Can someone plz troll this phaggot? He's loves jacking off to hardcore cp( has a shiton of man/boy "love" files saved one his pc) He also wants to seduce and sodomize little boys in his apartment. He's from Budapest and studies at uni. He considers himself to be a "christian fundementalist" with "national socialist" values. More info incoming!
Autistic Pedophile
His website: http:// ways-of-
This autistic pederast wants boy semen on his dirty face
No. Just no. This is too much. I'm going to ruin this degenerate's life. Fucking hypocrite sack of shit.
We need to bring back Hitler.
This cocksucker sees himself as pure aryan and defender of Christianity despite he wants to plough little boys raw. I have chatted with this fag. He considers his perversion to be "normal" as long as he pray to God for forgiveness( i wish i was fucking joking, but i am dead serious). He's a member of total war center and has a youtube account as well. Piece of shit
His Email:
[email protected]/* */ / [email protected]/* */
His steam account:
YouTube account:
We got another Kimmo Alm here!
We're not your personal army.
flaming faggot
You don't have to. You decide yourself, i ain't forcing anyone anything. But this fag deserves it( trust me he does)
Can't stand hypocrite fags like this pedoshit retard
Google account:
so op, do you have anything to back your claims or are you just pulling shit out of your ass? he seems like any other normie based on his steam games
Yeah because he's got cp on his steam account right?
Fucking kidding me?
are you gonna post proof of your claims or post le 4chan meme?
I'm not OP, you halfchan faggot.
doesn't have to be steam, post proof or fuck off faggot
fuck off then you fucking wanker
I have chatted with this guy for months, we discussed all kind of shit( i knew he was natsoc, did'n give a shit about that) then he told me about his "lust" for prepubescent boys and it began with shota and ended with jacking off to cp and he thought it was "fine" as long as he did'n rape any kids. He's a college student and he got few friends irl. I burned my bridge when i found out he was pedo. Yeah he loves vidya and metal like your average "normie" I guess. This guy is a real scumbag
being attracted to little boys is only cool if they look like little girls
t. pro pedo
What is it you want me to do? Searching after his files? Fuck No!
I bet you think traps aren't gay either. Enjoy your aids kidfucker.
post chat logs, do you really EXPOCT US X-DDD to be your dogs for no reason?
neat filter tbh
This. Either provide some kind of proof or fuck off. In fact, upload some of his things. You know, as proof. But only if it includes little girls.
He is right, though.
I know it's gay, faggot. I'm just saying that girly little boys are fucking hot.
Is that even legal? How? This is clearly for sexual purposes.
Nah pedo
If you don't take me words, then fuck it. I will find someone else
He's a fucking pedo and he drools over little boys. He's a fucking freak despite he tries to hide it
Based on the justice system, yes, it's perfectly legal. Based on the arbitrary rules of this site, no.
Lurk more.
You're the pedo, because I say so. You have CP all over your PC.
But how in the fuck is that legal? It0s a boy posing with his butt out. This is like 90s adult magazines.
you don't ruin someones life unless you can prove that its worth it
for all we know you could be his ex boyfriend or some shit and is just mad that he left you and your just feeding us lies so we'll do it
Because he isn't nude. The site that posts his pictures are within the legality of the law. Just because it makes your dick hard doesn't necessarily make it illegal.
examples of proof would be filenames w/o links/pictures
lines of chat enticing young children
otherwise fuck off
also since its pretty obvious now that your posting your own content stored on your own computer we now know that your the pedo here so fuck off
Oki doki!
If you don't want to do it, I will find others to do it. This cocksucker deserves to get shot
This one is kind of nude >>6479232
Also, I thought the law treated it as CP if it had sexual undertones, even if they're clothed
This, you're nothing but a feminist.
Hitler would have them rightfully shot.
Internationally, it doesn't. There are certain states in the USA that do, but it is all pretty vague. People don't generally get arrested for possessing pictures like this. Most people who get arrested for CP actually have real CP. Like kids getting fucked.
nigga it aint that hard to do it yourself but since your sharing your own goddamn cp right now I'm skeptical
once again
noone else will do it bc your here asking us and since your so fucking incapable of figuring it out yourself since you know so much about this person we're not going to
You should post your kik, user :^)
We should have listened.
Where's dysnomia when you need him
Yeah this cunt thinks there's no problem with that. He also wants to be game designer and defend yurop from shitskin invasion while beating off to boys getting railed by old men. Fucked up man. I think i have seen it all, but this is the most fucked up shit i ever encountered
Yeah, I should also post my real name and credit card info as well :^)
I thought this place got better because he wasn't here anymore. Oh, well.
I see. Still, pretty obvious what's the use for those pics. It would be illegal if those were nudes? It's not like the kid is getting fucked and the model idiocy could cover it anyway.
this is now a /k/ thread since it needs more people dying and less people posting cp and telling others to ruin someone elses life for having cp
That's really shitty OC if you made it, and even more embarrassing that you saved it.
place only got better for pedophiles not for anyone else
National Socialism in itself doesn't have a stance against pedophilia. It's completely natural to be a national socialist while wanting to fuck kids. You're thinking of fascism. National socialism on its own could facilitate a healthy pedophile community.
did he beat you in some game? hur dur lost make this pedo story to avenge
Ok faggot
If you don't wanna do it, don't do it. No one is forcing you anything.
That also depends. There is a massive grey area when it comes to pics like this, that's why people rarely get arrested for them. Nudism is perfectly legal in most states in the US and internationally. But if the pictures feature a nude kid model, who is clearly acting sexual, the rules change.
That's how it should always be, newfag.
This. I had a discussion about this the other day. Also, watch the anime Shin Sekai Yori
not to mention your basically trying to make this a pedo thread
He wants to touch litte boys and faps to hard cp almost every week. At the same time he wants to recreate " Greater Hungary" and gas shitskins( i kid you not)
Most autistic faggot i ever chatted with
don't ruin the sanctity of shinsekai yori thats a post apacolypse animu
I ain't the one who posts these pedopics
sorry user i assumed
Am just here to see how far this retards gunna take it
fuck off
fucking grammar nazi's
Well, I used it as an example because they manage to form the kids better exposing them to sex early with each other. Not exactly Adult-Childsex, but it's something.
He's a hypocrite piece of shit and a fucking pedophilic filth. He's an arrogant cunt who thinks he's superior to everyone else and how he's the last defender against cultural marxism while fapping to kids being raped. Scumbag shithead.
I would love to see this faggot getting rekt hard
you are truly autistic aren't you
your gay m8
NYPA goes in all fields
Except email, sage goes there
Back to the oven with you, Rabbi. Hitler was a known pedo-hater.
This is Holla Forums faggot, not Holla Forums.
So? Hitler adopted Mussolini fascism. National socialism was a direct stance against the Weimar republic. Hitler was a fascist, he just called it national socialism back then to sound like a moderate.
National socialism on its own is a left-authoritarian movement.
Can someone destroy this degenerate faggot?
see and
National socialism != Nazi.
The Nazis were NatSoc + fascism, making it a right leaning movement. National socialism by itself is left leaning.
Has anyone trolled this pedo yet?
I'm not defending pedos, faggot. I'm just saying that someone claiming to be a pedo while being a national socialist is completely rational. National socialism could rightly accept pedophiles. It's not far fetched to come to this conclusion.
OP is a pedophile rapist catkiller, I have no evidence but just take my word for it, I'm gonna need you guys to hack him XD
no I won't give you proof so stop asking >:(
What is it you want? Me posting his fucking shit? Go do it yourself cunt, i ain't gonna do that
I don't call you a pedo. Big misunderstanding here. I am talking about thie hungarian autist who loves games, national ,socialism , hardcore cp and is a christfag a top of that
This nigger knows what's up!
lurk moar.
Stop being a fag
This asshole deserves to get Haxxed
Trips reassure me that now I can feel completely safe.
I want to see this autistic Nazi pedo gettin REKT hard!
That kid is kinda cute, if I were ten years younger I would totally date.
Serious accusation there, have you confronted him about it?
post the so called proof where he told you he's into kids
post your chats you fucking dunce
Sounds like the pol moderation team.
What is Krita
What is MS Paint?
What is Photoshop?
Faggot thought as long he did'n do anything to kids it's "ok". I would not post this shit otherwise if was a boring autistic normie but he was an autistic nazi pedo who's into games and movies. He only told me that because he "trusted" me somehow more than others. Guy got few friends and doesn't socialize much. He's also a raging christfag and hates muslims at the same time. What bothers me is not only that he's a sick pedo but he's a really arrogant fucking cunt who brags about his majestic magyar ancestors all the fucking time and whines about being pure aryan race all the time while fapping to cp. A big fucking joke really. He's deserves getting rekt, he can go fuck himself as far as i care
but you're not posting shit you fucking retard, all you're doing is telling us to take your word for it, show fucking proof you twat jesus christ
But it is you fucking sjw, he didn't touch anyone, nor did he trick a child into doing something sexual so fuck off.
Stop samefagging already.
I just talked to him, seems like a pretty cool guy.
OP is probably just some low T beta male cuck taking out his personal problems on superior Aryan Ubermensch.
You're fucking retarded
you should still have chat logs regardless
He's planning on touching them….
it's saved unless you delete it, so you just admitted you have no proof of everything you've been claiming up until now
fucking this, OP is probably some buttmad faggot trying to get us to be his personal army
drink bleach op
meant for
I personally find it hilarious that he wont post any proof yet he himself has posted numerous pedo pics
this is for you OP
If you're so worried he's going to commit a crime, why go to Holla Forums instead of the police, you fucking faggot?
You're no better than women who cry rape to ruin a man's life but won't report it because it never happened.
the fuck are you talking about?
Offcourse i deleted it you fucking twat. What if my parents found out that i have been chatting with a pedo and had my chat history saved?
That would'n look good now would it? Dipshit
Do it for the Lulz off course
lmao how old are you that your parents check you computer?
excuse me very drunk rn
>this post is meant for
Samefag with multiple browser profiles or incognito mode.
lets ask the guy if he knows who OP is and then fuck with OP irl
So you're underage, are you admitting that?
He probably executed all of those people, you asshole.
Old Enough
try again
thank you for liking my file user kun
but please do try again as most of those were OP samefagging
pick one
ITT: OP makes baseless claims, and in the process of trying to win over Holla Forums manages to out himself as an underaged faggot trying to stay on mummy's good side for those sweet sweet tendies points.
Yes! Let's do it! Sound fun for me!
it is a good webm after all
archived so i can laugh at OP in the future
Fuk u phagot
If you don't want have some fun i shall find others who wanna have fun
No srsly dude is a fucking slimey pedo, but yes i agree it was a mistake that i deleted my chat history
Now this is a good idea.
fuck outta here underage faggot
these weeb fags ITT
any luck contacting the dude OP's talking about rn?
the computer i have working rn is ass all i gots on it are webms
Number 1: I am 24
Number 2: I am right about this fucking guy, otherwise i would not bothered you phags with nothing
There isn't anything wrong with being a pedo, but a molester, that earns prison time or a mental ward.
I see no evidence of any of your claims. Went to his website and nothing about man/boys, nazis or fundie christians.
holy shit, 24 and you're worried about mummy checking your computer?
Do you believe you can mentally rape someone?
You retarded?
Just because your a pedo doesn't mean you braindead stupid you fucking moron
Sweet fucking jesus……
There is NO evidence. You can't troll people like that. It's wrong.
damn, I bet he has a big cock
There isn't, molesters are the real jackasses.
How do you know he has it if you haven't seen it?
He's a fucking pedo. Don't have to trust me, but this guy sure has serious fucking issues
Rawr!!! Pedos!!!
Which world do you live in, fag?
He told me when we were chatting. I thought he was kidding first and all, but this cunt was not kidding about that. I would not exposed an "innocent" person for nothing. I am no psychopath who does it for fun, this guy has fucking problems and i should feel sorry for him but i don't. He has strong urges, he takes medication for that shit.
I have a Schizo friend and he takes medication for it. He has issues. He's never really done anything wrong or broken the law because of it. But he has issues so fuck her, right?
You're wanting to fuck someone for thought-crime? He's not allowed to think about things you don't like, right?
He told you while you were "chatting". Empirical evidence ala internet.
Yea, I believe you. Hope this guy beats the shit out of you for defamation.
He's to busy wanking off his dick to 10yo boys to satisfy his pederastic urges so i doubt he would beat anyone. Like i mentioned he's shy and introverted
Oh fuck off with that crap!
People like him can't hold their urges forever! Sexuality is a strong fucking urge, doesn't matter if he locks himself in his room all fucking day, he wants to fondle and kiss boys despite he knows the risk of that. He lives in a conservative country were people beat the shit out of fags. Imagine what they would do if they found out that he's pedophile freak? Not so good i am afraid. I told him why the fuck did you tell me that your a pedo? He said that he wanted to get that shit off his chest and that i would be understanding and crap.
ffs Op just shut up we've had enough of your shit nobody in this thread wants to help you so fuck off
Why would i keep that shit on my computer so my parents could see it
Excuse my spelling very drunk
So what do you suggest be done? Are you suggesting murdering him?
Make me faggot
Oh, so if I desire a woman for a long time, then I'll eventually rape her?
Not that far off course
But exposing him for the freak he is
strawman, you're friend was made up to further your point
And that will make his urges disappear?
Are you doing it for the lulz or are you going on a moral crusade here you fucking faggot? I'm getting mixed messages.
you're a cuck if you help that fucker expose an innocent person
He's the faggy, insecure "my dad beat me so now I bully people" type of bully.
Not the cool for the lulz nihilist Holla Forums kind
I ain't that moral m8
Pretty much. Also pedoshits like him deserve getting exposed and humiliated :)
Sorry, don't want to sign in
Says who? You?
Cry me a fucking river fag
chill out fam im just here to laugh at op
If you fags don't wanna help i will find others who wants to join the fun and ruin his life for good ;)
Good luck finding more retards with SJW minds that will believe anything they read on the internet as absolute truth, Shame you're too retarded that you can't remember to keep proof of crime. Also a shame that you're a gigantic 24 year old faggot that's afraid mommy is going to find something on your computer.
She sure kicked his ass
post proofs
Not your personal army.
For personal army requests go to: >>>/baphomet/
That board is legit more likely to help you. You can leave now.
Thanks. I shall leave
fat, crippled, angry, impotent sickfuck autists telling others how to live their life.
just nazi things.
Not a single fuck given. I leave you phags alone if you do not want to join the fun
bye felicia
no, please stay, you're funny
Doxxing is a bannable offense…
excuse me, i think this "bundle of sticks" belongs to you
I thought you were going? You seriously fucking crying over people not wanting to believe your bullshit? Sad pathetic fuck. Archiving this so I can share your shit fuckery with future generations.
Stop crying and leave already jesus it's like you're 12
i know you're lurking itt op, waiting for someone to agree with you, so i just want to let you know that you're a nigger
Type "Lil Twerk Playlist" into YouTube
SJWs are losing.
that's awfully sex-negative of them.
some people fuck children, deal with it.
All I see are niggers and spics swinging their ass like they're trying to fling a turd far away from them, it's quite disgusting honestly
you can either stop pretending to be 14 or get the fuck off this site
NYPA and all that
No, you hold it sideways, you retarded nigger.
i never thought id say this but
plot twist: this is dysnomia shitposting to make us want it back
fucking tripfag fuck off
Why do you need me? You're not OP's personal army and I'm not yours.
Have a picture of soup.
Way to be a wapanese
soup thread?
They are actually simulating the reverse-cowgirl position, you uncultured "nigger".