Wagecucks will defend this
fuck off
The whole point is to be a leech retard
Try being that guy on the left without your parents money. Living outside probably isn't as fun as homeless people make it look. Quit sucking someone else's teet and get a job you lazy pos.
That's what neetbux are for
Who faps at 5pm, though?
That's dinner time…
The only reason the neet can be a neet is his daddy is a wageslave. He is in a large part responsible for status of his father being in his view one of suffering. He is a sadist.
So what do you do when mom dies? Where do you go? Do you hope someone else will let you move into their house and mooch off of them?
The Jews do not want you active and improving yourself, they want you dumb and passive, sealed into your room.
Hitler wanted everyone to work for the betterment oflf the state and German people. Living off autismbux is not following a NatSoc lifestyle.
The state right now is run by jews for jewish profit. Working in order to profit the state only empowers and enriches the zionists, while staying home and living off neetbux simultaneously weakens the state, allows you to hone your mental and physical abilities, and redpill normalfags on the internet to push forward for a natsoc revolution.
I gotta be honest, friend. You're just looking for a reason to not work. I can understand your desire not to work for the zionests but the way taxes work you're really just taking money from non-tribe members. You're not about to redpill normalfags on the internet since I do sincerly doubt you post much outside of imageboards. Now we're anonymous shitposters on a serbian cooking site so it's not like I can do anything but all you're doing is harming your own nation and allowing yourself to stagnate which is exactly what the kikes want. Get a job in construction or manufacturig. Blue-collar work is on the rise and benefits your nation.
Yes, but right now benefiting my nation only benefits the zionists as all the value I would produce is sent up the chain to reach the jews at the top. As for the taxes, it is unfortunate that it has to turn out that way, but on the bright side at least worsening economic conditions only anger the population and may cause the normalfags to start to question if everything really is as good as the state makes it out to be behind all the bread and circuses provided to them.
I agree in part, though if you are dependent on government policy, or your parents, or some other form of charity what happens when (if) that disappears? Even if you have marketable skills no one will want you, because you have not jumped through the necessary hoops, and they will smell that you are 'off'. This issue grows worse with age, as your further deviation from the norm will compound your social undesirability.
It'd be much nicer to instead do some form of independent work, like say substance farming, or foraging, but the ability to do such a thing successfully is near impossible if you start with nothing.
No, the best thing would be to have your parents die before you are an adult (so that one doesn't have to hear them complain about your social failure.) and inherit enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life, and then have a relationship with someone who has an income of their own.
just because one has a job doesn't automatically make them a wage slave. they're a wage slave if they hate their job and they do it anyway
My hobbies are expensive, the buyfag life isn't for NEETs especially ever since I got hooked on bakuon!!
I bought a kawasaki ZX-12R 2005 that should be arriving next week right after I receive my motorcycle license, I would love to see a need shit out 1600 bi-weekly on hobbies alone
Though working 50 hours a week doesn't leave me as much time as I would like to play with my toys
I'm not defective, nor are my parents willing to support me, now what?
In a perfect world not everyone needs to work in order to be provided basic necessities.
The argument for a basic guaranteed income is that, if every person is working, our civilization can produce more goods and services than we can consume.
So everyone is guaranteed enough money to live a basic life and if you want fancier toys you pick up a part or full time job in a useful profession.
Do you have any experience working in manufacturing?
What machine operators do is boring. Picking up a part and putting it in a tray every 7 seconds, 8 to 10 hours a day. I wouldn't want to be doing that shit for 30 years like some people I know.
Those are the kinds of jobs we're losing to automation and I think it's a good thing that human's needn't be subjected to such menial toil. But the downside is that the worker doesn't get a wage and the robot owners get all the money.
This will have a particularly sudden impact when millions of truck drivers in the US lose their jobs to self-driving trucks.
unfortunately for you, this isn't a perfect world. this is the real world
Cucks! Cucks everywhere!
He's actively proving you wrong, you prancing Zionist cocksucker.
Did you not even think about what you were going to say before you said it?
I certainly hope you feel ashamed.
Back to work, go- user! What are you doing, wasting valuable work-time shitposting?!
Yeah. and?
I used to work in a steel mill but I do construction now.
sure, if your dad had a really good job and left you loads of money to buy that shit
or if you live in Finland
wow, 600 euros a month, I bet you can buy loads of really cool shit with that not
and do you really think the generous welfare is going to last much longer with the Muslim horde coming to stay and suckle the teat of government?
I'd rather be poor and dying in western europe than alive in a miserable shithole like Finland, truthfully.
600€ on top of rent and bills. it's enough to get drunk every day