They'll say "grow up, we are just doing it for the lulz xDD" yet they only target posts that are against them. They are butthurt faggots who can't take insults. The funny thing is, dysnomia only started doing this after I started calling him a kike over and over again. I honestly think he is jewish and can't take the heat. They are banning people for it as well, but they'll claim it's just "funbans".
Dysnomia really isn't that bad a mod, I don't understand why you guys hate him so much. besides the fact that he's a huge kike and has one of the shittiest waifus around. I'm not even sure it's possible to have a waifu shittier and more overrated than Asuka.
Nathan James
Nolan Gray
A real Holla Forums doesn't need active mod intervention. ATM this place is like a football game where penalty flags are being thrown out on every play. Everything stops while the referee demands attention for his pettifogging pedantry. "I'm da man and I'm in charge" is the current modus operandi and it sux TBQH.
Charles Walker
If you dont agree with my rulecucking moderation tactics than youre obviously an SJW from 4chan. t. dysnomia
Lucas Martin
bumping or else this thread 404s after page 5. How does that faggot even think up half the stupid shit he implements.
Ethan Campbell
this is basically the trend here. Either you agree with the moderation or you are a newfag/pedo/redditor
Jaxon Hill
"Don't you dare question the moderation! We'll call you a pedo if you do!"
-Holla Forums mods
Jose Gomez
Somebody needs to sue for false advertising.
Colton Thomas
(user was banned for offtopic spam)
Lincoln Ramirez
Jonathan Nguyen
Jim won't like you saying that about him. nope
Christopher Baker
Somebody needs to sue for saying random shit that makes no sense
Lincoln Morris
Ron deserves a pension. Imagine waking up every morning as Jim's son. It must be tough. The kid probably loved Japan too, till fatso marched his name into infamy by filching 2ch. Being recognized in public with him over there must be the mother of all cringes.
Xavier Cox
Logan Lee
so out of the quadrillions of posts that speak out against the moderation they edited one post to have a little fun? i hope santa is informed.
Easton Adams
found the mod shill
Brody King
yeah, they pay me quite well i have a house and everything
Eli Myers
haha, you're so funny dysnomia.
Matthew Clark
Have a problem with the mods?
You will be called a goon and a pedo, even if you actually aren't.
You will be called cancer.
You will be called an idiot.
Who is the one calling you these things? It's the mods posting as anons and a handful of faggot cocksuckers who are regulars on #Holla Forums in IRC. They will make you look like a complete fool unless you accept the moderation and suck dysnomia's cock. Welcome to 1984.
Joseph Flores
if you think i'm dysnomia, then its time that i call you a pedo
Michael Brown
Lincoln Cook
This reply does deserve the "newfag" response. It is a funny pic but it has been here everyday for months and months now.
Oliver Collins
Not even who youre replying to but ive had multiple posts deleted, banned and even shadowbanned just for speaking out against mods. Even if it was just a one time occurrence like you think than that still wouldnt excuse whoever banned him and they should be demodded.
Sebastian Myers
That guy is probably an IRC circlejerk mod fanboy. There are a lot of queers around here that like to suck mod cock. They will defend them until the end of time. The rest of the people defending the mods are just the mods themselves, posting as anons.
Jose Bailey
Dysnerdia is the Obongo of moderators, presiding over the terminal decline of a once (very briefly) great (ok, ok, dungheap) institution. Fiddling with himself while golgotha burns,( shut up) he will die in the flames without a whimper, grasping the illusion that he died in defence of lofty principles. Alas, poor Doris, a feckless pawn in the Watkins odyssey. Poor him, a feather floating on the updraught between seat and slurry in an army latrine.
Anthony Bell
And yet you will continue to defend the idea that going after one group out of personal distaste and fearmongering didn't start this.
Of course it'd lead to them being open to then go after critics of their actions against the pedos and eventually in smooth transition to any critics, that can but don't have to be necessarily be lumped in with the pedos.
You were warned, but you didn't want to listen. Your Holla Forumsack moralfaggotry just couldn't be contained. "It's not freedom of speech", they said. Here you are now, whining. You chose this, now deal with it. If you're not principled yourself, you don't deserve rights. Instead i'd even argue to take the next step and ban the pony fags, then all political speech on Holla Forums. There are boards dedicated to it after all. Holla Forums can become the safe space you guys always wanted, no triggering content for anyones special feelings. Isn't it a moralfag dream come true?
I personally don't give a fuck, it's his shit now, he can decide over the content however he feels like.
Wyatt King
Posting true Stalin music now
Jackson Perez
that's an obvious lie or you'd not post. and comments like, are deeply worrying. why not just go away forever? if you had a life, a brain, a wife, ambition, friends, a job or any combination of the above, you'd not feel so welded to an internet site for survival. Get some sense of proportion. who mods what and how badly is far less important than you very soon drinking a big enough jug of bleach, quickly enough to kill a man of your proportions immediately.
Ian Powell
At least post actual Soviet music if you want to "false flag post". Looks more convincing.
Daniel Gonzalez
did you get the bit about bleach?
Landon Ross
Of course, the obligatory and originally worded "kys"whining of a faggot when he can't make any arguments.
Isaac Diaz
Sebastian Bell
why do commies love disco music?
David Hall
because they love cock secretly
Lincoln Williams
To my knowledge it is (you) that has this playlist saved as his favorite ;-) Why'd you call yourself a cocksucker just for the sake of shitposting?
Tyler Baker
lol another commie flagfag trying to pretend to be a commie
Disco grew out of communism, if you don't agree you are obviously a tryhard poser.
Christopher Rogers
forgot to embed
Robert Cruz
Here's a petty (you), but please step up your shitposting game, it's really bad.
Also because it gives an excuse to post soviet music.
Matthew Ross
you were describing it as incoherent a post ago. co-thingies aren't your thing, huh. we wuz having fun bashing the mods and then some retard turns up selling politics. 20th century politics mixed with adhominem and unsufferable arrogance. you are that retard.
Austin Diaz
Elaborate, where's the contradiction in incoherent and originally worded? Besides you being incapable of detecting sarcasm, my capability to decipher parts of your whining doesn't credit you any quality rather than myself.
If you have a problem with politics, feel free to go away. Well, or whine about it, i'll just go on and call you a faggot posting political posts anyway. Your protest only gives me more room to reply.
Long live Marxism Leninism ;-)
Wyatt Barnes
such a faggot Holla Forumsack You are a fag
step up your game m8
Dylan Barnes
You aren't accomplishing anything. Everyone knows you are trying to be me.
You are a loser.
Easton Baker
nice try, faggot. We all know I am the original commie.
Mason Martinez
I genuflect before your lecture by example on incoherence, chèr user. i harvested the only avocado on the tree in my garden today and sardine shoals will soon be enter the Bay of Biscay. Praise kek you fucking moron.
Luis Moore
typical bourgeois response
Adrian Sanchez
I would never say anything like this, stop pretending to be me
Joseph Brown
Nice try, Holla Forumsfag. I don't even post like this. Everyone knows you are a fraud.
Samuel Turner
trips wills it
Hudson Smith
Dysnomia is not the problem, believe me, it's jim and his hotpocket goons. Dysnomia is the least toxic of the mods.
Aaron Kelly
Anthony Bailey
The pedos and the politics drones from the left and the right hate him because he puts them in their place,If anything, I salute him for this. they just feel impotent. And have to baw about it constantly.
Samuel Butler
go back to weeniechan
Austin Phillips
I just recognize that he is doing it right. he does not pay me anything and don't even know him personally to shill for him, I just see what he does and I respect it.
Carson Ward
see that's the difference between us and the stormfags and the leftfags, we do not idolize anyone and we don't suck anyone's cock, and if dysnomia started did things wrong, we will call him out and harass him constantly, but so far he is doing it right.
Charles Sanders
This is not Holla Forums son.
Lucas Hall
If you ask him nicely, Dys provides phials of semen to his most dilligent supporters. I can't help feeling you have entered that illustrious bracket and deserve the fruit of his loins. Remember, thanks to sponsorship from Racequeen, inc, world leader in intellectual property theft from the vulnerable, you can also earn cummiles on It's the (op)portunity of a lifetime!
Joseph Myers
Asuka is best. Anyone else is shit tier. There's on way to beat a feisty, curvacious redhead who wants to bang your brains out. And knows how to cook.
Ryder White
Easton Morgan
Dys? the selfstyled pro-cook who monosodium glutamates food to make it shine? The erzatz chink intent on poisoning normal hominids? Crawl back into your cockroach infested hovel and shove eggs for real instead of milking omlet's retardation.
Blake Rogers
What, really? i've only ever heard people complain about him
Adam Martin
ooh. like, oooohh. a mod with hemorroids. can we have a pic?
Gabriel Myers
Lotsa Holla Forumsattered wife syndrome in this thread…
Nathaniel Martin
Spotted the cuck
Jordan Miller
Luke Reed
lol the butthurt,cry more pedofag.
Noah Anderson
How much $ have you made just from posting ITT?
William Cook
more Holla Forumsattered wives…
Wyatt Wood
Luis Hernandez
Let me try.
Nicholas Perez
Matthew Clark
On one hand I see a couple of mods having fun with retards.
On the other hand I see retards claiming FURSECUTION because the mods don't allow them to say the mods are shit.
I really gotta ask: what was the original complain about the mods? Did you just one day decide to post "this mod suxxs" or did you had a legit complain that they dodged by censoring you?
Michael Cox
bumping for this
Nathan Russell
I'm pretty sure that an old Holla Forums rule is that this is a random board where everyone can do as it pleases.
You can do a /b+/ if you don't like it.
Levi Evans
Benjamin Cook
But chances are that they are as big of a faggot as dysnomia
Justin Perez
in all seriousness, user, I hope you're aware that we're just messing with you. You'll notice that in both cases the actual text from your posts were not actually removed, just edited a little bit.
It seems like you're really getting triggered by it, and I don't want to look like I'm actually unironically abusing my powers, so I'll probably stop.
Nathaniel Bailey
What the fucc
Julian Cooper
29 minutes holy shit
This is truly reddit
Jeremiah Morgan
No, youre attention whoring like always and constantly have to remind everybody that youre here. How fuccing blind are you? You have been abusing what little power you have since youve become BO. Give board ownership to someone that isnt a total faggot that bans whenever he feels like it.
Ethan Myers
- t. Guy who got b& for being a gay retard
Carson Evans
I like this subreddit.
Noah Lee
We Jim and we gon cucc this mothafucca
Gabriel Harris
Why is that fag so disgusting?
Tyler King
Angel Young
Adam Carter
thanx for the insight. it's been a while since i read anything so craven. a classic. you should repost it in a ylyl on 4chan. Simply less of you, please.
Nathan Ross
That's a good looking little lady.
Levi Hughes
Jose Hall
Beware of the pigs
Cameron Watson
Elijah Jones
Matthew Watson
The mods actively edit posts that are against them:
don't speak badly about the mods, they will edit your posts, just like Reddit
Liam Allen
Dominic Robinson
Just make a new board faggot
Luke Bailey
alt-legacy boards never succeed, Holla Forums will always be on top, this is why the moderation needs to be swapped. There needs to be actual Holla Forumstards running this board who understand how Holla Forums is supposed to operate and have been browsing imageboards for at least a decade. Not a bunch of teenager newfags like dysnomia who hate anonymity and are attention whores.
Andrew Morales
Misunderstanding the fundamentals of Holla Forums 101
Cameron Brown
If you think my post misunderstands the fundamentals of Holla Forums then you are probably a newfag. The fundamentals of any imageboard have been the same since the beginning. That's what fundamentalism means, you fuccing faggot.
Aiden Hill
Aaron Williams
Gabriel Miller
Liam Foster
I like how the mods edited this post to make it look like they're being ironic and then they post in this thread to make it double ironic. It's like they're adding to the layers of meta we have to go through to find out if they're actually serious or not, but I'm most certain they are because I'm not dumb.
Mason Scott
Great music.
Landon Evans
someone needs to sue you for pretending to be this new
Camden Hill
I like how I've been seeing this meme of pretending to not respond to anyone. nice one, fag.