Highlights of the week

Highlights of the week

I'm taking an idea some other user posted and making a Holla Forums "Happening Magazine" weekly for as long as I can be bothered to.

The purpose being to summarize that week and keep anyone with a busier life easily informed.

Pic related, cover

What else happened this week that we should put in this edition?

Other urls found in this thread:


I like this idea, have a bump

That's good idea. A few suggestions:
- Make a separate board for archiving your magazines.
- If possible, post printable versions so other anons can spread them IRL. Pdfs and/or high-resolution pngs are fine.

I like this idea, need any help?

Thank you fucking based user. I've been wanting to suggest something like this because I'm busier nowadays, but that also means I can't do it myself so it feels wrong to just beg others to do it.

It's hard to go out and fight for our race when it feels like not being glued to Holla Forums means falling behind the times. I'd almost say the mag should basically just be screencaps of threads about current events with all the fluff cropped out and editor's notes/commentary to aid in further shortcutting the info dive.

No. This misunderstands the whole concept of 'happening.' You're going to be talking about things that happened, whereas the whole point of HAPPENING is that shit is going down right now, as we speak, and therefore you should grab some popcorn and watch the fireworks.

At least give it a different name.
At least

That's a great idea. Significantly simplifies it, too.

Screencaps of threads, parts of articles, videos, etc.

Excellent idea, I'll start doing that once I finish this edition up.

The images are standard printer paper dimensions so a person could just full-size print the image. High-res pngs is a good idea because they can be easily spread, and I can post pdf versions on the aforementioned archive board.

Yeah, I'd love some help right now. If you could help answer these questions, that'd be great

Also if you could post any useful images, I'd be grateful, such as

I'll be thankful for anything you can contribute

oooh, if you made your own board or just made a recurring thread like brit/pol/ I'd tune in. We have podcasts, why not a mag?

For this week the all we need for dank meming is Nige smiling away and necking a pint er two.

I know that there is that rally in California organized by a guy with ties to white suppremacist groups (apparently actual ones, not just what libshits call any white group these days). Antifa is going to try to "peacefully protest hate" attack everything in sight while the police do nothing so thats lined up for an upcoming happening.

I'm of the opinion that the "Magazine" part of the name should clear up any confusion that the "HAPPENING" part might cause. Plus I think the name is easily recognizable, describes content succinctly, etc.

That's my 2 cents. If you have any ideas, let's hear them


Got any good nige pics with alcoholic beverage included? not finding any in the brit/pol/ thread.

Good shit, I'll have to look more into that. This is the thread you're talking about, yes?

Exactly what I was looking for, thanks

I'm gathering some up right now. Looking for the smuggest ones I can find, barring the fact that my internet stops having a stroke.

Also yes, that is the thread I was referring to.

Here is round 1

Heres a nice high res one with others

I will suggest reading up on basic color design because red on light blue if fucking eye cancer

new 8/pol/ oc flag

is eye cancer*
Sorry my eyeballs were bleeding so hard I mistyped

Maybe OP, include a black drop shadow on it to give it a semblance of a border (kek)? Maybe also don't only have text on the left side, space it out.

I have some previous experience with design and even video editing and all that its just been so damn long since I ever made anything myself.

Point taken. I'm actually familiar with all that already and you're right.


Perfect, I'll have smug nige for days. Thanks user.

Bump for great idea.
We can spread this and maybe we can redpill many and lead them to Holla Forums for further informations

The idea of a Happening Magazine is actually really good. Extra bump for visibility.

op, I'd like to suggest one thing:

make the weekly happening printable

ask anons to print out the weekly happening and distribute it in their area

many of us are too busy to be on the internet

Already suggested

It's a good idea. Holla Forums doesn't support PDFs but if I'm backing them up on another board anyway, that's not an issue.

Does anyone have any stats on the Brexit vote? I'd like to include that info.

Great idea, needs to be fleshed out and developed much more, write at least 12 pages of content so we have something to work with on collaboration and constructive criticism. When you have a rough draft of this weeks/months issue submit it here or on /bmw/ for revision. Get to work.

Another critic of our beloved President Obama suffered a fatal (((accident.))) Whoops!

For reference, here's a few of the other (((unexpected))) deaths:

topjej, learningkike


Posting what I have so far.

Tell me your thoughts

pretty good

You're amazing.

reeee that's still terrible but it's an improvement I suppose. I recommend using black, red and gold

Actually just turn the gradient upside down so the black part is above and that works already

I like it, bump

How's this?

That's a lot better

That's pretty fucking neato, what software are you using?

If you need any help with content or whatever, just ask. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be willing to lend a hand.

keep it simple
do not make it internet only
make it printable
this will give them a job
something that they can do in real life
something to get them out of the house

Excellent, well done!

I'm just using photoshop. Definitely not the most efficient way to do it, but it gets me familiar with what I'm going to be doing. I'll worry about efficiency later.

As for helping out, I'd appreciate

- Content ideas (This week's happenings, upcoming happenings)
- Data gathering and fact checking to substantiate that content (Where did you hear about it, how do you know it's legit)
- Commentary on that content (Explaining the data, laying out facts)

That's what I think will consume the most time. Finding images shouldn't be an issue considering that 1. this is an imageboard and 2. this isn't a commercial magazine so we shouldn't have to worry about copyright infringement

Plus, it's more efficient to collaborate that way, with one person editing the content together on any given edition.

Photoshop is fine, was mostly just curious if you were using actual publishing software like Quark.

That sounds reasonable enough, if you set up a board or have a recurring thread like suggested, then I'd be willing to contribute when I have time.

This is a good start on a great idea. Hopefully it catches on its hard to keep up some weeks when I work too much. Like the idea of making a board to archive them.

The Happening is a great name. This poster neglects the fact that happening has transcended tense.

One of these should be used, I like the new oc flag.

I like the darker colors like this better.

Pic=based op


in that case, just called it "you could have stopped this" or "it's too late"

Another 14/88 idea from the hivemind, produced by the intrepid and based poster known as user. Allow me to bamp

Does anyone have any pictures of spiderhillary?

That would be great for this page

Trump No Longer Backs Blanket Ban on Muslims Entering U.S.


Watch & learn :D

We have needed something like this forever.

Good work OP, I look forward to the first edition.

Good work so far OP.

Looks like my November 8th just cleared up and I have nothing important to do that day.

I always love the photos this guy takes.

Fucking legend

High ENERGY based OP. We should follow his example.

Bump for good idea

INKSCAPE is perfect for this work.
Easy to learn! Very POWERFUL!



Many youtube tutorials–but also text ones on the site linked to.

4chan is doing youtube vids for threads where they just jump around with the moonman style voices and show the best parts of it. They did one for Holla Forums threads, and it was an obvious attack job.
8ch should so that.
I think it's called 4chan threads and they did one for each board.
Has like 8-bit gamer music background. It was funny except when they covered for the Jews

its also FREE

I like Trump, but backpedaling is just about the worst thing he could do especially when he needs all the votes he can get.

I think the people have realized being called racist isn't going to melt them, and I'd argue a major, major reason why Trump became so popular in the first place is because he was so boisterous and assertive in his views.

Posting in an ebin thread. Will contriboot when comp is fixed..

Godspeed Holla Forums


This would work for Holla Forums and could be done in a less annoying way

No one needs a magazine… It would just get complaints and then they user would give up.

But a video of each of the best threads for the week or month… That would reach people.

Checked. Honestly did he back peddle? He still mentioned vetting them from"terror countries" its a veiled response. It's to catch fence sitters

Make sure to mention that John Ashe, the former UN president set to testify against Hillary, was murdered.


obvious name: HAPPENED

Easing up at all is going to be seen as flip-flopping, and going back on his work. Politics are cutthroat - I understand there will be concessions to be made, but immigration is Trump's central, core platform and making concessions on that is not something you should ever be doing.

Well yea it's a block on certain geographical areas. He said this over a month ago. Nothing new here.
What did you expect? It's not like you can test people for Islam and those fuckers will simply lie to get in if they have to.

Can you have a section for White Culture? eg. post a poem from a white poet, some old pics from the based days etc.

For Holla Forums, not for normal fags?

[Color wheel] tools for easy colors schemes


Click the little buttons to change number of colors. (us the "Choose at random" menu to get a feel for it)

Sure you can.

I have faith, all things considered, Trumps facing off against a certified evil bitch. No matter what, a way better choice.

Nah, they're allowed to eat pork and shit if it furthers their cause.

You're allowed to do 'haram' shit if it's for the overall goal of Jihad.

STOP debating side issues in here. Only talk about magazine and story summaries.

Most of the terrorists in Europe have been cleanshaven drug/alcohol users. They put on a facade of being Westernized; everything is forgiven if you die a martyr.

White poet from the based days.

He never did say a blanket ban on all Muslims from everywhere, that's just what the media tried to portray at as, which backfired on the them because the majority approved of the more extreme measure. He always said it was for countries with terrorist shit going on in them.

He didn't ease up, though, this is what he always said. He never said a blanket ban on all Muslims from everywhere, we wish he would have, we and others say he should go further, the media tried to portray it as a ban on all Muslims, people were polled on the question and said they'd approve of a ban of all Muslims, but go back and watch the rallies: he never said a ban on all Muslims from everywhere, he always mentioned from countries where terror shit is happening.

Though, tbh, name a Muslim country that isn't sponsoring or having a problem with Islamic terror cells. I can't think of a single one.

an African shit hole that looks like a fried chicken


#Rekt #RacistsProvenWrong

Thanks for the info. So Obongo has likely assassinated many political opponents well what does one expect from a kenyan taught abroad with no real connection to the west but antipathy for anglosaxons?

Hey Mr. Mod, could you actually do the work you volunteered to do instead of shitposting as Maddow?

There are plenty of threads that you could be modding right now.

This is you. This is what you sound like.

A-are you endorsing me for a volunteer position on Holla Forums? Because I'd love to be one.

Stickies need to be cycled more regularly (i.e. leaving the same shit up there for days on end does nothing for the board; if developments happen, make a new thread), derails need to be handled, off-topic threads need to be purged, board sliders need to be banned - there's a shitton of work to do, and it seems like so few pyyple are available to do it.

But I'm game. Thanks for the recommendation, user.

bump for other timezones

Agreed; more pyyple need to be able to see this. With all of Holla Forums pitching in, we can make Happening Magazine the greatest lybyryl weekly around!

why aren't you banned yet?

Page 2



Because mods are faggots who disregard reports on the rach faggot. They are in on it.

Are you sure he's not just a proxy/vpn cunt?

As I recall, he wasn't around when VPNs were banned.

In the public ban list someone was banned for reporting rach multiple times.

Do you mean

Because if it's the latter, was rach also banned?

Is there a screencap of this to prove either way?

First the Hitler RPG game and now this, Holla Forums is becoming productive

Quit your demotivation, all forms of media help the cause.

This is a great idea. I can't think of anything better, so I'll use this.

I'll have to find an appropriate image. A painting maybe, or some other images to shop together. Something nice looking. I'll make it a full-page thing and overlay the poem.

If anyone has anything to contribute in that regard, I'd be grateful.

Nice and relevant thanks to brexit: THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXON - by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of
strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey,

Now I know where this poem comes from. I've seen a lot of edits of it.

That's good, I think I'll put a page in for that after the Brexit one.

Got any images that might go well with it?


OP really appreciate all the energy youre putting in.

Unless you really enjoy doing this work–it might be better to start smaller though. Just 5 or so [1st post] screen caps of top threads, with some pics.

We can build from there. It might be too much to launch a full magazine weekly–and it could collapse. Whereas starting small and building up is easy.

Using this as a 2-page transition to the bernie segment. Or maybe it should go before the Brexit segment. Not sure. I'll make 1-page versions so it's easier to print with standard paper.

I plan on keeping this edition pretty short since I started it at the end of last week. I'd like to get started on this week's edition. If I start soon, I should have enough time to make it longer.

You're right that I should start incorporating screen caps but I'll do that in addition to, rather than instead of.

I want things like these

showcasing major events, followed up with screencaps and whatnot. It's not too difficult to put these together, I was just playing catch-up with researching everything last minute.

Then these

showcasing white culture stuff, and detailing afterward any relevant culture-related threads that week.

I'm sure future editions will have more, especially as people show up to help out and offer ideas.

It's not too much trouble, just time consuming at first because I don't have a workflow down.


But user, it is ALWAYS happening.

The happening is the past, present and future.

The magazine will just organize it better.

Id like to add maybe include an animu corner at the end? Cute animu pictures that were posted dyring the week. It would make it appear to the uninitiated (((them))) that the mag is a joke to boot.