True Satanic Black Metal are bands such as Darkthrone, Aryan Satankampf, Graveland, the Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster, Beherit and Impaled Nazarene. You can listen to Metallica if you want, but you do not understand anything about the real Hitleric Nazi Black Metal. You are just a poser and you can fuck off the whole scene. Black Metal is real music, not intended for animals like you, but the real Satanic Misanthropists who do not care about people like you dampers.
Black Metal is music for the elite and you do not understand it. None of you understand the real Satanism. You ridiculous little kids. Our worldview is based on Wotanic Hitlerism, on a personal level satanic individualism, collective level Hitleric Fascism. Without an understanding of theoretical occultism, it is useless to dream of understanding the Wotanic worldview. None of you can understand Wotanism, for you are all intellectually earthworms. You can not reach the elite level of Satanism, so why even dream about it. Satanism and Black Metal are for the elite. For real misanthropists.
My point was is the black metal songs you posted are shit.
Grayson Taylor
name the bands that are "baby black metal". Amuse me.
Connor Morris
Fuck that pleb cuck shit. Here's some real black metal. Like burning churches stab a nigga I. The head black metal
Nolan Harris
"baby black metal" implies that the songs are entry level, and none of them are. If you don't like 2nd wave black metal, then just leave this thread.
Benjamin Robinson
Cradle Of Filth fan detected
Nathaniel Collins
Did I do it right?
Brandon Campbell
No, but satanic death metal is fine too
Carson Lopez
What about now?
Eli Sanchez
Camden Baker
Cameron Kelly
tekkie death is for hipster faggots who wear fedoras. Death metal was never meant to be technical. It's supposed to be minimalist and riff based. You are a faggot.
Oliver Sullivan
Christopher Bennett
so basically you want it all death metal to be simplistic for the plebs?
Elijah Anderson
I thought that was grunge lel
Tyler Walker
Real death metal (pre-'94) was pretty simplistic and was based on riffs, that's why it was so great. There were bands that attempted tech (Deicide - Legion for example) but they still relied on riffs. Newer tech death metal relies on guitar masturbation and shitty structure. Some asshole doing sweeps throughout an entire song isn't music. You're better off just listening to solo artists. Tech death is for plebs, you fool.
Brandon Nelson
Luke Fisher
Carter Gomez
Some of what you say may be true but not all technical death metal has shitty structure, some does some doesn't. Same goes for death metal. Some songs have really shitty riffs, some don't.
Connor Hall
black metal is jewish garbage.
Wyatt Lee
Yeah, the tech death that was based on pre-'94 tech DM. After the brutal death/tech death split happened, the bands that claimed to be new wave tech DM were absolute horseshit. Death metal died back in '94, simply because a bucnh of hipster faggots like yourself decided to add in a bunch of other elements (mostly from nigger music btw) while completely rejecting traditional structure. There are still some tech DM bands that play older style stuff but most of them are just mallcore faggotry.
Aiden Davis
nice meme
Colton Jones
Listening to plebian black metal. Why not listen to what the real patricians listen to? Progressive metal. All else is 4/4 unrhythmic, uninteresting pop sounding trash.
Ian Roberts
I bet you hang out at Jazz clubs, fucking queer.
Caleb Williams
that's like saying rancid sucks because the bassist plays too many different notes
Ryder Russell
Haven't yet but planning on it. What, afraid of music that you don't understand? Afraid of going outside of locrian or the harmonic minor? Enjoy your cookie cutter bullshit. I'll be sitting over here actually expanding my musical horizons.
Gavin Martin
If you play a bunch of random notes during a song and don't create a theme within the song, that isn't music. It's just some faggot showing off for the audience. Songs are meant to be based on themes, just look at classical music. There were no prominent composers who made symphonies that went nowhere. Symphonies and concertos are based on themes, that's what makes them a movement within a concert.
Like I said, if you want to listen to some fag play a bunch of wacky solos, just watch youtube videos or listen to solo bands.
Ryder Diaz
I actually went through a prog phase when I was a teenager. It isn't "deep" music, you fucking retard.
Prog metal is a fine example of cookie cutter bullshit. It's all a direct ripoff from older prog rock bands.
Julian Johnson
Do you even understand music theory?
Logan Rodriguez
Wow die in a fire faggot.
Hudson Williams
This just proves how mich you actually understand about music theory and prog in general. Black metal is cookie cutter trash. Always has been, always will be.
Thomas Gutierrez
Typical tekkie faggot. Understanding music theory has nothing to do with creating music. Even the most prominent musicians admit that they didn't even study music theory.
Colton Rodriguez
Kill yourself, kiddo.
Spoken like a true fedorafag.
Oliver Hernandez
You are a fucking fag. Prog metal is based on 70's prog rock. It's not "different" or "new". Just listen to King Crimson, the shit has been around forever.
Gavin Gutierrez
Adding genres = adding different sounds idiot and is creative you fucking idiot. The reason why bands don't stick to muh old style is because sticking to the same formula/style all the fucking time is inherently not creative and often is cliche trash.
Brandon Campbell
Go back to Hot Topic, kid.
Making sub-genres != creativity
Isaiah Ramirez
I never said that. You are putting words in my mouth. What I am saying is bands should be free to make any kind of song they want without being rammed with labels known as "genres".
William Rodriguez
But they are based on previous genres, you moron. You're like some liberal who thinks they are being "progressive" while adopting a bunch of ideologies that have been around for centuries. Just keep ignoring reality and thinking that you are some special snowflake.
Alexander Watson
Well that's exactly what you're doing just throwing labels rather than allowing bands to be creative and do what they want. What you want is to have basically the same sound but with different riffs, which is fucking retarded. There is only so much you can do with riffs until you start hitting a ceiling or going into memecore like deathmetal.
Caleb Bailey
I guess I get what you're saying but none of the problems with tech death you mentioned are inherent to the genre.
Mason Perez
Well this thread got real fucking autistic. I think what we can all agree on is that if there's a drum in it then it's nigger music.
Parker Jackson
I am feeling like i have 14 years again… seriously dude, one thing is being inside a "specific gender" but other is thinking that staying out of that gender is having bad taste or being a tard or not being "true", fucking kids. The term "baby" was used for simplistic music easy to get, then some tard used it fo muh "entry level". A kid can grow hearing the best edgy teen ever (Beethoven) and that doesnt make Beethoven "baby metal" shit isnt relevant and OP is just ironic and most of you are just tards, what you call "baby metal" right now is a bunch of lolis dancing at pros forced to do x thing.
Real babymetal just for triggering edgy fedoras.
Eli Brooks
They actually exist though. They aren't just some made up label on a soup can. Music genres exist, if you combine them, you are effectively creating a sub-genre, that's just the way it works. Music has been around forever, you are ignorant to think that there are bands creating their own sound, which can't be tied to other genres.
No, I want to have the same sound and structure with riffs that are variants of previous ones, or riffs that build on previous ones. You don't have to add an entire other genre to achieve this. There are still bands coming out in 2016 that actually do this, they are few and far between but they still exist.
Yes, they are. There's only a small amount of tech death bands left that play oldschool style tech death. The majority of tech bands are polished guitar masturbatory faggots.
Daniel Martin
who are you talking to?
Joshua Kelly
Adrian Baker
-ctrl + f: baby -and most anons in this thread
Robert Bailey
Clone metal it is then. Never said that. Nice strawman. Nice bait. Nice dictator like attitude. Nice job saying things everybody knows. Nice faggotry.
Ian Turner
meant for
Jacob Baker
I'm not even talking about clone bands.
You clearly implied it. It seems liek you are out of steam.
Anthony Rogers
Gabriel White
More edgy music.
Btw, for the fags fighting, get a room faggots, this board isnt a chat.
Carter Kelly
Heil Finnish BM
Logan Nguyen
Type a sentence about this Wutangism that I won't be able to understand. I'm curious.
Gabriel James
it's stale ass /mu/ pasta, newfag
Jeremiah Diaz
Yes, but the "edgy" "entry level" "baby metal" crap spammed here is real.
More edgy crap.
Thomas Price
I know. Most people don't understand black metal so they instantly call it "edgy". They think all people who listen to black metal are satan worshiping wiccans who sacrifice children every day. Funny thing is, most Norse BM musicians aren't even satanists, they're just pagans. Varg himself has never worshiped satan, even as a teen.
Evan Ross
is satan mentioned in pagan literature?
Cameron James
I don't think you understand the word inherent. Y implies X is disproven when you find one example of Y but not X.
Juan Wright
They are pagans who hate Christianity. They are anti-christian simply because they hate the fact that Christians purged their homeland and destroyed their culture. They aren't satanists, they just embrace satanism because it triggers Christians.
Back when Varg and the gang burned churches, they weren't doing it because they worshiped Satan, they did it for their hatred of Christianity.
Adam Brooks
Andrew Bailey
I like black metal, i am a christian and a poltard, its just a genre, you can add lyrics, remove then and shit is still the same.
Btw, most things posted here arent exactly masterpieces and cradle isnt that bad (in a couple of albums).
Well, its mostly a very poser wotanism mixed with wicca aiming at meme magic, at the end is atheism/nihilism that is focused in attack christianity, they are satan.
They are pagans who hate Christianity. They are anti-christian simply because they hate the fact that Christians purged their homeland and destroyed their culture. They aren't satanists, they just embrace satanism because it triggers Christians.
"Pagans" is just a buzzword used by some people, gave them civilization wasnt a purge and Carolus Rex has more power that any other anal magician before him.
And now their lands are falling in the hands of niggers, their heritage is being replaced by sharia, their daughters are fuckholes for muslims but is fine because christianity is being removed.
Camden Collins
Camden Morgan
Jackson Wilson
Cradle of Filth? That's not black metal. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. It's a mix of post-thrash, alt-rock and indy, with black metal vocals.
Yeah, and that is all due to Abrahamic religions, the very thing they were fighting against. Christians and Muslims are the ones perpetuating this multicultural faggotry.
Alexander Williams
did they call themselves satanists, or is that a label that christianity put on them, and they were just like, "cool, whatever, we'll be your satanists."
Jaxon Cook
See this please:
I never said that cradle is black metal.
I dont have a facepalm pic big enough for this.
Daniel Gomez
You do realize that paganism is an actual religion and not a buzzword, right? You are the one throwing it around like a buzzword, yet you say that I am doing it. P
Paganism != satanist
I know that's hard for some indoctrinated Christian to chew on.
Ryder Price
Right now? maybe, back in time, no.
History user, history.
Wut, i never said that.
See below and try again, you are refuting a never presented argument and claiming victory after refuting that lie, thats typical on women having a fight in the 3d world.
Adrian Collins
If you think Paganism is a buzzword in the [current year] you are obviously a braindead Christian or deeply religious (within some Abrahamic religion).
Paganism still exists, it's not dead. Not to mention, we are talking about the early 90's here, when the church burnings took place.
Jason Price
It looks like just got ==Burned son!!!==
Anthony Nelson
Looks like you just burned yourself.
Dominic Roberts
what's it like being this new?
Caleb Thomas
Landon Martin
Paganism was used for the beliefs used prior to evangelizers work, right now is a bunch of beliefs used by people mostly against christianity. Saying that paganism is a religion its like saying that monotheism is a religion, you arent a thing perse, just a bunch of separated entities with the same/similar goal, going against christianity, so if your main goal is that then you are just a satanic, the rest is just poser crap. Btw, ask any indian, they have bigger numbers and faith than you and they arent posers and are technically pagans and they see you as enemies.
Before ad hominems check the answers please, calling retard somebody that showed more knowledge than you and refuted your arguments is a nonsense if you dont have anything hidden.
I talked about indians, pagans still exists, thats a fact and what you call pagans are just a bunch of dying people that are enemies of God.
A sect isnt a religion and, again, they just had a common enemy. A philosophy or even policy is a better name for that, antichristians is the proper name.
Thats the fun part, this is why you never have to claim victory after presenting your arguments, thats ok in cons or women and it works on tards or kids.
No, he is right, check your arguments, again, Carolus Rex wasnt a wotanist.
Luis Lee
dubs again
Evan Howard
Almost forget, if one of your goals is going against christianity then your "religion" have semite elements, your common core, the only thing that keeps your number togheter is semite like no other.
Alexander Gomez
Reddit spacing: the thread.
Hunter Hughes
See, that's how I know you are some brainwashed Christian. You hear the word "pagan" and instantly thing of Satanism. You are an indoctrinated infant.
Logan Wilson
Lincoln Mitchell
Justin Robinson
why is there a CHRISTmas hat all over this thread?
Nathan Diaz
Gavin Evans
I never said that.
The irony, you are late for cleaning your sis after the bukkake.
Ethan Moore
Fucking kikefag tactics.
Matthew Jackson
die Jew
Henry Martinez
Pagan: a buzzword that christians used when talking about non christians "natives", entire populations and continents.
You: a guy that said that he is a pagan but hate Jesus Christ.
Did you know that "pagans" have idols that represent Jesus?
Wasnt nordic countries education the best in the world?
Yes, i know about that, my point is that even marxistpedia says that. Remember, genocide marxistpedia definition is correct, but is used in some cases and not in others.
Kayden Perry
So you admit that it is run by a bunch of cultural Marxists yet accept something that is against paganism. The jews hate paganism, you fucking retard.
Landon Price
Wow, you are a smart person.
Bentley Edwards
This is how double standard works, think about that.
They hate it so much that they use it to replace christianity in universities, btw, mostly women fall on that crap, not men.
I fear the Lord.
James Miller
Nice strawman. Where are all these universities that embrace paganism? Universities are embracing cultural Marxism, not paganism. Please give me some examples of universities embracing Paganism.
Jack Cooper
Seriously, are you trolling me?
Sebastian Butler
Give me examples of universities using paganism them. Fuck off with your semantics.
You're just google searching shit on the fly. Try linking to an actual site, faggot. I block google scripts by default.
Jace Green
That isnt my fault, sorry, try checking the names used in the link and posting then in your favorite browser.
Kevin Adams
I'm not going to put effort into something when it isn't needed. Just link to an actual site, instead of posting this nonsense. I don't use google, unlike you.
Zachary Davis
I will post the first page you shitlord.
Jacob Robinson
Do you not realize that google accepts donations? Do you not realize that google results are based on the highest bidder? Are you new to the internet?
There is even hard proof of George Soros giving money to google to have his results hit at the first point. Snopes is also guilty of this.
Isaac Long
technical metal is shit pack your drum machine asshole
Henry Perry
I was wrong then, shit is a lot worse and that explain why you behave like modern liberals, you believe that you are something, but most people in the world see you as degenerates or tards. Not my point of view, check world populations and statistics please.
Video related.
Brody Nelson
Jesus Christ, I am surrounded by newfags.
Tyler King
Did that "fallacy" has a special name?
Jayden Sanders
I'm not changing the subject. You are the one trying to make it seem like I am. You are one shifty kike.
Anthony Collins
link me to google to prove you are right
Jason Smith
If you were really edgy you would combine two deadlier ideologies and religions, how about Marxist-Islamic metal? I know this is a bait thread, but still…
webm unrelated
Christopher Allen
Metalfags are the most obnoxious of all music groups.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Leo Bailey
No, i already won the fight if it ever one happened, see this please:
Btw, my points are based on facts, not biased by what i want to happen, real pagans live mostly in India and surroundings.
Benjamin Perez
Grow up, nigger. Do you realize that BM was edgy back in the 80's because cultural Marxist faggots like you thought it was "edgy" and "misogynistic". Funny thing is, Rap music came out at about that same era and then everyone shut up. Niggers talking about beating and raping women is completely cool, but when white Norsemen talk about killing people, it is "raycis". Kill yourself, lefty.
Jason Hall
did you vote for Hillary?
David Morales
At last some sense.
Andrew Nelson
Black metal wasn't even a thing until the 90s you troglodyte, doubt you were around to see it.
Jaxson Cooper
the amount of smug shitposting itt is unbelievable
Luke Nguyen
I'm the samefag, fag.
Adam Phillips
That's because you don't know about 1st wave black metal. You are some millennial faggot who pretends to know about metal. early 90's black metal was the 2nd wave. You are just some SJW trying to infiltrate the BM scene and inject it with your cultural Marxism.
Blake Bell
yeah, it was in the 90's yes, I was born in the early 90's so technically I am not an argument yeah, I am totally trying to infiltrate the bowel movement scene by funposting with your retarded ass on Holla Forums
Kill yourself
Michael Young
Wow, you even admitted it. There is no reason to continue. I was listening to Burzum while you were sitting in your mom's womb. That's all I have to say here.
Zachary Adams
I honestly could have sworn you were 14 based on your autistic rambling and the fact you are this salty on Holla Forums. If you're 10+ years my senior I honestly feel bad for you.
Oliver Morales
You're right. Maybe I should become a progressive liberal faggot like you, then I'd be a true adult.
Aaron Reed
What exactly led you to believe I'm a liberal? The fact that I don't think Satanism and being a le ebil nazi for the shock value has anything to do with actual paganism? Even Varg admitted this, grow the fuck up.
Justin Ortiz
Because you seem to hate traditional metal and only support newer metal, like a typical liberal fag with blue hair.
I'm the one who told you that, nigger. Stop pretending that you came up with it.
Luke Harris
I don't even listen to metal you fucking autist.
Literally what?
Luis Long
Nice cop out. I used to do that when I was 14
Jeremiah Smith
Nathaniel Foster
Gavin King
You used to pretend not to listen to metal when you were 14?
When exactly did I pretend that I listened to metal? I know that you're just samefagging, but at least try to make some sense when you say things. You're the most autistic person I've ever seen.
Oliver Gonzalez
No, I used to pretend that I am being ironic, like you.
Jack Lopez
If anything you're the lefty for taking the ebil nazi meme literally, you're a useful idiot.
Jason Ward
This post is the definition of butthurtedness. Some poor sap trying to say that he isn't upset while dropping tears all over his keyboard.
Bentley Allen
When did I pretend to be ironic? Seriously, take your meds dude, you're all over the place.
Cameron Brown
Nathan Rodriguez
Typical lefty.
Michael Butler
When was the last time you took your meds? You seem to be a little under the weather. When was the last time you saw your psychiatrist?
Jaxon Perry
you seem to be a leftist, just saying
Brody Nelson
William Wilson
all me ;)
Ryder Edwards
That's what lefties do, they assume everyone is a part of the collective.
Cameron Baker
Dysnomia is a queer
Christian Nguyen
I know my fellow black satanist edgelord nazi, how dare these lefties say that our movement is retarded. I'm a real nazi satanist like you despite those being terms the left uses to disparage actual nationalists and pagans. NOW WHO WANTS TO SACRIFICE THIS JEWISH CHRISTIAN BABY WITH ME!?!?!? XDDDDDD
Jackson Nguyen
hahah yor so funny hehe xddd
Henry Morris
Connor Lopez
lol so funny nice trips 2, yur so funny and ironic
Gavin King
James Scott
Nice trick, ironic jew.
Oliver Butler
Jace Moore
Luke Lopez
Blake Wood
the chill out room
Cooper Carter
All hipsters should be gassed
Jackson Diaz
Isaiah Clark
Cmon Holla Forums the pun is ripe
Leo Torres
Dude what are you send pics this is what im expecting to see
Levi Martin
This should be a board on here
Liam Murphy
Sebastian Mitchell
Liam Lewis
All they do is scream!
Lucas Cook
You all need to die you pretentious, childish, obnoxious, metalhead faggots. Metalheads are the worst fans in music ever.