Intelligent women are probably the most overrated thing in human history

Intelligent women are probably the most overrated thing in human history.

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No, seriously, ask men what qualities they like in a woman. Most would include "smart" or "intelegent".

only because they're too beta to say what they really want

a chick with a dick?

Young and dumb is the only answer. The younger and dumber, the better.


The fuck?!


Young and dumb does not make for a good mother

Amelia Earhart
Michèle Mouton
Beatrice Shilling

Real waifus are out there Holla Forumsros.

But look at this beautiful, feminine penis, user.

I wish I could catch an intelegent person :( people say i am not intelegent so I cant get an intelegent girlfriend :(

young and dumb is only good if you want to fuck her and only if you throw her out in the morning and tell her to never show up again

if she was so smart, why did she die like a retard?

You have a fucking problem!

Most of Holla Forums lacks the emotional maturity to do anything else

Actually I have several…

Gee. Maybe it's because I don't want to be someone's fucking dictionary and calculator every single time.
Dumb virgin fucks like you would think it's a meme. It's not. Nice to have a competent conversation with a girl.

I don't necessarily care if women are "intelligent" but if they're not a traditional housewife it's good if they can have legitimate job and in general it's great if they have their own hobbies and/or interests. Neither thing makes them intelligent but both are correlated.

everyone dies retard

We shall see about that.

but not everyone dies in a retarded way

I don't think I need a girl for that

What's more retarded, slowly wasting away at a retirement home or going down in a blaze of glory?

nothing glorious about crashing into the ocean because of your own ineptitude

dying is retarded
i recommend not to die

Any death that's not getting crushed by a 10/10 woman's thighs is retarded

Lol because you've never met one

Knowing shit doesn't make you intellegent, you can have a fucking PhD and be dumb as a brick. Intelligent women are attractive because they understand the limits of their gender, and understand the weaknesses of men, and understand the benefit of submitting to a decent man so they can compliment them and make both their man stronger and themselves safer in the long term. Being a smartass bitch =/= intelligent.

Yeah, I've met one, a few. Intelligent women know how to get what they want and how to screw men over. That's not what I want to deal with.

Women just don't know what the fuck they want.
They actually want to be submissive and be entertained.
Just grab them by the pussy.

More like the rarest thing in human history.

No you haven't.

Real smart women are loyal and submissive. uppity cunts who know shit aren't intelligent.

but anons constantly tell me to kill myself, how do i kill myself without dying?

Loyal plus submissive does NOT equal being smart!

Why are we still talking about this men vs woman shit? neuroscience is pretty sure both men and woman can have every brainregion in every size like the opposite sex and the difference mainly comes from size and slight differences in wiring and pathwayconnections. that means everything comes down to the individual and not gender. so stfu already and find a partner that developed into a decent human being. period.

Read about the "brain in the jar" concept

A brain is not in isolation, it's environment affects how it thinks and operates (read hormones in the blood etc.)

tldr: two brains may be identical but act differently because they are in different environments/bodies

not that I'm one of those annoying "women are all stupid lol" people common on this site

You politically correct bastard, then explain why women attempt suicide more than men despite men being 4 times more likely to actually die. Don't give me that crap that women are generally weaker bullshit. Men typically use guns because they fucking work! You don't need big strong hands to pull a fucking trigger!

Also, this!

Men also dominate in chess because of the logical reasoning required to be chessmasters. All mental.

Men don't care about traumatizing the people who find them, men care much less about taking others with them (jumping in front of a train etc).

Men are only more successful at suicide because they're more selfish.

I never for a second denied that, same resolution applies. If you want to include that said decent person needs a decent place to come from, fine by me.

wtf are you talking about you piece of shit, that has nothing to do with neurosciene or what I said. I don't give a shit about "genderissues" and if you can't grasp that from the context you're retarded.

This is a good reference
+1 internet to you, sir

Then what's your goddamn point?

Yes it does, because it shows she understands the limitations of her gender, and is willing to be a support rather than a mediocre lead.

A penis. 2016 is almost over and there are still people who unironically deny that men can become better women than born women through sheer ingenuity and will alone.