Power Rangers Trailers are the most viewed & Liked movie of 2017

WHY Holla Forums WHY!?
I heard normalfags cheering over the power rangers trailer when I saw John wick chapter 2.

Why not?

It's capeshit

More like tokatsu shit. It's to tide people over until Pacific Rim 2 comes out. They want all those things they enjoyed as kids to mature as much as they do and feel their edgy phase to be represented on screen.

The first Pacific Rim wasn't even all that good.

I think this will be better than anything they could come up with.

Who ask for edgy power rangers?

No one did, but some movie exec probably thought it would appeal to people. It looks like they were right.


Eh, reddit loves "what if X is dark" that's how it works. Look at their fantheories subreddit

What if Holla Forums was dark and edgy?

I thought this was going to be a dark and edgy reboot? This trailer makes it look like it's just a marvel movie, but with power rangers.

It'd be Holla Forums, the darkest place on the board

My sister, actually.

WHY user WHY!?

Is she cute? Post pics.

She's just like anybody elses sister user. Don't you have a hot older sister?

More like suitshit

Dude excuse me? Power rangers is the greatest thing in the history of mankind. And this will only enhance it. I see that your puny little brain can't comprehend the greatness. But let me clue you in.

Now fuck off this is serious.

Why Is there nudity in a Power Rangers movie?

Because God loves us?

It's like they saw all the negative reactions to their grim'n'gritty trailer, went "oh shit", and then knocked out this one that's basically like old-school Power Rangers.

What did the gook mean by this?

Not gonna lie, tha ttrailer looks a LOT better than the last one I saw. The first trailer was super grim derp and didn't look like it had any fun in it. This trailer actually gives me a bit of hope. It actually shows them as "teens with attitude," which is what the show was always about.

This movie will be so fucking bad and cringy.
I can almost feel it.

Power Rangers can't pander to 90's kids anymore.

Because we're trying to unJUST Keanu as well as that subgenre of action movies. He's had it hard.

Brendan is next.

I'm living' in that 21st century

Gooks crave BBC