Pol/Planned Community

European Heritage Resettlement Project
Collective Project

I'm here to discuss something that has I've been working on since April of this year. The idea was seeded here, on 8ch/pol, last summer (pacific island/etc). I kept the idea to myself and batted it around in my head for months and months. But always hoped something would sprout passed the phases I was currently seeing.

I practiced a safe 50% power-level at work and in my social life/at home for the last few years. A year ago I reached my capacity for handicapping my power-level. I now live it full 100%, 24/7. It's caused me to lose a few friendships, relationships, and business to be had… but what's it left behind was a stronger connection with what stood.

My vision for this planned community seems always in various fluxes, but what remains the same is the very lifeblood for it. The people of Caucasian and/or with European heritage formed together to conserve our rich traditions. The culture of the "white society" or "Westernization" was something that nations practiced when ascending to a higher form of government, innovation, and social status.

We became the tip of the spear in technological advancements across the globe and had a hand in the formation of every country on earth.

Now it seems that we may face endangerment in just a few short generations. Blondes may possibly become just as extinct as the Ginger by 2200. We echo our existence in the Blue Eye/Blond Hair gene that will randomly pop up through the populations for the next thousand years.

The biggest threat in my mind is the loss of our very traditions and significance as a people. We are being cleansed. Civilizations in the future may look back and find 'white man' in Europe, when it's natives are now all Slavic/African/Asian mix-breeds who bled the natural resources out of the continent and purged the land with GMO plants only, destroying the balance of it's natural wildlife and turning the soil to sand.

Quakers and Amish are able to pretty much keep it an exclusive "whites only" settlement without getting the flak of being labeled as "RACIST". I believe it's important to make sure we are open about our intentions of keeping it pure and white, but also educating others on our European traditions and heritage we aim to keep alive and untainted.

We need to make a move to start something bigger for our people. Crush ignorance with truth. I began red-pilling my white brothers and sisters. Many are interested, a few are willing to join for now.

How can we make this effort stronger?

If you're interested in assisting, send a message!

The Website: collectiveproject.webs.com

Live Chat: chatstep.com/#Pol

Other urls found in this thread:



I think something like this may be a very real possibility in future, but for now, Holla Forums is mostly 20-28 year old white men busy starting families and their careers.

We simply won't be able to afford to move or contribute to a planned community like this for at least a few years.

Also based on what the website says, any community forming from it would be shut down too easily. You can't be openly racist - you have to be subtle.

Not to mention your funding goals are a little naive. $10,000 is fine to buy a few acres of land, but where will people live, work and sleep during these early stages?

A realistic alternative is to start a group or club that records their efforts to become self-sufficient on their own, and then later having this group network to centralize their resources.

nice meme faggot
>>>Holla Forums

You need around 100,000 people to prevent genetic deformities occurring from incest and the like, if you then try to sort them by degenaracy and genes then good luck.

I propose that instead of running away we try to remake our countries from the ground up, they did in Germany 1933 and it's still should be possible now. There is no need to run away white man, stand and fight. This is only for Europeans though, seriously, sort the continent out. Get people back to their homelands (basically undo all the migration that happened in the Schengen). Then allow each country to start anew. Close the borders. also kick out the muds, refugees, pakis, streetshitters, currymunchers, spearchuckers and any non-natives.

For Americans, I'd suggest taking the best states (I don't know which ones are the least cucked since I'm not a burger) Decide on the top 25 (half the population should fit in half the states) and move all the white people there. Then Dissolve the USA and create two new countries (one for the white states, the other for the nigger states) with closed borders and walls so nigs can't get in. Ideally all the chosen states should be adjacent and there won't be crappy black states randomly in the middle.

But he's right, you idiot.


Why not use your money and energy for a group that's already well established and known outside of Holla Forums?

well good luck then

He means opening up a corporation like that Dutch compound that operates in south africa

Instead of giving money to this guy to live on a 40 acre compound, help out the northwest front and build communities of fellow white nationalists.

Just ask Glenn Miller, William Pierce, the Branch Dividians or Randy Weaver how well a compound does against the ATF/SPLC

Hello FBI

Go ahead and be afraid to do anything in the real world because the boogeyman might get you, it's what the government and the kikes want in the first place.

Ive told all my friends about what I think about Jews and Hitler. I wouldn't say I've done nothing, I just like taking the piss. The NWF gives off weird alphabet vibes to me though. I don't dislike the idea, don't get me wrong.

That's the whole idea the government is trying to push. It's the whole purpose behind cointelpro. We'll literally sit here day after day on a site where it's known and and admitted the FBI watches and collects data. Yet we're too scared to meet face to face with other white people because of the FBI.

It's ironic and extremely sad what the movement has devolved into.

We have places like Stormfront, American Nazi Party, and the KKK which are obvious honeypots so it's a little stupid that you paint people who are skeptical of the NWF as tinfoilers. Are you in the NWF?

I don't think stormfront is run by the FBI or any other government agency, but they collect data on it just like they do on cuckchan and Holla Forums.

I do paint them as tinfoilers because they will sit on a website like Holla Forums's Holla Forums or stormfront and will talk about something being a honeypot. I guess the irony escapes them. The fear of some silk suit guy makes us too afraid to even meet people face to face where the government couldn't collect any information, yet we will spend all our time on Holla Forums and other websites with a direct feed into the NSA and FBI databases. What I'm saying is that it's silly to be afraid. The government wants you to be too afraid to go meet any group in the real world.

I moved to Idaho so yes.

The thing is that N.W.F. is mostly anti-Christian types, which pretty much guarantees that you would never, ever have God's grace in helping your side.


It's sad that both of these posts are completely correct. It's hard to know what balance to strike.

I don't think that's true.

The balance is get out in the real world and meet with fellow white nationalists.

Our race is being genocided and we're too big of pussies to even go outside and talk to other people.

Anyone in Australia interested in this sort of idea?

Go to Brazil or Argentina or wherever the SS fled after WWII and breed with their granddaughters or whatever.

How is it there? I visited Coeur d'Alene quite briefly last year (really lovely), but didn't have a chance to explore any of the rest of the state.

Honestly, I'd rather live alone.
"Citizen 43 has reported Citizen 79 having their grass 1/4 inch too high. Citizen 79 to be deported immediately."

I've only been around the Boisie area so I can't really say but I like it here so far.

I like this idea, but I need to visit first. I have no idea if I'll like it until I see it with my own eyes.

They say the cascades are America's alps.

Are there any meetups there, where I could network?
Are there any towns that are already well established as "implicitly white," i.e. the wrong families get edged out or shunned?

I live on the east coast, near Philly, and I don't really like it here but it is a powerhouse of New Right content (i.e. Counter-currents, Fash the Nation, Daily Shoah, etc.)

Where did you get that from?

No you fucking don't.
How did you manage to pull such a ludicrously large factoid out of your arse?

Why don't we just create a tribal religion for the european people like the Jews have? Most western nations have religious freedom laws, and they'd have to respect this new religion or get sued. Obviously, the europeans would be kek's chosen people and we'd do blood tests and everything, just like the jews, before we let people convert.We would also be a good organization for tax evasion so we'd get some rich cunts to support us after we get a good base.

Without this religion, the government can infringe a lot easier on our rights.

I appreciate your thoughtful response user. 10k was only the first step of an ending goal of 200-500k.

Read the website.

Picture an Amish/Shaker/Quaker community, but allowing for modern technology/medicine to advance our society and push our own innovations/products.

We are here to keep the European traditions, heritage, and it's lifeblood alive. A conservationist act to save the possible endangerment of white people.

Right on. This is a good example as well. Walled community - Citizens only. Guests must check into the office for a guest pass.

Take it to here:

I don't think you understand. Read the website for a better description.

Walled Planned Community that is built around being self sustaining and producing/exporting good and/or services. We strive to be the best. Use science and our European ingenuity to innovate and calculate our problems. Strive to be a beacon for our people.

It's not running away. It's re-branding and causing a reaction through the established consumer culture. We will gather to preserve our ways of life.

Hello brother. This is much more conservative effort than NF.

PARADISE will be here

How much memetic energy does Maine have emanating from its' soil?

Nice pic!

The location is still under review. My top 3 are Maine, NH (North West), or VT (North East). NH/VT border being my vote due to the natural resources, 99% Various white 5+ generation natives (Mostly Franco-anglo mixes with Irish blends and English/German mutts), and very right wing/conservative urban populace that lives teaching their children the traditions of their forefathers and various useful survival skills.

Yeah, lets worship an anti-nature Jew who helped destroy European culture. That makes perfect sense.

Jews hate Christianity and went as far as creating fake Islamic terror groups to eradicate it.

Sure they do.

Look up the origin of the word 'kike'.

The fact that Jews hate something doesn't mean a goddamn thing. They are narcissists who ignore any good that a group has done for them, and focus and embellish on any perceived wrongs. Germany prior to the Third Reich had been one of the most hospitable places in the world to Jews, and the Jews didn't care.

Over and over and over again, the Church protected the Jews in Europe.


I don't know about NH or VT, but Maine has really inexpensive land throughout most of the state.

There's nothing so addictive as the promise of a white utopia.

If you established a whites only community anywhere in the world, what to speak of North America, the niggers and kikes would absolutely nuts. They would destroy it by any means necessary.

Of course, it could be good red pilling. "Jews get Israel, why not us?" etc.

One option is to do it in Alaska and keep it low profile, although eventually the kikes would find out and start passing laws that make it illegal.

You could do it on private property and make it a white cultural education center, just like kikes have kike camp.

They will still attack because they are vicious rats, but at least you can point out their hypocrisy.

Kikes have these multi million dollar camps everywhere.

Better is to have a white children's camp. A community can grow around it.

As long as you're on your own property and you have the means to defend yourselves, they can't do shit to you.
Remember, they're only in power because the goyim go along with it.

"The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X," the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY-kul), and for "little circle," kikeleh (pronounced KY-kul-uh). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an "O" in place of an "X" a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike."

It's legit. It spread like wildfire after years and years afterward as well of illiterate Jews using a circle instead of an X.

Yeah. Land in VT is expensive anywhere along the western portion of the state. The Northeast Kingdom of VT is VERY cheap. Northern/Northwestern NH as well.

The price of acreage between the three locations is very similar. A few hundred dollars here or there. A location that is capable of establishing a good well water source or freshwater source is on the tops.


on how you should live your lives if you ever establish this community.

I could agree, and disagree. But that is my personal perspective on things.

This user brings an interesting point up:

This. I don't drink, use drugs, or practice any type of addictive degeneracy (I do drink coffee after I wake). It's become my vision to see this come to fruition.

All it takes is one of us to make that first action, but it will take many of us to make it a reality.

Only if that is what you sell it as. If you make it some low-key intentional community, then you should do fine.

That image is the problem with what's happening to our people. Some of the intellectuals of our generation have become useless drones in the forms of hipsters, SJWs, conspiracy theorists, and defeatist betas due to our over-dependence on a society that we no longer directly effect the outcome of. We've become an ironic race of great thinkers in my opinion.

Bumping with best waifu.