d & c.


Thanks! I'm a member of Verity btw and I started actively soul winning. I got my first salvation knocking on doors this morning of a Buddhist using some of these parables. It felt really good. If you don't already, you should try it!

I subscribe to eternal salvation. I don't believe you can ever lose it. Just because you don't believe that your father is your father doesn't unmake him your father.

inb4 cuck

What's the rest of the story?

My answer is that they're both pieces of shit.

or is this like a lesson of forgiveness to the creditor and therefore them being pieces of shit is a good thing in a way….

Jesus' parables are always carnal examples explaining spiritual things.

the more scummy of the two is going to love the creditor more for forgiving his larger debt (sins). If his faith in the gospel is sincere, he will probably end up being a really good person, and the less scummy of the two won't be indignant or prideful because he still knows that he's condemned by not paying back his debt too.

God would come before race if we could know the true nature of god. Unfortunately thanks to 500 years of corruption , and 100 of heavy degeneration, Christianity has mutated into a monster. It has been gutted and turned inside out to further support our enemies. That does not mean you can't obey god or follow Christ, however, question heavily the teachings that (((coincidentally))) coincide with what the kikes are trying to do.

Besides, any Christian that supports racemixing is a heretic anyways. Tower of babel anyone? Seriously, pastor Anderson may have some fervor and may do wonders in redpilling people on the JQ, but he is helping build that satanic tower, one nigger at a time.

I'm not your master. You can make up your own mind about that. I do care, but only to the extent that I can help it. If you've made up your mind, then think whatever you want. Your actions are what might get you in trouble with me. Of course, speaking is also an action, not a thought. I will oppose opposition to Christianity.

That's not even Christian. I can't help that you call it Christian, but I don't, and you shouldn't. You can't just call something whatever you want. Words have meaning, and if you're saying that that's Christianity, then you're simply wrong. It's basically doing (((their))) propaganda for (((them))). Try another already-popular name for it. Like Leftism, liberalism, Social Justice, Marxism. Something like that. Don't pretend that it's Christianity.

I believe that if an evil person blocks someone from doing good, then they must be removed from doing so. If that person is opposing what is good at the expense of their lives, then I see no problem with removing their life too. Of course, you should seek another way about it first, but when there's no other way, you gotta do what's right.

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. You can't be right before God because you're religious, but only because you're repentant.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 18:9-14&version=NIV

You missed the point of the Tower of Babel. The people and languages were confounded because they built a ziggurat as a work to appease him. He's mad for the same reason he's mad at all false works religions.

You don't try to contain God, you do what God says. Period.