What the fuck is this? Did the shill here get so ass blasted after the BO called his bluff that he started using his own shekles to shitpost on Holla Forums?
What the fuck is this...
Other urls found in this thread:
But the BO said no anime is allowed.
Toonami and Jo Jo and the usual shit from 4kids are fine.
Beyonder said Jojo is allowed because of Toonami. That is all I know.
Jojo is shit.
Don't forget this is another one of the warosu teenbro tricks of Holla Forums. They are trying to destroy any board they can.
INTL doesn't post here, dingus! :^)
Here's a link of all there threads.
trump will never be president go cry more
I am intrigued, but would they really be that retarded?
I don't know what they hope to achieve by making Holla Forums and Holla Forums team up to fight Holla Forums though.
Somebody actually spent real money on this.
Amen to that.
Holla Forums here, we just shitpost on end /AM/
Yeah thats… kind of a weird move. He'd get further just burning his money to cast witchcraft of us.
I thought he was just a run-of-the-mill baiting shill. But I was wrong.
He is a legit complete fucking retard.
What I want to know is what this has to do with GamerGate. There is this retarded namefag on Holla Forums who I think might legitimately have autism named Val. I was browsing the first page and I saw he had included a comment in the gamergate circlejerk thread about allying with Holla Forums to attack /a/.
Val has always been an autist. He even hangs out here in the QC general.
Thats the dumbest shit I've ever read here.
I am dead serious. The thread got baleeted, but it was up on Holla Forums. That's why I am here watching this shit to see how fucking stupid it gets.
Can you imagine being so mad you give the people you're mad at money just so you can advertise on their space how mad you are?
Holy shit, Val was "on vacation" while this shit went down.
I think he was gonna try to cover his ass initially until he tried to get GG involved in the raid.
I can't find an archive of the undercooked bread he made instigating this shit, but I found the actual thread that was made afterwards where they are discussing this.
It's in the DoA thread.
You're making a lot of assumptions there pal.
Oh boy how threatening
There is an archive from the thread following his abortion in the post right above you. They talk about his failure to attempt to drag gamergate into Val's little hissyfit.
I don't see Val trying to stir up shit, just some namefag "KljkMlna!B0R8vhtocg"
Anyway, is this thread still up? This is apparently something to do with it
Tripfag, sorry
The same turd with the ebin riddle?
Because he isnt, its just a piss poor attempt to cause board wide drama.
Hi Val, are you back from your vacation yet?
I bet those 20 bucks were really well spent.
I'd like people to stop shitting up this board, and that includes you Val.
So is this tripfag you roleplaying or do you really have a partner?
Quick question, what do you define as "shitting up this board"?
Anything not related to the board. If it isn't comics, cartoons, and yes Toonami anime then it shouldn't be posted.
He's the guy thats been shit posting the whole "not Holla Forums excuse" since early January.
Making constant metathreads and goading us into attacking /a/.
Oh, well, noone wants to talk about Adventure Time so he's got an uphill battle.
Well Toonami is allowed here, like all anime. Deal with it faggot :^)
People still watch that trash?
That's what I just said.
And Holla Forums or Holla Forums, which ever one tickles his autism the most that day.
Is the /a/ raid still on?
A few, but it's crossed the event horizon.
m8 I just wanted to know if those retards actually went through with it, cool your jets
Damn. I gotta give those masochists some respect then, poor bastards.
Check /a/ then, no wait check the ban list and there you'll find your answer.
You can't raid /a/. They have a team of turbo autists that sit around day and night baby sitting the board and delete shit within seconds. Did you see what happened to /k/ last week? Automated shitposting script flooded the board so that mods couldn't handle it and cuckmonkey had to step in and do something in the background of the site to mitigate it.
Originally they set the bot on /a/ but the meidos sat there deleting shit within seconds for almost a day straight so the whoever was running the bot just said fuck it and went after /k/.
/a/ is unraidable
That's basic common law. They're a legacy board mostly comprised of oldfags. They know their shit.
What ban list?
Christ you're new, here but dont tell anyone that im helping a newfag.
To be fair that list hasn't worked in forever.
The ban list ''still' doesn't fucking work you tard. That's why I asked. The only ones who can access it are board owners and vols, but it's only their own boards that show p. /a/'s jannies also made their board log private for whatever reason.
Okay guys I have unraveled the mystery of this shitshow.
This is catfag. He is some pissed off faggot that spams /a/ every chance he gets with this picture of this really ugly looking cat because he is ass annihilated about something.
Odd I would have sworn it was back by now, I guess I gotta lurk /sudo/ more often.
You can't be fucking serious. I refuse to believe you are this ignorant of your own history.
It's all cool.
Holla Forums is basically one big autism war
Well i dont usually go to /a/, and if the user is right and its actually an ass blasted autist from /a/ trying to get revenge on /a/ through Holla Forums and Holla Forums, then I think we may have solved this mystery.
someone post the image.
I'm not sure why I plan things out to such a degree when you idiots will reach your own "conclusions" about what I'm doing. You STILL don't know who I am even when I've made no attempt to conceal myself whatsoever.
This is JUST like the last timke last time I pulled something like this, you geniuses do no checking at all. Only this time it's just me dicking around.
Am I just really really lucky? I know I'm talented but maybe there's some other force at work making it so that I never fail.
Dude I am an oldfag. I know all about caturday and lolcats and all that stuff. That doesn't make your cat picture not ugly.
It was a /jp/ thing. /jp/ has hated moot and their shit mods for a long time. One of the mods was bawling about how their cat died. An user posted this image and said "lol cat look like jannie" and got banned. This sent /jp/ into full shitpost mode. They started putting the cat in every image. This caused the mods to freak out and start banning on sight. It got so bad /jp/ users started embedding the damn cat into files. The mods actually had to change their sleep schedules so they could mod 24/7. The shitposting was that bad.
So it was like baneposting, but they lost?
So if it is a /jp/ thing why is there an issue with it on /a/? I thought /a/ allowed /jp/ posting. It is in their rules.
Boy, this is Holla Forums. The only thing we do here is jack off to our waifus, bitch about cartoons and only rarely talk about comics in a civil manner. If you wanted to put off some elaborate ruse, then you shouldve picked /monster/ or something. Holla Forums's been like this since its creation.
That sound like the stupidest, most blatant display of group autism I've ever heard of, but I believe every word.
But Baneposting is a time honored tradition, each post is folded over a thousand times.
I'm aware, I've been here for a significant amount of time.
Like I said, I'm waiting on the most elaborate ruse of my career. If you're having trouble following the steps in this "grand scheme" of mine, it's because there are none. I've just been randomly fucking with you guys ever since /jojo/ decided they had a new lolcow.
yeah causal fag doesn't know all the shit we have been through since our inception, he just thinks he is le ebin ruseman
I guess. I can't really remember how the debacle ended.
There's no issue with it on /a/ at all. I have no idea what the other user is talking about when he says "the catfag".
They had it coming. The mod staff and Moot we're really shitty by that point. Moot once said that /jp/ was his favorite board and that "the more people use something, the crappier it gets". Holla Forums wasn't the first time he intentionally shat something up.
Well I honestly dont know what exactly you want from us, but I'll warn you if you stay any longer you're bond to catch our autism. Hell its already 3am in the morning, you've been already infected.
user, I'm fucking patient zero.
you are also patient zero for spilling your spaghetti
You know nothing
Any really old Holla Forumsmrades here?
I'm not the cat guy.
I also don't lose anything. I thought we established that.
What, you think you are going to get your 20Bux back?
kek plus he lost his spaghetti once since I have a feeling he is casualfag
Believe it or not, I didn't even buy the ad.
I'll admit to fuelling this shitstorm, but that thing came out of nowhere. I had begun to accept an attitude of "alright, I've had my fun, now onto more serious business" but that ad came out of nowhere and prompted me to continue.
yeah your buddy did according to this archive.is
Catfag is the one who posted that thread on /a/ pretending to be our BO and you helped him
Well Holla Forums, it appears the Holla Forumsntagion has begun. Itll be 28 days later until this becomes a full blown outbreak.
No, that was also me. How good of a job did I do with this shop?
I had no partner, what I think happend was that your 'catfag' saw what I was doing and bought it, or just thought it would be another, albeit small, knife to stick in /a/.
Nah, I'm throwing in the towel. I try not to work too hard when it comes trolling sites where I post normally, hence the number of things I just came up with on the fly.
I remember I one time I had Holla Forums thinking I was a literal shill that had been approached at a job fair by a member of the illuminati, that shit was fun. I gave up then too though as I had more important things to attend to, like I do now.
Oh yeah, and Signature Spice. That would be the 8/tv/ maymay I'm responsible for.
it's alright but it doesn't make sense considering the mod wouldn't screenshot his post if other would do it for him
ebin ruse
Not to bad actually, though you really didn't need the last 2 minutes bit. The night theme is a dead give away to the trained eye.
The logic I was using was that it was 'proof' he was the real BO because of the (you), which he'd need since he can't use his capcode on other boards.
If I recall correctly I didn't add that part. I just put in the (You) BOARD OWNER.
This is incredibly pathetic. I don't really know why you bothered with doing this. I urge you to kill yourself.