/a/ mods are pretty cancerous.
/a/ mods are pretty cancerous
Other urls found in this thread:
Trips confirm we should crash their board
by your logic /furry/ is good because its popular
just cuz somethins popular aint make it good famalam smh
anyways who cares that /a/ isnt "getting more popular"
smh nigga
It's popular because a fucking spam bot. Nothing else to it faggot.
Also, I'm not saying just because a board is popular makes it any good. I'm saying that /a/ never becomes more popular because shit rules and a shit community. Stop taking my post out of context nigger.
What mods on this god forsaken site aren't cancerous?
All the good mods are long gone.
Who got >>6477777
/a/'s moderation staff is garbage, but your reasoning is also garbage.
However, if you want to get under the mod's skin I'll give you a little tip.
The mod is a tranny and occasionally hands out BS bans for mocking trannies. Every once in a while I'll toss in some commentary on how mentally ill they are in the middle of a genuine post. Like, let's say it's One Piece thread, bring up Ivankov and the island of Newkama and how it's understandable Sanji calls them disgusting queers. This sort of talk gets under the mod's skin. One time they threatened to permanently ban me from the board (followed me to a thread on another board complaining about the moderation, similar to this thread) because at the end of the post talking about trannies I just put some spoiler text covering the words "ugly forever" after explaining exhaustively why hormones weren't some magic fixall that would miraculously make them pretty, and cutting off their dicks wouldn't solve their problems.
Also, pictures of actual girls triggers them. They chalk up the reason for the ban as "3dpd" but they only enforce this "rule" if it's an attractive girl.
Oh damn, I really should have known this. I once got banned on that shit board for making fun of a lesbians in an anime. /a/ mods are complete sjws
The mods do realize that banning the ip you were using doesn't actually ban the user right? All that accomplishes is banning anyone attempting to use that ip regardless if they violated any rules or not. The mods on /a/ must be pretty braindead to actually think they can permaban someone.
/a/ used to be one of my favorite boards but I never liked it on Holla Forums.
Just shitpost your anime on Holla Forums it's what I do.
Holla Forums used to be Anime/Random anyway…
Fucking disgusting weeaboo scum…
Pretty much. It would be pretty hilarious if someone started to botspam that board though. Just look at /furry/. A whole shit load of posts that are totally unrelated to the threads.
It's pretty funny imo.
Why dont you fuck off to a designated circlejerk board instead of trying to turn this place into one.
Back to 4cuck/a/
Noone's tripfagging here, fucktard.
Asshurt /a/ mods on damage control. Why don't you go back to banning what you deem to be a "shitpost" and go ban half your userbase. Because their is no such thing as objectively defining a shitpost. It's pretty much any opinion you fucking mods don't like. Back to >>>/tumblr/ mentally ill tranny fag.
Fuck off dysnomia, 2d is garbage and so is your rulecuckery
But I'm not dysnomia idiot. Dysnomia seems to hate goru.
Nah I don't mind.
*all mods are pretty cancerous
dysnomia how come you don't ban people as much as you used to?
please ban me for one minute
Go fuck yourself kike, ask jim to give you BO of another board so you can ruin that one instead.
Because pedos aren't people.
I would fix /a/ If I were the mod there.
anyone who isn't a mentally sick tranny could
i will be doing this
i shall create a new thread Titled
why futas are ruining anime (yes im aware futas are usually hentais)
This webm will go along with it
just for irony
Here's the only /a/ rules that should be there:
Anything else is for masturbation.
Here's what /a/ rules really are:
1. Global rules apply.
2. No shitposting, no fartposting.
3. No spamming.
4. Recommendations, source, and other requests should be made on >>>/rec/.
5. Lewd and guro need to be spoilered.
6. Remember the 2D/3D barrier.
7. /jp/ content is allowed.
8. Meta content should be posted on >>>/ameta/.
9. Tangentially related Holla Forums content/images should be posted on >>>/weebpol/ or >>>/a4pol
10. Name/avatar/tripfagging without a reason should be avoided.
11. Posts should in general use correct capitalization, punctuation and grammar and not use emoticons, this isn't IM.
12. Board is 18+. Keep that in mind.
Honestly just kill yourselves /a/ mods.
I will turn Holla Forums into the new /a/
it already is where do you think us /a/ fags went
while u are here dysnomia upload this banner pls
the size limit is 500kb
I'll see if I can't resize it.
Actually they've deleted about 15-20% of my new threads and posts too, and I wasn't shit posting. You're not alone, we need a new board.
k uploading
lrn 2 gif plz
i got rid of my name for some reason
shit tier webm 0/10
LOL 8ch.net
So mods can do whatever they want and people can't criticize them for any of their actions.
Your ban evasion worked, user.
is dis betta fweind
To be fair, not everyone in the tg community is cancerous and mentally insane. BUT MOST ARE.
I say that as the BO who started endchan.xyz/tsf to get away from the rulecuckery and anti-flaming ways of trannies. I really hope we can replace /a/; I've felt since the beginning that 2/3rds of their rules don't belong, I hate their silent deletions, and I don't like their random moderation style.
I don't nkow if one of you is the fuck trying to derail the goddamn thread but if you are
but that's wrong
They're biting so hard
Okay maybe I can run it because I'm not really one of them. I'm the only one who refuses to give out bans, and I disown most liberals.
I wish Holla Forums's /a/ and 4chan wouldn't be so retarded, and Holla Forums wouldn't be so dead. Hell, 4chan's /a/ is better now tbh, they're fast and don't delete as much.
because nobody disagrees with them, a liberal has no reason to ban another liberal. a liberal has a reason to ban a conservative, reason being the liberal does not like the conservative
take a look at 4chan /a/ and tell me where they disagree with the mods or talk negatively of trannies or feminism?
good god /a/ fags nowadays are pure retard's
meanwhile we shall play some elevator music
AkA its mowtendoo time
The mods deleted the thread. And some fag actually thinks a trap and a tranny aren't the same thing.
finally jesus lets see if i earned me a ban
Sounds pretty logical to me.
it's still up for me
Try posting in it, newfag.
whoops nevermind
Refresh the page or go to the catalog.
If you have windows… go to drive and search "snipping tool". Then go to ms paint to cross off your ip.
What a fucking newfag.
nice IP
Not a newag
work takes up 90 percent of my time when you work 80+ hours a week the rest of the time i spend drunk and guess what i am right now
that completely killed the buzz
anyway routers reset ips different
even thoi just realized thats the ip of the Vpn i was using still buzz has been kilt
Who the fuck works 80 hours a week, are you a literal slave?
also i work at a distribution center for a large chain of retail stores mainly based in the US
and its the holidays
I letirally had to call in sick today from the stress as i was pushin 100+ hours a week I've been working 16 hour days for 7 days a week for 3 weeks straight
i leave now anons thank you for participating and being good to me i leave you some of my best webms
impressive, how much are you making a week?
a lot my last paycheck was a substantial mount of money but im not gunna disclose it ut its a substantial amount for a dude whos never made all that much
probably gunna quit tho as i work with a literal fuckload of niggers
in fact lets tell Holla Forums another story
back to main story
not like i am now ofc
it was good time
dysnomia can you remove this post please
I Give a good beej
are you a cute girl?
are you a trumpet player?
my ex GF used to be a trumpet player and boy did she blow a horn.
You would have been banned for a number of reasons. Even if you weren't namefagging and had perfect grammar/punctuation you probably would have still been banned for shitposting. Trust me, I've tried and tested this all on my own.
How does a 6'7" 240b virgin sound?
I also give webms 2
its a bullshit reason tho
I know. /a/ moderation is terrible.
did you see the archive yet?
Also why is that a gif file if it literally does not move at all
Yes I did.
Board owner confirmed tranny.
raids over mang
/a/ mods need to be purged.
can confirm
I love Madotsuki
/a/ is one of the only good boards on this fuccing site. everywhere else is literally just shitposting, Holla Forums, and derailing
4/a/ mods definitely. I have yet to have problem with 8/a/ mods.
When you go to /a/ you can feel that something is just wrong with the place. It seems nice at first, but wontsit well, and after you spend time there you realize the mods are shit and the community is trash (because the shit mods prefer the trash community)
You insulted someone on the internet who has very little power, what'd you expect?
Holla Forums isn't better. It's the Jim effect.
Look at these idiots; they don't even care that they're ruled under heavy handed moderation. They're a bunch of stupid sjws.
It's funny how they complain about cuccchan and their moderation but they can't see that they're exactly what we were trying to get away from.
They are literal transvestites, mate.
Faggots forgot that banning someone for saying "nigger" or mocking one's homosexuality, like that nigger Redwood did, is the reason we left cuckchan in the first place.
They are in denial that they are under tranny tyranny due to nostalgia just like the fags that stayed in half/a/ are.
Hi there, Holla Forums.
They do exist, low-quality posts like yours does exist.
Get back to >>>Holla Forums
Nevermind, I didn't read the thread.
Sauce for picture?
newperson guide
hey their noobnstein, I'm spoony the spoonfeeder. just kidding I'm being a jackass
bump is when someone wants to make the thread become alive again (to the top of the catalog) but if nobody cares about the thread its best to just let it sink, maybe try again another day/week if everyone isn't bothering to talk about it.
sage is what losers use to say they are offended by a thread instead of just not participating in the thread they weren't interested in to begin with, but don't worry because it doesn't do anything.
be carefull because everyone is trying to trick you. question everything, even yourself with good reason and critical thinking logic.
if Holla Forums bans you permanently its probably because you were doing a good job of telling the truth and it didn't go with their agenda. they still manage to get good things done even with all the shills who magically never get banned, considering that the mods themselves are far worse than double agent shills working for both the good and the bad guys.
don't ever trust or even use /news/ or /newsplus/ or anything that shows up on "the latest headlines" up at the top as its a 100% bad guy shill hole. a shill is someone who lies or says things in a certain way to manipulate you and others on the internet.
if you want good news, use /new/ /liberty/ Holla Forums as they aren't assholes and promote freedom and free speach more, even if they don't agree with you.
other cool boards may include (including very underrated boards) /fit/ and /x/
I hope this helps.
It seems our superiority has caused some controversy. Also seriously if you are getting banned on /a/ and it isn't Hoihoi you probably didn't lurk enough and belong here.
You got excited for nothing. All the boards have had a "surge" in UIDs, it was that spammer faggot. He hit most of the active boards one at a time.
Yeah I figured it was the 10k velocity I was really referring to which is only a decent accomplishment because /a/ is small. WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN THE m.O.e RUNS WILD ON YOU!
/a/ itself is a fucking cancer tumor.
This is your argument.
Gee I wonder who's behind that post…
kek, that's funny because it's true….
Considering Holla Forums is synonymous with shitposting, it's not really a surprise that you're angry at /a/ mods.
Why even post on /a/ if you don't like it so much? No one is forcing you to post there. Holla Forums is your free speech alternative to /a/, go there.
So the fact that you can't actually address any of the reasons listed here people are pissed with you is an admission of guilt by omission, right?
Lol cry more, you little bitch
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Noice troll ecks dee
Why did you faggots even leave 4chan anyway? No good reason I can think of that's for sure. Especially when it's pretty much the same moderation tactics:
That's your free speech in action. You don't want moderation.
I have a hard time telling from anything posted itt to imply people want to abolish moderation. Please continue your strawman tactics meido. It doesn't prove a damn thing.
I wish. I would be even harder against shitposters than the current meidos if I ever became one.
Also, Holla Forums isn't an actual anime board, it just so happens to be called animus.
This is exactly why no one with any sense of mind browses that shithole. You think you're banning "shitposting" but what it really has to do with is that you delete anything you don't like/disagree with. Back to >>>/4chan/ faggot. After all, you want moderation don't you? So what's wrong with 4/a/ by your own standards? Why did people exodus from 4chan in the first place? oh that's fucking right, abuse mods You are fucking cuck.
There's also >>>/aneki/
Or you can create your own board since you have so much support ITT.
So if it's a dead shithole, why are you complaining about it?
Hey look, an /a/ alt board with mods who care about moderating just as much as Holla Forums mods (not at all). Sounds perfect for your needs!
That's because you would rather spam /a/ with complaints instead of post on a board that you like.
Hypocrisy at it's finest:
You can point out as many dead boards as you want, it won't change the fact that they aren't anime boards and they don't actually discuss anime, only themselves.
That is usually never feasible with any community on this site.
Hahaha. Last time I checked this was Holla Forums. Fuck off you dumb fucking faggot. Your own little meta board doesn't even receive attention from the mods anymore because meido keeps getting btfo at every turn. Again fuck off back to 4chan.
That's pretty funny faggot.
Look again, reading comprehension man. It's specifically /a/ but with mods that don't do anything. No more hotpockets!
Stay salty, I can smell your ban for shitposting a mile off.
Because we don't *want* it to be. The board doesn't have to suck, you are actively making it suck by being autistic.
You need someone more laid-back and apthetic to moderate a chan board. You should only be actively banning people if they're intentionally trying to be disruptive to a community through spam or posting illegal content. Someone posting an opinion or image you don't like isn't in itself spam, unless they flood or simply won't shut up about whatever it is.
/a/ is pretty great though, I love it how it is. Sounds like you're just getting upset that people are choosing to run their board differently from your opinions.
This is the other problem, you're intentionally using "shitposting" as a weasel word. You have no fixed definition for what shitposting is, you just describe anything you don't like as shitposting.
The proof is in the fucking pudding, if /a/ wasn't shit you'd be having a blast running it right now instead of filling up our salt mines insulting everyone who says your board is shit.
Earlier someone said you can't even respond to the charges, and your response was basically "f-f-fuck you bi-bi-bi-bitch!!" It's plain for everyone to see, your ass is sore as fuck and you can't defend at all how disgustingly autistic you are.
More strawman. I never implied I wanted no moderation. Just better moderation. Kill yourself you dumb nigger.
Define "shitpost". Inb4 it's something you just don't like/disagree with. Also, nothing I posted so far could ever be considered by my subjective terms, a "shitpost" in my book. As much of what I've said so far has substance and is worthy of discussion, which is also very subjective.
No one has to run their board to cater to your needs. Make your own if you want things done differently, your impotent whining will never ever change /a/.
This is how I can tell you need to lurk more.
Mental gymnastics at it's finest folks and good job even trying to define the term dumbass. Enjoy your tranny bo.
Thanks, I will. As long as reinforcing this makes you dislike /a/ so much you continue to avoid it.
In other words, you're cuckchan and proud.
As long as reinforcing this makes you dislike /a/ so much you continue to avoid it.
In other words, you're cuckchan and proud.
I'll repeat the post you just responded to.
Hey if you want to do the repetition fallacy, I'll repeat right back at you autistic faggot.
Do you feel in charge?
Picture of your stubby fingers wedged around a trophy declaring you've "chased shitposters, transphobes, girlfriend havers and people with wrong opinions off of 8/a/" when?
Lol butthurt
Yes I do. I will censor every discussion I dislike because I am intellectually superior to everyone else, haha. I will rule all over the interwebs and make those evil conservative terrorists (shitposters) don't get to have a voice. As everything I disagree with is terrorism (a shitpost).
Now this is a fine argument, indeed. Very substantive.
That image is quite ironic, considering his son is autistic.
and /a/ can't do this, because?
That explains everything.
Omg the toppest of all lels sir!
Holy shit! You just went full retard sir!
They can. It's called /am/
Check rule 7: If you are deliberately shitting up, constantly derailing a certain thread, or excessively using an avatar persona, you may be banned and your posts may be deleted.
In other words the board owners subjective/very vague term of a shitpost.
Try /dweebpol/
*without the d, wordfilter fucked up the post
meant direct*
OP stop crying about a mere 1 day ban, I could do 1 day standing on my dick.
Come back when you get permanently banned from somewhere.
I can see someone meaning /a/ is triggered.
Not OP here, but got a 10 year ban from Steam community (including trading and name changes) for dropping Red pills in the Forums…. Have over 300 games on my account and am stuck with the stupid name 123…. What do Fam?
You're screwed. You should of know better. Don't kick hornets nest. They seriously ban people for the stupidest shit there. I even got banned from there.
You should kill yourself for being such a good goy.