How can you fuck, kill or marry a Chinese cartoon character?
Fuck all of them
Marry middle
Kill myself because they aren't real
How about stop watching shit anime
fuck, marry, mistress, kill
Who are these chicks with dicks(?)?
the Four Horsewomen
not kidding, that is the actual name of the group
Do they fug horses?
only the blonde one
That's good enough for me!
Sasha, Bayley, Becky, Charlotte
only correct answer tbh
Charlotte, Becky, Bayley, the Horse
you may be gay
befriend left.
make love to middle
marry right.
kill, mistress, kill, mistress
Mistress implies fucking, so moot
Fuck marriage.
yeah but 'fuck' only happens once, whereas you can fuck your mistress many times
fuck Ushima
kill lateral damage
marry Antoinette
Could I kill them before I fucked or does it have to be in that order? I'm not really into harems.
Get a load of this faggot
fuck, fuck, fuck
Kill the girl from Musaigen.
Fuck Shinka.
Marry Sento.
kill, kill, kill
fuck fuck marry kill
don't act like he doesn't want it. these pants are practically screaming "SODOMIZE ME!!!"
deluxe gif
What makes an anime valuable as entertainment? There are two main ways anime has value. Anime may either derive its value from raw sexual excitement, its ability to give you a boner and make you desperate to cum deep inside women for days on end, or it may derive its value from explicit death, its ability to give you a boner and make you desperate to cum deep inside dead women for days on end. Yes, these two factors are similar, they describe everything important within the human experience. Death and sex are inseparable and essential aspects of all good art.
Which leads me to talk about this show that gets me so horny I'm unable to fully coherently describe my emotions. I'm going to cut what was going to be a proper textwall short, and spend the next few days in a nonstop haze of wild orgasms. Sousei no Onmyouji is hot as fuck and I can't wait for the doujins. Oh God I'm already cumming just thinking about it.